(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Dragon treats

What the hell was this old senile king thinking? Why in the world did he put it in there? Look at that artificially created blob! You really wanna fool us that you still have it in you? That you can still get it up? Who the fuck cared!

Who did you even wanna shoot it at? There was no beauty here! Even if there were, they'd be fucking turned off rather than turned on!

Was it for your stupid pride, dignity? You're the king so you gotta have a massive pack, oho. Fuck, think your age! And stop being such an embarrassment!

Gosh, this second-hand death- shame's even eating me alive, old man! Look here, I'm gonna fulfil your wishes, ok? Someone will touch your fake pp, ok? It's a dragon but live with it! This is what you brought on yourself! Don't you dare blame me!

Gritting his teeth and burning holes into the king, Eric submitted to his fate. He already pulled the blanket down but now- dude... anyone can see what you're trying to do... is anyone's thing square?

King, think! Just think! How in the world did you even become the king? 

After much cursing and ordeal, Eric finally pulled out the cube and looked at the silver thing he had to hold with two hands. Then with all the rage and fire, a volcano had, SMASH-

Eric used all of his dragon force to splatter the cube shards everywhere. Perfect, if it got stuck in the wrinkling skin of the old king.

So, was destroying the cube the right choice? Of course, look at this editor foreseeing the plot so easily! Power surged through Eric's body and "RAWR!" 

Eric felt the might of 10000 dragons ancestors colliding in him and powering him up. Yeah, maybe it was just his imagination. 

Finishing his business, Eric left the room. The cube was broken into such tiny pieces, it was impossible to see with the naked eye, although once the king woke up, he would obviously notice something, erm, really crucial missing.

As for Eric's tiny dragon screams, please, the spaceship was under attack, could anyone hear him through this whole commotion? Of course not. So, content, Eric flew out and headed to the very end of the spaceship.

He had a plan. A very good plan. Since these people were fucking useless against some flying, in-space berthing mages, Eric as the dragon had to obviously do something himself. Relying on anyone but himself was impossible, if it was, this plot wouldn't be so fucked up! Look here, I'm saving the plot, so Howl can get back to Hans and readers don't have to witness Hans crying his ass off because he lost Howl.

Obviously, the readers were following Hans and not Howl, then sometime later Hans and Howl were to reunite and that was when the readers met Howl again and probably find out what happened. So, for now, Eric wasn't worried in the slightest bit about being a dragon, because this scene won't appear in the novel since right now Hans was the focus.

At the very back of the spaceship, no one was around. This part was intended as a relaxation area but behind one of the rooms in a small narrow hallway, there was a door. To be precise, it was an emergency exit. Why it was here in the back, who knew. 

But the spaceship did have several ones and next to the door were a few space suits. Of course, the spaceship and evacuation shuttles as well but in very dire situations, for example when even the shuttles were destroyed, drifting in space with limited oxygen and waiting for help, was the only option. If one wanted to live that desperately, that is.

But Eric was a dragon. A mythical creature that because of plot armour, didn't need a suit and could freely breathe in space, was exempt from the hopelessness. If someone forcefully opened the exit- BAM- they'd die because they'd be sucked out instantly while the rest of the plane was inching to its demise as well.

But since Eric was a dragon and his powers returned, he withstood the force of air pressure and his strength managed to close the door within a second of leaving.

And so Eric flew around in space. A very interesting experience, Eric didn't dislike it, well, because it wasn't too different from normal. Was it because he was a dragon? He breathed normally, flapped his wings normally and raced normally. So nothing changed. The air was the same, there was no wind nor pressure and it was a mass of pitch-black but for some reason, it was still light.

Except for the noises of attacks, everything seemed normal. Wasn't this how space was supposed to be? Wait, space should have no air and sounds but Eric still breathed. What was he breathing in or did he breathe out of habit? For a second, Eric was confused before he realised: Fiction.

No need to follow earth's law of the universe and common sense alright. After all, he was a dragon, a spaceship was fighting mages and they were in space. Totally normal. Capito? Understood.

BOOM- the loud blast shook Eric from his thoughts. He idled too much time away. He was supposed to take care of the mages before his return to Hans, or else the plot continued with Eric's dragon remaining floating through space.

Closing his eyes, Eric recalled Howl's memories of using his power. Then the next second an uncomfortable feeling spread. His limbs grew and expanded, his body underwent a weird stretching feeling again and voila. Eric became a 20-metre tal dragon.

'Not bad' everything before him became smaller but his size still didn't match the large spaceship. Eric didn't dislike the feeling of being a superior dragon. However, each flap of his wings felt heavier.

Arduously, dragon Eric flew to the front of the spaceship and yes- his grand entrance shocked everyone frozen. The mages stopped attacking, the crew in the spaceship glued their faces to the window and Eric felt awkward. Should he exert dominance?

"Rawr!" Fuck! Why was it still this cutesy shit? Cough, let's try again-

"ROARRRR!" Yes, that was more like it. Be amazed by this dragon! For the first time since Eric teleported into the story, he enjoyed being a dragon. He was a mighty beast! Powerful enough to scare the humans into ice sculptures. But this glory wasn't long-lived, one of the mages shouted,

"Why are you, a magical creature teleported here?" 

Eric only thought because he had to stop the mages right? The mages were the bad people, right? So, Eric couldn't let the 'friends' lose and be killed off. Also, they were the ones who knew where Hans was. Howl needed to reunite with Hans.

So, Eric thought of a second before -FIREBALL- opened his mouth and a ball of fire rolled at insane lightspeed at the mages.

"So, you have chosen death!"

Eric: "..."

You seriously saying this, bruh?

"I wish you the best!" aka "Roar Roar!"

Fuck, why was Eric getting so much into his role? This was unlike him! Was it Howl's doing? Was Howl's subconscious still somewhere in this dragon body? Were they sharing it? Possible but right now, Eric used Howl's memories and SWOOSH the mages instantly escaped for their lives.

Triumphant and smirking, Eric turned to another window where everyone celebrated. Then all of a sudden, Eli's voice came out of a loudspeaker, "Great job, Howl!" 

Now you can see my greatness and not that I'm a damn pet dragon!

"Captain but the ship's destroyed! We can't carry forward at this rate-"

"Why are you all so useless?" 

Eric heard what they were discussing and came up with a new plan.

Fuck, I'm better getting paid for the labour! Eric flew under the ship and swoops- carried it!

"Brilliant Howl!" praises rained down on Eric's big brain play, "We are heading to Murim! Follow my direction."

Excited Eri's voice came through.

Eric almost dropped the ship. Murim? Now, this came into play?

"Once we're there, I'll give you super dragon treats!"

Hmm, doesn't sound too bad. Sounds delicious. 


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