(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Plot comes banging you down

Inside the large training hall that reminded Eric of PE class during school, 20 students have assembled. Eric stood next to his friends as a strong and muscular man came flying in, "Class A, all here?"

"Yes," at once uniform shouts appeared.

"Good," the teacher nodded, "Good. Let's begin then. We'll do mock battles. The upcoming competition against the Laoir academy will be soon. You're the elite, so don't humiliate us, especially Elas, you are our ace, so do your best and crush them."

"Yes, sir," Eric answered.

Laoir academy? Another magic school?

Could Eric also use the map function? It would be handy to learn more about this world.

"Just ask me, host," the system's voice appeared. Wow, the system was actually trying to be helpful, how nice!

"For your information, host, class A is the highest-ranking class in this magic academy. The elite of the elite. This magic academy ranks the top 1 in this world, while Laoir is the top second. They're bitter rivals. Out of everyone here, you're the strongest."

"Oh?" Eric got excited. He didn't care about the battles but after being a fucking spiritual waste in the last story, Eric enjoyed being OP and the strongest.

"What's my power?" this was what Eric was the most curious about. The system stayed quiet for a while, making Eric's blood rise in anticipation.

"Elas, you go first!" the teacher interrupted Eric's excitement.

"I always wanted to fight against you!" a hot-headed male bumped his fists and grinned at Eric. How cliche, Eric rolled his eyes. A large ring was etched into the ground. A battle ring. Inside this circle, a magic friendly battle could take place.

"Like always, the first one to give up, immobilised or steps out of the ring, loses."

Eric and the guy stepped into the ring.

"System?" Eric asked in his head since the system still didn't tell Eric about his power.

"It's imagination," finally the system said with a sigh.

"Oh, so that's why you said to imagine?" no wonder, when Eric used his power, those pictures appeared. It made sense now.

"How does it work?"

"Just imagine anything that's within the applicable laws of the universe."

"I see," Eric said to his opponent who formed an icicle in the air, "So if I imagine him to lay flat on the ground, not being able to move, it works?"

"Of course, that's why you're the strongest."

"Hah!" Eric found something great, a small nasty hidden smile spread on his face.

To appear as cool as possible, Eric only glanced at the guy indifferently and said, "Kneel."

At the same time he imagined a force pushing the guy down and destroying his magic and as expected, on Eric's command, in an instant, the guy fell to his knees with a loud thud and his circle disintegrated into fine dust. The guy could neither move nor speak, all he could do was let his eyes dart around the ground.

"Wow," Eric quietly whistled. This was really too fucking OP.

If Eric read a story like this as an editor- INSTEAD BURN THE AUTHOR!

But since he was the MC, the easier his life was made, the more he appreciated it. Screw the editors and readers who didn't understand the pain and suffering of the characters!

"Elas, you were amazing as always mate. Not even a second battle again!'' 

After training, Dan patted Eric on the shoulders and laughed.

Éclair and Dan also won quickly. Eric didn't witness their battles because the teacher took him away to talk about the competition.

Eric felt a little regretful since he was curious about their powers. Tani with her healing magic was useless in a battle. But from this training, the rankings were once again confirmed.

First place: Elas

Second place: Eclair

Third: Dan

Éclair's magic was too vicious, so she couldn't unleash her full power, which was even scarier. Eric's imagination was really too strong and unfair. He could even use other people's magic just by imagining it. What a cheat. But with powers like this, Eric didn't have to worry about being weak and his survival. This was truly perfect.

Sadly, it helped him not a fucking single shit with the touchy-touchy system against the villain! Why couldn't he defeat the villain normally? Either way, before Eric engaged in sexual acts, he would first try out if it really wasn't possible to nuke the villain away with his power.

"Can I imagine myself out of this story?"

"Host, you should know that it's not within the applicable laws of the universe."

"Yeah, yeah," and so three days passed with Eric getting used to this new world and his powers. 

Then it was the weekend. His friends assembled in his room again to discuss their next step.

"So, we'll go soon?" Dan was munching on some snacks as Eric eyed them all.

At first, he was quite sceptical about doing something as important and dangerous with students but Eric's magic and his allies were definitely strong, so he shouldn't worry about it.

However, in stories like these, there were always way more OP and strong characters. Could they stand a chance against them?

Also, there was another point that worried Eric. His friends did seem close to Elas, they ate, trained, studied, were basically always together but Eric wasn't sure if it was out of pure friendship they wanted to follow Elas on this treasure hunt or if they had their own reason for it.

But judging how Elas trusted them with the knowledge of his mission, they were good people. At least in Elas' eyes. By the way, Eric noticed another crucial point.

Elas was a damn scum, wasn't he? So why the hell wasn't he called out acting like a normal person? Even if Elas pretended to be good, the readers should see what a scum Elaa was right? 

So, how come there was no chance for Eric to act like scum or a penalty like hey, are we just throwing this character trait away? Asking the system also got Eric nowhere. Whatever, it seemed like this wasn't important after all.

"Yes," Eric finally answered after his whole mental tumult, "As I mentioned, the sooner the better. We don't know how many other people know of the treasure location and have arrived at the checkpoints."

What Eric didn't understand was the checkpoint thing. This made it sound like people were guiding Eric there. Could it be that all contenders of the treasure go the same way as Elas and his friends and this was actually a competition to find the treasure first?

If that was the case everything made more sense. The checkpoint must be there to eliminate the contenders who failed at this point and were too weak or not worthy of the treasure.

So, there were people overseeing this competition and taking care of the treasure? The system didn't help with these questions. It only provided him with basic knowledge. Well, fair enough the MC had to find out things himself and not have something as convenient as the system spilling everything out.

"Then when do we go?" Tani's gentle voice brought Eric back.

"In two weeks time," but it was Éclair who decided. 

Eric had no objection, "Sounds good. There's enough time for us to prepare and get ready." 

More than that Eric didn't want to join something as useless as a school competition. There was another problem. They had to find an excuse to leave school, after all, they were students and couldn't just not show up during classes.

"Ok," after discussing a bit more it was already evening.

"Man, I'm hungry," Dan stretched himself after laying on Eric's couch the whole time.

"Same here," Eclair sprang up like a cat and her eyes flashed, "Look it's already dark, the cafeterias closed. Let's just sneak in and take what's left hehe."

"We can't do that," holy Tani spread her holy wisdom and morals around. Tani and Eclaire were like day and night. They got along well and sometimes they didn't. Eric wondered if he could just imagine food and it would pop up but before he could try it, a loud rumble shook everyone awake.



"AHHH!" screams appeared.

"W-What's happening?" Tani clung onto Eclair who was equally confused.


Thunder rolled. More screams spread. The four of them quickly ran to the window and their faces paled. Just what in the world was going on?

On the campus, many black-cloaked people were attacking the academy!

"How did they get in?" Dan cried but now in the hallways footsteps stormed around, doors banged open and pleadings were screamed.

"The door!" Eric quickly barricaded the door with a large boulder just as someone wanted to kick it down.

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