Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2678 - Large means Ojintsu


one strike!

The eyes of the dense punishment above the sky and the sky are broken!



Did this explode Heavenly Dao!

This little girl!

How can it be so strong!

It seems that this little girl is not too powerful!

How can it be so shocking!


Under the look of hundreds of millions of souls, Daotu heaven and earth are expanding wildly in the endless thunder, and in a blink of an eye, they surpassed Taishangtian, and even surpassed Taishangtian as the center, and the huge world linked by the heavens and the world!

And the expansion continues!

“At least ten of them are too big!”

“Is this groundbreaking!”

“Is this creating a new era!”

Billions of creatures marvel!


In Zixiao Palace, the old man was dumbfounded.

After he was promoted to heaven, he thought he had reached the extreme state of Hongmeng, but he clearly knew that he could not do what the little girl did today.

And this little girl is just a disciple of Chen Zu.

“Is this about opening a Taixu…”

Taixu Zhang Tian Da Yu An unknown hill, Zhang Tian Sheng Huang returned to God, could not help asking.

“Taixu… This girl should be able to open up half of the era of the Hongmeng era.”

The metal villain smiled.

“Half of the Hongmeng era…is this half of the Hongmeng universe…”

The Emperor Zhang Tian thought deeply.

“Of course not, if this girl can open up half of the Hongmeng universe, this girl is directly the creator, and this girl has not yet detached. The Hongmeng robbery is only a new era of Hongmeng under the premise of the existence of the Hongmeng universe. Never mind.”

The metal villain shook his head.

“Then… why is this universe called Hongmeng universe?”

The Emperor Zhang Tian spawned doubts again.

“There is only one explanation for this problem, that is, at the beginning of her creation of this universe, the successor has been chosen, and that person is Hongmeng.

As for why the successor is named Hongmeng, I think it should be related to the unlimited legend in the Nine Major Reincarnation.

It’s just that she may not know that the legend about unlimitedness was actually compiled by me. She may believe it. “

The metal villain chuckled.


The Emperor Zhang Tian froze.





The Taotu world that is above the heavens is still expanding wildly!

In fact, ninety-nine of the creatures in the Hongmeng universe are actually in the heaven and the surrounding domains. At this moment, looking at the heaven and earth in the sky that I don’t know when to stop, except for marvel or marvel!

That little girl!

Shengsheng has opened up a world that is even larger than the fusion of the worlds!


this way!

What is the point!

Many creatures suddenly thought of something!


at last!

Road map world stopped expanding!


It is almost ten times larger than the world where the heavens and the world merge!


Has it finally stopped?

Billions of creatures stare at the sky!

“Your world is called Yan Luotian.”

It was also at this moment that a voice sounded, and many creatures heard the voice, thinking it was the legendary Hongjun ancestor, but some creatures heard it at once!

Chen Zu!

This is Chen Zu’s voice!

So this little girl is a disciple of Chen Zu!

“Disciples understand!”

The little girl in the eyes of the world responded, and it was countless surprises at once, and then the little girl lifted her small hand, facing the huge world where the heavens and the world of the Hongmeng era merged.

What is this to do!

Billions of creatures are curious!

“Please enter Yan Luotian!”


Billions of souls heard a sentence!


What do you mean?

Who is this asking for the Yan Luotian she created?

The world is more puzzled!






The Nether Realm, Qingyun Field, Great Dark Sky Field, Immortal Martial Field, Heaven Luck Field, Great Abyss Field, Eight Wastelands, Futu Field, Cloud Field, Xiuluo Field, etc. Flying up, flying into Yanluo within days!

Many supernatural beings understand it!

These ethics flying into Yanluotian are basically related to that one, and almost all of them have entered this newly developed Yanluotian at this moment!

and many more!

Why do you want to do this!

Isn’t the huge world linked by the heavens insecure!

Is it!

Is it!

Is the legendary World Destruction coming?

“The Nether Domain is empty… The Qingyun Domain is also empty… A lot of domains have also gone to Yanluo Tian… How does this look like a rainy day, Hongmeng era is not Is it broken, is the future robbery mainly present?”

“We…our lineage, can we also move to Yanluotian…”

“Is Yanluotian safer than Taitian…Isn’t it safer than Taitian…How can there be a heavenly palace in Taitian…”

These supernatural beings whispered.



Outside the land.

There are also creatures flying into Yanluotian.

“Divine and Demon Race!”

“I really want to see the Holy Buddha!”

“A lot of ancestors outside the region also moved to Yanluotian!”

It was a lot of exclamation.

“Everyone in Taixu may wish to enter Yanluotian.”

Just before they exclaimed, Yan Luo’s eyes moved to Taixu, and a soft whisper came into Taixu.



This, this!

In the huge world connected by the heavens, hundreds of millions of souls heard this question and widened their eyes. What is this little girl doing?

“Which is so troublesome.”

In the Zixiao Palace, Chen Zheng chuckled lightly and grabbed Taixu, and Taixu was arrested.


The world is horrified!


This, this!

Who is this means!

Who moved the Taixu to it!

and many more!

How is this Taixu different?

How does this Taixu look like a palm!

A giant hand hanging in the sky!


The world hasn’t responded yet. Chen Zheng pushed it lightly and sent Taixu into Yanluo within days. The huge Taixu became a part of Yanluotian!

The thirteen territories of Taixu are stunned!


In the Zixiao Palace, Chen Zheng thought of it and grabbed it. The huge fairy field, which was once the Hongtian God Realm, was also caught and thrown directly into Yanluotian!


Xianyu has also become part of Yanluotian!


The creatures in the fairy land, the creatures in the huge world linked to the sky below, were shocked to say nothing at this moment!

This handwriting!

It’s too scary!

“In the heavens and earth of this era… Is there just two chaotic regions, the Great Luojin City, the Bitter Sea, and the earth of Chen Zu’s is not in the heaven and the world. It’s within the limits of the world.”

The old man sitting opposite Chen Zheng asked after a moment of meditation, and then paused and asked again: “Chen Zu… Why didn’t Chen Zu send the earth into this Yanluo days?”

“The Hongmeng era no longer exists, and the earth will not be destroyed, so there is no need for that.”

Chen Zu replied lightly.


How can this be!

The old man was dumbfounded!

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