(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

The culprit pretends to be innocent

It was a complete disaster! A miscalculation on Eric's part. He should've never farted and run! Leaving a murder victim behind like this! Just when Eric thought he could hide in his little resort of hiding haven, alarms went off and Eric almost pissed his pants.

Just what in the world was happening now? Couldn't a good man like him deserve his well-needed peace for once? But then Eric realised once again just what a scum he actually was!

When Del called everyone together, the royals and nobles and him the puny human between demons, Eric felt himself shrink harder than ever. What might and power over the Demon world? He had none of it! He just had the power to create walking disasters everywhere he went! That was literally it!

He just caused another problem! And look at this, Del for once seemed to be quite livid!

"Without my permission, Van and Timo went to the Human World. I have no idea why they would do that since they aren't this reckless and misbehaving, so if anyone knows anything then speak up now. This is a very serious matter," the strict and annoyed tone Del had, made Eric liquify on the spot and melt into the ground to forever return to earth's core.

This Del, Eric didn't know at all! For the first time Eric met Del, this Demon Lord actually behaved like one! Curse you! Why the hell do you have to make it sound so serious? What the hell? Was this really such a serious matter? So, they went to the human world, so what? Nol did it as well.

But one slap after another, Eric's audacious, shameless cheeks became so red and swollen that even the juicy red apple in snow white would bite itself corroding in vinegar, knowing it couldn't hold a candle against Eric at all.

Del really wanted to slap Eric's cheeks so bad huh? If he didn't then he would never say those fucking words next!

"As you all know, demons who go to the human world have to apply for permission since they will be given a disguise and their power is stripped away or else they could harm humans. We don't want the disaster from many years ago to repeat itself, right?"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What, 'as you all know'? I know shit! I have been knowing shit since my fucking existence appearing under demons and just yoloed my way through this life! So don't come and fucking tell me we all should know! In the first place as a human, I ain't know anything about the demon world matters! Yes, I've got no blame for what is to come!

Dammit! Demons going to the human world basically had their identities concealed and powers sealed. No wonder Nol didn't look like himself and couldn't wipe Eric off the face of his world when Eric trashed him so badly! Fuck! Van and Timo leaving for the human world like this...

Wait! There should be a barrier that keeps them from going to the human world without permission anyways! Why the hell don't you have something like this? What in the world is the point of applying for permission if anyone could leave like this!

Yes, this wasn't Eric's fault! None of it was Eric's fault! And so in his bliss of deceiving himself, Eric finally spoke up, the only daring and the only one capable one  in this tense and suffocating atmosphere the Demon Lord exuded. They all knew if any of them spoke the wrong word, they'd be heavily punished the next! If the Demon Lord was livid, kiss goodbye to your life!

"Erm," yet just one word of Eric's, just his voice, no, even his presence, already mended Del's anger by a lot and when Eric spoke, Del's face softened to the point, everyone in the room wanted to fucking cough blood and fuel their own river to the underworld!

"Why were they able to go to the human world in the first place without permission?'' 

Look, here I'm pointing out this heavy plot hole and loophole! All these holes needed to be filled and covered! If no one does it, then I'm doing it myself!

"Usually demons can't go but because Van is a prince, the rules apply a bit differently for him. As long as his emotions are strong enough and his powers match his will, then he can forcefully open the gate to the human world and teleport there."

Ah, ok, fuck off, you think a quickly thought out excuse can cover the damn large hole and pit you dug yourself? Go to hell if that's how you bliss over plot holes! Any holes!

Although Del was now very gently looking at Eric almost as if he wanted to coax him and hug him in bed and roll around, Eric was not at ease at all. Why? Because he knew in the instant this matter was brought up, he was definitely the cause behind why Van ran away like this!

Was it his fart? Wasn't it? It was this cursed cliché plot device used many times before! Eric just had something that magically pulled him to farts in connection with authors together! He didn't want it either!

"Ok," Eric answered meekly. 

Seeing his deflated state, Del was instantly alarmed. Del's mind worked simple, Eric must be thinking that he failed as a teacher! No, his curse would never be lifted! Although that was a good thing for Del since Eric could stay by his side forever, Del also thought that Eric being so sad must mean that he wanted Van and Timo to be found quickly! 

And most of all... Eric was disappointed in Del for messing up like this! Mak was right, Del should've gone after his Demon Lord matters instead of trying to coax Eric!

If Del wasn't a worthy Demon Lord in his lover's eyes, how could he ever be worthy of his soulmate? In an instant, Del was angry again. Why were they dilly-dallying like this?

"No one got an idea?" Del looked at everyone but the only person who not only had an idea but was also the massive culprit behind the almost 'treason' Van and Timo have committed and Del's huge complex that developed on the spot that he wasn't a good Demon Lord and thus Eric didn't want him, was sitting right there creating only more misunderstandings each second!

Eric only coughed, not saying anything. He knew he should come clean but how could he say that he made Van so bloodthirsty by fucking farting in his face and leaving him passed out on the floor? How could he? This was not only sulling Eric's dignity, he long has lost, but also Van's! And so, Eric comforted himself by keeping silent by believing that as a prince Van's honour should never be tainted!

"You all are useless," Del spit harsh words but they just went in and out of Eric's ears, until, "Nol, go after them and bring them back immediately."

"What? Why me?" Nol sulked, he wanted to spend more time with his teacher! Wait, was this the reason why Del sent him away? Del wanted to keep Eric from Nol and while Nol was away, Del could strengthen the sexual bond between him and Eric? Del already had 1000 steps in front of Nol anyways!

Unfair, unfair, unfair! Nol wanted to complain but Del silenced him immediately, "You are the only one most familiar with the human world and as Van's older brother, he will definitely listen to you."

Nol was still not satisfied with this explanation. He wanted to ask why not Lav until he realised... he was better than Lav! Yes, Del was praising him in front of Eric and making him the model student! Although Nol knew Del didn't intend to lift Nol's reputation in Eric's eyes, he still did and this was very beneficial for Nol!

In a heartbeat, Nol agreed, "Don't worry, I'll bring them back immediately!" 

Nol also noticed Eric being down and hungrily searched for Eric's approval. Teacher, I'm your shining knight in armour! I'll bring back these two troublemakers, don't worry and wait for my return! I'll be sure to make you happy!

All this while amidst the tumultuous amount of chaotic thoughts, Eric didn't hear anything and only focused on his own mind trying to drown him in unnecessary overthinking, and before he knew it the meeting was called off.

Eric wandered to his room, shutting out everything and everyone trying to get his attention. Laying on his bed, Eric stared at the ceiling before he made up his mind. He had to settle this himself! He can't let Nol go there, he needed to somehow get Van and Timo back himself.

It wasn't mostly to make up for this mistake because Eric would never care about something like this, but mostly because his life was on the line! He couldn't trust Nol to do something like this because Nol definitely didn't know the severity of Van and Timo going to the human world! If those two didn't become writers, Eric could kiss his freedom from the curse goodbye!

Eric and the curse? A lifelong forced romance no one wanted to read! Also, another reason was that... Well, Eric also wanted to go back to the human world, just to see how the state of things was. But the curse!

He couldn't! He couldn't! He couldn't! If he didn't want to die that way! And how in the world should he get to the human world? Del would never allow him. Obviously, why would Del give permission to his little pleasure human to go and off himself? Would Del want to do it with Eric's corpse? No, of cour- fuck, wait, wasn't it in Lav's story were Del had slightly necr- let's not say its name, kink?

That was a very bad risk. Eric wouldn't let this happen! If Eric died, his fucking corpse better stay untouched and undefiled! Fuck, what the hell d0 you want to do a stinky and rotting corpse for? Maybe demons could preserve cold bodies... stop it! Stop these impure and inhumane thoughts!

Eric huffed and tossed until he got up from the bed. He couldn't stay still like this. He got a very bad feeling. He didn't know what it was but he knew if he didn't take matters into his own hands, he would always have that thin yet vicious blade dangling over his neck, ready to behead him any second!

But when Eric thought all hope was lost, an unexpected person reached out to him.

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