(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

This is personal

The whole night Eric couldn't sleep because there was one specific thought keeping him up. What if Nol and Del were females as well? Would this then turn into GL instead of BL? Would it? Would Eric have to make out with a female version of Del?

Eric couldn't imagine it but he would've never imagined himself as a female as well.

Plagued by the disease of all diseases, 'overthinking', Eric dreadfully went to work. The first day passed and he neither found Nol, Del nor the mission he had to complete. So, the only choice we had was to continue following the plot, but instead of humouring the ML, Eric was to ignore and avoid him! CEO ML and employee FL? No, hell no! Not under my watch!

But even if Eric wanted to defy the plot by avoiding the ML, Eric was still a lusting and submissive slave of the S plot that loved to mess with him, tie him up to see him wriggle and roll around on the bed, getting insulted and hated.

There was one thing that Eric almost forgot due to the encounter with the CEO ML. And that was the pee loving coffee minor useless side character number 1 May.

How could he forget this office bully who wanted to make his life hell just because he was astoundingly pretty? The second Eric planted his peach round bouncy butt on the chair, the annoying click-clack of the brand high heels May loved to wear and probably were her only high-fashion pair of shoes, announced the dread that Eric was going to feel. And how it came banging onto his table.

Literally. May slammed a whole box of documents on Eric's desk, right in front of him, clicked her tongue and snapped, "Newbie, all of this within an hour. Hurry up or the manager will get to know you slacking around at work and don't forget my coffee. I remember how you messed it up yesterday." 

With a big smirk, May planted half of her ass on Eric's table, refusing to peel herself off him and sneered, "Got a good scolding yesterday huh? The manager was insanely angry at you. Shows how unfit you are. How about you just go and pack your things, then leave? No one who climbs into beds can make it far."

These words made Eric want to pry open her head and deep fry her brain to let at least some juicy oil float the inside of her obviously non-existent brain cells.

Gosh, but Eric endured. He only smiled and waited. Waited for what? Obviously the three cursed choices! So in awkward silence, Eric waited.

May waited. They waited and waited... for absolutely nothing to happen. May's eyes twitched in anger. How dare this slut ignore her like this? Who did she think she was? The lucky cinderella of a love story? Ha, don't make her laugh!

Throwing her luscious brown hair back, May bent a bit back and looked down at Eric, "Now you're even disrespecting your seniors? You sure got guts."

Since the game didn't appear and influenced Eric, Eric had free reign and he had enough. Who cared about the white lotus act? Who cared about the plot or this damn story?

Eric wasn't going to follow it and take his humiliation! If the plot wanted what it wants, it would better pull out the hard guns and shoot him 6 feet buried underneath the Demon World for Del to come and save him!

With a sigh and his usual beautiful angelic trademark smile, Eric stood up and closed in on May until the tips of their noses touched which surprised May a lot, "What are you-" but Eric interrupted her with cliche lines.

Fight fire with fire, "You have such a beautiful face, it would be such a shame if something would happen to it~"

Eric said with such an amused and loud voice that it caught everyone's attention and all eyes turned to them seemingly about to make out.

But Eric slightly pulled away, continued to smile, threw back his hair before he with all the might of all 40-year-old smokers ruining their lungs and those for 70 years straight combined, accumulated all saliva and snot in the back of his throat, "RRRRRRRR-"


"TUUUU!" spit it with the force of Neon Armstrong's massive rocket speed weapon whipping out into May's beautiful face, tainting with scum DNA.

"AHHHH! You crazy bitch!" In an instant, May jumped off the table and screamed.

Eric's scum spit flew right into her eyes and blackened her heart slowly by corroding it to the core.

GASPS! Outraged gasps flew around the office. All of May's minions and lackeys quickly ran to her side and disdained Eric, "Erica! How could you do this! So, it's true you have no manners and only got this position by sleeping around!"

Eric rolled his eye at this badly written script and dialogues and only lifted his leg before kicking it into the ground and lazily said, "I wish I would've eaten spicy food yesterday night, so I would be shitting all over your hypocritic faces that could give people diarrhoea just by seeing you all. Oh-" 

Eric turned to the stacks of the documents and completely scattered it all over the whining females on the ground and let out, "Don't forget, do it within an hour."

Leaving everyone completely speechless, Eric left the office and gave a bit fat "Fuck you!" in plot's face. Yknow, screw all of that, I've been through enough torturing bullshit. I'll do this one my way.

Yes, Eric wanted to quit his office job and change this stereotypical CEO story!

But Eric was never allowed to defy plot, just as he hoped to spit acid into its face, plot came back with a massive dildo to widen Eric's tiny hole to the point it would be ready to take a fivesome. Foreboding? You bet!

So, before Eric could even take a step into the lift, he was held back by an upright, straight male, with glasses and gelled back hair and a blank facial expression.

"Miss Erica?" He said and reminded of a very stereotypical character ever to have existed.

"Yes?" Eric answered all dignified and holy again as if he didn't just pull a disgusting move and spread his contagious virus around to create an apocalypse.

"Please come with me, the CEO wants to see you."

"Ah," Eric's face blanked, "I think," Eric inauspiciously moved back before suddenly making a run for it, "I'll pass!"

However, how far could a man just becoming a woman and wearing insane 15 cm high heels run?

Not even most women were able to walk with death on their feet, what chances did Eric have?

So, he was instantly captured, grabbed by the neck and like a disobeying cat, dragged right in front of the CEO's office, where he once again had to relive the trauma of almost having to blowjob the CEO and banging his head dead to escape it.

Great. Just great. Eric hated this. He just couldn't escape fate! What should he do? Let himself be screwed? As if! Look at this suave guy, looking out of the window, his hands behind his back which was turned to Eric. Gosh, stop being so pretentious and wannabe sophisticated! I hate you guys bringing me here!

You think any female's gonna fall for you? Dude you gotta learn from me! I didn't pretend like you and see all of earth and the Demon world fucking wants me!

How did I do that? I was true to myself! Let's disregard that I once was a two-faced scum. Yes, once was. Now, I'm the epitome of what you'd call a natural beauty. Fuck no! Let's get over with this shit!

The straight-faced employee still grabbed Eric by the nape and finally said, "Boss, I brought Miss Erica."

"Good," after a long pause and dramatic tone, the CEO finally turned around.

Fuck, what do you want this to be? The typical, cliche anticipating meeting between the FL and ML, after their first meeting, went whatever?

"You can leave now."

On cue, Eric was dropped by a the employee who left to never make an appearance again. Goodbye rough handling piece of-

"Miss Erica, please help yourself to some tea," all dignified and cool the CEO sat on the sofa opposite to the one Eric sat on.

Fuck, you just gon pretend we didn't almost had a quickie here and you wanted me to suck you off just right where my butt's planted? Huh? You want to just bliss over this?

"Miss Erica, you might feel this is a surprise, but I'll make it quick."

Fuck, stop speaking like this! I swear you were a totally different character from yesterday!

Ladies and gentlemen this is what we call an inconsistent character or even plot convenience.

Obviously, this was the CEO pretending to be all nice and polite while sneaky plot's controlling everything to tie both ML and FL's fate together, so that every occasion they would stumble upon each other and have no other choice but to get hints to already fucking get together.

But don't forget! The incessant drama, rivals and parents-in-law that will make this journey unnecessary hard and these troops have been so sucked out that not even a gun was enough to blow out these brainless writers!

"From now on you're my personal assistant."

Great. Just great again. Eric had anticipated something like this but luckily it wasn't some shit like, "Please by my fake girlfriend, wife etc. blablablabla to stop my annoying parents" and all  crap to execute wish fulfilment of young and delusional teenage girls who will learn the hard way that life wasn't a fucking drama and guys aren't perfect and stabbidy stab stab you because you rejected them nicely, since, oh, they're nice guys after all.

Back to topic, Eric wanted to instantly reject but now the damn game acted up again and oh, would you look at these equally shitty yet fair choices?

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: Yes

Option 3: Yes.

Hmm, this is so hard! Absolutely have no idea what to choose! Omg! O.M.G! Literally! Fucking hell, just give him a fair chance to escape this hell!

Eric bit his tongue, grit his teeth, clenched his butt cheeks, broke his fingers and answered, "Yes, of course, you're the boss," then he muttered, surprisingly being able to say it out loud, "I can't go against you anyway."

"That's right. Glad you understand."

Fuck, did this CEO have a being defied kink? Look at this smile! This isn't normal! Why do you like it so much each time I'm being passive-aggressive or rebellious against you?

Shouldn't overbearing and cold CEOs like you like these submissive, pure and innocent obedient ones? Maybe not... whatever it was clear that Eric's life was doomed.

"You'll start now, Mike will work you in. Go and don't disappoint me," with a small smirk, it was obvious that the CEO wanted to keep Eric for being eaten later.

Mike, the straight-faced dude at least had some small mention again, but this was about it.

For Eric, a hellish journey was about to begin. Fuck the life of a CEO's personal assistant!!

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