(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I’ve done nothing wrong! It’s not me!

After a week, Lav finally recovered and they made their way to the spaceship. Lav, to Eric's big fat misfortune, crushing all of Eric's good hopes and thoughts about Lav, acted very spoilt, so Eric, as a pitiful dragon, had to continue taking care of this OP MC who obviously was fine as hell! The healthy kind and not the 'please bed me' kind!

This frustrated Eric so much that he almost busted out his true nature. Where did the mature and understanding Lav go? Went and got hit by a truck to let another soul transmigrate and take over his body!

Also, the unbending fact that Lav's cannibalistic thoughts returned was so nerve-wracking for Eric, this dragon feared he would be grilled over a camp fire while Lav was sleepwalking!

So, every time it was night and Eric wanted to escape Lav, his iron grips confined him to be smothered in Lav's embrace. At least it wasn't a damn hotpot!

"Teacher, are you alright? You seem exhausted," Lav gently grabbed the dragon, frustrated flying in front of him and held him tightly. 

Eric's eyes have rolled, so many times, they turned to glass beads rolling down a spiral. Brat, it's because of your tentacle hug each night! I barely can breathe! And stop trying to exploit any chance to touch me! Don't you think I can't see through your prince charming act?

"I'm fine," through pressed lips Eric answered. Oh, how close he was to throw his fake pretence away and let a barrage of words attack rain down on the whole of the demon world and its crooked universe.

"Teach-" before Lav was able to spread more of his dazzling charm around, Eric spoke up, "We're here."

In the ouskirts of the capital, on a plain barren land, the huge spaceship stood there with invisible barriers, that here and there spread sparks, covering it, shielding from intruders, attacks and nature's wild temperament.

"It's gigantic," Eric expected Lav's reaction. Authors seeing their own creations should feel some sort of awe and fucking rue at what disastrous abo- creations their brain produced to come to reality!

"Are you surprised?"

"A bit," Lav got embarrassed again for who knew what reason.

"At least you're composed, Fil was like a little child. You could barely tear him away from his creations. It was as if his tongue was frozen on a pole and I, the well-not-so-well paid aid worker, had to thaw it."

"Haha, teacher has a way with his words," Lav gently caressed Eric's cheeks as this dragon pouted cutely. Ha, everything about his teacher was cute. Lav wouldn't mind if his teacher stayed a cute pet forever, however, Eric definitely hated this idea.

Lav already felt the indignation and frustration of his teacher but it was a very adorable little kitten learning how to show off its claws for the first time. Not threatening at all, but very endearing.

Eric's lips turned into a fine line, "Stop making fun of me. Let's go in.''

Since, Lav aka Hans, was recognised as a hero of new earth, he had no problems passing the barriers and entering the spaceship.

"Who?" in an instant guards came to the entrance. But the moment they saw Lav, they laughed heartily and patted him on the shoulders, "Hans, our man! You're alive! It's great to see you! We need to inform his majesty!"

"I'm on it," a guard disappeared.

"Thanks," Lav smiled and asked, "Where's Eli? I've heard she's in danger, I can heal her."

"Oh? Really? My, my, every time you appear you just bring miracles don't you?"

STOP! Ugh, Eric loathed listening to these cringy and cliché dialogues! His ears were bleeding! Fuck off!

Lav noticed Eric's anger. Since they were bonded, intense emotions were felt by the other. However, Lav was confused why Eric was so angry but then a lightbulb went on. Could it be that the teacher was jealous of someone else being close to him?

Eric, who sensed Lav's extraordinary happiness, knew something went wrong. Great, he was just a walking magnet for damn beautiful misunderstandings.

"Follow me. Her Highness, the princess is here," after a brief walk, they finally entered the room where Eli laid in a vitrine like a sleeping beauty.

"Hans, you must be devastated seeing the princess like this."

"Yes..." Lav's finger glided along the glass while Eric raised his eyebrow. Oh really?

Your happiness is only soaring. Damn, Lav were you such an S? I knew you were a bad person! Unfortunately, the skill didn't activate and Eric didn't bother to try, so- another misunderstanding appeared.

"Can you leave us alone, please?" Lav solemnly asked the guard who had a smirk, "Oh~ Of course."

Oh, look, there went Eric's eyes rolling down to the abyss of hell. What sort of misunderstanding did this insignificant character have? Damn, don't have naughty thoughts about your princess who's fucking unconscious!

What the hell was wrong with these characters?


"Yes, teacher I'm healing her."

Light blue threads flooded out of Lav's hands until they tangled together and exploded in small fireworks raining down on Eli.

It was a breathtakingly beautiful sight. Wasn't healing magic usually done through physical contact? But here Lav's magic graced Eli's skin like snowflakes melting into her body. There really was no other way to describe this scene than with 'beautiful'-

Mesmerised by this, Eric watched on, as Lav only smiled. Half an hour later, Eli finally moved and on the beat, her eyes opened. Tears ran down her face and she instantly jumped up and crushed Lav in her hug.

"Hans! Hans! You're fine! I- I was so worried about you!"

Eli's sobs echoed across the room and her sincere worry and relief were clearly heard. This princess really cared about Hans, huh? As expected of the main girl.

"There, there," Lav coaxed Eli and patted her head while his eyes followed Eric curiously inspecting the vitrine. Teacher wasn't fazed by Eli clinging onto him like this? Sigh...

"Eli be careful. You just woke up after being in a coma."

"No, I'm fine!" All arrogance has melted off Eli in front of Lav and she was now only a frail, delicate beauty, "We have to see my grandpa! He's going to be really happy!"

Well, Eric begged to differ, he would be much happier seeing his precious granddaughter being found and stop foolishly threatening Murim with damn war. Lav looked at Eric nodding and understood, "Ok, let's see the king."

"C-Can you teleport us here?"

Hearing this, Eric's face fell.

You fucking bastard can teleport? Why didn't you tell me about his, huh? Making me fly this whole journey! Lav felt Eric's scorching hot anger and sweated. He quickly told Eric through their bond, "T-Teacher, I also didn't know I could do that."

Fuck, aren't you the author? Fine, I'll pretend I believe you. At once, Eric forced his rage down and tried to smile but because he was a dragon it didn't work, "Of course, I believe you."

Now that Lav couldn't feel Eric's anger, he breathed out in relief.

"Let's go," it took Lav a second to figure out how to teleport but in an instant. PLOP

They poured into the king's room who sat on a chair with a stern face.

His eyes lit up seeing them only to become more scorching than Eric's anger.

Only now did the trio realise that Lav and Eli were in such an intimate position! Eli basically clung onto a Lav like a panda climbing a bamboo stick!.

"Hans... you're fine. I'm really happy to see you."

Your majesty, Eric sweated fearing the king was going to nuke this damn plane, your face and tone tell a different story! Help! I've done nothing wrong!

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