Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 61 - Ch.61

Although Pei Sen confirmed this, it was not easy to ask for royalties from the Bix Cube. After all, in essence, the Bix Cube copied himself, not Payson.

“However, this game system is really smart.” The learning ability is really strong.

While Peisen thought about it, he went to see the announcement again, even though the announcement reminded him of the difficulty of the Master’s profession, but the following comments are still a bunch of cloud players who are wailing to play the Master, Peisen can only say that they are really It’s silly and naive.

In the original timeline, players’ exploration of the Bix Cube is much deeper than it is now, and the training of combat is also very frequent. After all, it has been half a year since the server was opened, and many players have already adapted. In the battle method in the holographic game, there are relatively many different strategies that the players have summed up. Even if it is a cloud player, it has not been ignorant of this game for a long time.

In this way, when the profession of mage was just out, it was still scolded by players.Many people called it a newcomer killer.I do n’t know how many players were directly abused by the mage profession. After playing, most of them directly canceled their roles and switched back to swordsmen to play.

“Ahhhhhh, finally the mage!”

“Games without a mage profession are incomplete!”

“Only the Master has the force, and it is the same in the Asian continent. No one can shake the status of the Masters.”

“I never play melee games when playing games, the remote is where I belong.”

“I have to play the Master anyway, the Master is my love!”

“Then what can I do with the Beta Swordsman? In this game, only one character can be bound to one game cabin, unless my Swordsman is no longer needed, otherwise there is no way …”

“Brother, you can start from the same as us. How good is playing the mage, let’s play the mage together.”


The comment below this announcement is unprecedentedly lively, countless cloud players have poured in, many people are calling to play the mage, and only a few people point to the “higher difficulty and careful choice” in the announcement, let everyone not Too optimistic.

“Don’t you see the difficulty of the Bix Cube? Can you beat that 20-level replica slave cave when you were 20? This is the 20-level difficulty that the Bix Cube thinks!”

“Don’t say it’s level 20, I’m almost level 40 now, and I can’t clear it every time, and that copy level 40 is restricted to enter …”

It was a junior copy, limited to entry level 20 to 40. Players have not yet fully adapted to the combat method of holographic games, and there are relatively few strategies at this stage, which makes this junior copy really difficult for many players.

Its drop is really good, but compared to this, it seems more reliable to move bricks to contribute to the gambling skills of Pei Sen.

“If you think about the difficulty of being able to fight in the starry plains during the novice period, barbaric jumping rabbits, first-order Warcraft, how many times have you scratched your brain, this is the occupation difficulty level marked by the swordsman is simple.”

“The swordsman is simple, the mage is more difficult, maybe only a little higher?”

“Based on my understanding of the Bix Cube, I think things are not that simple. What do you think of Yuan Fang?”

“I think it’s better to choose carefully, but it doesn’t matter. Just try it in the open beta. If it’s too difficult to stop loss, delete numbers and change swordsmen in time, it’s not too late.”

“Anyway, I think there are very few masters in those npcs. It is said that it is difficult to become a master.”

“Excuse me, can the hand-held party for many years play the difficult profession of mage in the holographic game? I used to play mobile games in the mobile game and I consciously chose the simplest profession recommended by the game.”

“… Sister, you don’t want to be a pitman, just choose a swordsman.”


The discussion was extremely lively on the forum, and Pei Sen casually glanced at him and raised his hand. A cluster of small flames jumped at his fingertips. Is it difficult for the mage? It’s really difficult, otherwise it won’t be in the Bix Rubik’s Cube for so many years, all the mage players have been the second lowest in all occupations.

The penultimate is always the priest. This cannot be surpassed. The master is very difficult. The priest is difficult to understand. The two are still a little different. The skills of the master are difficult to learn. The skills of the priest … Most people ca n’t even learn!

In the world of the Asian continent, there are a total of four occupations opened, swordsman, thief, mage, and priest. It seems to be an abnormally normal game career under the Western fantasy world view. However, players later concluded that the latter two are pits. , Giant pit.

Basically, it is consistent with the situation in the Asian continent. The threshold of the mage is high. The priest is nagging. It seems that the world will never change its way because of the players. Only the players try to adapt to it.

In comparison, swordsman is really not one of the simplest occupations, even thieves are more difficult than swordsman.

“If you look at it this way, the thieves should be the same as the original timeline, it will appear soon.”

Peisen remembered that the thief profession appeared almost a month after the open beta. At that time, a large number of players entered the thieves pit, but there were still a group of people who finally deleted the number and returned to the swordsman.

The Bix Cube never deceives people. It says that the swordsman is the simplest, and that is the simplest.

“However, as the mage profession is out, can I consider putting some mage stones for the players? It feels okay, but even if they get the mage’s skills, they still find it difficult to learn, will they scold? I ’m pitted! ”Pei Sen feels that he is still very conscientious.“ It ’s okay, I ’m clearly quoting the price, and I ’m not bullying. I ’m not forced to do it by the magic stone they bought. It’s not my fault. “

Masters are not the same as swordsmen. Swordsmen’s skills are learned by learning. Masters’ skills require you to burn the complicated and troublesome master model to the skill panel before you can learn the skills. Sounds not difficult? However, this is not something that can be done by copying.

In the game holographic mode, the game does not provide the environment and conditions for you to copy, you must remember it yourself, and then smoothly burn the entire spell model on the skill panel. There can be no break in the middle, and there can be no error in any line or point. , Otherwise it is a failure.

Peisen remembered that someone was mad at the forum at that time. He tried it thousands of times before finally burning a skill successfully. Since then, he completely gave up the profession of mage.

Any spell model is a complex and irregular three-dimensional line pattern that makes you dizzy at first glance. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to remember this irregular shape.

“And this is just the first threshold for playing the profession of Master.” Pei Sen thought with emotion.

The second threshold lies in the accuracy after the skill is released, that is, whether the skill can hit the target is a very important or even fatal question.

Master is a long-distance profession. In the traditional end game or mobile game mode, in fact, it generally provides target locking function, unless it is a game of fps type, you need to aim yourself. In the usual sense of rpg games, melee may occasionally not be able to lock the target. If the remote is not locked, the skills will fly around without knowing where to go!

The holographic game does not provide such a function of targeting.

If you are playing a melee class such as swordsman and thief, or a long-range aiming like a soul hunting gun in a world that you will start later, it is better.

Melee in the hologram, you go up and cut the unseen person, which is a very hard dish, but the mage … well, within the mage’s range, different spells are presented in different ways, and sometimes the trajectory and release speed are completely different Similarly, this requires the mage to adjust the position himself. It takes a little proficiency to accurately place a spell in the place you want to fall, otherwise it will probably hit a person without hitting.

“Forget it, after they are hit, they will still understand.” Pei Sen thought optimistically, “And this time is still good, maybe a month later will open the thief profession, just these helpless players who gave up the mage , You can delete the number directly to try a new profession, so that people who play thieves may reach a peak again. “

Slowly, the Bix Cube will become more and more perfect, just like now, there are more and more occupations, it is estimated that the real main line task should also be started?

Until now, the closed beta players are doing the main mission of the camp as the main mission. In addition to starting to try and throw one or two main missions to Bison, the main missions of the remaining players have no shadow. Obviously, than The Rubik’s Cube is growing and tempting. It was too clumsy at first, and I don’t know how to play this game.

Here, the internal test players have almost gathered in Ice Rock City and have been fighting with the people of the Black Rock Gang. After the Severn, the owner of Ice Rock City, was locked up by Iger, he directly sent Ikabode to Ice. Yancheng took the town. There was no way to replace it with other weaker people. Maybe he was assassinated by the people of the Black Rock Gang in minutes.

It was very useful for him to shut up Severn to kill the chickens and monkeys. The next day, the owners of the other five cities quickly came to the Red Maple Castle and could not wait to prepare to loyal to Eagle.

The only one who did n’t come was the owner of Blackrock City. Like Severn, he had to be a neighbor with the Black Rock Gang, and the relationship with the Black Rock Gang was unbroken.

Moreover, the Lord of Blackrock City really didn’t dare to come. He felt that once he had gone, he would probably end up with Severn.

Eagle is not in a hurry, anyway, the Black Rock Gang will be dug up sooner or later, this guy will hide again, when can he hide?

For the city owners of the remaining five cities, as long as they can continue to be city owners, who is seated in the seat of the lord is important?

It is also due to the fact that the Hongfeng family does not have a higher rank, otherwise it is likely that those of the Hongfeng family will come to divide their rights. This new lord has not many people available, but their position is more stable.

Pei Sen poured black tea to several city owners, and then stood there again, one of them could not help but glanced at this extremely good-looking personal butler.

He belongs to a few well-informed people in several city lords, and there are people he knows in Hongfeng Castle. He knows that this is the absolute confidant of the new lord. So as not to feel guilty.

The other four city lords did not focus their attention on Pei Sen. In their view, even if this was the personal butler of the new lord, in the eyes of the nobility, usually only the nobility could be seen.

Even if they are the second-level lords, they might not be aristocrats a few years ago, but the more such a noble, the more the noble and the civilian are separated, the more inexplicable it is. Superiority.

Eagle sat quietly by the fireplace, observing these cramped city owners. Most of them were not young, generally between the ages of 40 and 50.

On the Asian continent, the average life expectancy of ordinary civilians is less than 40 years old, and they often age early, and then die due to various diseases and hard work. The average age of the slaves is lower, and they usually do not live up to 30 years old. The average age of nobles can be compared with the modern society remembered by Peisen. The reason is very simple. This world has extraordinary power.

As long as they can afford it, nobles can knock medicines to become transcendents. Once they step into transcendence, it means that all aspects of their physique are strengthened.

Coupled with the magic potions in the world and the sacred potions produced by the church, these not-so-scientific gadgets can cure many injuries and illnesses, enough to delay the life of nobles.

Therefore, although these fortresses are in their forties, they still claim to be strong and strong, at least younger than Severn.

While watching these city-owners, Payson looked at Eagle, who was not afraid of anything.

The change of the young master has become bigger and bigger, perhaps because Sardin is gone, Xor is dead, he left Lanno collar again, what shackles were completely opened, he no longer disguised in any way, revealing him The real temperament comes.

Precocious, calm, domineering, excellent, this teenager is by no means just a willful child with a bad temper, he also shows less and less of his thoughts, and he is better when confronting Pei Sen, how many children will look like, others When people face him, they have become more and more afraid to look directly at him.

Master, has grown into a true lord, an awesome and respectable superior. Including Ikabod, now no longer dare to disobey any order of the young master.

His excellence has been seen by more and more people. Now, the people he brought from Golden Rose Manor to Shuang Feng are all united together and become the best knife in the hands of the young master.

Compared with his deepness, those city lords were even more uneasy, and they dared not underestimate the new lord who had just grown up.

After all, Severn has proved this with himself. This new lord is very difficult to provoke.

Before they came in, they wanted to bring in guards together. Severn came in alone and was thrown into the prison, but looking at the heavily guarded castle in Hongfeng, he hesitated for a moment and didn’t dare, since he was going in, Don’t provoke the new lord in this way.

Fortunately, Eagle did not intend to throw them all into the cell.

“Are you going to be loyal to me?”

“Yes, Lord Lord.” The first to speak was the only lady among the five lords. She had some similar experiences to Ms. Mary of the Golden Rose Manor. It was originally the steward of Mrs. Hong Feng and won the trust of Mrs. Hong Feng. Later, Shuangyuecheng lacked a city owner, and simply asked the lady to fill in the blanks.

Eagle nodded, “Yes.”

His men really do n’t have so many suitable candidates for being a city host. In the notes left by Mrs. Hong Feng, the five city hosts are more or less faulty, but the fault is not as big as Severn. Her suggestion is If you can’t find a better person, you can stay.

Eagle did not find any better people now, so he decided to keep them.

The only owner of the Blackstone City to deal with is not in a hurry. Isn’t it fun to let him be shocked for a while?

On this side, Eagle is gradually stabilizing the Frost Maple collar, and on the other side, Lanno collar has nothing to do.

Iger asked the Golden Rose Estate to Ai Jin. For this friend, Iger still trusted. Not only did he give Archie to his management, but now he also let him lead the entire Lanno-led business.

For others, it takes an adaptation period to suddenly manage a fief, but Ai Jin does not. The fief he once managed will only be bigger than this, which is why Iger entrusted this matter to him.

In addition, the current Lanno collar has been thoroughly screened, and both Casey City and Archie are rebuilt. Any hidden dangers have been completely eliminated. Ai Jin is extremely comfortable to manage. Have been comfortable.

“Igle’s approach is right. In fact, it should be the way to be a lord. All the messy things are completely stamped out.”

His housekeeper Victor said angrily, “This method is only available to Lord Earl, you do n’t even think about it.”

Ai Jin smiled and did not speak. After a while, he suddenly asked again: “Is there any new news in the territory?”

This “territory” naturally does not refer to the Lanno territory that Iger gave him temporary management, but the territory that originally belonged to him.

Widow was silent for a moment before saying, “It is said that Boswick recently led people out of the territory to visit several surrounding territories.”

Ai Jin smiled sarcastically, “The newly appointed Viscount Oak is about to start socializing.”

When he was a lord before, he actually had a normal relationship with several neighboring territories. They looked down on Ai Jin, a new noble, and Ai Jin was too lazy to deal with these stubborn ancient nobles.

However, they are old friends with the Boswick family who took away Ai Jin’s territory. After all, Boswick is also an ancient noble.

Oak Boswick, who was chatted about by them, did leave the territory and went to visit some lords, but not just to socialize. They needed to exchange some information face to face, especially for the king of the dark tide. Start walking around frequently, with or without communication.

Despite magical communication, the safest thing is always a face-to-face conversation.

Even on this day, Oaker went to visit Viscount Frey, and just outside the castle of Visse Frey, he saw two strange people.

“I said long ago, even if I came back, I might be abandoned by Viscount Frey.” Jack said wryly.

The lich almost jumped up and scolded, “You were almost killed in Lanno collar for him, and now he gave you this small bag of gold coins and drove you out directly?”

“Not only that, but he completely freed me from being a slave.” Jack laughed. “Viscount Frey has been very kind and generous. My mission failed, and it caused him some trouble, not his wrong.”

The lich glared at him, “You still speak for him! He blames all the assassination failure on you, and he doesn’t believe how horrifying the Bickers we are talking about. I think you are exaggerating yourself. Failure to quibble-obviously we didn’t lie or exaggerate! “

Speaking of this lich, he was angry. Just at Viscount Frey, he accompanied Jack to talk about the things led by Llano. Several people around Visse Frey actually ridiculed rudely, thinking they were What a ridiculous lie to say, that ironic look made the lich jump.

Jack was always calm, “Actually thinking of the things that Lanno led now, I also feel like a dream, very unreal. They haven’t seen it with their own eyes, and if you change me to their position, you will probably think that It ’s a lie. “

Because it ’s so unrealistic, there are no strange people, madmen who are not afraid of death, and natural warriors. The so-called Bixians have never appeared on the Asian continent. The strangeness of this group of people is only when they really say it. Jack realized how strange it was.

“What should I do now?” The lich looked at the few gold coins in the bag, which was really a loss, and originally thought that following Jack’s return would allow Viscount Frey to reimburse him, and the result was such a little money, really It’s because I lost my pants.

Jack smiled bitterly, “Where can I a slave who just got free? I don’t know …”

Poor enough, there is nowhere to go.

The lich looked at him sympathetically and walked along the way. When he first arrived here, Viscount Frey was not at home. They also stayed together in the Viscount Frey ’s manor for a while, and had some feelings. This guy is poorer than himself. If he took all the bags of gold coins, wouldn’t he starve to the streets?

Under a sudden impulse, the lich said, “Otherwise, you and I will go back to Lanno.” After he finished, he regretted it. Wouldn’t it be poorer if the two poor ghosts got together?

Jack was stunned, “You still have to go back?” They all offended the Lord of Lord Lanno so much, this lich would go back?

“Yeah, I’m going back, my home is there.” The lich said for granted.

The lich doesn’t know yet, his home … has been looted by someone.

The lich at this time is not only poor, but also very poor with the family evacuated.

Oak Boswick, on the side, approached on horseback, “You were brought from Llano?”

His hearing is sensitive, and even after a distance, he still listened to the conversation between the two.

Jack looked up and looked at the nobleman riding a horse, “Yes, sir.”

Oak looked up and looked far in the direction of Lanno’s collar. For a moment, there was a kind of sadness and sadness that Jack and the lich could not understand.

“I will also go to Lan Nuo collar, if possible, I am willing to hire you as my guide.”

The lich was happy all at once, thinking about going back to spend a sum of money, so that you can save money!

Who knows Jack but said with a wry smile, “Your Excellency, we have offended the lord of the Lanno Lord. It may not be very appropriate for you to hire us as a guide.”

The lich glared at him, almost trying to strangle Jack. Isn’t this guy very cunning and smart? Why is it so stupid and so honest now!

Jack ignored the lich, he would never offend an aristocrat unless necessary. The slave was born he knew the temperament of the aristocrat, and the aristocrat seemed to be very difficult to provoke. Better.

The handsome tall young man on the horse’s face was expressionless, “It’s okay, I shouldn’t be anything to lead a popular guest in Lanno.”

A few days later, Lan Nuo led the wicked guests to the door.

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