Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2672 - Trip to Wa Palace


“Quickly release Lao Tzu!”

“I’m so angry!”


Extremely angry.

Mirror Huashuiyue is crazy changing.

But I can’t break free.

Even at this moment it couldn’t even control its own power, helping Qingyun recover his body. As long as Qingyun’s flesh was broken, its power exploded instantly.


As if there is no end.

As for Qingyun, after understanding the current situation, he also began to understand the sword seal Chen Zheng gave him.

That sword seal is the sword of reincarnation, which represents the power of great destruction in the nine major reincarnations. It is the Tao that the creator can neither penetrate nor fear.

Of course Qingyun is very clear that if it weren’t for the power of this weird time demon, he might have disappeared the moment he got the sword seal.

“I went to Qingyun in the midst of the moonlight, and the original purpose was very simple. I never thought about anything else. You said that you are a unique supreme being, and it gave me inspiration. You have a brother called a space demon. Can you tell me where he is? . The two of you can be said to be the perfect tools for helping me develop younger disciples.”

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

“Rely on! Rely on! Dreaming! Quit thinking! I am a time demon, I am not afraid of great destruction, you are not even a detachment, I see how long you can trap me!”

The time magic is crazy!

“The time and space magic is extremely mysterious, and the creator can’t suppress the two brothers, and only the owner can suppress the two brothers!”

At this time a metallic sound sounded, this is the sound of Macross Roulette.

“Huh? Macross Roulette? Shit! You have a relationship with Lao Tzu, so you told this guy Lao Tzu’s existence? Eating things inside and out, it’s the same vein of time. Lao Tzu is your boss, and you dare to sell Lao Tzu! “

When the time demon heard it, he knew that it was the Macross Roulette Spirit.

“Hey, Master Time Demon, you have also seen that my master can control the power of the great annihilation. Isn’t it good for you to follow my master? Master Time Demon, my master can not only control the power of the great annihilation. , You are following my master, absolutely not losing money!”

Qi Ling smiled.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Lao Tzu is going crazy! Lao Tzu’s power is being counteracted by crazy! Lao Tzu’s power!”

Time Demon Shouts!

“You tell me where is your brother’s space demon. With your brother sharing, isn’t your job easier.”

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

“I…damn, you are a terrible thing! My brother is the space demon, not in the Hongmeng universe, my brother is in the immortal reincarnation ship owner! You get rid of it earlier, go to the Nine Major Reincarnation world early, go and take me Brothers! Damn it! On this one, you can only betray your brothers!”

Time Molian roared, still telling the whereabouts of his brother.

“Owner of the immortal reincarnation ship… that’s a great character, but after the master is detached, it’s not a problem to get the space demon. The owner of the immortal reincarnation ship can be far better than the master. , But the flesh-element spirit must be inferior to the master.”

Qi Ling thought for a moment.

“Huh? Your kid’s flesh and spirit is stronger than the immortal reincarnation owner? Why can’t I see it! It shouldn’t be, if you can sense it at the level of the creator’s flesh and spirit!”

Time was stunned.


Chen Zheng smiled lightly and read three words. The physical level and the level of Yuanshen appeared at this moment. The ten-level fantasy galaxy appeared, and Qingyun was dumbfounded.

“I…I…I…my turtle, what monster did I see!”

After a moment of silence, Time Devil only screamed!


Once upon a time.

The sky of nothingness now.

In addition to there is a Zixiao Palace.

There is also a Wa Palace.

In the eyes of the supernatural beings, or the former spirits of the worlds, there have been two holy emperors since ancient times, one is the emperor Panhuang, and the other is the emperor Wa.

The Wa Palace is the palace of the Wa Emperor.

“Who…what…Chen…Chen Zu!”

No one dared to disturb the Wa Palace. The waitress who had been guarding the Wa Palace was communicating something with his eyes. Suddenly he noticed that someone was showing up. He stared at him immediately with cold eyes. This staring was stunned. Then he bowed his head to salute!

Chen Zu nodded lightly and entered the Wa Palace.

“Chen Zu… came to Wa Palace again…I came here three thousand years ago…Although Wa Palace was not stained with blood, it was terrible!”

“Chen Zu…Chen Zu is my **** forever…”

The waitress took a look and then whispered.

The Hall of the Emperor Wa.

The maid has retreated.

Only two people are left at the moment.

One is Chen Zheng.

One is the Emperor Wa.

“The things in this extermination record, whether you admit it or not, are all related to your life experience. After a few months, the surviving deity of the celestial beings will come to Hongmeng, and the heaven will be the first to bear the brunt. I hope you can learn something from the extermination records. , Hold on to heaven.”

“it is good.”

Chen Zheng said a word, the Emperor Wa replies a word, the maid outside the hall is still speculating, and Chen Zheng has already left the Wa Palace.


That’s it?

The maid stunned.

In fact, Macross Roulette also has some doubts. After thinking for a moment, it asks: “The body of the Transcendental Transcendence comes, and by the means of the master, the transcendental below the three major reincarnations should be able to kill casually. Even if there is a more powerful transcendence Or, the master alone is enough to keep Taishangtian. Why do you still want Emperor Wa to keep Taishangtian.”

“I’m not worried that I can’t hold on to heaven. I’m worried that if I accidentally lose control, I will ruin it.”

Chen Zheng responded lightly.


Qi Ling was stunned, but soon understood, and then fell silent.

“The seventh bloodline descendant of the Lord’s bloodline seems to be still a lineage. My dear friend, you have chosen the right person. To be honest with you, I am also a bit worried. I discovered that there is something like decay in your body. It should be suppressing physical growth with decay.

Although your primordial spirit is already the level of the extreme creator, it is stronger than the physical body, but your physical body is the real top.

Your body is getting stronger all the If you are out of control, any substance on your body, a drop of real blood, a hair, or even a dust attached to your clothes, I am afraid it can be made Great annihilation. So my dear friend, you must not lose control. “

Another voice sounded, this is the golden metal beast.

“A piece of dust attached to the master’s fairy clothes makes a big annihilation…not so exaggerated…”

Qi Ling froze for a moment.

“Not so exaggerated? Ha! Something you haven’t seen doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. I’m not exaggerating at all. In short, my best friend, don’t get out of control. If you get out of control, the entire nine major reincarnations will be thorough. destroy.”

Jin Mao hummed.

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