(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

A bond so strong, it hurts

"Howl! Are you trying to leave me alone again? I told you, I'll come with you!" almost leaving the HQ, Eric indignantly looked at Eli who disguised herself. She probably bribed the servants to give her some common Murim clothes.

Goodness, Eric scowled, he had no other choice but to take Eli with him to Hans. No matter what, the plot seemed to want it. 

Fine, you want the main female to be with the MC so badly? I'll take her to him! In return, obey me from then on! I'll make you into a good, readable plot! And don't you dare turn this into harem! I swear! I'll chew you up and throw you into the trash where you belong! 

And so, Eric along with Eli and snuck out to explore Murim.

"I promised to keep you safe. I've to keep my promise to Hans." 

Fucking hell, I wish you never made the promise! I can take care of myself. I might be a dragon but I'm human inside, I know how humans think and won't fall into their traps!

But Eric was actually worried about Eli and of course, the typical princess fish-out-of-water trope activated!

Instead of you keeping me safe, I should be the one! Stop going from stand to stand and fall for these overpriced scams! Damn princess, mingle more amongst peasants! 

Even Eric, a rich scum, knew how the real life world worked!

What's so amazing and attractive about the fish-out-of-water-trope? Eric absolutely hated it whenever his authors wrote these types of stories! Oh no, wasn't he basically a fish out of water? Hmm, we don't talk about this...

Let's rather talk about this princess here, who was usually arrogant and cold, now jumped like a maiden and became a budding beauty. Eric rolled his eyes. Who was this gap moe intended for? Male readers with their delusional harems? Eric, as a male, especially as an editor, never approved of these stories he read online.

Luckily, as a traditional publishing editor, Eric's authors never wrote shit like this. Harem, reverse harem, smut- fuck off and get out flying on the grain of shit we all care about.

Either way, this clumsy, naïve main girl wasn't cute at all. The real waifu material of male's wish fulfilment were strong yet submissive girls. Though rotten females and general readers weren't any better. Cough cough. By now, they ventured further and further than the norm.

"Howl, look isn't this cute?" Eli wore a hairpin and looked at herself in the mirror while she held Eric. The seller moved his tongue at an insane speed and flattered that gap moe to transform into a unifying bridge to satisfy Eric's prejudice.

"Rawr!" Fuck off already and let me go!

"Aww, Howl! Thank you, I also think this suits me a lot!"

Roll eyes once, twice, thrice, million times. Wow, would you look at that? What a surprise! My eyes! They rolled out of their sockets! Mind blown! Yes, princess, you go and be delusional as always. Just don't admit you don't understand anything I say.

Exactly the same as those pet owners, talking to their pets in disgustingly overly sweet voices, pretending to understand what pets say while these highly intelligent animals curse their wannabe owners in 483 made-up languages. Yes, I'm calling at least half of the universe out. No need to thank me! You're welcome.

"Warrrr!!" Damn, my life! Why do I have to suffer like this? A stupid pet dragon, although I'm OP! And ancient! And super triple rare! And ancient!

"Ok, I'll buy it! Hehe, thanks Howl!" satisfied Eli turned to the merchant, "How much?" 

Nooo! Eric wanted to scream, never ask a place where you can bargain, the price! Just give them a price and bargain the hell out of it! 

As expected the merchant greedily eyed this girl up who just reeked of money and gullible fooling material.

"175 gold, but for such a pretty lady like you, I'll give you a discount, 75!"

Eric almost coughed blood. What the hell? This stupid cheap hairpin was by best worth 3 silvers!


SLAM! Of course, this rich girl had no scruples about wasting money and threw it around!

Well, well, Eric was a fool, he did the same on earth but ever since he teleported, Eric knew how important money was because well, Eric was basically penniless and skint.

All his money was on earth and seemed useless in the Demon World, although he had nothing to worry about because Del got everything covered for him. In a sense, Eric was still spoiled.

Eric lazily laid in Eli's arms as she happily skipped down the streets. After knowing his fate was reduced to having to wait for the main girl to find the MC and only then could Howl meet him, Eric relaxed and gave in.

Or so Eric thought. Suddenly his body started to heat up and he got restless. What was happening?

It was a very weird sensation because all of his senses, every limb, every scale of his body told him to head in a certain direction. Then Eric understood.

A sudden silver circle appeared on his chest. It burned and flared and Eric was sure it previously wasn't there. Eric tried his best to shield it from the overly curious Eli but this got increasingly difficult because the yearning was so great, Eric wriggled in Eli's arms which perplexed her.

She looked down at Eric but before she figured what was wrong- SWOOSH

Eric flew out of her arms and at an insane speed disappeared.

"Wait! Howl!" Eli wasn't a captain for nothing. Her speed was insane. Were these new earthers more inhumane than normal earth people like Eric? Of course, this was fiction and who knew when in the future!

But Eric didn't bother with Eli because his body was literally smothering Eric with itchy heat. A thirst had to be quenched. A thirst full of yearning. A thirst only satisfied when the bond was reestablished.

Yes, bond. When the crest appeared, Eric instantly knew what it was. A master-servant bond between him and Hans. Now, it acted up. Only one possible deduction. Hans was nearby and Eric's body, no Howl, or maybe per bond of this contract, all of Eric yearned to see Hans.

With no regards for his thoughts, his body moved on its own, as if any second apart from Hans, corroded every intestine inside his body, poisoned his veins, ripped fibre for fibre, strained muscle and stabbed his heart slowly, enough for excruciating desire and heartbreaking tears to spill.

Eric cursed. He cursed and cursed, hating this damned feeling. Was this Howl's loyalty or Howl's forced-upon fate by this bond? Was Howl every time blindly, against this will, forced to return to his master's side and protect him or did this plot have mercy on the cute pet dragon and it was just Howl's overly endless love for its Master? Eric hoped it was the latter because if it was the former, it was too cruel.

Experiencing this himself, all Eric could describe this process as was- Excruciating. Horrifyingly crucifying. No control over his body, his will and freedom taken from him, his insides turning into lava about to melt his whole existence.

Eric fucking hated it! Just let him see Hans as soon as possible and quench this fire with a ship full of water! 

But plots hated Eric, because this scum editor abused authors and stories a little bit too much, he had reaped the consequences. Flapping his little wings, Eric failed to realise at what an insane speed he flew. He left the capital and rushed across vast grasslands before entering a forest. The large and high trees obstructing his view and darkness finally made Eric slow down and notice his surroundings.

But he had no time to wonder. His scrunched over form in the air full of pain and breathless pants, had sweat cover his entire body. Eric barely could open his eyes, his yearning only grew stronger with this small rest and once again he flew to find his master but- 

Just at this moment, an iron cage caught him.

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