Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2741 - I don’t need a system!

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What you see now!

It’s too scary!


Not to mention one person and one animal!

Even if there is no grass and trees!

The earth where lava flows!

That huge eruption!

There is also a crazy roaring thunder lightning!

This scene is like the end!

“Which era is this…Is this still earth… Am I traveling to the future…”

Chen Zheng’s throat twitched, the whole person was shaking, uncontrollable shaking, because he was just an ordinary person!


Chen Zheng covered his mouth and nose!

I noticed suddenly at this moment!

The air is almost full of pungent sulfur smell!


The temperature is very wrong!

Oh shit!

Wish to cross!

How did you get to such a hell-like place!


If **** here!

There is no demon!


Doesn’t **** have many succubus!

It’s good to come out with a succubus!

“System! Call system! Is there a system! Is there a plug-in!”

After abruptly walking on the road, Chen was shouting in his heart, but only when he shouted, he only heard the bang, and then there was a wave of shaking, and the area where he was suddenly cracked!


Not cracked!

Raging lava is coming out underground!

Start devouring this area where he is!


this moment!

There are only two words in his mind!

next moment!

He felt like he was falling!

He took a deep breath and summoned the courage to glance down, this look instantly turned pale!


Below is the rolling magma!

“I passed it to death, I can only choose to play GG! Such a cruel environment, let alone me as an ordinary person, even Master Gu Wu can’t bear it, even the Terminator can’t do it!”

Chen Zheng subconsciously opened his mouth. At this moment, he had no other thoughts. At this moment, he released his hand covering his mouth and nose!

Fall into the magma soon!

There is a fart for covering your mouth and nose!



What a failed ride!


The foreigner’s stone mask is unreliable!



Completely finished!

When he heard the sound of his body smashing into the magma, a terrible burning sensation came, and Chen Zheng closed his eyes and silently accepted death at this moment!



It’s gone in an instant!



My brother will come back to see you in the next life!

If there is another life…


and many more?

How can I still be conscious?

Shouldn’t it be familiar within a second?

Why is there still consciousness?

Why is there still pain?

Why didn’t it feel so painful at first?

Lying trough?

Am I swallowed by magma?

Why am I still conscious?

My nose and ears are full of magma?

Why can I still smell sulfur?

Why can I still hear some voices?

What if I opened my eyes at this moment?

Chen Zheng thought that he should be familiar within a second, and he should be unconscious when he fell into the magma. What a weird thing happened, he was not only conscious, but the terrible burning pain before, actually Not so strong!

as if!

It seems as if the body is getting used to it!

Isn’t it?

No kidding!

Is magma not a fake!

Is it just like the end of the horror scene!

It’s all a product of virtual reality!

Don’t you cross it!

Was he caught by a foreign mysterious organization!

At the moment, it is actually lying in the virtual game warehouse in the online game novel!

and many more!

Not right!

If it is virtual reality!

The whole body has been melted long ago!

Even the bones are melted!

But why now besides feeling burning pain!

It seems to be everywhere in the whole body!

Should you open your eyes and see?

Chen Zhengnian’s head moved, but he quickly shook his head, and his eyes were absolutely covered with magma as soon as he opened his eyes!

Can’t open your eyes!

What should we do?

What is your situation!

Is there some variation in your body because of crossing!

Are you evolving towards Superman?



A system is associated with crossing!

So do you have a system?


Hear please answer!

I beg you for the system!

Chen Zheng thought of it again, so he started calling in his heart, but he didn’t get any response.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Chen Zheng did not know how long he called, but did not get any response, he finally broke out!

Oh shit!

Heard no!

Answer to Lao Tzu!

Can’t hear it!

There is a species out!

I don’t want a system!

Does Lao Tzu need something like you?

I don’t need it!



The magma started to surge!

Although Chen Zheng didn’t open his eyes, he might feel that his body was wrapped in magma, just like a horror drift!


As the burning pain becomes less and less!

Chen Zheng was not so desperate at first!


Start to feel hungry!

But it seems that the body has really evolved!

It seems that the body can carry the burning of magma!

Then I seem to be able to survive in this cruel environment!

Although I haven’t seen other living things or plants before!

It may mean that there are living things or plants and trees hidden somewhere!

Maybe there is a piece of pure land somewhere!

So there is hope to find something to eat!



Chen Zheng only felt that he was thrown out by a great force!

this moment!

Although I didn’t open my eyes!

But at this moment he knew he was flying in the sky!

The turbulent magma rushed somewhere!

Then throw yourself out!

right now!

It should be eye-catching!

The thought flashed, Chen Zheng opened his eyes, he was indeed flying, he also saw the lava belt that wriggled like a red dragon!


Immediately followed by a crackling sound!

He landed!

Smashed into a rocky zone!

and many more!

Why doesn’t the lava belt flow fast?

I will be thrown out!

Was there just a fierce monster in the magma?

Was you thrown away by the power of the turbulent behemoth?

Chen Zheng did not get up immediately, but lay on the rock thinking about a problem, because looking from this place, the huge flowing lava zone is really not fast. From a scientific point of view, it can’t explain why he was just dumped. The scene that came out!




I have traversed myself!

I survived being swallowed by magma!

This also talks about the science of a hammer!

“I’m really… alive… as if the sulfur in the air is less pungent… I even smell a special aroma… Except for my clothes being melted by magma all over my Every other place seems to be intact…just a layer of magma material on the surface…um? Wait!”

Chen Zheng no longer thinks about issues from a scientific point of view. He looks at his arms, his arms are intact, now covered by a layer of lava material.



He suddenly thought a little!

Quickly looked down!



no problem!

No problem!

Everything is ok!

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