(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Not funny anymore

"I think we're ready!"

Neon lights and bright, blinding disco balls hung from seemingly nothing but air. The 6 demons looked at the mishmash of Carnival, Christmas and Valentines' party proudly before they eagerly ran to the castle.

"Teacher will love it," Nol was sure of it. This overly pompous design... wouldn't a rich arrogant scum like Eric love it?

"If teacher sees that, he'll properly finally let me in. Let's tell him it's my credit," Fil was so sure of himself until he earned another death stare from Nol. Fuck, Nol forgot that Fil also almost had his dick deep down his pure teacher!

His teacher was only his to dick!

So, if anyone should take the credit, it should be Nol! Self-serving and anticipating, Nol marched in front of the obedient, orderly group of demon students who could barely surpress their anticipation.

Once they entered the mansion, the grand entrance signalling the much-awaited moment where Eric would fall into their arms and smile, and for some- to strip and offer himself up- their steps became rushed and deeply pounded against the ground as if they wanted a certain scum to run down and question what the hell they were doing.

And then, once he did, they would carry him above their heads like a corpse worshipped by clan members until they arrived at the party scene they poured their blood, sweat and tears into.

And a lot of pent up sexual frustrations. But this still wasn't enough, just fantasising about it, was nowhere near as satisfying as seeing Eric tremble from gratitude in person. At this thought, Nol became hard again. Cough. Very bad timing.

Now he wanted his teacher all for himself. How should he keep the others from seeing Eric while he made love to his teacher? The others would definitely not wait until the next week. Goodness, Nol had only one option, and that was to give up and for his stick to deflate.

But he still wanted to see Eric's expression first and all by himself. WUM! Nol stomped on the spot and stopped, then he turned to the others who were perplexed.

"Since I'm teacher's favourite student, I should be the one to-"

"I protest!" instantly Fil roared. He wasn't happy at all that his older bro was declaring himself like this, always. Always! He was the first to touch his teacher's body (though Del actually did) so where does his older bro get this confidence?

Was he intimate with his teacher? No! Though Fil somehow had a bad feeling about this, after all, why did Nol look so smug after he came back from his story and Eric so flustered? At least in Fil's eyes. Fil was suddenly in a very bad mood!

"I think, it's only fair if all of us get to surprise teacher together," amicable like always but a two-faced devil in Nol's eyes, Lav's gentle voice earned all support, "We worked on it together. Beloved elder brother shouldn't be so eager."

"Are you calling me selfish and monopolising?" hearing the self-made accusations jump from the 70th floor into the peanut brain of the eldest son, Lav could only sigh and smiled, "I've never said it, belo-"

"But you thought about it!"

"I didn't."

The others who watched this theatre could only think about how childish this exchange was. The younger sibling took on the role of the gentle, calm older brother. Shame on you crown prince!

Now that Lav vehemently spoke against Nol's absurd idea of wanting to keep Eric all to himself, deflated, Nol had to submit. Sadly that wasn't the only thing that deflated. His proud member suffered a heavy blow and so did his unrivalled horniness.

But what deflated all of them was the fact that when they arrived in Eric's bedroom, his bed was empty and his window open.

The curtains fluttered in the pleasant night breeze, yet only left horror to surround the frozen demons' hearts standing on the threshold.

"W-Where's the teacher?" Lyna was the first to speak up and once those words were spoken, bigger horror started to form until, "Everyone, why are you surprised? Teacher usually spends his nights in the bath. This is like a ritual to him."

Once again, Lav made everyone calm down.

"Ah, of course," Nol quickly followed up. How dare Lav know more about this teacher than Nol? Was Lav a hidden stalker?

"Really?'' Nadi showed no expression but she was actually quite excited. Her angel teacher was naked and she would see him!

Oh, how forbidden! Wasn't she a pervert then? Who cared? She wanted to see her teacher's perfectly sculpted body he always teased in his loose-fitting clothes that just made him tempting.

Since the nobles didn't live in the palace, they had no idea about anything that went on in the palace.

"Oh,'' Leon yawned. But caught himself thinking about how he jerked Eric off in the toilet.

Wouldn't it be much better to play around with him in the bath? Leon found a new amusing goal to briefly ease his tiredness and boredom. Yet when they walked to the onsen with red faces and big grins they couldn't hide, they were disappointed again. This time majorly.

"Everyone check the whole palace!" Nol commanded the spot but their search was fruitless.

"Everyone check the whole island!"

But nothing! Absolutely nothing! They didn't even detect the tear that has disappeared by now.

"Teacher couldn't have gone to another island. He can neither fly nor teleport," Lav's conclusion was supported by everyone's again.

"Then where could he be?" Lyna's worry only grew. Since she entered Eric's bedroom, she knew that something was wrong. And now that it came true, it frightened her.

"What should we do?" Lyna showed indeed a terrified and lost puppy look seemingly unable to find her owner.

"Maybe teacher just went hiding, he wasn't in a good mood when he ended class today," the least expected person said something logical.

Fil brushed his invisible beard and rubbed his chin, he looked more like a ruffian than cultivated.

"But teacher's simple, he won't hide where no one can find him," Nol said, as a matter of fact. He wouldn't be bested when it came to knowledge about his teacher.

"Wasn't he magically gone more than a week ago?"

"Cough cough cough," fuck, Nol almost forgot, Eric snuck to the human world! But this option wasn't possible. Eric could only do it once, also, Nol already searched that stone cave place.

"Could it be-"a lazy voice spoke up and had the speed of a sloth crossing the middle of a highway, causing cars to crash and traffic to clash.

"What is it?'' now Nadi grew impatient.

"Maybe it has something to do with the tear we saw."

"What? We sealed it!"

But once this thought has been spoken, it manifested itself stubbornly in everyone's head and slowly crept into the blood vessels to let them breathe fear.

"Then.... If it's true... then... teacher's in danger!"

Meanwhile, a loud groan tore through the silence of sizzling noises... Eric felt a hot and massive headache pounding against all places of his face.

He shook the sleepiness off him and slowly opened his eyes. His body felt sore and he could barely remember what happened.

All he knew was that everything hurt! Even though he opened his eyes a tiny bit, his view was still blurry, but he could still see- everything around him seemed to be shining in red, orange and yellow. What a weird sight. Eric moved his body and gripped the hard ground underneath him.

Just where the hell was he? Eric slowly shook her consciousness awake and finally got rid off the numbing grip that held his body captive.

Yet once he did, all Eric wanted to see was darkness!

Pure darkness! Let him go back and slumber into his wonderful dreamland that did not fucking involve death every fucking where!

Just what the hell was this? Just what?

Was this a sick joke? Did some of his students play an awful prank on him? He was heartbroken enough, he didn't need to hit shit!

Eric wanted to scream all of their names when luckily his view fell on something at the last second.

Far away from him, yet not far enough until they were only a small peck, Eric saw, the biggest heart attack life has given him of all times- a fucking horde of monsters!

Was he in a story? Whose fucked up story was it that lusted after his life? Lyna's? No, couldn't be. Death?

Did he unknowingly gain a 10th student and the worst of all? Who did he offend this time?

Yes, in the middle of a small island with a radius of 4 x 4 m, made out of stone with nothing else but Eric fucking tied with a collar around a small column, this was just one of many islands of this type minus the column.

And the banger? The surrounding environment the islands were located in! Fucking lava!

The vicious waves of lava just crashed against the brown stony ground and sprayed forth sparks hot enough to melt holes into human skin!

And far away, opposite of Eric's island, on another, were a bunch of hungry monsters!

Eric knew they wanted to eat him! No wonder it was so hot and uncomfortable!

What was Eric? A damn dog? Someone get this collar off him! Someone let him wear anything else than a stupid pyjama! Someone! Someone just come and saved him!

This was hell! This was literally what hell looks like? Fiery and your worst nightmare!

But the best thing of all was this loud voice echoing through this large place of at least 10 football fields!

"Everyone, you've been waiting for too long. Our prey has finally woken up. The rules of this game are simple, whoever manages to catch the prey first, gets to eat him! However, it wouldn't be fun if it was so easy. For that, we've taken all your abilities and powers away.  You're equal to a human, please make your way to the prey! Let the game begin!"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What was this shit? 

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eric was scared shitless. 

He peed on the spot.

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