(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Game of pretend

Wasn't that just great? From one drop of frying oil into the ass of a goat deity who wants to deep throat you.

"Ladies and gentlemen the blind game will begin!"

At first, Eric thought that he was still unconscious and faintly heard the voice, but after a long time, he finally realised he was awake, conscious and alive!

It was just that the floor, the level Eric was in, was just a pitch-black pot of darkness. There was nothing but blackness. Damn, Eric knew exactly what it was!

This was the level Fil was born in! This awful place of nothingness where you want to bawl your eyes out and replace them with new ones. It drives you crazy.

Eric already felt it back then in Fil's flashback, the despair, the fear and the loneliness. This level was the true horror. Being blind, having your most important senses cut off like this, was even more than the lava level, like what the hell are these stupid levels?

Can the demons even live here? Can't demons just live normally? Do they need this living-on-the-edge bullshit? Can you only be comfortable without having your life on the line?

Now Eric wished Fil or just anyone was here! Have they not noticed he went missing? Didn't they care about him? But in the end, no matter how much Eric wished or prayed he was still on his own. All alone... when suddenly. Ding!

Eric could actually see! His vision reappeared! His... tunnel vision, because he could only see within the radius of 3 m but that was still enough right? Only-

"Capture the one pretending to be blind!"

T-This was him right? All the demons couldn't see here but why could Eric? Just who did this voice belong to? Who had enough power to be messing with demon abilities and Eric's? What was this? Eric suddenly received this buff but would this be enough?

Eric looked around. Everything was still black and bleak, like a black desert. Now that Eric thought about it, it did feel soft underneath his feet... sand! He was literally in a desert, but everything had the colour of black!

So if Eric understood the mission properly, it was like a game of hide and seek, right? He couldn't let them know he was the one who could see and he had to avoid them. Easier than said because this place was just swarming with demons! Eric wondered why they just didn't go to the other levels. Fil managed to leave this place so why didn't they?

Slowly tip-toeing around the place, Eric avoided the demons left and right since they lived here, probably, their whole lives, they were familiar with every corner. It was like they could actually see, so Eric receiving his buff wasn't unfair.

Wait, even if Eric became the god of the universe it wouldn't be unfair! Fuck, he had to survive no matter what, why the hell did he assume this was just a game? Did he have a death wish?

It seemed so because rather than focusing on what was in front of him, Eric's mind drifted away. For him, the most important part was to get out of here, then figure out who the hell this 'game master' was that put him through such torture!

Just why would they do this and push demons to chase after him? Fuck, why couldn't Del give him some kind of protective charm that when Eric broke it, Del knew Eric was in danger, and swoopidy woopdiy rushed to save him?

Then Eric understood, it was because Del didn't actually care about Eric enough to protect him. Alright, heart stop tearing yourself to pieces and just forget about these horny demons who just care about their own dicks. Again, Eric forgot that he was the one not answering Del's confession and even ran away.

But for Eric, the most worrying thing was, how in the world did they manage to figure out that Eric was human? He was the only one in the Demon World, and it was a well-protected secret! That is, if none of his students had a loose mouth!

Eric had a very bad feeling about this, in the Demon World, there was actually someone who wanted him dead! Who had such frightening control over all these demons? Wouldn't it be just one person? D-Del? N-No way, Del would never... would he? Because Eric didn't return... No, Del wasn't that petty right?

Shit, tears welled up in Eric's eyes but he needed to concentrate and calm down because he almost bumped into a demon and made a noise that could've given him away.

"Where's the prey?" 

Eric could hear the voices around him and froze. 

T-This was bad!

Rather than thinking about who wanted to kill him, Eric should live- what only those who had an easy life could ever say-

Live in the moment. He had to put this into practice!

Look at your damn surroundings and don't hide, you idiot! For the first time in his life, Eric actually insulted himself explicitly. Although it wasn't to a bad degree, Eric still did it and it was a low blow to him.

Well, whatever. He truly was an idiot right now.

Meanwhile, the Demon Lord's castle was in turmoil. And by turmoil, it meant that 6 students were going crazy without their teacher. Literally. Af if they were kids who needed the big hand to guide them through their earliest life, they clung to Eric being their lifeline.

Which was a good thing for Eric, of course, at least someone was looking for him and he wouldn't die knowing they all came for him.

"Have you managed yet?'' 

Everyone looked at Nol who had closed his eyes and seemed to be meditating.

They all sat on the floor in a circle in anticipation and waited for the first prince to answer but he didn't, instead, he let them wait to smother in anxiety.

Then finally as if he awakened from his 1000-year-old slumber, he spoke with the utmost wisdom in his voice only to shit out the most useless words the human world has ever invented, "I don't know."

Great, really great crown prince, you have completely outdone yourself this time. Lucky you're the first in line or else we would've killed you in our cold blood, but let's not dwell on it.

"So, nothing," Lav spoke and thought about what they should do. Nol was teh most powerful currently, so he was their only hope of contacting Del but Del couldn't be reached, which only had one explanation.

Del was currently at the lowest level.

"He must be taken care of the prisoners, I've heard, they've been running wild lately..."

Everyone nodded in tacit understanding, if it came to this, the only person who could contact Del when he was there was Mak.

And Mak currently was imprisoned, since he allowed Eric to go to the Demon World. Del was very angry about this, Mak almost endangered Eric's life. No matter how much Eric wanted it, it was still unacceptable for him to go to the human world with his curse.

Now Nol was just glad that Del didn't punish him as well. Just the thought of it made him shiver... The prison Del put Mak in was actually hidden underneath the palace. There was a prison on this level on another island but this was only for the commoner demons.

Like on a class trip, the 6 of them teleported their way to the prison. It looked fairly normal. It was small since it was rarely used and was only intended for the royals and nobles who barely committed anything that could break the rules.

There were 6 cells all connected by one hallway. There was no entrance. To enter and leave one had to teleport, of course, the prisoner didn't have the ability to do so, so even if they broke out of their cell, it was impossible for them to get out.

Or so everyone thought because once they arrived, all that awaited them was an empty cell, an unhinged door and nowhere a single sign of Mak.

"He... he broke out?" Nadi was shocked by the discovery and so was everyone else. 

The always so loyal butler actually defied the Demon Lord's order? But how and why? Or did Del take him? No, if he did, the door wouldn't be so broken like this.

Then could it be that Mak got the same fate as Eric? Someone took him? All sorts of possibilities entered their minds but they just didn't want to believe Mak broke out because wasn't this indirect treason?

"It doesn't matter," Lyna suddenly started to tear up, "teacher helped me so much but I can't do anything for him!"

Ah right, they were here to save their teacher and their only lead flew away as well.

"Since the Demon Lord and his butler aren't here we have only one option," Nadi said and looked into the round, "ask our parents."

The nobles.

"No," but Lav immediately rejected the idea, "they don't know and shouldn't know that teacher's human, or that a human is in the Demon World."

This... actually proved to be a dilemma.

Just when the Demon Lord was needed, he was nowhere to be found.

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