(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Sweetness flows from your mouth I wished was another liquid

Just why? Why do you have to do this to me? Gritting his teeth, Eric felt anger becoming one with him. He knew it was near. The time to be reborn as the god of wrath finally came! Eric's true form!

"Del... why are you here?" 

"I'm also a student now. I would like to become an author." 

Like fuck you do! Just what have you planned again? Is it because I snuck into the human world? It is, isn't it! It's totally because of this! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! So please just leave!

The one who was the most displeased about this was obviously Nol. First Del cockblocked him and now he was trying to curry favour with his teacher as his favourite number one student when everyone knew that Nol was Eric's most loyal and beloved student!

Eric couldn't refuse Del, after all, Del became one of his fucking students to get his curse off! Now what? Now he got to humour the Demon Lord as well, get this total newbie to be a successful author? Fuck, what do you want me to do? You'll be the downfall of my life! Literally!

A few demon students who had some experience writing were still ok to handle, but a Demon Lord who had absolutely no clue about writing and story? Impossible!

"Go on teacher. Please start your lesson." 

Fuck! Hearing the word teacher coming from Del's mouth just sounded so wrong and lewd! Eric literally could see that Del had a naughty glint in his eyes. The way it rolled off his lips just made Eric instantly wet, no, wait, hard!

Del! Del! You, you don't belong here at all! You literally will be the death of me! What if Del started to want to show in front of everyone that Eric was his? Eric and shame! Death! It all belonged in one sentence then!

Screw you! Let me out! Let me leave! I don't want to be a teacher anymore, I never wanted to be one in the first place! I don't want to teach anymore, I never wanted to in the first place! I don't want to be here anymore, I never wanted to be in the first place! I just want to leave this place and all these naughty, horny eyes on me! What am I? Just what am I????

A doll for you to control, touch and please yourself on as you like? Go away! This isn't what I want to do! This isn't what my existence is for!

"Teacher, what are you thinking about? Are you not feeling well? Should I massage you?" Nol couldn't take it lying down that his competition just grew and grew and grew with no end in sight. He needed to establish himself as the most loyal, filial and beloved and favourite student of his teacher!

So, no one could get into his way! No one could topple him! He kissed his teacher! He made love with him, almost, even though his teacher was in his female form and wait-! Didn't the teacher say he'd allow Eric to do it after he came back from the human world?

Burning stares pierced through Eric's thick skin and he felt the penetration from all sides! He knew everything Nol thought, everything fucking Del thought! Why? Because his skill awakened! Goodness but it was only for a short while and the only thing Eric could get to know was that Nol wanted to do it again and that Del was happy to be with Eric in a class!

And what went through Eric's head? There was only one reasonable option and that was- MURDER!

If Eric became a serial killer only killing demons, then would he get convicted?

Was there even police? No, right! Because Del was the highest! And if Eric offed Del off, no one could throw him into demon jail. Especially not if Eric went on a noble and royal killing spree!

But... the daunting thought crept into Eric's mind. If he killed them all, w-who would protect him? Who would serve as his eye candy and satisfy his needs? Most of all, who could ever satisfy his horny cravings?

No one! So the thought of becoming a serial killer vanished as soon as it even thought to have seen the chance to manifest in Eric's empty brain cells brain.

The rest of the lesson went quite uneventful, disregarding the fact that many horny demons wanted to pounce on Eric and make him moan and beg right now on the classroom floor.

But Eric knew better, he used Van's and Timo's achievement of making them successful authors on earth as everyone's goal. And indeed, they all were dying from envy and shocked by awe.

"As expected of my younger brother," Lav smiled happily and Eric knew Lav really meant it. If Eric didn't, he would've thought Lav was only pretending to be while on the insides the poison of 10 000 cobras was boiling a soup full of Gu.

Luckily Eric knew that Lav was just an innocent bunny often misunderstood.

"Then why can't we just use teach's name and make it big in the human world?" Fil's loud voice echoed through the whole classroom and earned him glares from Dell. How dare his unfilial son address his lover and soon-to-be stepmother so casually?

His sons were too frivolous! Even daring to dream of jumping to their stepmom! Del had to properly discipline them! Whip them into pious monks that the only thing they wanted to climb was the mountain of a pilgrim in order to become holy, devout believers to the deity of virginity.

Meanwhile, Eric just boiled with anger. What do you mean you just want to slap my precious and hard-earned name and reputation on a shitty author like you? You'll disgrace the empire of all bestsellers in the whole history of mankind. If Eric could, he would just send them all off easily like this, but the problem was, he couldn't! Who would believe that such trash stories came from authors who were Eric's hidden disciples? Just who?

But Eric couldn't get angry, he swallowed everything and vomited into Fil's brain, "It's impossible. I can't suddenly have so many hidden disciples revealed. Then everyone can claim to be one of mine. Also, as much as I hate to break it to you all, work on your stories first before you want to use my name."

A heavy silence hung over the room as Eric broke this hard reality over them like an egg cracked out of the bottom half and decided to take a nice turd on top of someone's head.

Everyone reflected and looked at the stores right in front of them. Eric was enjoying this until well, until, student number 9 decided to buzz in again, "Teacher, you'll be proud of my story."

Fuck, for a second Eric almost forgot! He also had to edit Del's story! Fuck, what kind of clusterfuck would Del come up with? Eric knew exactly the direction it would take! And he absolutely didn't want to! So, as soon as class was over, Eric took Del to the side, or rather to his room and sat him on the bed.

Just when Eric wanted to reprimand him, Del stretched out his arms, seemingly expecting Eric to get on Del's lap, rest his head against Del's sturdy and hard chest and just make himself comfortable on top of him.

Seeing this, Eric only coughed and abashed took a step back which made Del lower his head and very sadly peek at Eric trying to convey how pitiful he was.

Then with all the shamelessness combined that not even Eric nor anyone else in the world could muster, he said, "Let me hug you."

Fuck, who was this clingy baby all of a sudden?

"I missed you." 

Cough cough. This big baby suddenly spoke such sweet words! Where did it learn to speak? Hey, why! Stay quiet! You. You're making my- my heart quiver and jump! This isn't normal!

"You went away without me!" Big baby's arm suddenly rose again and sneakily grabbed that thin waist and planted that plump bum on its lap.

"I was really sad." 

Shouldn't you be angry? Shouldn't you reprimand and scold me that I snuck into the human world without your permission?

"You could've died," Del's breath hit Eric's ear and his chin rested on Eric's shoulder.

"I know, but it went fine,'' Eric had to coax grown-ass babies everywhere! They won't stop being birthed! Stop this apocalypse!

"I was very lonely, Eric, I missed you a lot." 

Just stop this already. Who are you? Who do you want?

"That's why you joined class and triggered my curse to add one more person?"

"Hehe, did I?'' 

Look at his absolutely unswerving nerve pulsating in the midst of a nest full of shamelessness! Can you believe that?

"So, I've been recognised as your student?" 

Don't be so happy about it and question it! Why did such a fuckfest appear, just because you decided to hippity hoppity hop into my class?

What if any other demon just joins for once and would be a new student? The endless horror this brought with it! Apparently, this was such a traumatic thought for Eric, that even Del could see it on his usual beautiful and attractive face.

"What's wrong ba-" Del almost said baby but had to remind himself they weren't dating. Yet.

"Are you afraid I'm mad? I'm not!" Del hugged Eric tighter and buried his head in Eric's shoulder. This action was so cute, Eric felt a wave of weakness hit him. Dammit, he wanted to hug Del back! But he couldn't and shouldn't!

"What hidden motive? Ulterior motive do you have?'' 

The suspicion was clearly heard in Eric's voice and this made Del incredibly sad. How could his lover soon-to-be doubt him like this?

"I really don't! I joined your class not to make your life harder but..." wow would you look at this, the usual mighty Del was reduced to a shy maiden, "Your student seam to mean so much to you that you would even forsake your life for them!"

Wrong. Completely wrong analysis and interpretation!

"I'm jealous, I can't spend much time with you. I want you to get to know each other better, both physically and-"

Enough! Eric tried to struggle his way out when he received the ultimate peng of all pengs! The heart peng!

"The only thing I want is to conquer your heart."

You-You-You-Your mother! I'm out!

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