(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

So obvious it’s the plot

After using the rest of the day to prepare, especially mentally, Eric and co went to find the portal. With Eric's magic, it was easy peasy. He just needed to imagine the location was marked on his map and voila there it was. Amazing, right?

The entrance of the dungeon was in a jungle. How the hell there was suddenly a rain-forest like jungle, Eric had no fucking clue. Don't ask him, he was trying to figure it out for the love of his editor sanity as well.

It was just the inconsistent, whatever rule this world-followed-building, part of this story and unreasonable plot, but let's not talk about it, ok?

So, anyways, the group of cliche, stereotypical characters went to the cave in the middle of the jungle. The entrance was just pitch blackness giving the illusion that one was about to walk into their own demise buried 66666666ft under.

"Well," Dan stood in front of the cave and hesitated. His expression mirrored everyone else's except for Del.

"Sure, it's this one? It looks... kinda uninviting..."

"Idiot," Eclair spit but her face also told she didn't want to go in as well, "you think dungeons are all fancy and pretty with a treasure, casually, unprotected lying around, get a grip."

"As long as Elas is-'' Tani started but was harshly interrupted by Del who grabbed Eric by the waist and pressed their bodies together, "stay close to me. I'll make sure nothing will happen to you."

Eric: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

Fuck, you think this is a bloody romance? What the hell are you forcing us to eat dogshit? Go and do this somewhere else! Elas, don't tell us, you actually had that kind of relationship with him? No wonder, you guys always stuck together and even slept in a room. It all made sense!

Eric, who wanted to cough dog blood, "...Guys, let's just get in."

Eric deliberately ignored the three's curious and questionable stares and with all the braveness incarnated in him, walked inside the cave.

"Wait! I'll protect you!" and of course, Del, instantly ran after Eric.

Dammit! Stop embarrassing me and get the hint already!

Eric also ignored Del and only allowed his hand being held by the familiar touch of Del's. Eric coughed and lit up a small flame, enough to see the dark mess in front of them but not enough to see Eric and Del holding hands.

"We're really going in like this?" Tani's voice rang from behind.

"Stay close guys," Eric said.

Was Eric afraid? You bet! But why did he relentlessly march forward? Well, you want to know the ground-breaking secret? Because he was OP! and because... well, Del was with him. Cough. Obviously, Del was a level being OP, whatever that was- God- no, demon level?

Either way, Del's presence gave Eric a sense of comfort and safety. So, although Eric was embarrassed because of the hand-holding, as long they were in this damned dungeon, Del's hand had to be glued to Eric's. As a result of thinking about this too much, Eric subconsciously squeezed Del's hand which made the latter happy and pulled Eric closer to him.

Now they felt each other's warmth vibrantly. In this dark and narrow path, heading steeply down to the dungeon, it was quite intimidating... if it wasn't for the three scaredy cats ruining the wonderful atmosphere!

Del's lips turned down. He wished he could teleport them away but for the sake of the story and Eric not getting angry, he held himself back. A good husband puts his wife's priorities first, before his own selfish desire. Yes, Del was a very good husband.

"How long?" Eclair started to complain, even Eric felt exhaustion in his body. They've been walking for at least three hours now! To the point, Eric wanted to ask for Tani to replenish their energy but realised Tani must be exhausted as well. However even before Eric was able to carry out his intentions, they were seemingly read by Del and swoosh- in an instant, Eric was swept off his feet and was comfortable carried in Del's arm

The three people were forced to eat dog food: "..."


"Hey, what about me?" Éclair interrupted Dan who obviously wanted to carry Tani instead of Eclair.

"Tani's weaker, you're-"

"Shut it."

"I'm sorry."

Yet, although Eric heard the exchange behind him, he only buried himself deeper in Del's arms, leaned his head against this, yes very hard chest, and grabbed Del's shirt. Del smiled. A cute kitten laid curled up in his arms. Wasn't this basically the whole universe he held, right in front of him?

However, Eric excused his spoiled and not-him action as him being very tired and exhausted and not because he craved Del's touch, ok? If someone offered themselves as a free ride, why shouldn't Eric take it? Again, Eric stressed, he was straight, although the straight force of the train slowly became bent.

"I'm dying..." two hours later, the steep path really wore on everyone's nerves. Were they really not walking straight to their own graves? All eyes envious stared at Del who still brimmed with energy.

"Just what does he eat?" Dan muttered under his breath but Éclair caught it, "Training. It's called stamina and muscles, which you've got none of it.''

"Now, now," Tani tried to mend the tension. Having walked for hours in a narrow path, straight down, not knowing where and when it ended, made everyone be on edge.

When Éclair and Dan really seemed to hit each other, Eric's voice floated over, "We're there!"

Excited to finally have a change of scenery, the three of them quickly caught up to Eric and Del, and found themselves in a large open place. It was a round room made out of brown stone. There were four other paths leading to somewhere unknown. 

On the walls, torches of flames lit the place up in a purple, iridescent light. Eric slightly shuddered, this really reminded him of certain films where the characters went tomb raiding or treasure hunting. This purple dim shine was especially eerie.

Luckily, Del still held him and felt Eric's small movement, so Del quickly tightened his grip on Eric, conveying he wouldn't let anything happen to him. Eric felt thankful.

"So, we're really in a dungeon or cave-like dungeon?" Dan looked around. Currently, the four of them stood in the middle and vigilantly watched their surroundings until-

"Do you feel that?" Tani made everyone aware of the faint vibration under their feet. Eric's face darkened, "Not good, it seems like something is about-" but before Eric warned them, the ground tore underneath their feet and broke in the middle.

Instead of creating a hole, it rose in the air creating a wall, separating Eric and Del from the allies. Rubbles of stone fell and left loud crying noises once they made an impact with the ground. Dust swirled up and loud, heavy thumping noises appeared.

"Shit, did we trigger something?" Eclair cursed and hit the wall again. Slowly the commotion settled down. Dan shielded Tani while they evaded the falling rubbles.


"I'm fine!" 

In fact, Del kept Eric safe but seeing they were separated a headache appeared, "Guys, can you move the wall? Use magic, break it!" but even when Eric and Del tried, the wall was sturdier than an iron fortress.

There was no other way, this dungeon obviously wanted to split them. Why? Because the other three weren't contenders?

"Don't worry about us, go forward, I think we'll be able to meet again!" Eric shouted and looked at the two paths behind him and Del.

"Ok," this was Tani, "Take care! We'll keep in touch with magic!"

"Yes!" Eric narrowed his eyes.

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