(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Tragic news

Inside a cave-like room, under the mansion, Eric had no idea existed, Eric laid on a round stone altar with Mak and Nol around him. Dim blue light lit up this eerie place and it was quite cold, but luckily Eric wore comfortable and warm clothes.

As if he was about to be examined and cut open by scientists, Eric stared at Mak, and Nol who now slightly bowed to look down at Eric. Eric didn't like to be gaped at as if he was an animal in a zoo, but he endured and closed his eyes as Mak started to speak, "Through this ritual-"

Wait, why do you use the word 'ritual'? This sounds way too fucking ominous!

"your soul will be teleported into a random human body in the human world."

After two days of preparing and evading Del's line of sight and making up excuses, Eric still hasn't been able to figure out just what in the world Mak's intentions were seeing how generous he was to send Eric to the human world. And maybe Eric would never find out.

"You'll be on your own then."

"Wai-" realising there were a lot of questions left unanswered, Eric wanted to stop Mak but just at that moment, his soul already flew away to two-time and occupied another body.

"Your highness, are you staying here?'' 

When it came to the royal demons, Mak was very polite and an A-rated butler.

"Yes, I will guard him," Nol gently touched Eric's face, "Please do as you said and do not let the Demon Lord catch on."

"Of course, your highness." 

Nol couldn't see but there was contempt in Mak's eyes as he stared at Eric and then back at Nol. So, even the first prince was enchanted by this human, huh?

Once Nol was sure that Mak left, he cast a spell over this place to make sure no one could get in without his permission and he could be all alone, undisturbed with his teacher. After this was done, Nol brought his face closer to Eric's peaceful sleeping one and now, visible passion swirled inside Nol's borderline crazy eyes.

"Teacher," Nol whispered gently but his hands were quite aggressively touching Eric up and down. Naughty things were about to happen.

Meanwhile, Eric imagined his entrance a bit differently. He thought woosh, he'd magically wake up in another person's body but instead it was-


His soul was like a rock and hit a male inside the shower on the head making him pass out. 


Eric felt a bit bad taking over a body like this. Like what in the world prompted demons to come up with such a weird fucking idea? What was that? Just what went on in their little tiny heads void of brains?

Eric had no idea, instead, he focused on the body he occupied. Well, as he, or rather his soul, fell from heaven as a translucent ball of weight, he could see this owner's body from an eagle view. And to be honest, the body wasn't too bad. Eric was content with the choice. 

Or rather a forceful choice and unlawful abduction of an innocent person. The moment Eric glided into this obvious and poor human, he felt warm water running down his muscular body and felt the long schlong. Well, he had pretty good armour, not to lie here.

Quickly washing his body, Eric stepped out of the shower and went to the kitchen. It was still only morning. Just sitting at the table, enjoying his breakfast all in peace and alone, Eric was content and felt a new wave of rejuvenation going through his body before the realisation fully sunk in. He was back in the human world, although he was someone else currently, the sun, the warmth, the modernisation, it was all completely different from the Demon World.

Eric was really back in the human world. It felt good to be back. Like he said, he'll be back. Ok, no copying here. 

But really, Eric never felt more refreshed than now. Through the open windows, light flooded in and the wind sent a gentle breeze to play with Eric. No annoying and horny demons around him and no dark and dim surroundings of the Demon World.

The next thing Eric had to do was to go out and enjoy the opportunities earth had to offer! And oh, yeah, find Van and Timo. Those two wouldn't cause troubles so easily right? 

Wait... now that Eric thought about it, he had to first figure out where he even was. Was he in his home country? The same city he lived in? Where were Van and Timo here? What if they weren't? How in the world should Eric find them?

Now that Eric thought about it, he hasn't calculated any of that at all, he just recklessly jumped at this opportunity and thought, yeah it'd work out somehow. How stupid could he be? There was a reason why Now was sent to the human world because as a demon he could track the other demons. But stupid Eric couldn't do anything, because he was just a defenceless human who had a little bit too much charm inside him, fatally attracting everyone.

But Eric left this worry behind him as he stepped outside. Ah, plot and earth really favoured him. He was after all the son of earth. The beloved angel of humanity, everyone loved and worshipped. Eric could cry tears of joy. In the Demon World, nothing went his way, but in the human world, everything went his way.

Eric didn't even have to do anything and it was all handed to him on a gold plate. Eric was indeed in his old city, he could even see the tip of his company in the far back, the proud jewel of the city and the whole world. Everywhere he looked, nostalgia hit him. This was too easy, he wanted to return to the human world, this was so much more convenient than the moody Demon World that looked eerie everywhere.

But earth also had something very eerie going on. Eric was too intoxicated in bliss to realise from the get-go, that no matter where he went, a large billboard screen hung onto every building, clustering every street full of its might. No place was left without at least one TV to broadcast the news of all news around.

And this news, which was displayed on the screens, took Eric's last breath away and he was about to go and wreak havoc upon fucking earth! Nothing went his way at all! Return to earth? As if! Because earth didn't want him at all! Fuck, he teleported to the Demon World for a short time and what you gonna do? You fucking declare me to be dead!

Don't fucking mourn my death across the whole city, plastered every inch with my damn handsome face and using the whole world as my burial ground. Fuck! 

On one hand, Eric was flattered, literally, all of the world has been on standby just to mourn his death from the time he has been missing because that was what the news anchor literally said, but on the other hand, he wasn't dead at all!

Don't go and kill him off like this! How should he go back to the human world? He couldn't! At least not as himself! He would be brandished as a ghost and exorcised the hell off! 

No, wouldn't he be stoned to death accused of witchery? Why? You ask? Because they literally got some random ass body to act as a dummy for Eric's actual body! Saying Eric was dead. How the hell can you confuse some random body with mine? You got my DNA and everything! Fuck, how the hell did he even die and where the hell did this fake body come from?

Wait, suddenly a scary realisation hit him. What if... this was Del's doing? Or the demons? Or no, what if this was the terrifying nature of the curse? But then, Eric got an even bigger enlightenment, striking him down to earth's core and getting behind the universe's secret. What if... this was actually the system's doing?

Yes... for some reason, Eric had the reinforced feeling that this was the case. He shuddered. The system, not the systems, were too... frightening! Too scary! Too... powerful! Just what were these systems and their existence?

The more Eric thought the more he felt himself falling into a spiral of never coming back, luckily this train of thoughts was quickly interrupted as sobs and cries echoed all around Eric.

"I can't believe our angel idol is dead!" 

Eric's face blanked.

"He was the purest person on earth. We all loved him! Eric, please come back!" 

Eric's face became white as a sheet and went to lay on top of his own proclaimed dead body. Ok, I get it that I was insanely popular and beloved but do you need to go this far to mourn my death? Why are you all crying and wearing fucking black?

Why are you all sobbing and glaring at me for wearing normal clothes? I'm Eric myself, I don't need to mourn my fake death! And I definitely did not know you all were so hung up on my death! If I had known, I would have worn black as well just so you idiots wouldn't judge me!

Goodness, Eric was so done with everything. They were even more insane and clingy than the demons! Eric never knew he was this important to the world! He was like a hero to them all, but all he did was to torment authors and pretend to be good, and oh because he ws handsome of course. Eye candies were always welcome and beloved no matter what awful actions they did. The privilege of being beautiful.

Eric gradually got embarrassed, this was way too dramatic! If he was really dead, yeah he would like to be remembered but not this shit! Eric wanted to bury his face in his hands and ran off like a wronged maiden, especially because the stares around him increasingly got intense.

Dammit, they were all nuts! Then Eric got an idea, were... his authors also mourning him? At this thought, a nasty smile spread across Eric's face. 

You only know what you miss when you lose it. 


His authors must be hating themselves for wishing Eric death and cursing him like his, right?

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