Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 12 - Part 12

Peisen followed Eagle to return to the Golden Rose Manor. Of course, what he said in his mouth did not get it. He didn’t mention it, and Eagle didn’t say anything.

In fact, Pei Sen felt that the bear child seemed to be particularly keen. It was like judging that he was lying at first glance. If there is this thing, maybe Iger was very concerned about whether he lied to him. Not so worried.

Bear Child’s character is uncertain, even if his mind and tolerance are irrelevant. Now, Mr. Peisen has given him considerable comfort in today’s affairs.

I’m afraid in Eagle’s view, many of the people around him have betrayed him, and the personal butler who hasn’t spent a long time with himself has at least not disappointed him in such matters.

The recovery speed of the player is not the same as that of ordinary people. By the time he returned to the manor, Pei Sen’s injury was almost half better. He explained that this is a characteristic of the Bix, and Iger did not ask anything.

Therefore, it is still very beneficial to “explode”, otherwise there are many things that cannot be explained.

When Atwell came back to release a healing technique for him, Pei Sen soon became fine. Not only that, he also went to the young master attentively.

To know the inside story, it is not enough to be diligent.

Eagle glanced at the exceptionally docile Pesson and did not let him out. For a moment the man named Sardin came with Ms. Mary, and it seemed a little surprised to see that Pessen was also there, but since Eagle had not chased him Going, Sardin said nothing.

They only said a few words, and Pei Sen guessed the identity of Sardin.

He is the head of the Golden Rose Estate.

Sardinia Brisk, a noble nobleman, an eighth-level swordsman, in the Golden Rose Estate, except for Eagle, is his most powerful. Although Ke Suo is also the general manager, it is only a deputy, and seeing Ms. Mary’s attitude, she knows that this deputy general manager is probably not very popular.

The handsome vicissitudes of the general manager looked a little helpless looking at the grumpy Eagle, “No matter what, you can’t go to Wangdu now.”

“So, I’m going to stay in this remote and deserted country until I die?” Eagle was in a low mood, but the content was very sharp.

Ms. Mary quickly came out to appease, “Master, now I just need to be patient–“

“Forbear?” Igle smashed the cup on the table. “I’ve endured long enough, now he wants my life!”

Sardin pondered for a moment, “Actually, I don’t think these assassinations were meant by His Majesty Laather.”

Pei Sen was shocked. Wait, wait, His Majesty?

As a player, Pei Sen doesn’t really know what the king is thousands of miles away. Players have been tossing for several years. Of course, they are keen to explore the map and have traveled far away, but they have come into contact with senior noble Still very few.

Almost two years later, this Esmia kingdom will be in chaos.

Eagle didn’t believe it at all, “I know he wants me to die!”

“But he is more worried about the unhappy Grand Duke.” Sardin sighed.

Eagle’s expression is still very gloomy, “I don’t care, I want to return to the king.”

Ms. Mary also wanted to persuade him, “Master–“

Eagle turned his head away, and no one wanted to ignore it.

In desperation, Sardin and Mary can only withdraw first.

Peisen stayed cautiously in this room, and felt that Eagle was surrounded by storms all around him, and even more so, he didn’t want to stimulate him at this time.



Looking at him, Eagle’s green eyes reflected his figure, “Do you think I should bear it too? I’ve been in this barren country for too long …” Ming next year is still very small, There was no irritability in his words, but a wearyness.

“Master, do you think your territory is too backward now?”

“Isn’t it?” Eagle said coldly. “Have you seen the prosperous capital?”

“No.” I haven’t seen it. When his king rises, the kings of the kingdom of Esmia have fallen into the flames of war, no longer the prosperity of the past.

“I came here and was banished.”

Now Eagle ’s territory consists of three small cities and the starry plains that can be said to be wilderness, indeed barren land.

In addition to the big place, it can be said that it is useless, especially the three city owners, it seems not very obedient.

Pei Sen moved, “Since the young master does not like his territory, but the young master is the lord, we can change it to the way we like it.”

Eagle made a sneer and was about to say something, but then suddenly stopped, looking at Penson thoughtfully, “Also, I am the lord here anyway.” His tone was violent. It’s easy for me to return to the capital of the king. I know he is the one who Burke Angel sent to control me. In this case, I will completely destroy this territory! ” Sen. “

Payson: “…”

I do n’t mean that, young master!

Pei Sen felt a little pain in his stomach after being stabbed. “Master, can I take a break today?” After all, I was injured, even if it was all right.

Eagle’s mood has turned from overcast to sunny, waving his hand generously, “Go.”

Pei Senru was forgiven, but heard Eagle ’s cheerful voice ringing behind his back, “Come over tomorrow and we will discuss how to destroy my territory.”

Payson: “…”

In fact, Pei Sen really doesn’t mean this at all. What he thinks is that although there are only 200 players in the internal test this time, the next batch of internal tests is 2,000! That’s right, there will be more than two thousand players who can “use” it. This is a great force. If you find a way to release some tasks, maybe you can build the territory of Eagle?

Bix Rubik’s Cube is a very free game. If Iger is really allowed to agree, as the lord, his willingness to issue to the player is likely to become the main task of all players.

This is a new attempt that Pessen wants to make.

However, Eagle is obviously not so cooperative.

Pei Sen wondered how to coax the young master to do what he wanted to do. When he turned the corridor, he unexpectedly discovered that the chief Sardinian and Ms. Mary did not go far, so they stood here and talked, couldn’t help but surprised.

After a hesitation, he didn’t want to bother him.

“You are Pei Sen.” Sardin had already seen him, and after waving Mary to leave first, he obviously had something to say to Pei Sen.

Peisen had no choice but to walk in front of the general manager, “Yes, Lord Sardinia.”

Sardinia took a closer look at him. “You have a talent for magic. How many spells have you mastered in such a short time?”

Pei Sen said calmly, “Although my qualifications are not good, the Bix family has always been very talented in learning.”

Sardin laughed, “You haven’t been in the manor for a short time yet, are you a little puzzled about the identity of the young master?”

Pei Sen looked at him, not knowing what the chief executive meant, but he wanted to say that there was no doubt.


Of course he was puzzled, what kind of kings and grand princes were involved!

“Fifteen years ago, His Majesty Lacey was only a prince, and Grand Duke Burkang was only an Earl. However, His Majesty Lacee had a near-paranoid feeling towards the Grand Duke since a long time ago. To calculate that Her Majesty Prince Latimer arranged a trap for Grand Duke Burk Angel and Princess Rainer’s sister Princess Carolina … together, and soon Princess Carolina became pregnant and was killed by the then Austrian When Her Majesty Linton knew it, she married Princess Carolina to the Grand Duke. “

Pei Sen jumped between his brows, “Master Master Eagle is just–“

“Yes, Master Eagle is the only son of Grand Duke and Princess Carolina. Shortly after the birth of Grand Master Eagle, His Holiness Orrington passed away. His Majesty Leather became king, and he ordered Grand Duke and Carol Princess Na divorced and married Princess Carolina to distant Bonfries. “

Pei Sen thinks that the trap that kept the young and his parents together should be careless about what happened once, the medicine? In other words, it must be more euphemistic.

But in the whole thing, he felt that this princess was really unlucky.

“Even if the princess is married, the grand prince is the father of the young master after all.” It is not a good father to throw his son in the country for many years.

Sardin said lightly, “Yes, but the Grand Duke has no feelings for the princess, and was not prepared to be a father so quickly. It’s just that the young master is his only son, and he won’t leave the young master behind. Young master At a young age, I do n’t know that His Excellency the Grand Duke wanted him to come to this remote place as a fiefdom, and to stay away from the king capital to make the younger master safer. “

“What does the chief executive mean?”

“I know that Young Master is good to you. If you can persuade Young Master not to return to Wang Du’s idea, I may be able to help you practice stronger magic.” Sardin said meaningfully, “You think carefully, Pei Sen. “

Pessen stood in the dark corridor, watching Sardin slowly walk away.

He wanted to sneer, the only son? Throwing his son into the faraway countryside is not to obstruct the king’s eyes, but also for his own promotion.

After all, it is not easy to become an prince from an earl.

But, Your Majesty? Grand Duke Burke Angel? Uh, these are the two men …

Forget it, even in modern times, sexual orientation is not a big problem. In a messy fantasy world, this is nothing.

Back in his room, Peisen lay down on the bed and opened the forum while thinking about Eagle.

“I’m going, so sensational?”

Someone put a screenshot of the hot search on the forum. The top ten hot search took six positions, all related to the Bix Cube, which is a bit too exaggerated.

Could it be that the game party has started to promote it?

However, when I clicked in, I found that players were vomiting about this wonderful game company, and there was really no publicity at all. This heat was all brought by them as cloud players.

There were only two hundred players who entered the internal beta, but the forums were terribly hot. Most of them were indeed cloud players. They looked at the screenshots and small videos of the two hundred internal beta players, and the discussion was in full swing. At first, there were some voices of doubts. I think this is marketing that was made out of videos and so-called screenshots in advance. Since several players with a very strong identity in Weibo have voiced, even the voices of doubts have disappeared.

The first batch of 200 internal test numbers, because some local tyrants bid extremely high, of course, some people can’t stand the temptation to sell the number, so there are really many rich people in this batch of players, one of them There are a lot of fans of traffic stars, there are a wealthy three generations of the rich in the family, and a few very wealthy Weibo celebrities, which is probably also an important reason for the sensational effect of hot search.

Speaking of marketing, some people may find it difficult to invite them, especially in the circle of friends of several gangsters.

It’s really true, if fake marketing is impossible to this extent.

Peisen didn’t enter the game in the beginning of his life. He didn’t know that it had such a sensational effect at first.

“First two hundred, then two thousand, when the third test, I remember there will be 10,000 people?” Pei Sen murmured, and then, it is a large-scale public test, all willing to come, you can enter this world.

Now, Pei Sen knows that this is a real world, not a purely constructed game world as originally thought.

Players will completely change a world.

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