(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Something flew out I want to keep!

Ah of course, in this now obvious R18+ story, the second ML, oh-so-great rival of the ML, also lusts after the FL. This still didn't explain why the hell Eric was in the second ML's apartment, just waiting to be eaten judging by the sexual tension vibrating heavily in the air.

"Here, love," the second ML handed Eric a glass of champagne which Eric didn't appreciate but Eric didn't turn it down because he felt like if he did, at any second, the second ML had a reason to jump at him and tear his clothes down, So Eric accepted his demise.

A very uncomfortable situation considering he was under the scrutinising stare of this super alpha male.

Gosh, why did it feel like Eric was two-timing? Although he wasn't going out with Nol per se, they still had some sort of relationship going on purely as the ML and FL of the story of course, and if Nol found out, Eric was about to be bedded, Eric could expect a very nasty DP!

And that was the worst thing ever! Fuck Nol and his novel! Everything was all over the place just waiting to pounce on Eric, as if Nol's soul was this novel and radiated his desires unabashedly, shamelessly!

Eric never thought Nol could be this smutty but of course he was a demon and that species has long been given up to the sex deity and became horny, walking mush!

"How about you stay tonight?" the rival sat down next to Eric on the sofa and put his arm around Eric's shoulder. Erm, excuse me? Isn't this going a bit too fast? Again! You could have any female in the world! Why the hell are you into this FL?


"I still have work to do and it's only noon. I have to go back!" Eric put down the glass and wanted to run but the grip of the rival was too strong! Eric couldn't move but let this damn rapey second ML caress him!

What the fuck? Why are the first and second ML so similar? Shouldn't they be different? Hello, first ML the scum, the second ML the gentle and understanding type that readers cry over because the FL chooses scum ML over the second ML, causing all readers to suffer from the second ML syndrome for eternity!

Just don't write a second ML into existence, if you complain that the readers like the second ML better than the actual ML! Or even better, don't write the ML as scum in the first place!

Sadly, this novel had two scum MLs! The absolutely, unnerving audacity it had!

"It's ok, I can excuse you," the rival now kissed Eric's temple and played with his hair. Erm, hello, how badly do you want the FL, you prick? If you do something unnecessary like this, you'll only cause company wars! Yes, as much as I hate to admit, I have this power, cough, let's not get too into this role.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

Excuse me? Why are you so stubborn? Yet although the rival said those words, he made no attempt to make Eric stay. But something else wanted Eric to, desperately.

Yes, the infamous choices that should be fucking disabled!  Why are you appearing again? Was that thing broken? Looking at the choices... yes, it's broken!

First option: Seduce him

2. Die

3. Die

Wow, this really was a strongly opinionated declaration, huh? Fucking death was involved now as well? Just how much do you hate me? Hey, system, keep your damn word!

Eric was fuming but then a rarely clever thought appeared before him. Similar to the system who was a piece of reusable trash, just like banana peel only good for unfunny and childish jokes that only boomers and millennials calling out boomers would prank someone with.

Then was this perhaps the true mission the system mentioned? Previously the choices would never so strongly advocate for a single option but now, he had literally no choice.

Then this pattern...yes, Eric learnt. He was like a pokemon or a pet that learnt and evolved with each level until it reached the final stage. There was no way Eric couldn't recognise this! What else could this hint at than Eric's destruction of his virginity? It all pointed to this one direction, but if it was true then it would be highly, highly, highly awkward.

Eric moved uncomfortably on the sofa and cautiously looked at the rival next to him. This handsome adonis was the definition of perfect. His half-unbuttoned shirt revealed a sight that would make any human on this earth either die of drool or jealousy.

His black loose hair he was running his hand through perfectly matched his deep enchanting eyes. This human really bordered on the limits of all limits a human appearance could take on. If Eric was subject to this male, how good would Eric tremble underneath him?

True, Eric was attracted to him, not because he was the second ML or human, but because he was-

"Del?" this light, quiet whisper still made it to the rival's ears who turned to Eric and gave him a small smile, "You finally recognise me? I got tired of waiting."

Then without waiting, Eric was pushed down with the smirking Del towering over him.

In an instant, Eric flushed red, Del's scent just poured all over him, wanting to devour him whole. Eric's body was a mess, he trembled and nervously rubbed his legs together to stimulate the little ball women were so sensitive about.

So, back to the statement that if this was really Del, it would be awkward. Why? B-Because... Because! He was making out with Nol on a daily basis here and now Del came and wanted to occupy him! On top of that, Del was his mission to get and his mission apparently was to seduce Del and be with him! But the story's ML was Nol! What kind of two-timing story was this?

Hey, don't give kids bad messages! Also, the biggest embarrassment was that Nol would most definitely see Eric and Del make out! That little humping puppy would talk all day and night, Eric would never see the end of it!

Where was this story going? Downhill! Completely downhill!

What was this immoral slap-in-your-face story? Go off! Pop off and destroy all your enemies somewhere else! Not here in my yard though! What should Eric do? What? Just what the fuck was he supposed to do?

"What are you thinking?" but Del, this horny bastard, already knew what to do, he turned Eric's face, greedily sucking, exploring Eric's mouth's inside, as if he was a desert spirit, 1000 years in existence, searching for that one spring oasis he finally got to attain.

And Eric? This poor little, tiny spring oasis, melted, evaporated under the forceful heat soaking all of him up.

There were 1001 stories detailing where exactly this was going and of course, Eric knew easily what route this was heading to but Eric slightly pushed Del away and under the stormy rain of kisses, Eric finally moaned out, "You're the villain?"

"Yes," quickly spat out, Del had no time to waste anymore on useless talking that their bodies could do.

Eric cursed, of course, Del was always the villain!

And indeed, 5 minutes later, Del finally burst and immediately grabbed fragile Eric and threw him onto the bed. Then a very passionate night came where unfortunately Del, at last, didn't have the right to stick it into this tight pussy, despite Eric anticipating it very much because after all, wouldn't this feel so much better than anal sex?

Just at that thought, Eric shuddered, completely leaving himself bare but at the last second, Eric chickened out again. Like always. Will he ever be penetrated?


"Please don't be like this I didn't know as well!" Eric's fragile life, he so desperately tried to keep together, was about to burst into little hazards to pierce him through every inch of his skin and skewer his organs like on a nice, not-so-nice-cannibalistic barbeque party.

Right now, Eric sat on his bed in his apartment, in front of him, kneeling very aggrieved and very sad, the ML of this story, aka Nol, and next to him smirking all self-fulfilled, the second ML, aka Del.

Yes, there was something inherently wrong with this romance- CEO story! The FL would never choose the second ML. But now it seemed like this might be the ground-breaking, revolutionary plot twist (no, who cared).

Eric never wanted it to come to this! He never wanted Nol to know about Eric's mission of seducing Del to get out of the story! A secret life! A double life! Eric aspired to be a spy! Fucking not! But it was better than to deal with this exact, damn situation! Having Nol and Del act like this was absolutely the worst!

If it wasn't for Del trying to 'fuck' (pseudo-fuck), the truth out of Eric, it would never come to this boiling point! Curse Del and his might to just bang Eric by rubbing it between his legs, to the point, Eric completely lost his grip on reality and did everything, no, begged Del to allow him to do everything Del wanted. This was an utterly embarrassing memory that could be erased from the history of mankind.

And because obviously, Del was the damn jealous type, Nol had to come to know that Eric was with Del, no, had to be with Del, the true soulmate, while Now was an abandoned MC. Seriously, what was this childish competition?

"Nol, don't be mad..." Eric tried to soothe him but it made things only worse, Eric should just shut his overly unnecessary trap and just moan his way out of this!

"Don't be mad?" Nol finally turned to Eric and tears almost spilt from his face, "Why don't you tell him that it was me who used to make out with you every day, teacher! He shouldn't butt in our exclusive relationship!"

Nol! You! Damn! Idiot! I didn't raise you to be like him! And as expected a menacing dark aura radiated from Del, but this time Nol didn't shrink back, he acted very defiantly.

"Oh? Is this what happened? I didn't quite get this out of you, yesterday night. I think I have to be more thorough tonight," with a blank face and lips pressed to a fine line, Eric looked at the beautiful wall next to him.

Oh goodness, how can such an amazing construction and creation exist?

Would you look at this intricate and impeccable design? This wall-

"Is a nice spot to fuck you against, hm? Don't you think so?" Del's whisper made Eric experience what it meant to turn on both the grim reaper and the ferryman of Styx.

I-I think I just saw my soul fly out!

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