(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 13 – Awakening

The rain stopped after 3 days. During this time the sick peoples’ number doubled. Some of them didn’t even realized they were infected, because their fever only lasted for 2-3 hours during the night.

Klaye changed the bedding and sighed. Because the book was written about Vincent, these trivial things weren’t mentioned. A doctor accidentally found it out, but they didn’t have the manpower to explore who was infected. They would only know the real number once they awaken their ability. But those abilities, Klaye didn’t have big hope towards them. With such a short time, most of them would be some kind of body’s strengthening.

Egbert helped him clean up the room then ran away. Lex was infected 2 days before and he was eager to spend all his time with him.

Howard was infected yesterday and a servant of his family was looking after him.

Klaye didn’t know if the plants started to change, because only some grasses were left in the city and the forest around them didn’t seems different.

Half of the animals in the zoo were sick and there were 2 pet shops with puppies. The healed peoples got the chance to take care of one of them. They hoped to build feelings between them.

Klaye heard a lot of gossips about these things, but he wasn’t interested. He did his best to become used to his job. After a week his heart calmed down and he was able to do all the works alone.

He didn’t know why, but every afternoon he sat on the edge of the bed and told stories to Vincent. He didn’t mentioned his job or the fact he traveled into those worlds. He only said that they were books he read before. He skipped things he didn’t wanted to tell. In the beginning, he tried to change them, but he realized, even in this kind of situation he couldn’t lie to him.

Lex woke up after 5 days. He was eager to find out what kind of ability he had, but even until Howard woke up 4 days later he couldn’t use it. The 2 guys made a bet about who would be the stronger. No one thought that some days later they would have a fight and awaken their ability. Howard won with his thunder and Lex was miserable. His power was water and it made stronger Howard’s attack against him.

Egbert watched him with shining eyes, but before Lex could say anything he was grasped and dragged into the kitchen. Maybe his ability wasn’t strong, but water was one of the most necessary things.

Klaye heard about it and found it funny. Lex, who wanted to dominate ended up as his wife’s slave.

The days passed slowly and Klaye spend all his time in their villa. He felt safe there while the air slowly changed in the city. Those who awakened their ability slowly realized they weren’t the same as the others anymore. The difference caused problems between them.

Sorrowfully this atmosphere reached their villa. When Klaye brought up Vincent’s breakfast he was able to feel the others looked down on him. He knew because he didn’t have any power he was in a bad position, but he could do nothing but wait. It was the 25th day since Vincent was sick. He tried to remember if the book mentioned exactly when he would wake up. He was afraid with every passing day the chance to have a riot would be bigger. Only the strongest person could control those idiots.

Another 3 days passed but Vincent was still unconscious.

Klaye washed his body and changed his pajamas. He cleaned the room while humming an old song. He was deep in thought and tried to remember where he heard that song. He only reached when he saw the blanket moved.

„Vincent?” he ran to the bed, but he saw the man’s eyes were closed.

He sighed. He didn’t know in the last some days how many times he reached the same way. He knew the sick could move, but the city couldn’t wait. Grandpa Radbert was able to control the soldiers, but the other humans didn’t listen. The stronger they were the more they wanted. They sent out teams to collect food, but they didn’t want to share it. They even chose some buildings for themselves and threw out the others without ability.

Klaye stood next to the bed and thought about a lot of things. He didn’t notice Vincent opened his eyes and moved his hands.

His wrists were grabbed and he cried out from the pain. He was dragged in the bed and Vincent held him down.

Klaye lay on his stomach and his arms were strongly held down on his back. When his pants were pulled down his mind was full of old bad memories. His body froze and he sweated.

„Noooo!” he cried out. He didn’t want to go thought those things again!

He vaguely heard a door being slapped and he realized he wasn’t held down anymore.

He tried to calm down and looked around. He heard the water from the bathroom and he knew Vincent went to take a shower.

He slowly sat up. His pants were useless so he changed into another one.

His legs still shook but he left the room. He didn’t know how to face with Vincent after this incident.

He slowly walked down and left the villa. He wanted to meet with Suzana. Only she could help him to calm down.

It only took him 5 minutes to reach the Machart family’s villa. He saw Suzana in the garden. She was playing with her dogs. She awakened a special ability and could speak with the dogs and command them. The funny thing was that it didn’t work on every dog. They only found 6 in the whole city.

Suzana was reminded by a servant she had a visitor. She stood up and happily ran to Klaye. They didn’t meet in the last 6 days.

Klaye’s fear disappeared during the way and turned into agony. He felt that he was so stupid! He paid too much attention to what happened in the city and he completely forgot the most important thing! Once Vincent woke up his sexual desire would be too strong. The book mentioned he spend 3 days in bed with Gardena without stopping!

He hugged Suzana and cried desperately. He fucked up his one and only chance to have sex with Vincent! Even if he died under him, he would die happily!

He hated himself for being controlled by those old memories. So many years passed, yet he couldn’t step forward.

Suzana patted his shoulder and he felt more miserable. He lived for hundreds of years and still let a little kid comfort him.

Klaye didn’t know how long he cried until he calmed down. He only knew that he didn’t want to go back and spent the night there. They played card games until they fell asleep.

The next day Klaye went out with Suzana and played with the dogs. From the 6, four of them were only some months old. Klaye loved animals, but he wasn’t good to memorize the dogs’ breeds. Not to mention, in the worlds he visited there were differences between them. Once he had a golden retriever and he loved it. Later in another world where he spent years, he bought one online, but the dog he got was a corgi... First, he thought there was a mistake, but after reading some books he realized, they had different names. After it he never cared about the breed, if it was cute he loved it.

Klaye sat on the ground and played with the cubs. „They are so cute! I envy your ability!”

„There’s nothing for you to envy. From more than 300 dogs only 6 can listen to me. It’s too little. I wanted to go out and find more, but grandpa doesn’t let me leave the city! He sent out teams to collect dogs from the near villages, but can you imagine how hard to capture them? And some have abilities too!” Suzana complained.

„... You just want to go out, not?” Klaye knew her too much. She hated to sit still.

Suzana embarrassedly smiled and turned away. „I heard a team will come back today. Let’s go and see if they captured a dog whom I can communicate.”

Klaye just smiled at her and hugged one of the cubs. He played with it while they walked to the closest city’s gate. The other dogs followed them and enjoyed the walk.

Once they reached the gate they saw a lot of cars. The men worked hard to separate clothes, foods and other things. On the side, they saw cages with animals.

Suzana happily ran there too see if she could get at least one new dog.

Klaye slowly followed her and watched the pets. He didn’t know why when he saw one of the cats he felt the urge to hold it and kiss it. He shook his head to wake up and watched the cat again. It seemed to have some kind of mind control ability. Later he would try to ask for its ownership.

He walked away and the cat looked after him with dissatisfaction. She chose this slave and it dared to leave!

I'm back! Sorry for the delay, I was sick and didn't have the power to write. During this time I thought about this story and I have the idea to change it into quick transmigration series. But then it would turn into a harem story and I need to change almost all the tags. So here's the question: Will you guys mind it? Or it's better if I'll write the other worlds in another series?

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