Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 64 - Ch.64

For the civilians of the Asian continent, winter is always difficult, and every winter will inevitably kill some people. They are no strangers to such scenes.

The person who spoke to you yesterday may have suddenly become a dead body today.

Although these strangers outside are strange, they still feel a little empathy when they see the people who freeze to death.

However, in the next moment, a considerable laughter broke out from their kin.

Like a crazy maniac.

Taking a dream as a horse is also laughing, everyone around is laughing.

Indeed, the game is reminded, and the result is that I still do n’t drink. Are these stupid people waiting to die?

Soon these people were resurrected and ran scolding, and the players laughed again.

At this moment, Yi Mengwei Ma suddenly found that the little child in the nearby house peeping from the old and leaky window happened to meet his eyes.

The pair of clear, really full of childish eyes with curiosity and fear suddenly made him laugh.

He has a kid who is about the same age as this npc. He does n’t know how this game system is done. At least this kid ’s expression looks too real. He ca n’t believe that he ’s just an npc. It is impossible to find an actor of this level.

Because innocence itself is the most difficult thing to perform.

“He’s scared.” Yi Mengwei looked at himself and the players around him, “What is he afraid of, or are we afraid of destroying his home?”


There are cheerful players all around, but the cheerfulness of the players has not infected these aborigines.

It is not just this village, the entire Shuangfeng collar and Lannuo collar have discovered the endless Bickers who have suddenly emerged.

Forget it, they understand what is happening to this group of people anyway, although the number is alarming, they still know this group of interracials anyway.

However, there are always players who have not packed Lanno collar and Shuang Feng collar, let alone some players have already made up their minds to die, and directly selected the dangerous area and high-risk area prompted by the system.

Among the 1,000 birth places set by the Bix Rubik’s Cube, in addition to the frontmost Lanno and Frost Maple collars, the rest of the places are actually scattered and far away. Within the scope of the Kingdom of Esmea, there are dozens Almost all the birthplaces are scattered on different noble leaders.

For example, there is also a city in the domain of Viscount Frei that was set up as a birth place. These players thought it was quite good when they first arrived.

As the first public beta player to enter the game, they will inevitably observe the city wall at close range, as well as the internal beta players, and take a look at the leaves and flowers in excitement everywhere. Finally, I saw and saw in the screenshot video Not the same, this kind of authenticity only knows how shocking it is when you see it with your own eyes.

“The city is quite prosperous.”

“It seems to be a standard Western fantasy city, which is more developed than the cities on the Lanno collar and Shuang Feng collar that those screenshots took!”

“There is no red name everywhere in life, the system is alarmist.”

“Let’s explore to see if there are any tasks?”

“You don’t have to ask for a task in this city.”

This group of players entered the city happily, ready to ask the NPCs.

They don’t know that the weird behavior that they had just entered the game has fallen into the eyes of many people.

As for their vague dialogue, it has attracted the attention of some indigenous people.

This is a relatively central city under the rule of Viscount Frei. The city ’s owner just heard Jack and the Lich talk about the strange things about the Lanno collar, especially the strange and correct group of people who appeared in the Lanno collar The lord of Lanno was very loyal to the exotic “Bix”, and in their mouth was full of a strange atmosphere.

The city owner mocked Jack bluntly at the time. He had long seen that this slave-born kid was not pleasing to the eye, and he did not understand why the Viscount so important to him.

However, he listened to his report at this moment, and he frowned deeply.

“City Lord, do you just leave this group alone?”

“How many are they?”

“There are thousands of people.”

The city owner took a breath, did the Viscount retaliate against the Lord Lanno’s actions?

He was never a hesitant to make a decision. He quickly made a decision and said aggressively, “Move the city guards and kill them all!”

No matter what they thought, this group of people seemed to be bad comers. For the sake of Lord Frey, he decided to start first. If they were really sent to the place where the castle where Viscount Frey lived, it would be bad.

“At all costs, be sure to kill them!”

In order to protect the Viscount, the loyal city owner is willing to give his life. For those aliens that may threaten Lord Frey, he will definitely intercept them in his city.

Players in this city are struggling to talk to those NPCs, and they soon discovered that, as the beta players on the previous forums said, the difference between this game’s npc and the general game is too great.

Not only did they not give the task, they also stared at them with a gaze that players find incomprehensible.

“I don’t understand why this game is set up like this.” A player said puzzledly, “make npc scared of us? In this case, how can we still take the task.”

“Anyway, we feel that we are more like intruders. These npcs will not accept our existence as naturally as in other games.”

“Don’t the game give us an identity?”

“Yes, Bix, ah, interracial.”

However, because they have just entered the game, their enthusiasm is still very high, the will to entangle npc is extremely strong.

And because of this, the aborigines are afraid of avoiding them.

Soon, no one dared to stay on the street, which was just a bustling street.

Under normal circumstances, these aborigines will not feel honoured about the entanglement of strangers and strangers, but will only feel troubled and afraid.

Then, the players saw the city guards lined up neatly in armor and facing here.

“Are these npc coming here?”

“Yes, there shouldn’t be any big characters.” A player was excited.

As the city guards got closer, the players were stunned.

“Why are you still stunned, run! All are red names!”

“Lying trough, what is it, is it really a high-risk birth point? We are less than an hour into the game!”

“I’ve gone. We didn’t kill anyone or grabbed anything. Why did the City Guard catch us!”

“Catch a fart to kill us!”

Yes, it’s not catching, it’s killing.

The foremost players have already started confrontation with the city guards, these city guards are not intended to catch them at all, the cold sword directly pierced their bodies.

Even if the murderous picture was hit by the river crab, it gave the players who entered the holographic game for the first time, and they did not understand how the battle was going.

Because everything is too real, the sword and cold eyes pierced by the opponent are too real, and death comes, and the killing intention makes the players goose bumps.

Especially some female players have already begun to scream and run away, but in fact male players are not so good, they even forgot that this is just a game.

“Wang Chao-” a female player screamed, “You are fine!”

The male player who fled his girlfriend in front of him suddenly stiffened, and then suddenly reacted, Nima, this is just a game!

However, the female player who had been left in place had already squatted on the ground and wailed, and even if it was a game, she could see the person clearly.

Just then, a city guard killed her mercilessly with a sword.

Although there was no pain, the female player was resurrected in a lost spirit, but she still shed tears.

Under such a real crisis in the game, he can leave her and run away, if it is reality?

The broken love made her sad.

At this time, the city owner received the news. He said in surprise, “This group of aliens is not as powerful as Jack said. Sure enough, he is lying!”

I deliberately talked about the group of aliens very badly, so that I can get rid of the crimes, “Immediately clean up the group of aliens, um, wait until I go to see the Lord Viscount tomorrow, and I must laugh at Jack.”

He is so embarrassed to say that a group of waste-like aliens is so strong!

But soon, things changed.

The players who first entered the game did not react. When they realized that this was just a game, and those city guards did not intend to let them go, even when they came to the resurrection point, the players were angry.

“Nima’s group of npc is so arrogant!”

“I want to bury the resurrection point, brother gave you a face, right?”

“Brothers do them. I remember that the closed beta players were even surrounded by the Great Swordsmen and the Mage Association, a group of city guards, kill them!”

“Bullying us at a low level, it’s shameless!”

“What’s wrong with this game’s npc, without such bullying, and no mission, why keep killing us?”

“I don’t know, anyway, we are now dead and not downgraded. What are we afraid of, kill a wave of money back!”


After one or two deaths, most of the players have already adapted to the killing in the game. Anyway, the river crab of the Bix Cube is quite in place. The picture of the killing is not **** and will not be overly stimulating. The players know that they are now dead You wo n’t lose your experience, and you wo n’t lose any experience.

The internal test players don’t know how many waves they have played, and they are still afraid of death in the game, and they are too coward!

The one with the most ruthless expression rushing to the front is the girl who was just dropped by her boyfriend. She cried for a little while, wiped her tears, and killed her boyfriend once before starting to rush to the city guard .

The old lady will never need any protection!

In addition to the players on the territory of Viscount Frey being attacked by the city guards, the players who happened to fall into the Holy City of Light encountered a large number of priests to “purify” them. After finding that this move was invalid, they began to use sacred punishment. This aggressive divinity sent them back to the abyss.

That’s right, the sudden appearance of players caused a certain amount of panic in the holy city. According to the news sent back by Atwell, the church judged that this group of aliens is probably from the abyss.

Even Eagle had this kind of speculation. Atwell was quick-minded, how could he not find some clues.

In addition, with the guidance of Pei Sen, players do more things than before, showing more anomalies, and Atwell has collected more information.

Payson only knew that there were so many players who died in the Atwell pit on the original timeline, but he didn’t know why he had to do so. The reason is here. Atwell, like Eagle, guesses the players are from the abyss!

But at that time, in just three months of internal testing, Atwell was still in the observation stage and did not get so much information. At that time, player activities were not as frequent as this time.

It was also three months, and this time the players did too much!

Because of this kind of speculation, the Guangming Church mercilessly slaughtered the Bix people who “sneaked” into the Holy City of Light.

There is no chance for players to breathe and struggle.

Compared with them, players who choose other birth points are a little bit lucky, but the degree of luck is also relatively limited. The unfriendlyness of npc is a universal phenomenon. Most players born in cities have been countered by local forces. .

As for the worst, those players who chose the bottom “This option is extremely dangerous, please do not choose if it is not necessary”, asked Pessen to say that Bix Rubik’s Cube is really an extremely honest game. It says that simple is really simple. , It says it is really difficult, it says extremely dangerous, then it must be really extremely dangerous!

Those who chose the cities above, although many were killed, have not reached the level of incompatibility. Even the players who were chased and killed by the city guards in the domain of Viscount Frei, hope to escape into the surrounding forests to continue the game. The bitterness is a bit bitter, and it won’t be completely impossible to play.

The players in the Holy City are the same. After the resurrection, many people and the priests of the Guangming Church came in a wave, and then fled in a flurry. Those priests and priests could not chase everyone.

But there are always some players who are standard players. The more the game prompts you not to choose, the more I have to try it. Anyway, it is a game. How can it take me?

However, reality quickly gave them a very heavy blow!

Soon, players posted screenshots of so-called “extremely dangerous” birth spots on the forum, and everyone looked at question marks.

“Are there any such places in the Asian continent?”

“The monsters are too monsters …”

“It’s very character and imaginative. I admire the modeler of this game. I have never seen such a unique monster modeling.”

“Have you ever heard of such a shocking monster in the Asian continent?”

“I don’t know, anyway, the map shows that this is called … the abyss.”

That’s right, Payson didn’t know what psychology the Bix Cube came from, perhaps because of the bad taste, specially chose a dozen birth places in the abyss world.

Judging by the gm character who said “meaning” to Pei Sen, it may be intentional.

Therefore, the players who choose there are really all red names in the four weeks after birth, and all are high-level red names …

Any abyss creature is far stronger in the abyss than the outside world, not to mention all the weak abyss creatures that can drill into the Asian continent from the gap, like the tens of meters high demon burning flames, They can’t do it if they want to drill over.

At this point, the players were killed by these red monsters at the touch of a second. After the resurrection, they even had no place to escape. All the **** densely are abyssal creatures. They are dead and alive. This is extremely dangerous? Is this obviously a place of death?

There is really no chance of survival.

Compared to the players on other servers who have entered the aquatic fiery state, players born on Lan Nuo collar and Shuang Feng collar are already relatively lucky.

According to the strategy of the internal test players, the players of Lanno led to the Golden Rose Manor, joined the Earl of Thorns and Roses camp, learned life skills from Neil and several other NPCs, and then started construction with extremely high enthusiasm Archie, he started the game step by step.

The Frost Maple collar is a little more complicated. Although Eagle inherited the position of the lord, it has limited control over the entire Frost Maple collar. However, it does not prevent players from receiving a task that was actually sent by Pei Sen, toward all majors. City advances.


“The new owner of the Frost Maple Lord, Earl Earl Llano, needs a lot of manpower to help build the Frost Maple collar. He welcomes the warriors of the Bix tribe to join the camp.”

“Note: Players can go to the seven cities of Shuangfeng Collar and join the Thorny Rose camp through the City Hall.”

The players were immediately excited, “Ah, I really like this guided model more than being completely free.”

“Yes, looking at the miserable state of others on the forum, I feel really happy.”

“As long as you join the camp, you can do the task, whether it is a construction task or a money-sharing task to encircle and suppress the Black Rock Gang! You can do it!”

“Although I really want to spend money, is it better to do the contribution contribution task now? Our level is too low now. It is difficult to spend money.”

“The same is said, first brush the construction task to get some contribution value, to change equipment and bet skills.”


Since there are many strategies for internal testing players on the forum, these players have read more or less, even if they don’t see the game white, it is right to run with others.

“But the construction tasks are all led by Lan Nuo. Where does Shuang Feng lead the construction tasks?”

“I’m afraid of something, and now I will have it in the future.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t know how the construction task of Lan Nuo Ling came from? Let’s first hammer the city and then build it.”

“Oh, but do you want to go to Lan Nuo to do the construction task now?”

Of course it is not needed.

Peisen had long considered how to maximize the use of the players’ labor. An Arzi in the Lanno region, for a large group of public beta players, can be built in minutes, and it doesn’t take much time at all.

The construction of Shuang Fengling should also be put on the agenda.

“Master, these villages were burned down in the war before, and now they are in ruins, so that the Bickers can be built first.” Pei Sen pointed to an area on the sheepskin map, “Then I will not I will draw the drawings again, so I can give them their own choices. “

It ’s not his business as to how weird villages were built in the end. Most of the villagers in these villages died in the war, and a small number of them did not know where to go to flee. These villages are still sold to players in the end, and it is their own business to build strangely.

Iger had never thought that Pei Sen said that there are many Bixes who would be this kind of multi-form, and now even the outside of the Red Maple Castle is densely packed with people.

Many players are curious to watch the two most popular npcs in the current game, the Lord Lord Earl of the camp and his personal butler, so many curious players surround the Red Maple Castle.

“Yes, are you going to sell the houses in these villages to these Bixis?”

“Yes.” Peisen looked at Eagle who guessed what he thought at once, “Is it possible, Master.”

Eagle nodded. “There is nothing wrong with it.” He was ready to sell but not to send. The hardworking and hard-working Bix family had received very little remuneration.

“Then this is the place, Master.” Pei Sen circled another area from the map.

Eagle’s memory is excellent, he said thoughtfully, “If I remember correctly, this is a wasteland with swamps?”

“Yes, because of a war a few years ago, this place has been deserted after it was burned to the ground. There is a small swamp nearby. There are small forests and a lake near the swamp. No one lives here. Some Bixians go to reclaim wasteland. “

Eagle surprised, “You let them reclaim wasteland? Do you want them to plant land.” He paused, “Will they be willing to reclaim wasteland?” This is what most civilians are not willing to do.

“Master, don’t underestimate them. Many Bixis are actually very good at farming.”

Especially the Chinese players have a natural love for farming, which is considered a racial talent.

Although Igle was somewhat skeptical, he finally chose to believe in Pessen, “Well, okay.”

Farming is farming, anyway, the land is barren and barren.

“In addition, young master, we can entrust the city of health, defense, public security and even any paperwork to this group of Bixians. Of course not now, it is necessary for them to complete certain tasks and gain our trust.”

Eagle was silent for a moment, “Person, do you want them to be the branches that manage Frost Maple? But they …” They are people of a different world after all, in case they suddenly disappeared one day just as suddenly Doesn’t Shuang Fengling want to be completely paralyzed?

No, you ca n’t think like this. If all the Bixians disappear, would n’t Persen also disappear?

Eagle rejected this assumption.

“Master, don’t worry, I don’t want them to manage Shuangfeng collar. I mean, let them do some temporary work, very short-term.”

It is very unreliable for players to engage in long-term work in the game, because they will be offline, or they may have something in reality, and naturally put the game in the second place.

However, Pei Sen wanted to give them more tasks, so that the players would not be doing anything all day, and they began to think about it more and more, which may cause some unexpected damage.

Eagle understood, “Yes, is there any?”

He was able to see that, in order to arrange this large number of Bix, Pessen seemed to hurt his brain.

“Person, in fact, you don’t have to have that kind of headache. In addition to the construction, farming, and management things you said, I also have a good suggestion that allows them to use their extra energy.” Eagle said with a smile.

Pei Sen looked over in surprise, “Master mean?”

Eagle looked at him, and his eyes became sharp for a moment, not at all like a 15-year-old boy.


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