[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

Future Possibilities

The next morning, like it was fate, he got a call from Song Yang.

They hadn’t spoken since the party, where the bastard promptly ditched him to have some lovers spat with Fu Ruxing. Considering all the exposure he got there, Jun Yibai felt it was not a loss but he was still a bit annoyed.

Had the call last night not come, he’d have written it off as nothing. Yet the fact that Song Yang called hours after the warning made him wonder if there was something going on.

Still, he chose to take the call. While the Song’s might be questionable, Song Yang was just Song Yang . He was too straightforward to get involved in anything insidious.

As soon as he picked up the call, he heard Song Yang’s excited voice.

“Jun Yibai, you really are too lucky!” He exclaimed, somehow sounding smug and embarrassed at the same time. “You must have saved the nation a few times to have the honor of meeting me~”

“First thing in the morning, you are acting annoying.” He grumbled back, feeling his wariness fade. This was indeed the Song Yang he knew. “I will hang up if you called just to annoy me.”

They weren’t even really friends. If anything, they were mere acquaintances yet Song Yang acted like they were blood brothers at times like this.

Did he want something?

“H-hey now! Don’t hang up.” He begged, his tone shifting. “I called because I wanted to help you.”

“Out of the goodness of your heart, I’m sure.” He huffed, recalling the last time. “Who do you need to impress this time?”

“My uncl- I mean, there's no one!” He stammered, panicking a bit. “I just want to help out an old classmate.”

They both knew that was bullshit but they weren’t in the kind of relationship where exposing that was necessary. They used each other, plain and simple.

“Fine.” Song Yang sighed. “My uncle is hosting a sort of recruiting event at one of his smaller companies. They want some university students with relevant degrees to do a project for the company. If you get a high enough evaluation, there's a chance of getting recruited early with the company covering your expenses.”

“There's a project like this?” He asked, suspicious about the offer. It feels way too good to be true.

“It is open to anyone studying business but generally only offered to seniors or at least second-year students.” He explained, casually dropping this insider knowledge. “The professors at high-end universities all know about it and allow their best students to participate. All you need is a recommendation from your professor to be eligible. After that, there are some other tests but just getting that far is a good starting point.”

What he said made sense. Such a project would allow students with promise to get a taste of the business world and allow employers to scope out good candidates early on. It’s a win-win.

Yet Jun Yibai still felt a bit unsure.

“Won’t they look down on a first-year participating in the project?” He wondered out loud.

“Dude, you’re a beta on scholarship. They’ll be looking down on you, regardless.”

That was true.

He wondered whether it was a good idea to take the opportunity. It wasn’t a backdoor deal since it was open to all university students and he’d still need a recommendation first. All in all, it was just an opportunity to make his name known in the business world early on.

Yet the warning from last night still echoed in his ear.

Wasn’t it strange for him to receive this call the very next day? It made him wonder if there was more going on.

Being a fairly straightforward guy, Jun Yibai chose to just ask the question on his mind. “Is there anything going on with your family?”

“Huh? Why are you asking me that?”

“Just curious.”

“Bullshit. The Jun Yibai I know isn’t so nosy.”

With that, his inquiry was shut down and Jun Yibai was left with the choice.

He could trust Song Yang’s words and try for this project or ignore it to keep himself from being associated further with the Song’s.

The few rumors that slipped out about the Song family conflict made him tempted to choose the latter option. It would be smart to keep from getting too close, even if it was just Song Yang.

Yet he recalled Li Suren’s words from long ago.

“Sweetie is super smart, second only to me. How can any college refuse a chance at taking you?”

While the guy had taken the opportunity to brag about himself, he also had complete confidence in the beta. He acknowledged his skills and encouraged him to strive for more.

He was sure if Li Suren was beside him, he’d declare it would be an obvious choice. That he should go for it if the chance is in front of him.

Imagining the omega’s narcissistic boasting of the both of them, a smile formed on his lips.

He suddenly wanted to tell Chen Guiren and Li Suren about this. To ask them what they thought and listen to them fight over who was more confident of his future success.

He… missed them.


Pushing aside his hesitation, Jun Yibai chose to return home early. After thinking it over he decided to go for the project and headed straight to his university. While his professor was surprised he knew about it, the omega smiled happily.

“You’ve been doing so well in my class, so I was hoping to introduce the project to you if things kept up as is.” He stated, going through some of his papers. “You show a good foundation for understanding the material. Perhaps a few more classes and you’d qualify.”

“I don’t now?”

“Technically, no.” He replied, looking sheepish. “The organizers prefer at least second-year students since they’ve taken more classes and have a better understanding of the subject than first years. Moreover, a lot of first years tend to start business degrees with high expectations but lose drive as the year goes on. Giving such an opportunity to those who might not pursue the study fully is a bit…”

The words went unfinished but it was clear that the professor felt it wasn’t fair to the more dedicated students.

Jun Yibai deflated, feeling like he was choking on his disappointment. While he understood the reason, hearing it was frustrating.

“I… understand.” He mumbled, his voice low and devoid of emotion. “Then I’ll just go.”

The professor watched his favorite student slump his shoulders as if he were carrying the world on his shoulders. He hadn’t meant to sound heartless.

“W-wait!” He called out, stopping the young man from leaving. “I told you that they prefer second years but the opportunity is open to first years. I-it's just that the criteria for entering it is a bit more difficult.”

It would otherwise be unfair to the upperclassmen who studied through the years if underclassmen had the same criteria for eligibility.

The project was designed to find budding young students with drive so the test had to reflect the level of dedication the student had put into it.

“The test you’ll have to take is a lot more difficult than the one for second years since you won’t have as much knowledge. Moreover, you still have to pass your classes on top of all that so most applicants wait until they have fewer or no classes to take this opportunity.”

Otherwise, it's just stressful and difficult. Most students who try to juggle both end up failing one or the other.

“I’ll do it!”

Jun Yibai didn’t want to wait for another chance. If he hesitated, he’d talk himself out of going for it next time.

The professor was a bit surprised. The Jun Yibai he’d seen in class was studious, quiet and almost indifferent when it came to other people. Even when students were talking behind his back, he didn’t show any concern, doing his work diligently.

He’s a bit louder than I thought. The omega thought, nodding his head. He was happy to see his student show such ambition.

“The deadline for the program is coming up, so you won’t have a lot of time to study.” He explained, making sure Jun Yibai understood his situation. “I can sign you up for the qualifying exams but the rest will be up to. I can’t recommend you otherwise.”

Jun Yibai nodded, feeling excited. The fact he was given this opportunity at all made his chest burn with determination. It was like when he was competing with Li Suren for first place on their exams.

The desire to call Li Suren or Chen Guiren to tell them the news was making the beta antsy.

Considering the three of them weren’t a couple yet, he could forgive them but it felt like he was allowing himself to be wronged. They were the ones in the wrong so why should he go up to them first?

He could tell Yang Ru but he didn’t want her to be the first. Moreover, it was just a qualifying test, so what news would he be giving?

He sighed, looking over the texts he’d received. Neither Li Suren nor Chen Guiren had texted or called him since he’d put his foot down. He was glad they were giving him the space he’d asked for but pissed that neither had apologized yet.

It was all just excuses.

If they couldn’t even be bothered to apologize, how could he forgive them?

With that depressing thought, he headed back to the apartment, already feeling more at home there than with his parents. It was a comfortable space where he didn’t have to keep an eye out for a malicious roommate or stifle his words to keep his father happy.

Just a nice, peaceful place.

Yet upon opening the door, he saw that the place was a mess. Various objects were strewn across the floor as if a fight had gone on.

The security for the building was top-notch since he was sure many influential people lived here so he was sure it wasn’t a burglar. He could only assume his other housemates had come home while he was gone.

Yet they left a mess? He sighed, reaching down to clean up. While he wasn’t their maid, he was living here rent-free so the least he could do was make sure the place was clean.

Plus it gave him time to plan out his options.

His classes weren’t too difficult but it was only the beginning and he knew things would get more complicated as time went on. So he had to make sure to keep up. Moreover, he had to prepare for the qualifying exam and participate in the program on top of his current and future classes.

It was going to be a busy and chaotic time going forward so he needed to plan accordingly.

That also meant he wouldn’t have time to deal with his issues with Chen Guiren and Li Suren.

Satisfied by the now clean room, Jun Yibai went to his bedroom, frowning when he saw it ajar.

Has Li Suren stolen his clothes again? He really didn’t understand that guy's obsession with his laundry. Was it an omega thing, or something?

Yet despite expecting the mess in his room, he was shocked by what he found.

If it was just a messy room, he’d be mildly annoyed but unphased. It wasn’t the first time and he usually got his clothes back by the time laundry day came around. The omega even made sure his sweaters and shirts were clean and ironed when returned.

But today he found Li Suren on his bed, surrounded by a ring made up of what he could only assume was the laundry he’d left before his trip to his parent's house.

For the first time in a week, he saw Li Suren, yet he looked nothing like he had before. The omega was haggard looking, his usually keen eyes sunken from lack of sleep and his face flushed.

Worried, Jun Yibai rushed over, his senses not keen enough to notice the heavy scent hanging in the air. An omega would dart out of the room, feeling the instinctual need to keep away from another omega’s newly made nest. An alpha would clench their fist, rooted to the spot and tempted by the sweet smell of an omega in heat.

A beta, however, just saw a sick person and darted inside.

“Hey, Li Suren! Suren, are you okay?” He asked, jumping onto the bed and scattering the clothes. “Shit, why are you so warm yet lurking about in here like an idiot?”

This guy! He was sick yet decided to recover in his room? He had his own room and they were in a fight so why stay in his room?

Jun Yibai's hands roamed over the flushed omega’s skin, trying to determine if he had a fever or not. He was certainly warm and a bit sweaty but not nearly hot enough to indicate a fever. Still, it was better to be sure than assume and be wrong.

Jun Yibai pulled away but was stopped by a hand wrapping around his wrist. Li Suren’s eyes were hazy and unfocused but his grip was firm as he whined wordlessly.

Knowing how needy sick people were, Jun Yibai showed no annoyance. If anything, his voice became gentle as he coaxed the omega.

“I’m not leaving. I just want to go and get some water.” He assured his friend, placing a hand on Li Suren’s cheek. “I’ll take care of you, okay? Don’t you want that?”

Li Suren’s dark eyes watched him, slowly taking in the other's words. His senses were dimmed by the heat and while he was satisfied sexually at the moment, he still desired company. This person wasn’t a threat to him, his nest or his mate so he wanted this person to stay.

But he wanted to leave to take care of him? How did that make sense?

Yet the omega believed him.

He nodded, loosening his grip on the beta’s wrist as he stared at him.

Seeing Li Suren so weak and obedient was leaving Jun Yibai with a strange feeling. The omega was usually so willful and arrogant yet now he rested his cheek on the beta’s palm like a kitten.

It looked really cute.

So he moved quickly, getting some water bottles and snack foods for the omega to munch on. When he got back, he saw Li Suren staring at the door like a pet waiting for his owner's return.

Damn him for being so cute when they were still fighting.


Far away, in the city that Jun Yibai had left, there was a mansion on a hill. It was isolated, as anyone wanting their privacy preferred.

Despite this preference, there was another person on the premises.

“I don’t recall extending an invitation to you.” Yan Ju growled, suppressing his desire to attack the man in front of him.

He already had to get past his mate daring to go out with another man. Had that guy not been a beta, and therefore not a threat, he’d have had him ‘disappear’ long before the second ‘date’.

The fact he was associated with the Gu’s was a surprise but not one he put a lot of stock into. His being mated to the Chen and Li family heirs pushed it over the edge.

One strong family was something he could handle but three? Way too much trouble for just some mundane beta.

He had been in a good mood before this. He repaid the beta for setting his woman straight and had suitably made his affections clear to that wonderfully airheaded mate of his. If she could get out of bed after his claim of her, he would not be Yan Ju.

But just as he was cuddling with his beloved, this fucker dared show up at his door. An alpha, so close to his mate, it was infuriating!

“Again, I apologize for showing up so unexpectedly.” Gu Chen replied, pointedly ignoring the man’s ire. While the two weren’t on equal footing, Yan Ju and his elder brother were business partners so he had to give him a little face. “I just came for some information.”

“This couldn’t be done over the phone?” Yan Ju shot back, baring his teeth. “Requests are to be done that way for a reason.”

His role as an information hub was supposed to be under wraps. The only reason this kid knew was because his older brother was heavily involved in his work. No one outside the Gu heirs knew about it.

Yet he showed up at his house at this ungodly hour like an idiot?


“So what?” Yan Ju was taken aback by the response.

“I asked you to look into the matter from before, right?” Gu Chen leaned forward. “The Cinderella article from a few years back.”

Yan Ju sighed, realizing this bastard really came for something boring like this. He briefly wondered just how much the elder Gu valued his brother.

Still, he took this guy's money so he had to relay the information. “Those a dime a dozen. Popular media and the like.”

It's why he didn’t bother pressing the matter when Gu Chen forgot to check in about it. He had sent the info as was his duty but if his client didn’t follow up, why bother remembering?

“Not a lot of articles talk about some no-name guy booking two big shots at once. Nor do those stories get the attention of the Song family.”

While the Song family wasn’t the most powerful in the city, they were the most infamous. They mostly dealt in less than savory pursuits, only recently trying to ‘clean up’ their image with regular jobs. It's said that one of their younger generations had caused quite some trouble in the past which forced them to pull away from their past dealings.

As such, getting their attention was never a good sign.

“You asked me to look into that kid, the beta.” Yan Ju vaguely recalled his initial research. Had he not called Jun Yibai just a few hours ago, he would have had to look into his files to remember a case so boring. “He’s completely mundane, though a bit smarter than average for a beta.”

Most beta’s never bothered to try. Why bother when an alpha will outpace them without even trying? So seeing a beta not only make the attempt but pull himself just a bit above was novel.

“For a guy surrounded by geniuses, that's saying something.” Gu Chen noted, echoing the older man’s thoughts. “Yet I saw him with Young Master Li before. How do they know each other?”

“It's in the report I gave you.” Yan Ju gave the young alpha an ‘Are you fucking serious’ look. “I guess that he's the Cinderella from back then.”

“Obviously but that's not the problem.” Gu Chen seethed, barely restraining his frustration. “One of the Song bastards has been looking into him. And it's not the first time either.”

Yeah, that was him too, though he’d only been tasked with getting the kid's name at the time. Getting two requests on the same person wasn’t new but made him just a bit curious at the time. Still, client confidentiality and all that.

Yan Ju deflected. “Perhaps it's because the youngest is friends with him?”

“We both know they wouldn’t give a shit about something like that. Moreover, why look into a beta like that? Even if he had ill intentions, there's not much he could do as a regular citizen to harm them. Even if he somehow got insider information, they could silence him without anyone knowing. Yet all they do is watch him? For that long?”

No matter how one saw it, it was weird.

Jun Yibai was not special. Sure, he was associated with Chen Guiren and Li Suren but rich people being close to the lower classes wasn’t something to pay attention to. After all, there was a reason being called a Cinderella wasn’t anything special. It was pretty common actually.

The only thing about Jun Yibai that stood out was the fact that he had been observed by the Song family since middle school, well before that article came out.

It's why Yan Ju had risked his reputation by warning Jun Yibai in the first place. The Song’s were up to something and that insignificant beta had no way of protecting himself. Yan Ju had no idea what those two heirs wanted with that guy but unless they were serious about him, that beta wouldn’t be safe.

Outside that, however, it wasn’t his business. He only relayed the information that was requested. How that info was used was not his concern.

“As I said, all the information you requested is in the file I sent you. If you want an updated file, go through the proper procedures.” Yan Ju explained, his tone telling the younger man that the matter was done.

Gu Chen bit his lip, wishing he wasn’t intimidated by the older man. He was an alpha too but the hierarchy was very clear. Yan Ju was stronger than him so he had to submit.

Begrudgingly, Gu Chen walked out of the mansion, the elder alpha’s last words echoing in his ears.

“The next time you come to my home with my mate inside, I will forget about past friendships and put a bullet through your skull. Don’t test me.”

Damn, that means he might have to ask that beta questions directly if the file in hand doesn’t help.


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