Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 116 - X116

The screams of the thieves finally disturbed the guards of the town, but because the goods of Payson and Eagle were not lost, they were finally lost. After all, the frightened thieves had already fled, and even the figures were gone.

Pei Sen felt that they should have learned a lot of lessons. Judging from the reaction of this group of thieves, there should be no trouble along the way.

Sure enough, on the way from the Anse Empire to Xia, except for a few waves of similarly frightened people, they did not suffer a little loss, but Igle filled out a few lists of facts. Since then, this team has Necromancers to do The **** business alliance unexpectedly gained some fame.

This is a good thing for Pei Sen. When he reached the Xia dynasty, he had to quickly put up the caravan ’s skeleton. The only trouble was that Eagle could never be like a servant when he pretended to be a servant. In any case, this guy is proud and elegant like a prince.

Peisen had a headache for this, trying to reduce Eagle’s number of trips, so as not to provoke anything, and because of the appearance of the Orientals, he traveled east and west on the Xia side rather than on the Anther Empire. It’s much more convenient.

After the eternal door is opened, the pinch face system will be officially opened, and the number of players entering this server will not be the appearance of pure Orientals or pure Westerns. Even domestic players like to get a blonde and white hair blue Eyes and the like, but this actually facilitates activity on this server.

Although the Anse Empire and the Xia Dynasty continued to fight for many years, the number of slaves and captives who sold each other at the same time was also very impressive. This caused a large number of mixed races in any country. Although mixed races were discriminated, they would not let ordinary people It is enough for civilians to make them hostile.

Including the large size of Pessen, despite the appearance of the Orientals, the appearance of that account actually has some Western characteristics in order to allow him to live safely in the Ansel Empire.

However, the trumpet chose the Asian continent as a place of birth, but instead of having such troubles, it doesn’t matter what it looks like.

Another shop was rented, and Pei Sen was rushing back in the night, and hurriedly opened the forum and glanced.

Now he can only take a look at the forum every day when he has time to spare, so that he does n’t know what serious things happen to the other two servers.

To be honest, it’s really breaking my heart for the Bix Cube.

At this point, his footsteps froze.

When the door of eternity was about to open, something really happened.

He didn’t know whether such a thing happened on the original timeline, maybe it wasn’t. After all, it seemed that the test task hadn’t appeared so soon in the Qingshui era. The appearance of the test task was originally the result of “promoting the seedlings” by Pei Sen.

He had skimmed this post originally, because the title really showed an unhealthy breath.

“What is crazy about love? Revenge and hatred are only for you.”

… This is a level of naming that can’t even be admitted by the UC Shock Department.

But I do n’t know why Pei Sen still clicked on it. The content of the post is very simple. A player posted a screenshot. The screenshot is the content of the front page of the newspaper of the southern government. This player is below the screenshot. About the situation.

“Everyone was lamenting that the gangster was lucky and became the first lucky player among the players to unlock the professional seal. Seeing that he became infinitely beautiful, the gangster who chose the golden test mission is really awesome … Then today I saw the front page headlines of the southern government, buddy, you are a big dealer! “

Pei Sen knew that it was empty. After all, the Korean player still received the golden test mission from him. At that time, the entire network had unanimous sympathy for him, because the mission was so ridiculous.

However, the golden test task is not completely without benefits, the difficulty is much higher than other test tasks, and there is no special reward after completing the task, but only the golden task may break the two-month task cycle, originally Pei Sen didn’t expect the players to discover this so quickly. Unexpectedly, this guy was quite talented, and asked boss Yu to agree to him to clear the task ahead of time.

Unexpectedly, there are other stories behind this.

“That boss Yu is really miserable. The Jade Butterfly Theater is also very famous in Mengnan City, and the result is over. The **** is said to be the uncle of a warlord in the north, and a relative is a senior official of the southern government. This negotiation between the southern government and warlords is led by this guy. Where is this identity background that people like Boss Yu can resist … “

“No, why is a game so real? And boss Yu is really a beauty, I have seen it once.”

“Alas, death is also unknown. Is there any task of revenge for the brother who is short?”

“It doesn’t seem to have happened. Some players have asked him and didn’t receive the task. He also said that boss Yu told him before his death, let him not avenge his revenge, and go back to the research society of Qingshenkai.”

“Brothers are really new. It’s not a few days since I unblocked my professional skills. I’m going to do such a big thing directly. Gee, this is definitely the first player to cause a sensation in the newspaper.”


Pei Sen looked at the contents of the newspaper. Instead of saying that this front page was news, it was better to say that this was a severely worded warrant. This empty not only killed the big man in the northern warlord force named Yang Yuqi, but also Yang Yuqi’s sister, that is, the warlord’s aunt, the warlord’s adjutant who came with him, and the high-ranking Qin surname of the southern government who had a relationship with the sister-in-law and cousin all killed cleanly.

This is good, basically caused an uproar in the server in the era of the Qing soul, almost poke the sky into a hole.

The warlord sent his aide, his beloved wife and Yang Yuqi, who was in charge of the warlord’s foreign affairs, to the southern government’s territory, they were not here to play. This involves a very important negotiation, which is a half Open and semi-secret exchange of interests.

Anyone knows that all people are dead. Not only that, but the southern government also lost a senior official who was able to “fish for money” for the big president.

“This time … even the Qingshen Affairs Management Research Association has been involved.” Pei Sen sighed, “This brother really feels very true to playing the game. Without a task, to do such a thing, he said Maybe I already have a plan to scrap this number. “

This investment in this number is definitely not small. The pre-diligent and diligently brushed the good task. It is super difficult to connect to the gold level. Even the test task that some players laughed at. He did not give up this number, but insisted on it, and Has been approved by boss Yu.

As a result … For such a dead npc, such a big case was done.

“It seems that I have to find a way to go back to the era of the Green Soul.”

It is estimated that President Chen Qingxu is also having a headache at the moment, because the newspaper is very strict, and he has been named by the surname and accused the “superior” organization of the Qingshen Affairs Management Research Association. If Kong is not an extraordinary, he could not commit In this case, because he used Qingshenkai’s Soul Extinguishing Gun as a weapon, he shot all the big men who were essentially ordinary people one shot at a time in a sniper mode.

… the picture was brutal, and their bodyguards failed to react at all.

Most of the players on the forum paid attention to this matter, focusing on the empty “cowboy” and “hard npc”. In their view, the boss Yu died, and the few who were killed. “Big guy” is good, but it’s just npc.

They just watched a bustle and felt that they were not famous, and even some players were blind to their ideas below. It is suggested that if you want to be famous, you can go to kill a few famous NPCs of the Qingshui era. This is almost impossible to do in the Asian continent. Because the great people of the Asian continent absolutely have the protection of the extraordinary.

It ’s not like that in the Qingshui era. Almost the extraordinary people in the Qingshun era are concentrated on the Qingshen Affairs Management Research Association. Senior officials of the southern government and warlords of the north.

Of course, behind those real big men, there may not be the shadow of the fallen Qingshenkai in the early years.

But the players don’t know this, and the comments that encourage everyone to kill the big guys, fearing that the world is not chaotic, fully demonstrate the chaotic and evil nature of the players.

“You forget it. After doing this, the number is basically obsolete. The value of good people is negative. The whole corner has become red, and you need to be famous, unless you just don’t work with this one. Like the empty brothers. “

“Let’s just say that, Qingshenkai really has too many requirements. Fortunately, it is only limited to this server. When brother reaches level 60, he will definitely go to other servers to play. I’m going to vomit. “

“Is my empty brother deleting the number now?”

“It seems not yet, but it is not in Mengnan City now. The police department is struggling to catch him.”

“Don’t say it. Normal Qingshenkai is targeted. Kong Kong is really too rigid. I hope it doesn’t affect my mission.”

“Okay, it didn’t affect us for the time being.”


Pei Sen frowned and turned off the forum, and no one really understood the empty approach.

That’s just, a dead npc.

Pei Sen didn’t know exactly what boss Yu did in getting along with Kongkong. Originally it was just to make a mission empty, and he would do such a thing after boss Yu died.

Even if you don’t want this account, even if boss Yu said not to avenge him, Kong still did it.

Of course, as a player, it’s no big deal to abandon an account, but in the empty approach, Pei Sen felt sadness that other players didn’t even notice.

He wasn’t impulsive, nor was he famous, nor was he just doing this because of his “hard” personality.

After Boss Yu died, he did n’t seem to have any influence on him. He got the reward of clearing the task in advance, went back to Qingshen Affairs Management Research Society and handed in the task, completed the test task, and unsealed the profession. After earnestly carrying out ten days of vocational training, he completed the task of hunting the green spirit demon that he was given to him by the research society, and was familiar with his professional skills and attributes.

Then, very calmly and calmly waited until the day of the talks, and found the best time to kill them one by one, without letting go of anyone he wanted to kill.

He didn’t revenge for boss Yu on impulse. He must have planned for a long time, calculated for a long time, and then resolutely did it.

“He is the player who is really immersed in” playing games. “” Pei Sen sighed softly.

Returning to his temporary residence with Eagle, after pushing the door open, Peisen saw Eagle standing under the eaves, playing with a dimly lit lantern, and seemed to be aware of the movement of the door. Eagle raised his head, his eyes brightened at once, with a light reserved smile, “How come you come back?”

The master wants to lose his temper.

Pei Sen felt warm and soft in his heart.

Sometimes, some people are not npc.

Eagle is not, that boss Yu, nor is it.

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