Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 15 - Part 15

Pei Sen was very excited and did not say, other players were equally excited, the reason is very simple, they have discovered that this game is going to receive a mission … so difficult.

It seems that there are a lot of special npc, but very few actually received the task. There is almost no experience in guiding npc missions. Now the npcs in the city see them and turn to escape like they see monsters. In this case, those who can receive the missions are all super-charms.

Only a few blessed by the Quai wolf received the task because of disaster.

At this time, the advent of the main mission of the camp can be said to be a long time for the players.

“However, if you join this camp, there should be a hostile camp, can’t you let people choose?” A player said.

“Choice? The problem is that you can’t find anywhere else.”

“This game is too free, it’s not the same as the normal game!”

“Not only is it holographic, but the npc intelligence is a bit scary. Maybe we helped the Lord Iger Llano to block the lich, which led to the main task now!”


That’s right, this is indeed the most reliable guess, because they have discovered the key figures in this camp, and it was Iger Llano who was protected in their limited-time mission at the time.

So the normal situation should be that their behavior at that time led to the emergence of the main task of this camp.

“There should be no choice,” the braised spicy strips looked at several players who were already familiar with it. “We triggered a limited protection mission on the first day. This camp main line should be a follow-up. , Can only join this thorny rose camp, as for the future, that is the future. “


So, without exception, two hundred one-test players all rushed towards the Golden Rose Manor.

At this time, Pei Sen had handed over the new drawings to Eagle, “Master, the construction needs to be destroyed before. Young Master didn’t want to destroy the enclosure before? Now, this will not arouse the suspicion of those with mischief. “

“Ding, player Pei Sen turned in [Casey City Construction Map · One], contribution value +1000.”

Pei Sen knew that this one thousand was already a consequence of doubling, and it seems that the contribution value is not easy to earn. However, because the owner of this camp is Eagle, he naturally belongs to this camp. Unlike the players, the initial friendship of the camp is neutral. He has been friendly from the beginning. It can be said that he walks in front of all players. .

Eagle looked at Payson in surprise, “Will you still draw pictures?”

“Yes young master.” Pei Sen smiled.

This is his old business, and Pei Sen thought that he would not need it … Thinking of the studio he had just opened, Pei Sen sighed.

As an architect, he worked hard for several years to work hard, and finally opened a studio with his partner, and he came here inexplicably.

It was so sad.

This design is actually a test product, and Pei Sen only drew a part of the design. He wanted to see if it was useful, or whether it would be adopted. In other words, he wanted to see if there would be a reward.

Now that he has successfully handed in, he can continue to paint.

“There is also a young master. I can also hand over some materials to Neil, but now I have to send someone to” clean up “that area.”

It is a very courageous task to push down the entire Casey City and rebuild it, but for Eagle, it is more fun to bring down Casey City than to rebuild.

“Destroy first, then respawn?” Eagle smiled, looking very happy. “Very well, then let’s destroy Casey City. I’m not in a hurry to kill Wallis, at least. Let him watch as I destroy Casey City before killing him. “

Wallis, the owner of Casey City, regarded Casey City as his own bag. Even if he knew that Eagle was the lord, he always regarded himself as the real owner of Casey City.

If Eagle really destroyed Casey City, Wallis didn’t know that it would be rebuilt next time. I’m afraid it will be extremely painful.

“You can let those Bixians help.” Peisen thought about ruining Casey City for almost a month. This time just happened to be the early autumn of the world, and the temperature was still with the heat of summer. The field outside the city is almost ready for harvest. Even if people’s homes in the city were destroyed and driven out of the city, they would not be unable to survive.

Originally such a place as Casey City, the Aboriginal people who can survive in the cracks of the city’s oppression and various forces like the Kui Wolf will not be the kind and hardworking honest people.

To be honest, the bad atmosphere of Casey City made Pei Sen feel that there are not many people in the city who really deserve sympathy. This place can almost be called a sin city. Many residents are related to the underground forces, and it is no matter what Their eyeliner.

Casey city was destroyed in one month, and next month, it was just the second test. They will have 2,000 more workers.

The biggest difference between players and these originals is that players do not account for so much, just give rewards, this reward does not require Eagle to come out at all, the game system will give, basically for Eagle, players It is definitely super cheap labor.

In terms of understanding of the players, Payson who has played this game for a few years before can be said to be second to none.

Although most players will definitely be willing to do this kind of work by task rewards, there will definitely be players who are not interested in these at all.

That ’s right, these are **** combat players. They just want to fight monsters, not missions.

“Master, you will need a lot of materials in the construction, and you will need a mage to help later … There are many materials that the mage can use on the Star Plains, right?”

Eagle looked at him, “Yes, but Star Plains is dangerous.”

“Is it better on the periphery?”

“Well, but that place is too desolate, even those adventurers are not very willing to go to the Star Plains.”

The adventurers of the Kingdom of Asmia have more choices than the Starry Plain. The Starry Plain under the Askin Mountains is not a good choice. There are many more places in the kingdom to choose from, so why choose this desolate place?

However, Peisen didn’t think it was a problem. Players whose resurrection point is outside Casey City could not explore such a place for the time being, just the edge of the star-stamped plain is the best novice trial area.

What ’s more, these players should be made aware that the battle in the holographic game is not the same as the previous keyboard game. Moreover, the reality of the world is that the animals they can hunt will bring them great surprises. “.

Pei Sen dare to guarantee that those combat players will be taught by the seemingly non-threatening animals in a short time.

Creatures in this world are already stronger than on earth. Even a bunny that does not look much different from a hare, it may be a barbarian jumping rabbit, a first-class Warcraft, capable of producing wind magic crystal fragments.

It’s still interesting to think about.

“Master, how many wizards do we have in our manor?” This question still needs to be asked. Since Mr. Pei has never been to Golden Rose Manor, he hasn’t seen any other masters except Xor and Xor’s apprentice Bertha.

Eagle seriously thought about it, “I heard Sardin said that there is a mage group in the manor, but the strength is very poor, about seven or eight junior magicians plus dozens of magic apprentices, only three intermediate wizards , Senior Mage … “He said reluctantly,” Only Xorus. “

He was very disgusted when he said it, but Pei Sen was shocked. You know, the status of the Master in this world is very high, not to mention the Junior Master and the Intermediate Master, even if the magic apprentices go out, there are also a lot of people who chase. For example, those adventurers mentioned by Eagle, a master apprentice is enough to join a team of adventurers with good strength.

However, this group of mages in Golden Rose Manor was basically eating and waiting to die, including the last time Igle was assassinated. The real high-end combat power in the manor is the manor guards, mostly swordsmen and knights. They are basically under the leadership of Sardinia and defense manager Ikabode. The entire guard team is very strong.

There is also an assassin who is good at assassination and **** like Aken and Jako, who usually can’t see them at all, and may be hiding in a shadow.

In comparison, the Master team is indeed garbage.

Golden Rose Manor, it can already be said that it is an absolutely not weak force. Pei Sen thought thoughtfully, that the Grand Duke, it seems that he did not really throw his son to the border and would not care about it. It is by no means normal to a small count in a remote area.

Players join the Eagle camp, it is absolutely not loss.

At this time, the players finally arrived at the Golden Rose Manor, of course, Eagle will not meet them in person. For the time being, their manager is the new chore manager Neil, and even Pei Sen has not come out to greet the players. Neal leads With six male servants, I met all the players in the front hall of the manor, and according to the assignment of Pessen, they dared to receive these weird Bix.

Because I was instructed earlier, the men ’s servants in the manor had better mental endurance than ordinary people. They managed to withstand the bickering people who repeatedly asked strange questions, and successfully explained what they had to do.

“You can take on combat missions and construction missions!” Players discovered this with excitement, and a few players have united together to form a team, although they cannot be grouped according to professional divisions like in the general game. Team, because everyone is a swordsman, but united together is definitely more powerful.

The combat mission is to travel to the Starry Plains to obtain some materials from the Starry Plains.

Needless to say, the construction task is very simple for the time being, evening Casey City, and at the same time they can learn some life skills from a male servant beside Neal.

For example, logging and gathering, as for more advanced construction skills, for the time being, Pei Sen has not taught these male servants, so they will not.

Payson doesn’t need to stare at these players because everything is on the game’s forum.

He knew that almost fifty players had teamed up to the Starry Plains, and the rest took the sledgehammer from the Golden Rose Manor and stormed into Casey City.

Hammering the city and violently dismantling it is the first link of the construction mission.

What, this will be hatred by the aboriginal people, which will affect the reputation of the player, which may be retaliated?

Ha ha, is this important for players?

Obviously not at all.

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