(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Misfortune in the form of a big hole

Once Eric received the news that Del had to go after his duty, informed of a message appearing in the air which expressed how sad Del was, Eric could breathe easier.

His biggest concern was Del. Eric just felt weird around Del and thus Eric wanted to avoid Del. Fil was also away, so Lav was Eric's proudest A student and diligently went to edit and rewrite his story, they just came out of. That now only left Nol who was whining outside the door, wronged, like an innocent puppy that was heavily wronged.

Eric was exasperated!

Nol aggrieved said how unfair it was for Eric to show obvious favouritism and go with others to their stories, spending alone time while Nol, the loyal and filial student, deserved it the most. 

Everyone but him, Nol's self-mumbles appeared and he drew circles at the door while mushrooms grew out of his head. Stop sulking, Eric wanted to scream but couldn't because this would only make it worse.

Sigh, sigh, sigh. One sigh after another came out of Eric's dry ass lips that have sighed themselves to exhaustion.

Eric couldn't take the whining any longer and bada bing bada bum opened the door to Nol, who at the sight of Eric, very aggrieved, jumped up and hugged him, mischievously closed the door behind him with his foot. Eric obviously didn't notice it as he was being suffocated by Nol.

"Teacher, wasn't I good?"

Literal headaches threatened to pop on Eric's head like firecrackers crashed underneath a giant's explosive foot works.

"Of course, you've been good," Eric patted Nol's head. The latter knelt in front of Eric, worshipping him like a Buddha statue. Fuck, don't bring religion into this!

"Then am I better than Lav?'' Nol's raven black hair rubbed against the back of Eric's hand, and this personification of walking misfortune gulped. How the fuck should he answer that?

If Eric said no, Nol would go super angry, puppy mode, if Eric said yes, Nol would flaunt it in front of Lav, Eric was sure of it!

How damn annoying was this? As annoying as a cake in one hand and shit on the other, slapped together, voila shit cake.

"Can't you both get alone?"

At this, Nol, visibly upset, pouted and with glistening eyes asked, "Is the teacher happy if we'd get along?"

"I'll be more than happy for you to rekindle your relationship," Eric could honestly not care any less but it'd be easier in this life.

"Ok, if it makes teacher happy, I will!'' Nol zoomed out faster than Eric could stop him to clear up their misunderstanding.

"Hey," Eric tried of the 400th time, "You can hear me, no? Activate skill!"

Once Nol left, Eric tried to get his skill to work but as if it was pissed about being forgotten for almost an entire arc, it sulked in a corner of 'the universe that's gonna fuck you over' and refused to acknowledged the fact, it was there to annoy and make Eric's life harder. Eric wasn't sure if should be thankful for it or not.

But the very same afternoon, Nol excitedly speeded back to Eric's room, dragging a gentle smiling Lav behind him. Eric narrowed his eyes. Wasn't Lav actually happy Nol tried to get along with him even though Nol was to 99.999999 faking it?

"Did you clear up the misunderstanding between you?"

"Misunderstanding?" both Nol and Lav asked confused and Nol instantly let go of Lav's hand which made the latter sad.

Oh, shoot, Eric forgot he used his skill to see the flashback of their blossoming later destroyed past together.

"Cough, I mean you guys get along now?"

"Yes!'' Nol eagerly said and was so up in Eric's face that Eric couldn't slap away the screams chanting 'praise me, praise me!' to be shipped across the river of Styx and haunt the underworld rather than him.

"Good," Eric only said and glanced at Lav who happily smiled, "Beloved elder brother's very good to me."

Hearing this cursed title, Nol's eyebrow twitched but he said nothing, only smiled and nodded, "Of course, I'm your older brother. It's my duty to take care of you!"

Are you sure you two-faced lying tail? But Eric didn't call out Nol to set things straight because at this moment, demon number 3 of ultimate annoyance stormed in.

"Teach, you finally ok?" 

It was none other than a ferocious Fil who wrecked pheromones and with very obvious intent stared Eric's body up and down.

Of course, Nol caught this glance and his head was fuming. He knew ever since Eric was in Fil's story, something happened between them! And today was the day Nol was finally going to figure it out!

"Fil with me!'' 

Not even waiting for anyone to speak, Nol grabbed Fil and Lav to drag them with him to the rollercoaster of truth. Eric was left behind in confusion but peace.

"Bro, what's up?" Fil was equally confused as Lav.

As their older brother threw them into a small cabin, he teleported them in, pushed them both against the wall, next to each other and kabadoned them together. 

Lav and Fil who were shoulder to shoulder, face to face with Nol: ...


"B-Bro, we shouldn't do this, we're sibl-"

"Shut your mouth," Nol's puppy persona disappeared and out came his cold and dignified 'crown prince' one.

There was none of the sexual tension between the three of them that Fil made it out to be. That demon was way too horny and beyond saving. The I and T should never be used in a word together, IT only spelt misfortune, see even the word misfortune had the I and T together! Wasn't this a sign?

"You both tell me this instant what happened between you and the teacher during your stories. I want to know every single detail, nothing's left out!"

Fil gulped under Nol's icy gaze but still said, "You sure bro? You sure want to know everything?"

At the thought of him and the teacher having been sexually intimate Fil got hard.

"You horny poop pile of smothered piss and diarrhoea and-"

Lav only smilingly watched on as Nol's anger manifested itself in bullshit spraying out of his handsome face that should rather please single ladies. Well, Lav had nothing to worry about. He was innocent after all. But Fil... well, his death penalty was obvious.


Tik Tok. Giant bells rang during midnight. They got ominously louder until Eric ripped his eyes open. 

Something was wrong. Something felt very, very, very highly suspicious and eerie. 

Laying under his blanket pulling up his chin, Eric's wide eyes scanned the dark room. There was no shadow or movement to indicate that something was inside his comfort zone.

But Eric's magically developed 10th sense suddenly flared up and told him that he should run for his life.

But the problem was, Eric froze! He was like an ice lolly glued to the bed, waiting to be eaten!

Come and suck on him! No, suck me off! That's how Eric felt! However, there really was no one inside his room, so why the hell did he feel cold sweat pouring down his mouth and very fuckable skin? A dick gliding over his soft skin could ejaculate 1000 times over it.

Well, leaving that aside, Eric slowly cast his paranoia away and closed his eyes. Only-


"Aha!" Eric jumped up yet he foolishly jumped into his demise.

The last thing he heard before he vanished into thin air was a very aggrieved whine followed by the words, "Teacher, how could you do this to me? You've been neglecting me for so long. Having fun with others and even doing these kinds of things with Fil. I... I.. also want to spend time with you!"

Fuck, what the hell was this yandere stimulation? Get this cheap, not-romantic-at-all psycho crap out of here! Screw you Nol! I treated you like the student I never wanted and this is how you repay me? Speak of being fucking ungrateful! Eric knew exactly where this was going!

Into Nol's story! How could he not? The next second he found himself in a place he's never seen before!

Dammit- wait something was wrong, how did he get into Nol's story? Wasn't he supposed to say the story's title and edit it in one sentence together? Ahaha... Eric knew exactly what was going on! He'd bet his juicy much pined after ass, that it was the system's doing! How could it not be? How on earth could it be not?

But Eric didn't dwell on this fact any longer. The system didn't come out to look for him, so Eric was left clueless. He had to speed things up and leave Nol's story. Eric tried to recall what Nol's story was about, but couldn't remember it at all!

Mainly because something very distracting caught his attention. S-something was weird again with his body! 

No, no, no, don't let him become a dragon again or any kind of animal! Fuck, Eric swore if he became one, he'd go get dick surgery and pull out the biggest dick all 1038 universes have ever seen and fuck the system into oblivion!

Yet when he looked down on his body, he was met with relief. Thank goodness, he was human.

 Two arms. Good. 

Two legs. Good. 

Two feet. Good. 

Two hands. Excellent! 

A stomach. Nice. 

His face. Alright.

So... what... just what... in the fucking world were these two huge mountains on his chest? Why did his back hurt so much? And where did the pressure in his pants go? Went and got replaced by a convenient big hole, perfect to stick meat inside!

What was this cruel joke? Eric took everything back he said before. Dragon? Animals?

Even a fucking ant, Eric wanted to be, rather than... that... this kind of human who was just made for men to pleasure themselves and raise their egos to think they could do anything to them and view them as controllable toys!

This didn't make sense! He has been through so much and now he was put into the biggest hurdle! SYSTEM! SYSTEM! SYSTEM! I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T SHOW YOURS-

"Pitiful host has called?"

What magic was that? The system actually came because Eric called? Of course not! It was only there to ridicule and mock Eric inside his own brain! 

Damn, should I go to a psychiatrist because I hear an annoying squeaky voice that I want to grab, strangle and cut open to hear it pitifully wail in mercy?

"Host should know how this works, just finish the story to get out, " the system said after it defeated Eric with an 8 round K.O. of pure bliss and comedy.

"But," now the system's voice turned evil, "you have to finish a mission this time as well, but here's the twist! Rejoice host, at the excitement I'm giving you, you have to figure out yourself what kind of mission it is!"

POOF! Without any further explanation or what kind of story this was, the system just disappeared. No matter how many times Eric called it, it refused to heed his commands.

Screw this development! First, it was edit the story, then finish, then the stupid TT mission came, and now it was 'find your own downfall to provide me the oh-so-great abomination pleasure to marvel at your misfortune!'

Great, just great! It couldn't get any better. He was completely fucked, wasn't he?

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