Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 41 - Part 41

When this system prompt jumped out, Pei Sen was shocked, hiding the profession?

This is a very rare situation in the Bix Rubik ’s Cube. Before he crossed over, the Bix Cube had nearly one billion players worldwide, distributed in various worlds, and the occupation is not as single as it is now, but there are many options. But even so, hidden occupations still belong to opportunities that few people can encounter.

Even not only hidden occupations, in the game of Bix Rubik’s Cube, even the conditions for transfer are extremely harsh.

Theoretically speaking, the conditions of transfer are satisfied after reaching level 60, but more than 80% of the players cannot complete the transfer because the transfer conditions are too harsh and too difficult to achieve.

For example, for the swordsman, the clues of the initial transfer require players to explore and dig themselves. In the Asian continent, there are two types of swordsmen excavated by players. One is the sword knight and the other is the magic swordsman. Of course it will be strong after the job, provided that you can complete the transfer.

Basically, before Payson crosses, there are a lot of players above level 80, but a few people can actually complete the transfer.

In the same way, the mage can also be transferred, but compared to the extremely large number of swordsman players, the number of mage is too scarce, so at that time, the master’s transfer clues were not excavated enough, and only one transfer line appeared, that is As a Magister, only very few players can do it.

At least the hidden occupation of the Necromancer has never been seen in his life.

“If the place where the lich is inherited is in the moon tree forest, it is reasonable to wait for players to explore this place, and they will not find this place. It is still said that because there was no mage occupation and no mage as a prerequisite, Unable to transfer to a hidden occupation, and this was destroyed by players early, so no one can become a necromancer? “

Pei Sen remained calm, and decisively chose “Yes.” If he was an aboriginal, it is estimated to hesitate. After all, the lich’s reputation in this land is not good enough, and he is known to learn evil evil spirit magic. But as a player, there is no need to worry that much. According to his knowledge of transfer, even after the transfer, the skills that the original profession can learn have no effect at all, which means that there are only more skills to learn, and the skills of the general transfer profession are stronger than before the transfer. .

For example, even if the swordsman is transferred to the sword knight, he is still a swordsman in essence. All swordsman skills do not affect the use, and there are more sword knight skills that can be learned.

Another example is the magic swordsman, the sword knight is better, all sword knights have “masters”, that is to say, they must be loyal to someone to become a knight, and abide by the knight’s beliefs and precepts in order to become a sword Cavaliers, is it not a joke for players to make them loyal to npc? So this restriction is invalid for players. Moreover, the magic swordsmen of the Asian continent are all called lunatics. It is said that learning the knowledge of magic swordsmen will cause indelible damage to the human spirit, making most magic swordsmen crazy.

However, this negative effect on the player will be completely eliminated by the system.

The negative effects of the Necromancer think about it, will it become dark or dark? This is not a problem for the player at all. As for whether the transfer to the Necromancer will be noticed by the Light Church and then be hunted down, do n’t worry too much in a short time, even if he accepts the transfer of the Necromancer, it will not be done overnight. To become a necromancer or a lich, according to his understanding of the Bix Cube, there is no good thing that can happen overnight.

Sure enough, after he chose “Yes”, the system reminded to jump out immediately.

“The player accepts the Lich (Necromancer) occupational transfer, and can be transferred to a hidden occupation Necromancer after completing the transfer conditions.”

This is the place where the lich is inherited, but the hidden profession recognized by the system should be called the necromancer, which is an advanced profession of the mage.

For Payson, what is important is the conditions for the transfer. If the conditions for the transfer are not met, he simply cannot complete the transfer.

Eagle didn’t find out what happened to Pei Sen. He looked at the cave. “Is this the lich’s residence?”

Peisen thought it was mostly true, no wonder when he assassinated Eagle, he ran out of a lich inexplicably. It turned out that this guy had lived in Lanno collar.

He glanced at the conditions for the transfer and felt that it was impossible to complete the transfer in a short time.

“Necromancer transfer conditions: necromantic magic knowledge 20, looking for three places to inherit lich.”

“Completed: Necromancer magic knowledge (020), three places of lich heritage (13).”

Under this condition, it seems that he really has to find a lich everywhere. The lich who had escaped seemed not to be killed casually, at least he had to extract some magical knowledge from him.

Eagle frowned, “The question is how to get out after coming in?” He didn’t like this kind of place at all. The young master with a cleanliness would definitely not like this. Even if it was cleaned up, it was still a little dirty and dark. Underground cave.

They came in through the magic circle. This underground cave did not lead to the outside hole. Most of them still had to find the magic circle out.

“Master, if this is the lich’s residence, we might as well search for some clues. He and the assassin leader fled, maybe we can still catch them,” said Payson.

Originally, he didn’t have to catch two people, but now he will try his best to catch people, even if the assassin leader, the lich must be caught, which is related to his transfer task.

Although Eagle hated this place, he nodded reluctantly.

What Peisen has to do is actually to get the inheritance of the lich in this place of inheritance, instead of really searching this place.

The cave is quite large. This lich should have lived here for a short period of time, but the naked eye can see that the lich is very poor. The cave is empty and there is nothing. It can be described as “Family Wall”.

Although they had already chased the lich’s nest, there seemed to be nothing to take.

But Pecs is actually very suitable for such a dark environment. Compared to the light system, the shadow cat is obviously more suitable for the lich who is used to hiding behind the darkness. The obvious dark magic element in the cave makes Iger uncomfortable. Cox felt very comfortable, so comfortable that he yawned and wanted to lie down and sleep.

Although the cat was supposed to be a nocturnal animal, Pex is a pet cat, and his work schedule is almost the same as that of human beings. He even sleeps for a few more hours during the day.

So much so that it’s midnight, Pecs is really sleepy.

So, it looked left and right, looking for a cushion, and was going to take a nap while Pessen and Eagle explored the cave.

The cat is either lazy or the owner ca n’t use the cat now. The cat just rests for a little while.

Who knows, Peixe just squatted down and cried with a meow, scared to the side.

Pei Sen looked over and found that there were some tragic crystal fragments on the mat, still exuding some necromantic magic.

“This is probably the magic item used by the lich, one-off, so it’s all broken.” He looked at the mat and moved it away, and found a dark cell under the mat.

… very low-level Tibetan things, it seems that the lich’s IQ level is not very good.

The cave is so big that you can hide anywhere, but put a cushion on this dark grid, it is almost three hundred and two without silver here.

When Pei Sen opened the secret grid, the lich was not very good at hiding things, perhaps because he was too poor to hide?

This place that seems to be specially used to store important items is only a thin booklet and a few small black magic crystals containing the power of the undead.

Pei Sen glanced at the booklet, which should be the lich’s study notes. Looking at the messy handwriting and clumsy font, he estimated that it would take a lot of effort to understand.

As for those special magic crystals, the largest one is only the size of soybeans, and the smallest one is as big as a grain of rice. This one is really too poor, and the total property is so little.

Putting these things away without hesitation, Pessen stood up and was going to check out the other parts of the cave. Since this is the place where the lich is inherited, of course it is impossible to have nothing. Here, it was slowly on the road to lich.

When Peixe saw that Pessen was gone, he laid on the spot and yawned.

It was easier for Eagle to find something in this cave than Payson. He frowned, and walked towards a seemingly plain mountain wall.

Pei Sen followed, “Master, what’s wrong?”

“There is a problem with this mountain wall.” The power of the Holy Light within the body of Eagle, who has mastered the magic, can naturally chase the power of restraining the dark undead.

Pei Sen raised his head and looked at the mountain wall carefully, thinking whether there was any mechanism, but no matter how he observed it, he still found nothing.

Finally, he knocked on the stone wall and shook his head, “It should be solid.”

“There must be something wrong here,” Eagle said surely.

Pei Sen touched the rough mountain wall, and suddenly felt that the mountain wall did indeed look similar to the mountain wall next to it. If you look closely, it is a little chromatic.

He took out a knife from his backpack. He kept some basic utensils in his backpack, such as a knife and some cooking utensils.

Scraping the stone wall with a knife, he found that the stone wall was deliberately smeared with a layer of lime of similar color. In order to cover the things behind it, perhaps the lich did it.

Now that he had found it, Pei Sen took out a sword, his sword swayed with anger, and the lime on the wall fell down, and soon the true face of the stone wall appeared.


“Found the Lich inheritance, +1 magic knowledge of the Necromancer.”

“It turns out this …” Eagle murmured.

In fact, even if the lich is standing in front of him, it doesn’t necessarily make him feel uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling comes from something on this stone wall.

There is only a magic circle engraved on the stone wall. Obviously, this is a magic circle of the Necromancer. Pei Sen remembered this magic circle and looked at the thing in the center of the magic circle.

No wonder that the lich had to paint this wall with another layer of paint, it should be to hide this thing.

However, doesn’t he carry such an important magic item with him?

This is a “dead eye” used as the core of the magic circle. It looks like a dark and transparent round ball, about the size of a longan, with a faint breath of dead soul condensed in the middle. How long did it take the demon to collect.

Eagle frowned. “It’s this thing that makes me feel very uncomfortable. I can sense it at a distance.”

Such things as the eyes of the undead are easier to perceive than the lich itself.

Pei Sen suddenly understood why the lich did not carry this important thing on his body. He is a lich. Under normal circumstances, make a cover up unless the priest priests in the church face to face just see or feel Generally, it will not be so easy to find.

But if he goes on the road with the eyes of the undead, this thing is as eye-catching as a giant searchlight in the perception of people in the church.

Unless the lich wants to be hunted down all the way, he can’t take this thing away.

Of course, there is another solution.

Pei Sen took the eye of the undead in the center of the magic circle and threw it into his game backpack. “Isn’t it comfortable now?”

Eagle Shu exhaled, “It’s alright, as long as the sensor is isolated, I can’t perceive it, and it won’t have any effect.”

Even if there was still some undead power in the magic array in front of him, the moment the undead eye was put into the backpack by Pessen, the discomfort completely disappeared.

Pei Sen nodded his head and memorized the magic circle in front of him, then looked around. “Let’s find a way out first.”

Anyway, he has almost taken away the valuable things here, and hope that the lich will not be too sad when he returns.

Soon after, they found the magic circle that went out. Pei Sen went to pick up the snoring Pex, and the two left the cave quickly.

When the two came out of the Moon Tree Forest and walked near Adrian, the sky was already bright, and Eagle said with a smile, “Now the people in the manor should have found that we are gone?”

Pei Sen was helpless, “should be.”

It ’s not like the people with Viscount Frey deliberately covered up the news as they did last time. I am afraid they will be discovered faster this time.

So, Payson looked at Pex, “It’s dawning, Pex.”

Black cats naturally have an advantage at night. Even if they flicker at night, they won’t attract much attention, but if they fail to integrate into the shadows during the day, it means being discovered.

Peix pitifully “meowed”, not that the cat didn’t want to hide, the cat tried very hard, and the cat is now tired and hungry, if you give the cat a small fish, maybe it will not fail?

“I think it’s better to put you in the pet compartment.”

“Meow!” No, cats don’t go to that kind of place!

Although Eagle did n’t know what the pet grid was, but seeing Pex ’s reaction, he knew that the cat was extremely resistant, “Pex, I do n’t want to enter the city of Adrian in a while, and Sardinian came to me after a while. “” He warned.

Peix feels too wronged, whether it is the former owner or the current owner, bullying the cat!

However, he tried to squeeze his buttocks to squeeze himself into the shadow, and finally it did not flash for a while. It was simply holding his breath and shrinking his body in fear of being pushed out by the shadow.

Pessen and Eagle successfully entered the city of Adrian.

Since Casey City and Arzie were completely leveled, Adrian, the only surviving city led by Lanno, has become more bustling and bustling than before.

Many of the wealthy families who escaped from Casey City and Arzi remained in Adrian.

This city is different from Casey and Archie, and has its own unique side.

As soon as he entered the city, Pei Sen saw a tall mage tower towering in the center of the city. Compared with this mage tower, the city’s main palace looked completely unsightly.

Masters are very rich. When Iger first came to Lanno, there was no such thing as the Master Tower. This was built by Xuo as a member of the Royal Mage Regiment and followed him to Lanno. .

In Esmea, not all high-level mages have such a mage tower, but as long as there is a high-level mage with a mage tower, it is generally not only rich, but also represents that he has a certain power, even most of them are mage association Big man.

This Adrian ’s Master Tower is considered to be a branch of the Master Association, so there will be a group of Masters who also live in the Master Tower and are unified by the Golden Rose Estate.

For example, a rich noble such as Viscount Frei, of course, he is willing to raise more mages, but his territory also has only one mages tower, and the mages are not something you can afford to raise.

Even though many nobles wanted to raise mages, there was no mages tower, and few mages were willing to stay on their territory.

And the area near the Master Tower is also the place where the entire Adrian rich people live, and the business is quite prosperous.

Various pubs, shops, and even the red light district are readily available.

The reason is very simple. Those mages are basically rich people.

Eagle stood nearby and looked at the mage tower. “Sure enough, this place has changed a lot compared to when I first came to Lanno.”

However, when they walked to the Master Tower, they found that the atmosphere was a little unusual along the way.

The people in this city had an indescribable sense of timidity, and it seemed like they would be taken aback.

It’s a very prosperous city, but there is nothing energetic at all.

Not long after Pei Sen was surprised, he thought of why this was so awkward.

Probably, this is also a scourge by the players, and it hasn’t eased yet.

The impact of the horror picture of collective suicide, not only terrified the city owner Rakoli, but actually terrified the entire city.

Including those who are usually high in the mage tower.

It was precisely because of the disappearance of Xuo that this could not be concealed, I am afraid that Master Tari is a bit messy at this moment.

“What’s going on in this city!”

Payson and Eagle swayed around the city. Eagle smelt the smell of a strudel in the street. The two walked over to try the strudel in this store. There was a slightly arrogant voice not far away.

With a slightly hot stuffed pancake in his hand, Pei Sen looked towards the person who was talking. It was a group of people who looked a little strange to Adrian. Each of them was wearing a long black cloak-just like Pei Sen. As with Eagle, it is not uncommon for clothes that resemble the use of coats often worn by people traveling in the Kingdom of Esmia. But as they walked around, the magnificent mage robes under the cloak were looming, and it was not like both of them were wearing hoods to hide their appearances. They carelessly exposed that expensive face.

A group of six people, each of whom is a mage, headed by two men, one man and one woman, looking at the older age, the man has a dark face, the female is pale and indifferent, and at first glance it knows that it is not easy to provoke, followed by four young men and three men A girl, all of her looks are beautiful, but all are a little arrogant.

“What’s going on, but it’s just the country, and it’s timid and afraid of shrinking.”

She was talking about a young man with brown hair. At this time, she was the only girl among the four young men. She spoke disdainfully, and looked around with disgusted eyes.

Payson and Eagle exchanged glances, and Eagle shook his head.

These six people are not the mages in this magic tower.

Eagle’s memory is excellent. Even the wizards in the magic tower have only seen him once or twice, but he clearly remembers everyone’s appearance.

These six people obviously do not belong to any of them.

Moreover, the two headed by these six people are very strong, and looking at it is by no means an ordinary mage, it is likely to be a senior mage like Xuo.

“Master, let’s leave first.” Pei Sen proposed.

Although the six were not red-named at this time, Pei Sen didn’t want to cause trouble at all. In case, as he guessed, the men and women headed by all were senior mages, that meant one thing. These six people were very dangerous.

And, do n’t think it ’s okay if it ’s not a red name. The biological master such as the mage knows all about it. The aboriginal mage of the Asian continent is mostly a strange-tempered guy. Even the Xorx, it is considered temperate and restrained.

At least in the mage, Xuo is really not too difficult to mess with.

At this time, the indifferent female mage suddenly said, “No, this city is a little strange, not only because it is a country. It may be that recently what happened here will cause the residents here to be full of fear.”

She is an extremely rare magic mage, and she is particularly sensitive to this kind of fear, so she will be sure what is happening here.

“I think we should find someone to ask.”

There weren’t many people on the street in the early morning. Apart from the few shops that had opened, no pedestrians could be found at all.

The shadow caused by the suicide of that day has not passed.

“You two, come over to me.” The male mage spoke directly, saying in a natural tone.

Pei Sen stopped and sighed.

He didn’t want to cause trouble, why did trouble always come to him?

Turning around and putting down the hood to reveal his handsome and soft appearance, he whispered, “Master, you stand back a few steps behind me.” Then there was a gentle smile that made people feel good, “What do you want to ask?”

For insurance purposes, Pei Sen has opened the task release panel.

Well, this time, it should be almost time for players to go online one after another.


“Campaign mission: protect Earl Llano.”

“As a member of the Thorny Rose camp, we should always put the protection of the camp ’s Lord Earl Llano in the first place. Earl Eagle encountered an unidentified dangerous mage during his tour of the territory. Please be in the development of the situation Protect the safety of Earl Eagle from any harm. “

“Mission reward: experience value, faction contribution value.”

At this time, Eagle didn’t listen to Pessen’s words and backed up. Instead, he stood beside him, and also pulled down the hood, revealing Jin Cancan’s supple blonde hair, and his dazzling appearance over Chuyang.

He spoke more coldly than the female mage, “Who are you?”

Pei Sen wanted to sigh. His young master, he really didn’t want to eat at all, even if he also dismissed Lan Nuo Ling as a country, but the young mage said it was despise while saying it was a country. The fear of shrinking and timidity has angered Eagle.

Coupled with the opponent’s insulting tone, Iger will definitely be unhappy.

I can despise my territory, others can’t.

My people can bully myself, others can’t.

Peisen found out that he really knows Eagle more day by day …

Bear boy is very angry now!

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