[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Medical Intervention*

AN: I had this chapter planned some time ago and I’m so glad I actually get to use it. You guys have no clue how many scenes go unused because I wrote them long before they would happen and then found that they don’t fit anywhere. I hope I can keep the other scenes I wrote and make them fit.

Warning: snowball. That is all.


Chen Guiren wasn’t expecting a lot from this evening.

He and Li Suren had been working together to get a business off the ground for months now and were in the final stages of making it a reality. Really, all they needed now were investors.

Cue the man in front of him now.

Young Master Gu was a target for them due to his impeccable reputation and his intuition when it came to investments. If he got involved, it was sure to be a money-making fountain.

That and he had some ties to the darker side of the business so he wasn’t going to flinch at Chen Guiren’s more aggressive tactics.

This was a plus for the alpha, as he wasn’t planning on moving away from his roots. His father was involved in that life too, only pulling back when he got with his slightly more straight-laced husband years later.

But that life didn’t let go easily so the threads they still had were very useful when it came to business. Everyone had something to hide, after all.

Young Master Gu, on the other hand, only really had his omega girlfriend. It wasn’t something Chen Guiren was willing to touch but it was something he was willing to take advantage of.

Said girlfriend worked as a waitress at a certain club despite having a rich boyfriend. Said boyfriend often accompanied her, staying in a room nearby so they could leave together. This is where Chen Guiren’s shameless behavior came in.

Chen Guiren had come in and asked for a short meeting with the man in exchange for some info he wanted. Something about his girl's relative who had skipped town after Young Master Gu had gone after them. He didn’t know the details but he could easily assume he didn’t have anything positive to say to them.

It got his foot in the door and gun to his head. But it also got him a chance to talk business with the man so it was a win in the end.

Interestingly enough, the club he had cornered the older alpha in was the same one his master was visiting with that omega guy. The men he sent to follow him couldn’t get many details but apparently, the omega had a girlfriend who invited them.

Inviting her boyfriend to such a place was weird. Weirder still to let one's girlfriend work in such a seedy place. Then again, he was sure the girl he’d seen with Young Master Gu prior to their meeting wasn’t his girlfriend. She had called him ‘uncle’ and slipped away to meet her boyfriend.

Chen Guiren briefly wondered if there was a connection between the two but found that he couldn’t care less.

Despite the weird way things started, their talk went well. The man was already interested in their business ventures and had sought to inquire about their plans before Chen Guiren had shown up. Chen Guiren remained calm, knowing that showing too much enthusiasm would lead to being taken advantage of.

If he and Li Suren wanted to make this happen, they had to be smart.

Then, for no reason at all, everything went to shit.

It started with a phone call that Young Master Gu had answered with a curious urgency. Chen Guiren had assumed it was his girlfriend calling. He’d have complained but if master had called, he’d do the same.

Speaking of. He checked his phone, smiling as he saw the little blue dot on his tracking app. Knowing Master was so close by and under his ‘watch’ was very satisfying. His inner alpha loved the thought of knowing where his beloved mate was at all times.

Maybe after this was done he could-

Young Master Gu jumped from his chair and was out of the room before Chen Guiren could utter a word.

He had wondered why the stoic man who remained stern and unflappable had rushed out of the room after a single short phone call. He hadn’t even made an excuse, just dashing out the door with a strange scent tinted by rage, fear, and concern.

It had been the first crack and gave Chen Guiren something to work with.

Seeing an opportunity to check in on his master, he went over to make sure his beta was okay. Yet all he found was his prospective business partner inside and banging on the door. The fact he hadn’t broken it down with his pounding was a testament to the design.

But Chen Guiren didn’t care about any of that. There were a lot of faces in the room but none were his master.

“Xiao Fu!”

“Yes, boss."

“I want to know the how, why and what happened here by morning.” He turned away, knowing his men would get it done long before then.

“Yes sir.”

Chen Guiren left the matter to his assistant, knowing the man would get the information he needed. He didn’t know or care right now.

Master was gone and his cell was lying abandoned on the couch.

The one who took him were beta’s as well, but they wore a cologne that made it easy to track them. That and the mild scent that Chen Guiren had left on Master a few days ago.

He was so relieved that it had remained despite him not meaning to mark him. Had it faded, it’d be impossible to track down a singular beta in this place.

He followed the scent, the muffled sounds of the neighboring rooms making it hard to pin down much of anything. Even so, Chen Guiren continued on, determined to find his man.

When he did, it was a… it was a situation, he assumed. He couldn’t say what happened next as he felt a red haze go over him.

He recalled seeing his master pinned to the ground unconscious and talking of brothels but other than that, he couldn't say what happened next.

It must have been quite a thing because he only came to when he heard his master call out to him.

“-you calm the fuck down, you idiot!?”

Ah, his beloved, sharp-tongued beta!

“Master!” He tried to move toward him but found his arms restrained. Dazed, he saw his subordinates holding him back, clearly having been struggling to keep him from beating those guys to death.

Who were ‘those guys’, you ask? It must be the guys on the floor with blood pooling under them. Unfortunately, they were still alive, his senses told him. It was disappointing.

He didn’t have the power yet to openly kill those he wanted and his fathers would lose their minds if he made such a mess for them to clean up.

Later then, he promised himself

Once he assured his men that he wasn’t about to rip those bastard’s spines out and beat them with it, they finally let him go. From the bruises and cuts on them, he had put up quite a fight before he calmed down.

Damn, he’d have to give those guys a bonus or something later.

He gave the order to restrain and secure the men in a separate location. While Chen Guiren wasn’t sure of the details, he knew he’d want to thoroughly ‘interrogate’ them later.

This then led to Chen Guiren’s current situation. It's not good or ideal but as that sly fox might say, it was redeemable.

Chen Guiren stood outside the restroom he’d cleared out a few minutes ago, keeping watch as his beta retched in one of the stalls. It was smart to try and puke it out but listening was very distressing.

Each panting breath was a reminder that he’d fucked up.

He was Jun Yibai’s alpha. Even if things were not official yet, Chen Guiren had claimed him years ago and swore to keep him safe. Yet despite being only a few rooms away, he let this happen.

It was disgraceful.

“Young master Chen?”

Then there was this asshole!

“I see you’ve taken care of your girlfriend.” He snorted, only giving the older alpha a brief glance before looking away. Young Master Gu was holding his girlfriend in his arms, her body covered but clearly naked under his coat.

Alpha etiquette dictates that he not look at her, especially when she is in heat. She was claimed already, so her scent wasn’t appealing. If anything, even if she was free of the elder man’s claiming bite, Chen Guiren wouldn't feel anything but disdain for her.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened before.

His master was a nice guy, despite his sour look and sharp tongue. An omega in trouble? Obviously, he’d help. Even if he knew she was a nobody, he’d have helped because that’s the kind of guy he was.

Chen Guiren loved that about him, really.

But tonight it led to this.

Another retch echoed from the bathroom, making his scowl deepen.

“We can talk business later.” He snapped, glaring at Young Master Gu. “Go take care of your omega.”

His tone must have sounded rude, as the elder alpha growled at him. “Watch your tone, boy!”

Usually, such a thing would make him falter, as an elder alpha was higher on their unofficial hierarchy than him. Tonight, however, Chen Guiren didn’t feel like acting ‘proper’.

“I’m a little pissed at the moment.” He snapped back, his tone unapologetic. “I can’t do niceties right now.”

“That’s no excuse for your disrespect towards my mate.” He snarled, giving the young man a hard look. “After the night she has had, she doesn’t deserve to be spoken to like that.”

The air was tense. If not for his girlfriend in his arms, Chen Guiren was sure he’d have been bashed into the pavement by this guy. He’d fight back, obviously, but it wouldn’t be a fight he could win just then.

Still, Chen Guiren stood firm, glaring up at the man with an equally harsh look.

“And my man is currently puking his guts out after being beaten on while your mate sleeps restfully in your arms.” He sneered, nodding to the bathroom. Both men could hear the panting gasps as the beta tried to empty his stomach. “You’ll have to excuse me for not feeling too empathetic.”

The elder alpha at least had the decency to look embarrassed by his outburst.

“I will pay back this debt.” The elder alpha muttered after a moment of silence, glancing down at the sleeping woman.

“If you want to, I won’t argue.” Chen Guiren leaned back against the wall, his anger fading just a little bit as he spoke. “All I ask is that you take the deal I proposed to you previously.”

The older alpha gritted his teeth, glaring hatefully at Chen Guiren. He didn’t care. If he won, that was all that mattered. Besides, it was only right he was mad. This was just his revenge.

His previous proposal was a straight-up robbery. The older man would get little from the deal so refusal was expected. It was the plan.

The door-in-the-face technique was what Li Suren had called it.

Chen Guiren didn't care about the name. He just saw an opening. The two of them needed this deal to move forward so being a bit underhanded was a given. Besides, this guy would be making a lot more if things went as planned.

It was a win-win.

Young Master Gu looked ready to punch him but a small sound came from the precious bundle in his arms.

His girl was waking up.

They couldn’t stay. As her alpha and mate, only he could relieve the heat raging through her. Her nap was only a small respite.

He turned and walked away, his assistant handing over his card so they could talk later. Chen Guiren took it, knowing that they would probably try to renege on the deal in their favor. It was a shitty thing to do, to press a man in a stressful situation.

But ask him if he gave a shit about that.


Sometime later, Chen Guiren had helped Jun Yibai into his car, the beta laying down after chugging a whole bottle of water. He still felt hot to the touch but didn’t look too bad.

Chen Guiren ordered the driver to take them to the hospital.

Jun Yibai had puked up a lot but who could say if it was completely out of his system? He had no idea what had even been given to him, let alone what it would do.

Yet again, he wished he’d beaten those men to death like he’d wanted.

He’d beaten the men unconscious and left them tied up on the floor. He’d have killed them for daring to touch his Master but he had a feeling the alpha from before would want a shot at them. His sly fox would be impressed by his tactic of dangling bait in front of their target.

What he wouldn’t be impressed with was the fact he’d lost track of their beta. That said beta had been puking up a lung and felt hot to the touch despite the cool night air.

The sickly sweet scent coming off his feverishly hot skin.

Chen Guiren wasn’t a doctor but he knew this wasn’t right.

He also knew someone who would know what was going on.


“Why are you calling me?” Li Suren’s voice was sharp and impatient, much like Chen Guiren’s mood. But he couldn’t let it show.

“Quick question.” He cut in, glancing over at the man next to him. “Hypothetical, really. What would happen if a beta took a heat inducer?”

It had occurred to him that the stuff given to Master must be a heat inducer. Their original target was young master Gu's girlfriend after all. If they wanted to ruin her, a normal aphrodisiac wouldn't do against a claimed omega.

“A heat inducer?” Li Suren’s tone took on a suspicious tone, worrying the alpha. But he couldn’t back down now. “Where would he get something like that?”

“Does it matter? This is hypothetical.”

Shit, Master was sweating a lot now. Even the open window didn’t look to be cooling him down.

“Right,” Li Suren continued on, unaware of the mild freakout his partner was experiencing as he saw the beta, unbutton his shirt. “Well, since he isn’t an omega, he’d need to go to the hospital. Omega hormones can be harmful to those who aren’t omega’s.”

“Harmful how?” He gulped, staring hard as the skin was exposed. His throat, perfect for his bite. His collarbone, so angular and tempting.

But Li Suren's next words cooled his ardor.

“There's a chance of it turning them into an omega but the odds of that are astronomically low and are more likely to cause long-term illnesses.” He explained clinically. “Infertility, muscle degradation, tumors, and possibly lack of sexual response to stimuli.”

“A-all that from a heat inducer?”

“It's a drug made to induce estrus in omegas.” He snapped back, as if it was obvious that such a thing would happen. “What do you think would happen if you tried to force a square peg through a round hole? You can’t give medicine to people who don’t have the part and expect anything good.”

“Sh-” Chen Guiren sucked in a breath, seeing that Jun Yibai had finally undid his shirt and was now tossing it aside. “I see. Are there some other means of helping someone in this situation?”

Oh fuck, Master! He thought, suppressing a growl. Those months working on construction sites were the best idea ever!

Jun Yibai had always been fit but good god was there a power that hadn’t come in the last time he saw the beta shirtless. He was still young so there was room to grow but the firm valley of muscles that he had hidden under those dumpy shirts was mouth-watering.

Damn, he was getting harder by the second!

“Considering that heat inducers make the subject horny, you could probably help if they get off.” Li Suren continued, unaware of the temptation he’d placed before his partner. “I’m not sure. Testing on humans has never been tried but it might help. I-”

“Got it.”

Before the omega could speak another word, Chen Guiren hung up, quickly shutting the phone off. He knew the omega would call back but he couldn’t let anyone interrupt him. Not even Li Suren.

He turned to Jun Yibai, who was wrestling with his pants, trying to force them down. It was cute how frustrated he was. So much so, he hadn’t even bothered to undo the buttons.


He was absolutely sure his voice wasn’t normal just then. No, it was barely him speaking. This was an alpha talking, making it clear that his intentions were anything but chaste.

An omega would have melted at the subtle growl that echoed underneath his words. Their instincts told them in no uncertain terms where this was going.

His master, however, wasn’t an omega.

“Stop with the growling!” He snapped back, even as he pressed down his erection. An erection, he was sure, that had spilled just a little at his growl. “You’ve already made a mess of this and I don’t need a headache on top of everything else.”

“The only thing aching is that cock of yours, right?” He cooed, crawling over to the beta’s side. “I could help with that, you know?”

Don’t be gross.

That’s what his master would usually say in response to his offer. While Chen Guiren had never been this vulgar, he had put it out there that he was willing to ‘help a bro out’ on more than one occasion. It was always refused and the matter dropped.

Tonight, however?

Jun Yibai stared down at him, at the alpha crawling across the car floor to kneel before. His eyes were predatory but not touching the beta at all. Not daring to.

This was his master after all.

It felt strange to be so submissive but waiting for permission didn’t feel bad. If anything, the anticipation was making him more aroused. Even if his offer was rejected, the thought of kneeling between the beta’s thighs was enough to have him spill in his pants.

Please, Master, say ye-


Jun Yibai parted his thick thighs, the smell of his arousal perfuming the air. It was a musky smell, a smell only belonging to a man who was close to spilling his seed. It was a mating call.

A call Chen Guiren was all too eager to answer.


Chen Guiren crawled in between those thick thighs, reveling in the warmth he was being surrounded by. There wasn’t much space, as the seats were only so wide and Chen Guiren’s shoulders were much broader than expected.

This led to the frustrating situation of the alpha being unable to get close to Jun Yibai’s groin. The beta couldn’t part his legs that wide.

That didn’t stop the foolish man from trying, thrusting his hips forward, seeking just a bit of friction. Something to ease the heat growing inside him.


Jun Yibai grabbed hold of Chen Guiren’s hair, messing up those silky black locks, and tugged it forward. The action forced him to rest his thighs on the alpha’s broad shoulders but it was worth it to feel him pressed against his shaft.

The subtle breaths on his pants. The added heat of another person.

It was something for the horny beta.

To Chen Guiren, it was heaven.

He was close, only separated by a few layers of clothing. Even the mild sting of the zipper on his cheek was setting his head into a fog. Just a tear and he’d be pressed against the cock he’d been dreaming about fondling since their teens.

The cock he’d sworn he’d one day worship like a proper servant to his master.

“Master!” He cried, rubbing his cheek and lips over the bulge, wanting to get closer but not daring to. Master was his master so he couldn’t be willful. No, he was going to show the beta what they could be like if the man just gave him a chance.

He’d submit to him.

“Don’t-” Jun Yibai sucked in a breath as Chen Guiren ran his teeth over his covered shaft. The jeans held firm but the scrape of those teeth had him gasping for air. “Don’t just rub it like a cat! You said you’d help me, so do it!”

A clear order. And one Chen Guiren was happy to obey.

Chen Guiren reached out, his claws extending for a moment to do that which needed to be done.

“Hey!” Jun Yibai cried out as he watched Chen Guiren cut the seam to his jeans. It was only one side but seeing it tear so easily must have been a shock. “My pants are-”

“I’ll get you another pair later.” Chen Guiren’s reply was curt, which he regretted a second later when the beta pulled on his hair again, pulling him away from his heavenly scent. It hurt but brought him back to reality as his beta stared down at him.

“Don’t get arrogant with me, alpha!” He snapped, his lust-misted eyes glaring down at him. “Behave yourself and hurry up.”

Usually, when someone was addressed in a sexual situation, the roles would be reversed. The alpha would be pinning the partner down and dominating. The utterance was a sign of submission from the speaker, as they only called their partner that when their rational mind was gone and their most primal self was at the forefront.

It was the ultimate seduction.

Chen Guiren should be dominating Jun Yibai. It wouldn’t even be a problem to do. His master was strong but not stronger than him. He could pin the beta down and do anything he likes. Force the man who had set him ablaze to submit to him.

But that wasn’t what the alpha wanted.

He wanted to kneel at his feet. To submit to the man whose voice echoed in his ears whenever he jerked off. Whose firm hand he’d fantasized about encircling his throat to make him behave. The one who dared use his secondary sex as a means to chastise him in such a situation.

Fuck, he loved this man.

“I’m sorry, Master.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the beta’s bare thigh. It was conciliatory, seeking forgiveness for his audacity. “I’ll be good. Please just relax.”

Chen Guiren gave the beta a pleading look, his attempt at being cute. He doubted it worked. He was not cute and would never be mistaken for cute. He could, however, look sad and his beta was soft-hearted under all that grumpiness.

Like clockwork, Jun Yibai scowled at him before turning away.

“Just get on with it.”

Chen Guiren smiled, revealing his prize hidden under jeans and underwear. It looked so appetizing, his shaft straining underneath the fabric of his boxers. Even better when he saw it in the flesh.

It’s almost a shame that no one else will ever get a view like this. He let out a breath, admiring his beta. His cock wasn’t as big as Chen Guiren’s but compared to the average beta, he was sure this was above.

I suppose that sly fox will like this.

The thought brought him back to the situation at hand, souring his mood once more.

Again, he cursed those fuckers for this. Had it just been a normal aphrodisiac, he could have taken his time to explore his master as he liked. Trace his tongue over every vein. Play with the tip like a lollipop or even let his senses be suffocated by licking his balls.

But no! He had to rush through this gift he’d been presented lest his beloved become impotent.

He swore he’d sashimi those bastards' dick off when he got the chance.

With a mournful sigh, the alpha moved up and pressed his tongue to the bell-shaped tip. Master’s hip jumped at the contact, possibly to either move closer or away but Chen Guiren pinned his hips with his hands.

He, unfortunately, had to hurry things along as the sweet scent was getting more intense. His concern was the very faint bitter tint that was starting to rise.

Chen Guiren wasted no time, sinking onto the shaft as both he and Master let out a long groan of pleasure. It was heaven.

Chen Guiren had dreamed of being in this position but the reality was beyond what he could imagine. The mild pain of stretching his mouth open so wide, the heat of the shaft radiating in his mouth, and the taste were fogging his mind.

For just a moment, Chen Guiren wished Jun Yibai was an alpha like him. That he’d get to feel the base of his cock swell up and press against his lips like a stamp. That he’d use that aggressive and domineering attitude to force it deeper into his mouth. Down his throat.

Better yet, knot his mouth so they could stay connected longer.

Force him to drink all of his cum like one should for their master.

“Master~” He groaned, the shaft making his words unintelligible. But that didn't matter anyway, as his words just made his tongue and throat shudder around Jun Yibai’s shaft, making it drip just a bit more of that sweetness.

“D-don’t just sit there!” Master gritted out from clenched teeth. “If you won’t let me fuck your mouth, then get on it yourself, Alpha!”

Master wasn’t an alpha but damn did he talk like one sometimes.

The thought of Jun Yibai being an alpha was tempting but he ultimately thought better of it. While exciting, he’d then have to contend with some omega pairing up with him and stealing him from him and Li Suren.

They both knew Li Suren could never be Jun Yibai’s fated pair in that world.

He’d have to make up for it this time.

He pulled off the beta’s cock, ignoring the beta’s cry of frustration. Even when he grabbed hold of his hair and tried pulling it back to the straining cock, Chen Guiren resisted.

Instead, Chen Guiren reached up to grab and restrain Jun Yibai’s wrists, pinning them above his head. Perhaps it was due to the drug but when the alpha had secured the beta’s hands above with the seatbelt and headrest, there was little resistance.

At least physically.

“Chen Guiren, you fucker!” Jun Yibai snapped, glaring at him even as he swiveled his hip in search of his touch. The car was filled with the scent of his arousal and it was clouding the alpha’s mind.

But not enough to make him forget how dire things were.

“Master!” Chen Guiren shoved the beta’s shirt up, revealing his broad chest and generous pecs to the open air. Seeking forgiveness, he leaned in to suck his nipple, his hands returning to his shaft to get him off.

The beta’s loud groan was music to his ears.

“Master, baby, I’m so sorry about this.” Chen Guiren pleaded, pumping his fist with strong and fast strokes, squeezing the head with each pass. “This isn’t how I wanted it to be the first time but I promise not to do too much. I’ll be good and serve Master properly so please forgive me.”

He watched as the beta tried to keep up with his strokes, failing to keep up as he used his own saliva to ease the action. All the while, Chen Guiren paid tribute to the chest he’d only seen a few times and yearned to bury his head in. The reddish nipples he’d sought to lick, kiss and bite since forever ago.

He wished he could use both hands but his other one was clenching hard on his own shaft, trying to stave off an orgasm that was threatening to humiliate him if he let it. Everything was setting him off and if he let go for a second, he’d spill in his pants like a loser.

He was already shit for letting this happen so it was only proper he did not get anything from this.

This was all for Master.

The master calling out to him as his legs kicked out into the open air, chasing after that last bit that would push him over the edge.

That last bit came when the enraptured Chen Guiren accidentally ran his fang over that oh-so-delicious nipple.

“Yes, fuck!” He shouted, his hips rising to match his strokes. Even as his seed erupted from him, he didn’t stop thrusting into the alpha’s fist. “Alpha, don’t stop.”

Chen Guiren shuddered, wishing he could do more. He wanted to taste it, to let the musky taste of his master spread on his tongue, seep into his throat and fill his stomach.

He wanted to be drenched in the scent, to be marked by Jun Yibai’s cum.

Yet he’d failed tonight so he just waited until the beta stopped shaking beneath him, listening as he struggled to catch his breath. Considering how much cum he released, it had to be enough right?


Despite being restrained, his master was a demanding partner. When Chen Guiren tried to move away to clean up, Jun Yibai hooked his leg around his and pulled him closer.


Jun Yibai looked up at him, his eyes misty but burning with lust. “More…”

“M-more?!” His hand was drenched! Surely he couldn't…

But there it was! A proud erection that looked no more satisfied than before. Hell, it looked harder, making Chen Guiren lick his lips as he imagined easing that pain he knew his master was suffering from with his throat.

Perhaps he said it out loud, since the beta cursed, bringing Chen Guiren closer.

“Fuck, I need more.” He snapped, grinding on the alpha like a proper omega in heat. But the words he spoke were nothing like an omega. “Get down there where you belong and suck it!”

Oh god, he was gonna spill.

Chen Guiren didn’t say a word, taking his proper place between his master’s thighs and opening wide. He was eager but this wasn’t for him. He needed to keep his hands to himself if he wanted to keep from cumming in his pants tonight.

Jun Yibai, on the other hand, wasted no time. He claimed the alpha's mouth with a single determined thrust, their mutual moans echoing through the car.

“I knew you could be good if you tried!” He panted, his hips pressing deeper in. When Chen Guiren felt his throat give, he reveled in his master's victorious cry. “You are so good, alpha, taking me so deep.”

Yes! Yes, I’ll be good for you, Master

It was hard to be used like this. It hurt a little and he found it hard to breathe at times. Yet he didn’t mind. He felt safe with Master. Safe so he could slip into that comfortable haze.

Part of him wanted to sink into the haze that was falling over him. It was a nice place, where he and his master were the only ones and he could let go and be… he couldn’t say right then.

He just wanted to be good for his master and sink into that haze.

But if he did, he knew he wouldn’t find his way out on his own. He couldn’t. Now wasn’t the time. He couldn’t lose focus.

This was not for him, damn it.

He squeezed his balls, hoping the pain would stave off his erection. It did not, just making a strange shiver travel through him as his brain took the pain and the pleasure as the same thing.


Rather than being passive, Chen Guiren tried to make Jun Yibai come faster. He used his tongue to push up against the invading shaft, loving the friction against his palate.

“Yes! I knew my alpha wasn’t a passive slut.” He praised, his leg clenching harder on the alpha’s shoulder. “No, you are a good slut. Knowing how to make me use you harder.”

Yes~ Chen Guiren moaned, his motions taking on a frenzied pace.

“Is that what you want? Tell me, slut.” He demanded, ceasing his movements for a moment.. “Tell me what you want.”

Chen Guiren looked up at Jun Yibai, seeking guidance. In those deep grey eyes, he saw pride. His master loved what was happening. He didn’t look down at him. In those eyes, he wasn’t a slut.

No, he was HIS slut.

“Rougher!” He begged, staring up at him with pleading eyes. “Use me harder, master~”

He didn’t know if his words came out clearly. His mouth was full and his head was way too fuzzy to parse out a coherent thought at that moment. Regardless, Master used him harder. He hooked his leg around Chen Guiren’s neck and back, thrusting into his throat until the alpha was choking.

It was all he could do not to spill right then and there.

It was hard to figure out how long this went on for but he was absolutely sure the car had stopped long before Jun Yibai was done using him.

Whether it was the first, second, or third time, the ‘end’ was not for a while.


It took Chen Guiren a good minute to clean himself up and even then, he was sure he was a mess. His hair was tousled, his suit wrinkled and anyone other than a beta would be able to smell the cum on his skin.

Yet none of this mattered as Chen Guiren carried Jun Yibai into the hospital, meeting the doctor at the entrance. The nurses rushed over, letting him lay the beta down on the gurney as they wheeled him away to be treated.

The sour tint to his scent was still very faint so he hoped the doctors could fix him before something happened.

A few nurses tried to get him to register for Jun Yibai, asking questions to ensure no mistakes were made but he said nothing, turning away to wait in the hall. The nurses frowned but nodded, relying entirely on the records sent over by Jun Yibai’s emergency contact.

It was a good thing he’d called ahead because he was sure if he spoke, it would be bad.

He couldn’t until he saw-

“Chen Guiren, you lousy mutt!”

Ah, apparently the phrase ‘speak of the devil and he shall come’ had some truth to it.

Li Suren stormed over, looking ready to tear his head off.

That was fair.

The omega grabbed him by the collar, never mind that he was shorter and weaker than him. The man was a fiery little thing when angered.

“What the hell happened to him?!” He snarled, clenching his fist. “Why is he in the hospital?”

Chen Guiren said nothing, wrapping his arm around the omega’s waist and carrying him away. The few nurses nearby cordially looked away, possibly assuming that they were about to have a tryst. It was a common occurrence with alpha/omega pairs.

They were only half right.

Chen Guiren walked into one of the empty VIP rooms, strolling past the bed and entering the private bathroom. Locking the door, he stared down at the fuming omega in his arms.

He couldn’t anymore…

Neither could Li Suren, it seems, as the omega charged right back at him.

“What are you-”

Chen Guiren cut him off, knowing he only had this moment to do it. He had to.

He pulled the omega close and kissed him.

There was a moment of shock, which gave Chen Guiren a chance to pry open the man’s mouth with his tongue. His partner was furious, trying to bite him as they fought.

One sought to continue the kiss while the other fought against it. And damn it, did the omega fight. He struggled, clawing at the alpha’s neck as if seeking to slit his throat. He could even smell a bit of blood as it spilled from his neck.

All of it was worth it if he could just-


He felt it, the moment Li Suren relaxed in his arms. When he melted and took his offering.

There, resting on his tongue like a sweet offering, was Jun Yibai’s seed. It had been a privilege to drink it but Li Suren was his partner and deserved to have some too. It was their way of doing things.

“I-is this?” The omega touched his lip, licking the pearl fluid with his devious tongue. His dark eyes misted over as the revelation hit him. He shivered in his arms, his hand clenching in Chen Guiren’s shirt.

“Yeah.” He sighed, feeling relieved that he’d shared this with his omega.

“Give me more, you bastard!”

Li Suren pulled him down once more, smashing their lips together. This time, Chen Guiren was the one being devoured, letting the omega lick and nip as he liked. He was seeking more of that elusive taste, the taste of their beta.

Chen Guiren was content to submit just this once to the omega, knowing he owed him this after fucking up this hard.

Li Suren licked every corner of his mouth, yearning for that taste that Chen Guiren had kept just for him.

“Ah, so good~” The omega breathed, his face flushed. Whether it was from lack of air or their kiss, Chen Guiren couldn’t help but think this guy looked cute when he wasn’t being a fox.

“I have to share Master with you, right?” He replied, wrapping his arms around the man. "Cause he belongs to us, right?”

It was the first time he’d spoken about their agreement in years. It was weird and perverse but somehow they both knew they couldn’t bear to have Jun Yibai and not share him. They might not like one another but they needed each other.

“Absolutely. You might have gotten ahead of me but Sweetie’s seed has to be shared.”

“Right.” He let out a breath, as if relieved to learn it wasn’t only him that felt this way.

Part of him wondered if these feelings were just his own. The desire to own Jun Yibai in all ways yet feeling hollow if Li Suren wasn’t there with him. He knew why he felt that way about the omega but the fact he wanted him outside that, was surprising.

They stood together, wrapped in each other's arms and leaning on one another. Chen Guiren’s heart was racing against Li Suren’s ear but the alpha took solace in the milky sweet scent coming from the omega.

“I’m still mad at you though.” He snapped, glaring up at Chen Guiren. He even pinched the taller man, reveling in his flinch of pain. “How could you let something like this happen to him?!”

Shit, he’d hoped the omega would let their moment go on a bit longer. At least long enough for him to come up with an excuse that could save his ass.

“M-master managed to make an enemy and they are making trouble for him.” He mumbled, feeling bad.

“How much trouble?”

“Enough to make this difficult if it's not handled delicately.” He confessed.

The rumors weren’t really an issue for a beta. It might make things awkward but Jun Yibai wasn’t someone scared of being seen as anything. He was very sure of himself and his mostly antisocial attitude made isolation a weak punishment for him.

On the other hand, he knew better than anyone that things like this didn’t end until the other party submitted. Those two assholes had started petty and were moving on to maliciousness. The effectiveness of the current rumor was negligible but the next one?

Who knew what kind of bullshit they might put out?

Worse, what if the slander actually harmed their beta?

Chen Guiren wasn’t willing to wait for that day. Better to nip it in the bud than fix something already out in the open.

“Ah, is that your way of asking for help?” Li Suren guessed, tapping Chen Guiren’s chin to get his attention. The smirk on his face was annoying. “And if I ask for reimbursement?”

As he thought. Annoying.

“I’ve already made a down payment so it's a given, right?” He shot back, nipping his finger lightly.


The omega pulled away, fixing his attire in the limited space of the bathroom. The mirror showed off his look, handsome and fit, looking like the idle omega partner. Even his lips, which were nice to look at sometimes, were delectably reddened by his kiss.

Considering how annoying this guy was, he shouldn’t have felt pleased that he’d done that to him.

“Still, I told you to keep an eye on him.” Li Suren scolded the alpha, glaring at him through his reflection. “You were already at the club so how did this happen?”

“His roommate and the bitch who started this weren’t involved so I kept my distance.” He explained, leaning back against the door. “Master is a guy with bad luck, it seems. He somehow got dragged into something like this just going out like normal.”

Really, how was it that a guy that hated troublesome things so much ended up in such predicaments? It was really weird!

“Obviously.” His partner sighed, most likely having the same thoughts as him. “But as his intended mates, is it not our job to bring him peace and tranquility? To make his unlucky life a little easier.”

“Says the guy playing house while I work.” He grumbled defensively.

“Who got you that meeting?”


“That’s what I thought.” He turned back, looking as prim and proper as he had when he’d barged into the waiting area like a mother bear on a rampage. “Look, I’ll take care of the university problem while you smooth things over with our would-be partner. We need his investment if we want to get a foothold in the market.”

“I still think this is a bit risky to do alone.” He argued. “If this goes wrong, the fallout will be-”

“Are you scared?”

“Me? No, I don’t care about all that. I have a backup plan for that.” One that would probably mean a lot of bodies and a mess that his fathers would kick his ass over. Still, he wouldn’t regret it for a second. “But if I want to have Master as my husband, I can’t be a bum. Master doesn’t need fancy pillows but I want to give him a good damn chair to relax in.”

Li Suren felt the same way. Their beta wasn’t delicate nor did he need coddling. What he needed was a safe harbor to relax and let himself go. To not be guarded against their affections for fear of… well, whatever held that man back.

They liked the beta. Whether he was ‘Sweetie’ or ‘Master’, he was theirs to show with adoration and care.

Whether he accepted that was a moot point.


AN: So I originally thought to make the car scene a bit differently but it flowed into what I wrote. Originally, Yibai was supposed to be half awake but mostly out of it but it didn’t come out that way. That and I wanted some dirty talk. I don’t get a lot of opportunities to do it so how could I resist the chance!?

I feel embarrassed (////)

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