Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 34 - Part 34

As the deputy director of the Golden Rose Estate, Xuo did not leave the Adrian ’s Master Tower very much, and each time he left, he only came to the manor.

It should be said that most of the masters of the Asian continent are very homey, more like academic careers. It is impossible to master more spells and study more difficult magic without spending a lot of time on learning.

So there are very few magicians who often walk outside.

After Atwell finished the letter, he led the panicked Bertha in. As soon as Xor disappeared, Bertha as a disciple of Xor did n’t know what to do. She did n’t even dare to spread the news at random. The wizard tower led by Lanno only existed because of Xuo. Although Xuo was usually very prestigious, Bertha did not know what these mage would do once he disappeared.

What she was most worried about was when someone broke into the teacher’s room for research.

So, she concealed everyone and secretly ran back to the Golden Rose Manor, but she didn’t have a crux, she was not a man in the manor, and she couldn’t even see Eagle.

In the past, Xorx occasionally asked Bertha to help Eagle clean the room, but Bertha was proud and had a bad relationship with Eagle. At this moment, the teacher disappeared, and Bertha realized that if there was no teacher, What can she be? Ke Xuo is not only her teacher, but also her uncle. Without Ke Xuo, she is neither a noble nor other background. A junior mage, for nobles like Eagle, can raise a group.

Because Igle hated her, the people in the manor only gave her a face, just for the sake of Xuo, plus Bertha ’s arrogant personality, he would not go to those maids at all, and he did n’t know any manor. Of the people, only Atwell looked kind and easygoing, and said a few words to her.

When he met Atwell outside, Bertha dared to whisper things out and asked Atwell to bring her to see Eagle.

“When did you disappear?” Igle hated Xasso and Bertha, but Xuse was also the deputy general manager of Golden Rose Manor anyway. He asked.

Pei Sen quietly pushed the magic book on the master’s desk back, hiding it behind other books, lest Bertha remembered and asked him for a book.

But Bertha was upset at the moment, and apparently couldn’t think about it. “I haven’t seen the teacher in a long time.” She is only 16 or 7 years old after all, and she seems almost crying at this moment. I closed myself in the research room before, and I did n’t go to him. Usually, the teacher did n’t come out in the research room for several days. This time was too long, so I went to see … ”

At first glance, it was found that Xuo was not there at all. Bertha searched the entire mage tower and found no figure of Xuo.

Xorso is not the kind of person who will disappear at random. He does things in a very organized manner. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to do such things without notifying anyone to disappear.

“Is there anything wrong with him in that respect?” Atwell calmed the girl’s emotions and asked with concern.

Bertha thought for a moment, “What news did he receive from Wang that day, I don’t know what it is, but the teacher’s face is not pretty.”

Eagle and Payson glanced at each other, and both of them remembered what Sardin said that day.

Sardinia can receive the news, surely Xorox can too, and looking at the timeline, Xorox received the news earlier than Pingding.

Xor was originally a member of the Royal Mage, and Sardinia ’s news came from Grand Duke Burk Ange, both of whom should be well informed to the king, but it also depends on when the other party intends to tell them the news.

For example, the Boswick family who took away the territory of Ai Jin’s family, the news must have been known earlier than them, otherwise they would not start Ai Jin at such a rapid rate.

“Because Leather was assassinated, Xor disappeared?” Eagle said doubtfully. “Can there be any necessary connection between these two things?”

It doesn’t seem to have any connection. Leatherer is still lying on the bed and not dying. The Royal Mage regiment should not be affected. It is in the King Capital.

Even if Xuo is following the orders of Leather, there is no need to make a disappearance after the accident.

Peisen thought for a while, “Your Excellency is already a senior mage, and this world can let him disappear silently … There are not many people, maybe he has left in a hurry, too late to tell others.

This is a relatively reliable guess. It is okay to deal with a senior mage, but it is definitely not easy to capture a senior mage silently.

The stronger the mage, the higher the perception, and Xor’s level of perception allows him to avoid most dangers.

Unless it is the shots of the big magicians in this world, it is almost impossible.

Those old guys haven’t moved for many years.

Pei Sen remembered that there were some masters playing in the back, in fact, he wanted to challenge those old guys, but he couldn’t even find the figure.

As long as the players have accumulated enough spell knowledge, they can be promoted to junior mages by 20th level. Before 20th level, they can only be regarded as master apprentices.

The only threshold for promotion to intermediate mages at level 40 and promotion to senior mages at level 60 is spell knowledge, and the rest is not a problem for players.

In those high-level master games, at level 80, they still barely had enough spell knowledge to become a level of existence similar to those of the old guys, although only the master players with no more than one hand could do it. Large size also failed.

But at this level, only one person can’t help to disturb anyone to capture a senior mage.

Payson’s own large size is considered a senior mage, he knows this very well.

It is entirely possible to kill or catch, the difficulty is not to disturb anyone.

After hearing Pei Sen’s words, Bertha calmed down to think about it, and thought it was also true. At that time, the teacher was in the mage tower, and so many mage in the mage tower had a low level of perception. No one could sneak in and take the teacher away.

“If the teacher left by himself, why hasn’t it been half a month now, and he hasn’t returned yet?” Bertha’s face turned pale. “Did he have an accident outside?”

Iger casually said very coldly, “That’s the problem with Xuo’s own. No one let him go, and he can only be responsible for what happened.”

Bertha’s eyes swelled with tears, making the whole person trembling.

Pei Sen wanted to sigh. The bear child had no affection for Xuo originally. I’m afraid that when the news came that Xuo was killed outside, he would not regret it.

The child was kept in the manor, and to some extent was still raised.

As a standard nobleman, Eagle has no compassion for civilians. The lives of those civilians are not seen in his eyes, and he likes and dislikes. As long as he is an annoying person, as long as he provokes him, he may Kill them without hesitation.

Eagle, with little respect for life, occasionally appears cruel because of this coldness.

Eventually Bertha was temporarily left in the manor, Eagle told Sardin about the disappearance of Xor, let him have a headache, anyway, Eagle would not worry about Xor.

At this time, the three test players who have just entered the game have already begun to explore this game.

Casey City is a city enough to accommodate 20,000 or 20,000 people. After the reconstruction, Casey City has become a big city that can live and live for 30,000 or 50,000 people.

There are only thousands of civilians who are still here, and there is still a huge gap to fill the vacancies in this city.

Even if 10,000 more players are added, it will not fill up here, but obviously the whole city is lively.

When the three-test players enter the game, they are obviously more purposeful than the first-test and second-test players. Most of them have been cloud players who have been on the forum for some time, so they will not be confused when they come in.

Of course, there is still curiosity and exploration of the game. There will be no shortage of sand sculpture players who dig a handful of soil on the ground to taste, but most people go straight to the Golden Rose Manor and plan to quickly move bricks after joining the camp. Build city brush mission.

There is no level requirement for this task, and the level will be raised one day earlier, one day earlier to catch up with the player’s level of one test and two tests, and one day earlier to see if you can go through the difficult copy.

When most players go to the Golden Rose Manor, some special players are highlighted.

For example, several players who have been staring blankly at their legs, and emotionally looking at their hands, and a few players who have begun to study the construction of Casey City and began to take notes with some “npc” Player.

Their purpose is obviously not the same as ordinary players.

The Bix Cube can enable paralyzed players to run freely in the game, allowing the bedridden people to experience health again. Of course, some elderly people enter the game to experience this alternative world, and do some special research for the top.

Pei Sen does not know how many special people have entered the game during this period. He only knows that there is never a shortage of talents among players, but their thinking is still limited by “This is just a game.” Realistic skills are used in the game.

It was n’t unusual until a few years later, and the Bix Cube was often used for scientific research, including experiments that were difficult to achieve in reality.

…… Here, the rules of physical chemistry are basically similar to those on the earth. Although there are unexplainable unscientific existences such as magic and sword gas, the changes in other aspects are not too great.

Whether it is too dangerous or requires a harsh experimental environment, it is easier to achieve in the game than in reality.

Because here, the player will not really die, and using magic and other professional skills, it is possible to create extremely harsh conditions.

Only now, everyone’s understanding of Pixar Cube is just a game.

Players in the third test are more active in building cities than players in the first and second test because they urgently need to upgrade.

However, the cardinal number of the three-test player is too large, and of course there will be people wandering around Arzi and even Adrian, including the dangerous Starry Plain.

Players will always have various ways to die.

“Master, we can give further orders.” Peisen looked at the picture from the magic eyes and told Eagle.

Eagle was surprised by the emergence of the Bix tribes. “Aren’t these just forwards? How big are these Bix tribes?”

The number is too huge.

Payson: “…”

Even if there are too many people? You haven’t seen what the public beta will squeeze, that’s how many people it is!

At that time, a Lanno leader could not accommodate so many players, but three months was enough for them to do a lot of things. As long as they were well prepared, they could still seize the opportunity.

Soon, players discovered that they could receive new missions.

“The town of Archi …” Everyone soon realized that it was the town next to the copy. “There is the town of Archi.”

“The description of this task is interesting.” The designer looked around. “I’m afraid many people didn’t see it.”

“The main task of the camp: rebuild Alzi.”

“The town mayor of Alzie, Soan, betrayed the lord, Earl Llano. The Count decided to execute Soan and rebuild Alzie.”

“The first phase of the reconstruction of Archi: the execution of the mayor Soan, and the equalization of the town of Archi.”

“The mission will be rewarded according to the player’s contribution. The reward is divided into experience, money, faction contribution value and mission treasure chest.”

It looks simple, and players do n’t think much about it. Is n’t this the same as Casey City? It doesn’t make any difference to hammer out the entire city before killing the city owner.

However, the designer noticed that the mission of Casey City was not so ordered from the player at the beginning. This time, the entire task of Arzi seems to be handed over to the player, and the task description is actually very vague, giving the player a lot of Free play space.

It should be said that the content of this mission is not the same as the previous missions. It seems too free, and treasure chest rewards are added, which is no longer just regular experience money and contribution value.

“Is it really a closed beta?” The designer murmured, “I feel this game is really making adjustments.”

At least in the release of the task, a new model appeared.

What he did n’t know was that Peisen was also vomiting, “What ’s the matter with the Bix Cube, and it just feels like it ’s getting more and more like me, giving me more power?”

That’s right, this time the task, the game did not trigger the task based on his words or actions, but directly popped up the task release editor in front of him, scaring Peisen jumped.

“Can’t ordinary npc play like this, just because I am an npc with a player panel?” Pei Sen thought that because of the new treasure chest rewards, the players who would collectively gather in the town of Alqi could not help but sigh. , “If you go on like this, I will soon feel like I am the son of the game.”

The task release editor can not only edit the task content, but also check different task rewards. Pei Sen saw that there is a treasure box that can be checked, and of course he did not hesitate to check it.

“This degree of freedom … is a bit too high.”

However, Pei Sen has also experimented, he can only release tasks within his ability, such as the Alqi Town task released this time, only after the consent of Iger, who really has the power to make this decision, Related tasks can be posted.

Moreover, Pei Sen deeply doubted that if he arbitrarily issued a mission, the Bix Cube would take back this power.

“It’s better to be cautious. Good steel is used on the blade.” Pei Sen closed the editor and watched the live broadcast on the forum in a good mood. The players were indeed approaching Alzi, the number was very impressive. satisfaction.

Eagle dropped the spoon and glanced at the gorging Pex next to it. It seemed that Peisen was distracted now. He didn’t find that Pex had eaten more than he had prescribed. Eagle didn’t speak, but only to his lunch. No appetite.


Before Payson responded, Pecks was taken aback, thinking that Eagle would be suing and immediately speeded up the eating process again.

Sure enough, as soon as Peisen recovered, he realized that Peix had almost licked the dishes, and he said unpleasantly, “This afternoon we will double the amount of exercise.

Is there a shadow cat that is too fat to dissolve into the shadow? Right now.

Peix meowed twice in protest, and if he went on like this, the cat would really run away from home!

Eagle smiled, “Person, you promised that I would take me out again. It’s almost the agreed deadline.”

Pei Sen said calmly, “I know, isn’t this yet to come?”

You can go for another two days.

At this time, the players have arrived in Archie, and they have finally found that it seems a bit different to flatten Archie and flatten Casey City.

After Eagle and Pessen were taken back by Sardin outside Arzi, the mayor of Arzi, Soan, was already very uneasy.

No, it should be said that before that, he began to be restless.

If he had known that even Wallis would be killed by the little lord, Soan would definitely not go to his birthday party or keep the little count in mind.

In fact, the city owners of the three cities did not regard Eagle as too important. A minor child who was locked in the manor and could not get out of the door could make them value more?

Especially Soan, who was born very low. Although he was the mayor, he was only a civilian. He did n’t know a few words. Wallis can guess that Eagle might become the heir to the throne. Thinking of something so far away.

In Soan’s eyes, the benefit that Arzi could be caught by him was everything, and nothing else.

Those who don’t know are fearless, so people like Suoan are said.

On Eagle’s birthday, whether or not he can be worthy of him, Wallis and Adrian Rakoli will appear politely and honestly, preparing a generous gift.

Only Soan, because he was too ignorant, was the most courageous, almost put contempt on the bright side, and just perfunctoryly found an excuse for his poor health, and dared not to appear in front of Eagle in a few years, staying in Alzi His “Emperor of the Earth”.

“I’m not Wallis.” Soan said grumpily.

Alongside Soan ’s son, Parta, worried, “I think these adventurers and mercenaries may not be comparable to the Dragon Star Knights of Casey City.”

However, even the Dragon Star Knights are over.

Suoan snorted, “You can rest assured that the caravans have also agreed to help us keep Arzi, and if they receive money, they will definitely do things.”

Parta was still very uneasy, “Are we openly rebelling against the lord like this? You know, we all are not opponents of Lord Sardinia.”

The horror of the eighth-level swordsmen is not something that they can resist.

Suo An’s face was covered with sweat. He said fiercely, “So what, shall we wait for death here?”

“Father, we can actually leave …” Parta said with a squirming lips, they have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years and can enjoy a good life elsewhere.

Soan glared at him, “Parta, did you forget that if we leave here, you will no longer be the son of the mayor, we are just ordinary civilians,” Soan suddenly became very intelligent at this time, ” Civilians can be wealthy, but not as rich as we are. Once we leave Archi, as long as we walk out of this town, I am afraid that someone will soon stare at us. “

Although the kingdom of Esmia is relatively peaceful, it is not as good as law and order. They are just civilians, or civilians who have betrayed their lords and fled. Robbing them is a low-risk high-yield.

Suo An didn’t even dare to hire adventurers and mercenaries to protect them from leaving because he couldn’t trust these desperate men.

It’s better to fight for the last one and throw the money out against the little lord to let him know that Archie is not so good to keep flat. Maintaining the status quo is the best choice.

If it is possible, Suo’an would even be willing to give most of the property to the lord.

However, the death of Wallis made him absolutely illusory.

Therefore, they cannot walk, and walking is also dead.

The same is the death, Soan prefers to die in his Archie.

“There is no news over the Master Tower this time.”

“The guards of the manor were not dispatched.”

This was good news in the bad news, and Suo An sighed with relief. “On the basis of those one or two thousand strange aliens, we may not necessarily be able to win us.

The adventurers and mercenaries in the town add up to nearly a thousand people, and if they are counted as caravan guards, their number will not be less than those of other aliens.

“We are not as small as the Dragon Star Knights. Compared to the number of people, we are not afraid.” An adventurer said with a smile.

“Yeah, those Bickers can surround the Dragon Star Knights, but they cannot surround us.”

“Their combat effectiveness is not high. I have seen these Bixs in the Star Plains, but they are just clumsy swordsmen with no skills. I can beat them three with one.”

“Without Archie, we will be very troublesome in the future, and Mayor So’an has paid a big price.”

“I heard that this group of Bix is ​​not afraid of death?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, how can there be people in this world who are not afraid of death? I’m afraid it’s a rumor.”

“We adventurers are also accustomed to blood and death, not afraid of death? Ha ha.”

Most of them do not believe the rumors, and even think that this is a rumor that came out specifically to make them afraid of the Bix.

Recently, they will also see some Bixes wandering around Arzi. Although occasionally some people seem to be not in normal spirit, on the whole, nothing is too special.

Unlike civilians, these adventurers, mercenaries, and caravan guards are not rookies. They live a life of licking blood. They are bold and knowledgeable. They naturally disdain this rumor.

“Come!” A flexible boy stood on the tree outside the town and looked out, notifying the people below.

Before he could get excited about the upcoming battle, he jumped off the tree quickly.

Others asked him strangely, “What’s wrong?”

“Who said there are only one or two thousand people!”

“People like the tide are running towards here!”

“Countless people!”

“All are people!”

“The Bickers are all over the mountains, like locusts, all of them.”

Gray clothes and gray pants, ragged clothes, each with a wooden sword, but completely fearless.

The lich hidden in the adventurer wearing a long cloak to cover his entire face, once again remembered the nightmare of two months ago.

At that time, there was such a group of Bickers that stopped his newly formed skeleton army like a continuous gray tide. Even if the bones pile up into a mountain, they will not step back half a step.

Not afraid of death? This description cannot summarize the Bix.

Now, more and more terrifying Bixis are coming here.

The lich stepped back two steps without a trace. He glanced around and continued to step back.

Regardless of whether others continue to work, continue to resist this group of Bix.

Anyway, he wouldn’t do it anymore, and he wouldn’t do it anymore.

This is simply … a nightmare recurring.

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