(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I wish I could top the system for months

He was actually surprised at himself, where did this sense of righteousness suddenly spring forth from? From the depths of his pure heart and benevolent soul?

Oh, heavenly Eric, this arrogant scum was back praising himself. Any more and his ego would outscore all of the Demon World's levels combined together which would reach infinity. In short, Eric's ego and arrogance knew no boundaries.

No matter how many times it's been trashed to the ground, disintegrated in the acid of venom and thought to have been finally wiped off the face of the earth, so humility could take over, it would always appear again first, in the form of a tenacious cockroach with a massive cock emerged from the biggest army of all times to come back 100 folds.

Yes, an army of hard, pointy, 90 degree cocks, floating everywhere. This was basically what level 69 was! And for Eric to actually try to eradicate this place forever just like haughty arrogance and self-love, he had to first get to know this formidable enemy better.

And what other way to spend his boring time trapped in here than talking to these vulnerable females as the only fucking male caged in here! And yes, Eric thought about escaping but deemed it better to be as inauspicious as possible and mix with these people than to stand out and spin around like a stupid neon sign that way just screaming to be shot down and nailed to a coffin.

So, Eric took this opportunity as the lusting demons watched every cage as if they were window shopping and used the loud bustling commotion to get his information. Now, he was on his first ever true mission of justice and these four women were the perfect information broker, or at least Eric hoped so.

"Ta-" but before Eric could finish his sentence he knew he was done. Absolutely done marinated and immediately shoved into the oven of doom because just when he opened his delicate, beautiful rosy lips every demon wanted to gnaw on to hear the sweet symphs of moans escape from them, another overly jealous sound took over trying to get the spotlight.

Yep, the mechanical beeping and ringing of the weird interface that suddenly appeared in his vision. Fuck! He wasn't in a story, so how the hell was the system able to manipulate reality like his? But Eric didn't question it anymore, instead, his heart skipped beats to sing the tale of an awful premonition.

Just... what... Why was there a game interface? Eric's uneasiness grew before- ah,yes, the system finally spoke again.

"Unlucky host, congrats for unlocking "The Demon Tale of Pleasure." "

"Can't you just piss back to where you've been shitted out from?" Eric had no energy nor sanity to spare anymore to kiss up to this system. 

But instead of getting angry or offended like it usually would, the system laughed heartily because what it had in store for Eric was an absolutely brilliant masterpiece. In its whole career of being a system, nothing could top- well, there were actually quite a lot of things that did- but in the career of being the system in charge of Eric, the system has never done something as brilliant as this.

"Dear unlucky host, we'll start with the prelude to "The Demon's Tale of Pleasure!" As you can see, you're right now a playable character and the player itself! On the right you have the fighting option where you can deal a basic attack and your ult- on the left you see the quests you have to complete and in addition, the host can see the health bar of everyone including yourself!"

There are a lot of things that swarmed Eric's mind and banged against each other to get out and receive an answer but in the end the absolute shitfest that murdered every single contestant was the unnecessary audacity this system had.

Instead of asking what the fucking point of this games was, why or how to get out of here, the only thing that managed to piss Eric off was the damn fact that-

"Why the hell is my fucking health bar 1? 1? Just being blown by the wind, tripping can kill me! And what happens when my fucking health bar reaches 0? Am I gonna die? Am I? Is this what you want? You want to be fucking useslss?" Eric didn't play around anymore, he got serious, to the point he failed to realise something about the system that the system never let Eric know.

The system wanted to refute that it had plenty of hosts waiting, so it wasn't jobless since humans were unlucky and stupid to die all the time but then it remembered that it would be troublesome if Eric died.

This host was rather special, the grand system wouldn't be happy about it and the system hated punishments so-

"You're right, host, my apologies. Even having a demon putting it inside you will cause your death, so let this wonderful, magnanimous system change the rules a bit. A second health bar! Immune to being fucked to death! Instead, you get infinite stamina! Meaning, no matter how hard and brutal, merciless and violently you're on the receiving end, you won't die and your body won't be exhausted! So you can enjoy your stay here and fulfil your purpose! Praise me!"

This... damned MF... PIECE OF-

Rages, curses, incessant of **** were all blurred out. 

Eric! Eric! He had enough! Why the fuck did he have something as uselss as that? Will he even get fucked by a demon? Fuck no! His defence mechanism was already superb! This useless second health bar! This fucking shitstock of a system! This! This! THIS!

Eric, calm... calm thy mighty lightsaber. Instead of being fucked for without even feeling fatigued, Eric had the major wish to fuck the system into devastation for months long! Then he would gratefully take the second health bar!

"Oh my, you're making me blush, host. Unfortunately as much as I'd like to experience your wrath, breeding between host and system is forbidden. I'm not even human any-" the system coughed twice but luckily it went unnoticed by Eric, yet it still corrected itself quickly,

"I can't transform into my human form while in host's world, you'd have to come to our wo-"

Wait, why was the system so careless? Why did it spilt the beans? Because it was flustered by Eric's words? Yet Eric didn't even notice it, he was still fuming and trying out the game interface since he knew he had to accept the fact.

The system gulped, just now, Eric's words reminded the system of a certain someone, so the system started to get horny. It needed to see this certain someone asap.

"Well, good luck host. I wanted to explain things more but something urgent came up," so whoosh-

The system really disappeared and left Eric alone and Eric didn't even notice how he dug his own grave

It wasn't until Tara shook Eric when Eric finally felt the realisation biting him in his ass and penetrating his butthole to reach his brain. The... fucking system just left!

"Eric? Everything alright?" Tara whispered now since just at the moment a group of lusting demons came and Eric suddenly felt his heart start to burn slightly. Dammit, was his character configuration set to horny by the sight of every demon? He checked his stats- ah, good, it was just every FUCKING HANDSOME demon!

My goodness just let me die! Eric's brain performed self-destruction no jutsu! Before it committed senpaku for the rest of the 7 lives it had.

The only silver lining was that the group of demons weren't handsome luckily or according to Eric's setting he would've jumped at them asap!

"I'm good," Eric whispered back and reassured Tara who was worried. But that good in good actually stood for

g-going into the dumpster of lust

o-only with handsome demons

o-or those with superior


What the hell, Eric's mind didn't even make sense anymore because just looking at the quests he had in his quest menu made him want to vomit.

Currently there was only one quest, but why the hell do you have to be so detailed? Why the hell do you pretend to be a real game? And why were the rewards fucking dogshit?

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