(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Surprise, unlucky host!

"Teach, what are you doing?" Fil's roar woke everyone up.

"Lover of the great hero, what's the meaning of this?"

"Great hero stop him!"

"I knew it, so he was, after all, an enemy exploiting the hero!"

"That is true," Eric spoke slowly trying to induce fear into everyone, "The demons have not lied. As long as the successor of the Demon King exists, you shall never live in peace, and it is true, I am the successor!"

BAM! SWISH! POOF! SUPER SAIYA- cough, at Eric's declaration, black and dark blue strings erupted from his body trying to show he was indeed of demon descent.

This sight froze everyone and Fil couldn't believe it.

Just what in the world was happening? Why didn't Eric tell him this prior? Just what has Eric planned?

"All these years, I have disguised myself and witnessed human nature's disgusting behaviour! I have decided that mankind indeed needs to be wiped out!"

"What are you playing? A god?" the superhero king was angry but no one dared to make any rash movements. They had no idea what power Eric held and what he could do.

"Fil! Oh, great hero!" Eric pointed at the tied up Fil at the top of the hill. All eyes fell on Fil, "I have deceived you all along. You really stupidly, foolishly thought I was you on your side, you big fat idiot!"

Gosh, Eric was just so annoyed at his act. When could all of this finally end?

"If you really are a hero, come and kill me, the bad, evil mastermind!"

Voila, Eric was just basically laying out the fucking plot! Fucking exposition!

"I'm the culprit! If I don't die, this war won't cease and earth won't be peaceful all ever again!"

See what utter bs I'm uttering just like every 2D flat and badly created villain?

Eric's mouth and ears inverted hearing himself say this. Fuck, as an editor, he was a disgrace but for a simpleton like Fil, he had to spell it out. Letter for letter!

Once again, silence took over and everyone stared at their hero to see what he'd do but to everyone's surprise, and disgrace, their fucking hero was shocked still! It was obvious from his pained expression that he was devastated by this revelation.

Everyone wanted to chew on their teeth, spit them out as mushy pills to drown their hero in.

Fuckign hell, we know you loved, stuck your meat in him but be fucking rational and don't act base don your emotions! Where's our cool and brazen hero? Who the fuck are you being on verge of crying because your obvious evil lover is trying to kill you and us all!

Just get a grip already! Everyone was chugging in anger! Get rid of this Demon king successor!

We don't need no useless hero who's tied on top of the hill like you are waiting for your long lost lover!

With this, both the superheroes and cultivators rallied together to defeat this evil overlord. True unity was achieved and they no longer wanted to rely on their obviously useless hero.

At the count of three, both sides pinched Eric to attack him. Seeing this Fil sensed danger! His teacher was human, powerless! He didn't care about all the demon talk whatever but if attacked by superheroes and cultivators, Eric wouldn't survive!

All senses of Fil gave him an instant power-up! PUAH!

He ripped through the tie Eric bond his arms with and charged straight at Eric, even before the attacks could reach him, Fil swept Eric away and rolled to a safe place.

A distance away, Fil protectively roared, "If any of you dare touch him, I'll make you pay!

The superheroes and cultivators wanted to cry in injustice. Hey, open your eyes! Are you this infatuated with him you can't see right before wrong? Obviously, he was the one wanting to harm us, so why the fuck are you protecting him?

Isn't there something wrong with this whole setting? Why was the magnificent hero losing his cool over his ex-lover and soon to be Demon King that wanted to wipe everyone from earth? 

Although everyone was furious, the hero was still OP and they were powerless against him. So they could only stand at the side, wondering where the fuck this climatic battle went. Ah, of course... it turned into a lover quarrel!

"Teach, are you alright?" worried Fil turned to a blank-faced Eric. 

You're supposed to kill me! What are you doing saving me instead? I just want to leave this clusterfucked up story!

"I understand, teach," Fil said with pain.

 What the fuck do you understand? That your brain's mush? Your whole story and plot is mush? Fuck off!

"You're lying and instigating all of this in order for me to prove my love to you."


Come again?

"I also promised that, once I end this war, I can taste your body. You must be mad I didn't do it instantly and couldn't make love to you right away. I understand, teach, I'm sorry, so please forgive me!"


Again... are you fucking nuts? What happened to your character? Did you just send it rolling down the hill to shoot the pinballs into the shit you all were along? What character did you become? Why the fuck were you deluding yourself with love?

"Just kill me," Eric said deadpan but in Fil's eyes Eric was sobbing and his voice was laced with anguish, "You don't deserve me! You were too late! You couldn't keep your promise! I was waiting for you the whole time yet you... just kill me, so I don't have to live with this shame!"

Deluding himself with this, Fil panicked, "Teach! I swear, I'll keep the promise! Don't worry, none shall kill you! They want you dead? Only over my dead body! I'll protect you!"

No... literally, just kill me and end my misery.

Eric watched with dead eyes how Fil reenacted a whole soap opera by himself before Fil stood up and exclaimed, "Everyone! I have decided! To stop evil, you can't fight evil with evil! If we kill the Demon King's successor and the demons find out, they'll retaliate! Instead, we imprison this fiend, so that he can never harm anyone again!" only me in bed of course.

Everyone "..."

You fucking want us to believe this? Isn't it just fucking obvious you just want to bed your lover and bang the hell out of him? Someone has to pay for us murdering each other! 

Although... if they went against the hero, they'd lose their lives as well, so... the superheroes and cultivators looked at each other before nodding, "Praise the great hero for his wise decision!"

Well, take your time. We don't fucking care. And with that, the war was stopped and everyone left. Fil instantly held Eric and flew to his place. Destination: Bedroom.

"See, teach. Everything's done. I managed to stop this war so-" Fil stripped, and his robe fell to the ground as he pushed Eric under him on the bed, "From now on, every single day your body belongs to me."

Fuck! Just what kind of story did it become? How come everything was so easily resolved? Who the fuck would read such a shitty story? 

Eric squirmed under Fil and felt the very, big and very hard bulge. Eric gulped before he smiled and said, ''You should know I didn't mean it, it was all for the story!"

"Yes, yes," Fil nibbled on Eric's ear before trailing down to his neck while his hands fumbled inside Eric's robe.

Fil's hips grinded against Eric's, making his rock hard stonehenge erect the small boulder of Eric's.

"I-I'm not rea-"


"Congrats unlucky host, story successfully completed! Story 'I'm the hero', genre BL, has been edited. You can now return."

FUCK! Two things! Two bloody things, Eric wanted to complain about. 

First, you fucking piece of AI shit were here the whole time, weren't you? Enjoying and peeking, you misfit of a ** ***** and ***! You don't deserve any pay! You should quit your job and turn to the street to sleep in shit!

And second, why the fuck did the genre change suddenly? BL? It was a bloody BL now? No wonder. It all made sense! Fuck, was Fil so physically attracted to Eric, did Eris's plan to appear as Fil's lover, had such a devastating and fatal impact on the story, it literally fucking changed the genre?

Before Eric knew it, he teleported back to the classroom where he was met with worried eyes.

The only thing was, Fil was half-naked and Eric's clothes were so dishevelled his bare chest could be seen.

"What a shame teach, so toni-"

"FIL!" Nol turned red seeing this display. What the hell did Fil dare to do to their teacher?

Yet Eric didn't care enough to witness this theatre. The only thing that was on Eric's mind was... RUN!

Run the fuck away from Fil!

Fuck, was Fil serious? So he desired him not only in the story but also in the real world? 

No, no, no, Eric couldn't take it! He had to do something about it! Ah, yes, of course... there is only one way. 

Complain to Del about it!


Once again don't ask me.

Frozen Milk took over again.

Only explanation.

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