(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I don’t want to rely on you

Very gentle, Del stroked Eric's head. After crying until he fell asleep, leaving Del alone awake, Eric peacefully nestled in Del's arms and drifted off into a dream world. Del then took the time to think about how he could lessen Eric's burden.

So, Del came to the conclusion that he should touch Eric enough so that his points would rise and Eric didn't have to engage in sexual acts.

Thus, Del continued to caress Eric's head. Each touch was 0.1 Points. If Del kept it up the whole night, could 100 points be achieved? Well, that was slightly a stretch, but Del did the best he could. And so, the emotional night passed, making way for the morning where a very embarrassed Eric woke up and refused to look Dei in the eyes.

Eric couldn't believe he actually cried and sobbed in Del's arms! Del's words moved him so much, Eric let his guards down and showed a vulnerable side of him, he loathed knowing it existed!

"Are you awake? Do you want breakfast?" Del pressed his lips on Eric's forehead who stubbornly looked at the blanket.

Well, Eric stopped himself from turning red, it wasn't too bad if Del saw him like that. Letting someone see a vulnerable side of him, Eric didn't mind. At that thought, Eric instantly buried himself in the blanket and didn't move. Too shameful! Eric was the best actor, so how could such a blunder happen?

However, suddenly-

Bing, a text box appeared.

[Points acquired: hugging: 1P Touching 150P]

Eric's face immediately blanked. Just how much did Del touch him? That naughty-

Eric furiously glared at Del but the second their eyes met, Del's gaze softened and a cursed heat took over Eric's face. He instantly crawled back under the blanket.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Del couldn't help but laugh and lie next to Eric's blanket form.

"You touched me so much!"

"How many points?"


"Oh," Del was surprised but then smiled, it was a shame Eric couldn't see it, "Isn't that good?"

"How is that good?" Eric's head appeared from the blanket and looked aggrieved at Del, "The more your points rise, the less you have to do the other physical acts. I think this is a good way. When you sleep you won't notice anything and I've been only patting your head, don't worry."


Eric's bright red face was very adorable and his eyes were spinning.

Del ...was actually considerate? Was this the way he'd help Eric? Suddenly, Eric felt very embarrassed but he still quickly threw himself in Del's arm, whispering, "Thank you," before disappearing into the blanket again.

Del was... so nice... 

The nice Del narrowed his eyes and brief desire flashed through them but quickly disappeared.

"Don't worry, let's eat some breakfast," Del got up and left the room quietly.

Making sure Del was really gone, Eric, knowing he acted incredibly OOC, tried to pat the heat from his face.

If Del continued to act like this, Eric might start to want to get closer to him. That couldn't happen!

"System, didn't you say you only show the results at the end of the day?"

"I never said I wouldn't spontaneously do it at other times."

Could it be this system wanted to let Eric know Del helped him? Could a system be so nice?

After Del brought breakfast to the room, Eric and he ate obediently and then went to meet the others. They travelled according to the map and a week later, finally arrived close to the second checkpoint. It wasn't a forest but a huge place full of canyons and mountains.

Imagine 100 of them in one place. Yes, it was a labyrinth. The second they arrived in front of the seemingly entrance to this crazy place, a prompt appeared.

[Mission for checkpoint 2. Find the right canyon. There's only one. Failure to finish the task will result in elimination from the hunt. Time limit: 2 hours.]

Eric looked at the canyon mess. Suddenly, Del spoke up, "We should part. Two groups."

"Good idea," Éclair nodded, "Elas with us and you can go alone."

Her green eyes gave off a snobbish vibe as she stared at Del coldly while innerly drooling.

Del shook his head, "That's not what I meant. Outsiders should stay out of it. Er- Elas and I are contenders, you aren't. It's best for you to wait in the next city. There's no use having extra luggage."

"Wha-" Dan started but was stopped by Eric, "He's right. It's better if you scout the way to the third checkpoint."

"Elas," Tani was worried but was the most reasonable, she nodded and convinced the other two.

Del was right. It was better for only the contestants to do the missions because even if they helped find the right canyon, there was too much danger.

Especially since they could hear the fights going on in there just from where they stood. The place was huge as well. Although Eric could use magic, it was easier to have his allies not interfere and Eric got the villain with him aka Del the Demon Lord.

Suddenly, Eric noticed a crucial point, "Del, what magic do you possess?"

Del, who already stepped into the canyon waved Eric to follow him. Obediently Eric did while Del intertwined their fingers.

Under Eric's burning gaze, Del smilingly said, "So, you won't get lost."

"I'm powerful in this story..."

"Still and to answer your question," Del hummingly strode through the mountain path pretending this was a Sunday date stroll with his spoiled lover, "I've got my demon powers, so no magic."

"Really? How?"

Del couldn't tell Eric that he asked Leon to write Del as he was, as the Demon Lord, into the story, so he only said, "I'm the Demon Lord.

Of course, Eric didn't buy it but there was something more important than how Del maintained his demon powers, "What is your demon power?"

Eric has been curious for a long time but never remembered to actually ask about it.

"You want to know?"

Why the hell do you look so happy that I want to know?

"Yes, I do."

"Oh... hehe," Del was acting as if his crush noticed him and said he liked him too.

Eric rolled his eyes. Why did Del suddenly turn into this...fool?

"Please tell me," if Eric didn't ask again, Del would be lost in the bliss of his thoughts. The big warm hand of his tightly held Eric's and steadily led him forwards.

Now that Eric thought about it, they were really acting like a couple on their date! What was this?

"It's easier to show than to explain," Del started but just then- BAM

A massive crash scared the hell out of Eric. It appeared to be very close. Then loud shots followed, "You bastard! I swear if I-"

"Let's go somewhere safe," Del quickly pulled Eric with him and managed to escape the two contenders who crashed into the spot, Eric and Del stood a second ago and started to fight.

Seeing the ferocity of this magic fight, Eric was given a fright.

Yes, he was strong but he had no experience in fighting!

Would he be able to beat them and use his magic fast enough to imagine counterattacks?

What use was being OP, if he had no experience? Suddenly, Eric realised that he was indeed still weak, he might be strong but he wasn't powerful enough to step all his opponents into the ground.

Del who lazily watched the boring fight noticed Eric's trembling. His lips curved up and he kissed Eric on the forehead. His little kitten was more and more honest with him. Del was used to that in normal circumstances Eric wouldn't show his true emotions so openly.

"Forget them," Del whispered and pulled Eric to hide behind a large, rock wall, "Let's go and finish the mission."

"Right," Eric calmed down. With Del's presence, he did feel better. What if one day he completely became dependent on Del?

This was something Eric didn't want to but for some reason, he strongly reacted to Del's protectiveness which led him to dangerous thoughts.

He would become lazy and spoilt while letting Del do everything. Although he used to be successful and rich, it all came from his talents and hard work. He didn't want to rely on someone. So, Eric pulled away from Del and thought for a while before he turned to Del again and said with his usual angelic smile, "I know how to clear this mission!"


I'm dying from the disgusting sweetness. More bloodshed, more tears, more wars, more butt tearing actions, more suffering!!! Give me all of this but not this wannabe fluff shit.

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