(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

You pull this card on me and change everything?

The next day, the same theatre repeated itself. Fil went showering while Eric panicked about being sweaty smelly and then went showering as well and after breakfast, they decided to put their plan into motion.

"Aren't we being a bit too relaxed?" Eric called out the plot. The author was shaking, at least Eric hoped. He looked at Fil but Fil seemed to be absent-minded again. Damn that useless author.

"Fil you know what to do right?"

"Teach, I'm brilliant."

"Yes, you are!" Eric smiled angelically and Fil had the urge to go to the bathroom again.

Eric really had no idea what was wrong with Fil these past few days, "I'll go ahead. Fil, you hurry and do your job as the hero!"

Eric hoped Fil did his job while Eric snuck past the knights and slipped into the palace.

Not much later, Eric heard commotion outside and then screamed, "The hero has attacked!"

Well, at least Fil was doing his work. Eric was a bit perplexed because Fil was partly disguised. How did they figure out that Fil was the hero? But Eric imagineed Fil jumping and shouting he was the hero from the top of his lungs.

Eric hid behind a corner when he heard all the knights inside the palace heading to the entrance. Wait, Eric's face blanked. Weren't they supposed to guard and protect their Demon King? Were they really going outside, leaving the possibility of someone attacking the Demon King while no one was there to protect him? Were they really so confident in the Demon King?

Well, honestly it didn't matter to Eric. As long as Eric could meet the Demon King alone, wasn't this the perfect scenario? Eric waited until he heard no footsteps anymore before he made his way to the throne room.

Reaching the door, Eric cautiously opened but when it budged even a centimetre, a magnetic voice rang out, "You've come. I waited for you."

Eric's face dropped. Alright, bad premonition turned out to be a cliché. Of course. There were after all still in a novel. What did Eric expect?

And most of all, it was this stupid cliché! No wonder everything was easy! The bloody Demon King has been waiting for Eric, so of course, everything went smoothly without a problem. Eric should've known.

Now that Eric was given away, he stepped into the blending 24K golden throne room, a complete contrast to the rest of the palace, and stood face to face with the Demon King.

Well, the Demon King was a middle-aged man with two horns. Ok, at least he was a demon or devil? Fuck, stop mixing everything together! Anyways, he wore a dark robe and a black crown rested on his head. Eric stared at him and was relieved it wasn't Del.

Standing in front of the mighty Demon King who sat on his throne, Eric spoke, "You know me?"

"Indeed child."

Indeed you speak like a bloody ancient whatever character!

"You are a descendant of our royal blood. I've been waiting for you."

There were several things Eric wanted to call out on.

A- You fucking dare to tell me this so easily?

B- So, this stupid cannon fodder was actually a royal demon and 

C- fuck this cliché plot!

If this character Eric possessed was really a demon, no wonder he passed the demon test, no wonder he was a waste and no wonder everyone easily saw him as a villain, because Eric was a true villain! 

Being bullied, figuring out he was a royal demon wouldn't be in the original plot but this cannon fodder turned out to be the final boss, blacken and kamikaze everyone who wronged him and then battle it out with the hero? Was Eric supposed to do that?

"We have brainwashed you-" dude should you really be saying that?

"To send you as a spy and infiltrate the sect of the hero. You are my heir."

Fuck, so this was really how it was going to unfold? Eric wanted to nope out of there until-



Eric's body couldn't move. No way, did the king use magic on Eric?

Outside, the explosions and screams got only louder.

Rather than worrying about himself, Eric hoped Fil was fine. Even if Fil was the hero, he couldn't take on all the demons and villains. Fil only needed to distract them while Eric was supposed to enrage the king to attack the righteous side.

Who knew the Demon King uno reversed Eric and pulled out such a nuke cliché on him? Who knew?

"Why are you trying to leave?" the Demon King stood up and approached Eric, "My good child, I know you feel wronged but you'll be the next king-in-line. Come back to us and let us destroy the self-proclaimed righteous people. Awaken your true self, my child."

Eric still couldn't move. Suddenly, everything went quiet and Eric had to endure the Demon King caressing his cheek. It was honestly a revolting feeling. Eric didn't know if it was because the Demon King was using magic or whatever but Eric couldn't move and through gritted teeth choked out, "I'll never betray the hero!"


The doors of the throne room exploded and in came Fil. His eyes turned blood red at the sight of helpless Eric being harassed by the Demon King.

"You lay a hand on my teacher?"

Fil roared and charged at the Demon King. Eric's face blanked. In the novel, this line had to be changed definitely.

But this was actually a good development, even though Eric couldn't take this plot seriously, this was the point in the story where Eric found out he actually was a royal demon but the readers wouldn't know because they've been following Fil distracting the knights outside. They only get to hear Eric proclaiming he won't betray Fil when Fil charged in.

Perfect. The readers will think Eric's a loyal lover of Fil's who wasn't tempted by the Demon King. Little did they know that at the very end Eric would turn out to be the main antagonist. Sigh, this was so complicated and annoying.

Eric watched Fil end the show with one punch. Fil killed the Demon King. Was this the effort of 100 sit-ups, 100 pushups and 10 km of running for 2 days or was Fil always this strong or was it the protagonist halo?

Either way, after the Demon King died and his death was given a very small portion of screen time, maybe one line in the novel, the power that bound Eric's body disappeared but nevertheless, Fil carried Eric in his arms.

"I can walk on my own," Eric protested but Fil only said, "No, teach," and proceeded to walk out of the palace to give Eric a major shock.

Amongst ruins, corpses and injured demons and villains, Fil strode through this destroyed land until he laid Eric in a 5-star hotel room's bed.

Eric couldn't believe his eyes. Eric only told Fil to distract the knights, so how come? How the fuck come did Fil manage to take out whole fucking wasteland, in these few minutes?

Damn this MC was way too OP, he needs a nerf!

"Rest assured, teach. I've called backup. All the demons and villains will be taken to prison and wasteland will be renewed."

Wait... this was not the plan!

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