Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2686 - Detached!

“Help me take care of my apprentice!”

“Huh? Wait a minute! That’s wrong! Why didn’t you help me unlock the shackles when you sent me out!”

“Fuck! You help me unlock the shackles and send me out!”

In the first round of life, under the seven-color teleportation, he rushed towards Hongmeng, only halfway through, and he reacted violently!

He was sent out together with the penalty post!



Why don’t you unlock the shackles!

Half of the source plus the nine-fold sail will be exchanged for this!

Oh shit!

Was pitted!


In a low roar, the first round of the resurrection master was sent out of the Hongmeng universe together with the punishment!

“My best friend, I used to think you were not black at all. Today I learned that I was too young!”

Jin Mao sighed with emotion!

“Help you take care of your apprentices. My own apprentices can’t take care of them. I will take care of your apprentices.”

Chen Zheng didn’t respond to Jin Mao. He only glanced at the void above and disappeared with a smile.

Too heavenly.

The end of the thirty-three heavy Tianhe.

Deep inside the Heavenly Palace.


Chen Zheng said two words softly and took back the hand on the forehead of the white woman in the gods.

“Right Father…”

The woman in white in charge of the heavens and the heavens in the gods opened her eyes, but as soon as she opened her eyes, Chen Zheng had already left.

“Removal… Endless reincarnation… If you can… Yingwang hopes to get caught in the reincarnation of the period from the first glance of seeing the righteous father to when Yingyu sits on this throne …”

After a moment of silence, she, apart from Chen Zheng, can be said to be the strongest celestial palace in the Hongmeng universe, with only one sigh.

Three days later.

Hongmeng Haoyu.

There is a dazzling divine light.

“it has started.”

“It’s finally started.”

The world is looking at the sky, so unknown, so all kinds of speculation.

In other words, the metal villain in the unnamed hill of the heavenly domain, and the Longji Daoist in the depths of the river, these two creatures who do not know how many years have lived, and at the same time a smile appeared.

It seems that they have waited for this day, but also for the endless years.

“Removal…Longji Daoren, do you think there will be a detached person with a bad brain who can attack my father?”

The little girl sitting opposite Longji Taoist thought a little.

“I don’t know if I have a bad brain, but any creature detached will be blocked.

The Emperor of Light hidden in the ruins of the Great Abyss, the ultimate emperor of the Flange universe, once took the step of detachment, because he saw the creatures waiting outside the Flange universe and chose to retreat. Another example is the metal cat, who has been detached but was beaten down.

So sniping is a kind of assessment of newcomers and a kind of tradition. Of course, this is the reverse of your father. Your father is a kind of assessment for those good things outside of heaven. “

Longji Taoist said with a smile.

“It depends on which idiot is unlucky.”

The little girl nodded gently.


She just nodded!

See also the outbreak of Divine Light!

This moment!

Hongmeng Haoyu!

All shrouded in divine light!


Hongmeng was shocked!


At that moment!

All creatures in the world heard a tear, and the same thought came to their minds in surprise!

this moment!

Someone tore apart Hongmeng Haoyu!

Someone is about to break away from Hongmeng Haoyu!


Endless divine light burst!


Hongmeng was a tyrannical creature, staring at the same place, this one could not help shaking, because I saw a figure!

That figure!

Although you can still see!

But the perception is so real!

That figure is already at another level!

“Are you detached…”

“It should be detached…”

“Chen Zu is not our Hongmeng universe, the only detached person from birth to now…”

A whisper sounded, these powerful creatures, the mood is extremely complicated! This is the most true feeling for those who survived the first era!


at last!

Someone is detached!


But not myself!

I can only look up!

The only comfort is that I finally saw it with my own eyes. The creatures within Hongmeng are indeed capable of detachment, detachment is not illusory, detachment really exists, and it can really jump out of the universe of Hongmeng!

“Sneak into a corner of heaven…”

“How big the world must be… The detachment doesn’t seem to be the end, it’s just another beginning.”

“Is detachment just a new round of matryoshka, if this is the case, then what is the meaning of detachment… The detachment should have changed qualitatively, it is already another level of life, as long as you If you don’t do it, you should be truly immortal.”

Another whisper!

“Huh? Wait! What do I see! I seem to have something coming towards Chen Zu! I saw something through that corner! This is this… what is the situation, is it After jumping out of the Hongmeng universe, what kind of assessment will it take to be truly detached?”

“No! That is the detached creature staring at Chen Zu!”

“Who is that!”


Powerful creatures in Hongmeng Haoyu!

Something spied through that corner!

At first it was just a light spot!

When getting closer!

That light spot became a big hand!

A big hand covered with various scar marks!

Who is this!

Who on earth did this to Chen Zu!

This seems to be to beat Chen Zu back from heaven!



Big hand pressed on Chen Zu!

Although the eruptive power did not penetrate into Hongmeng Haoyu, Hongmeng Haoyu’s local tyrannical souls could perceive the terror of that power at this moment!

That is not the power of detachment, it is the real power of the detachment, a blow in the state of complete body!

Chen Zu!

Can it bear it!

Many people worry!


next moment!

Worry becomes consternation!


The big hand that burst down was broken!

And Chen Zu was unharmed!



It was between the trembling of the strong spirits in Hongmeng Haoyu, that cracked corner suddenly began to close!

not good!

The corner of this cracked universe barrier is about to heal!


You can’t see Chen Zu!



That cracked corner healed completely!


The inner spirits of Hongmeng Haoyu were silent, as if they were about to ascend into immortals at the moment, but they were suddenly cut off by the immortal road!

Complicated feelings!


“There was something against Chen Zu just now. It seemed like a huge godship. It felt like a huge ship that was even bigger than the sky!”

“Chen Zu should be able to hold it…if that is the assessment of the new detachment like Chen Zu by the transcendental detachment…”

After a moment of silence, Hongmeng Haoyu’s inner spirits could only sigh!


Time goes deep!

“Can’t see beyond Hongmeng…Longji Daoren, UU reading Do you have a way to see beyond Hongmeng?”

The little girl frowned slightly and asked.

“It should be able to maintain the half scent of incense.”

The Longji Daoist wiped it out, and a light curtain appeared.


The little girl immediately stared at the light curtain!

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