[BL] Spring Is in the Air!

The Blessing of Spring

The Blessing of Spring

by Nahrenne



Premise Tags: Office Romance,

Love Triangle (the good kind), Pining,

Family Affairs, Marital Infidelity (side character),

Couple Growth, Tsundere Protagonist,

Doting Love Interest, Comedic.

Content Warnings: Hints of DubCon

(drunk sex, almost no difference between

awareness levels on both sides),

Strong Language, DubCon interaction with

a side character (not allowed to go through),

Explicit Sexual Scenes (plural).



I hate Spring. Nothing good ever happens when it arrives…

I guess you could say it stems from an amalgamation of undesirable experiences that all unfortunately occurred in this dreaded season…

There I go…using big words again…haaah…or perhaps it’s my jaded personality…

Then again, isn’t that also because of then, too?

I woke to the twelve alarms ringing all around the room. Some might wonder why I am so extravagant with such things but it’s mostly due to definitely not being a morning person. Unfortunately, for me, I had to wake up early in order to make a living - as did most adults these days. Getting out of bed, I ambled in zombie mode towards each alarm clock – groans included – before struggling to turn each one off.

With the final reverberations ended, I heaved a tired sigh as I glanced at the calendar to see it was the first day of Spring. “Why? Why couldn’t it be Winter still? Or better yet, Summer? At least then I can admire some delicacies from the beach…” As I stomped slowly like an old-aged pensioner towards my bathroom, I couldn’t help but lament over not getting to see bronze-skinned topless men in swimming trunks or shorts; sweat glistening off their skin like liquid diamonds.

“Ah?” Looks like I gave myself an erection in my reverie…

Sighing despondently, I dealt with the me that was the only thing active and raring to go in the morning as I ducked my head under the shower head and cursed my foolish self for thinking such things in this state. After a pitiably brief session with myself, I lifted the shower head to remove my shameful stains from the tiles before turning the heat up and thoroughly scrubbing my body clean. Once I was out of the shower, I vaguely heard my phone chime from the bedroom, so lackadaisically wrapped my towel around my waist and sauntered over to see who dared disturb me so early in the morning.

[Little Sis]


I sighed dejectedly before picking up the phone and answering, “…There better be a good reason for you ringing, Chanty. You know I hate mornings.”

“Ah, so you were awake! Morning, bro! Hey, listen to this, okay? I was making breakfast for hubbykins when I overheard him mentioning you’d be getting a few transfers at the office today!”

“…So…?” I asked while not really getting why she needed to ring me about this.

“So! I heard there’d be some single women in the group and thought it might be nice to make a good impression on them~! Aren’t I such a loving sister?”

I internally sighed before forcing myself to sound upbeat, “Ah, thanks for the heads up! I’ll be sure to shave today, then!”

“Oh, you silly man! You should shave every day, you idiot!”

“Why should I? I happen to like the feel of a beard!” I retorted while scratching at my stubble.

“James thinks highly of you, and not just cos you both went to uni together! Can’t you at least make things easier for him at work, bro? Why do you always have to be slack about this kind of thing? James is finding it kind of annoying at times, you know?”

Ah, she struck my weak point…” I inhaled deeply before answering, “My apologies, Sis. I’ll make sure to be presentable when the transfers come into the office…Give my best to James…”

“Sure, sure. Oh! Make sure to come over here tonight, I’ll be cooking for you! Isaac’s been wanting to play with you for the past few days now.”

“…Fine. Not like I’ve got plans, anyway.”

“Thanks, Bro! See you tonight, then! Oh, James will drive you here so don’t be late finishing work!”

“Got it. Bye, Chanty.”

“Bye, Al!”

I hung up the phone and threw it at the bed just as my towel slipped off. I was annoyed at my sister’s love of interfering with my life. First, she stole my best friend for herself, then she decided to try and set me up with different women as if it was her duty. Alice was no different, being my other – older – sister…Though, she was more bothered about me succeeding in work and not causing trouble, rather than getting hitched.

“Hmm?” I glanced at my phone that had just got a notification and saw there was a message from the sender: [Big Sis]. “…Really…speak of the devil, and she will act…or however that saying goes.”

I read through the message and already regretted bothering. Some nonsense about her wanting to make sure I was keeping my house clean and eating properly. Honestly, I felt frustrated. It was like my sisters thought me inept and incapable of living properly unless under their constant supervision. No doubt Alice would be making a visit in the coming days to inspect and pass judgement on my accommodations.

I sighed again, having already lost count of how many times this made it so early in the morning before heading back into the bathroom to shave my face. Looking in the mirror, I saw a pale-skinned man in his early thirties, a dark stubble with some unkempt hair. I stared at my chubby, yet also slender self and thought about how I should probably start going on runs again to maintain my shape. Goodness knows how much weight I was beginning to put on from staying indoors all Winter. Slapping my face in an attempt to arouse my mind from zombie mode, I made myself presentable then got dressed for work.

“…Ah, I can buy some lunch at the canteen…Also a cup of tea from the station on the way.” I mumbled to myself while fiddling with the keys to lock my apartment. No sooner had I stepped out of the building, than a heavy downpour was released from the heavens. “Shit! I hate Spring!” I shouted to no one in particular, as I made a mad dash for the train that would no doubt get delayed because of the rain.




“Yo, Alan! Looks like you forgot your umbrella?”

“…” I glared at my fellow co-worker who was all smiles and sparkles while shaking his own dripping umbrella before folding it away. “Clearly not, Frank, otherwise I wouldn’t be absolutely sodden right now would I?”

“Ooh, touchy today, aren’t we~? Get out of the wrong side of the bed? You need to not stay up so late so you can get a good night’s sleep, hahaha!”

I received a slap on the back from my overweight, yet muscular co-worker as we entered the lift together to reach our office.

“Believe me, no amount of sleep can cure not being a morning person.” I muttered in an undertone while massaging my shoulders from the impact. As the doors opened to the corridor, I met eyes with James who was just exiting the neighbouring lift.

“Good morning, Frank, Alan!” I stood in place as I watched his handsome face nod in my direction with his charming smile. I couldn’t help smiling and giving a greeting back. That was, before Frank bombarded me from behind and pushed me into a female co-worker carrying a cardboard tray of hot drinks, resulting in them spilling all over myself and her.



“Ah, sorry Alan! I didn’t mean to push so hard.”

“Are you all right, Hannah? Alan?”

I inwardly sighed while thinking this day couldn’t possibly get any worse as I forced a congenially apologetic smile towards Hannah. “Sorry about this.” I helped pull her up before dabbing at her blouse with a tissue, only to be slapped by her.



As I stood with the wet tissue in my hand and a handprint on my cheek, I stiffly turned to James and Frank in confusion. Frank just laughed his head off while calling me bold, while James just stared at me in disappointment.

“Alan…don’t sexually harass our female workers.”

“…Huh?” It wasn’t until then that I actually realised I had been dabbing Hannah’s chest, resulting in my shoulders slumping in dejection over the social faux pas. “That really wasn’t my intention…”

“Be that as it may…I imagine HR will be contacting you later. Be prepared.” James then strode into the office, completely ignoring my problem. Meanwhile, Frank was just laughing his head off while intermittently asking how they felt. Of course, I thoroughly whacked him in the back of the head for both pushing me and asking such crude questions before heading to the bathroom in an attempt to sponge off the coffee stains.




With myself settled into my workspace and having tediously apologised an incessant amount of times to Hannah for my accidental misconduct, I opened my work itinerary to find there was going to be an office meeting at 10:00. Staring at the clock on my desk, it was only 08:32 and so I opened my work file and began typing out commands for the program we were working on. “The meeting is probably to introduce the transfers Chanty called about.

As 10:00 approached, James knocked on my desk to bring me out of work mode, “It’s time for the meeting.” He motioned with his head to follow him before leaving for the conference room. Saving my file, I trailed behind while wondering if James was still annoyed with me for the incident with Hannah. Entering the room, I saw six people in smart suits and haughty visages sitting at the far end of the table: three women and three men each. As Frank was the last to come in, James cleared his throat and began the meeting.

Apparently, the company had been hired by some big-name business that wanted a complete overhaul of several computer programs to better suit modern needs. The group of people before us were from that business and were supposed to work with us to iron out any loose ends while creating new programs from scratch. In laymen’s terms, I suppose you could say we had the elite of the elite monitoring us to ensure we didn’t mess things up.

“As such, please introduce yourselves to the teams.” James said while flashing his professional smile at them.

From left to right, it went: Allison, Danielle, Cassandra, Alex, Timon, and Benjamin. Though I wasn’t attracted to women, I could tell that our three new female colleagues were a cut above the ones who usually worked here. As for the guys…well, let’s just say I’ll likely be having many wet dreams in the coming days, though I shall endeavour to curb such carnal desires in the office, ahem. After they had introduced themselves, James went round the rest of us to give us the chance to put our names out for them to get used to.

Since Chanty had begged me to behave, and I didn’t want to disappoint James, I put on my best professional smile as I shook hands with them all and gave my name before hastily retreating from them so as not to cause any more social faux pas. It seemed that James was pleased with my actions since he sent a warm smile in my direction before allocating each elitist to a team leader. Sadly, for me…I was given Danielle. No doubt this was James’ way of trying to hook me up with someone, though I wonder what would happen if Hannah ended up spreading lies about me being a sexual harasser…

I sighed for the umpteenth time that day before guiding Danielle to my team, with her briefing us on what her and our parts in the project would be. Apparently, we would oversee the overhauling of the program to do with platform compatibility. In simpler words, our job was to make sure different brands of technology would be able to use the program – think Roblo and Winca devices. They used different technologies to run them with them completely incompatible with one another. This new program was supposed to make sure they both would run smoothly while using it, thus increasing the range of customers. Not that I really cared, since I tended to use slightly outdated devices that I tinkered with for my own personal preferences.

Going back to my work, my mood was abysmally low when it became rapidly apparent that Danielle was the type of person who enjoyed giving orders and having them followed to the letter. Saying that, at least she could pull her own weight when it came to programming, though I kind of would have preferred her to be on the side lines. I never did like being watched over the shoulder while working…

With the workload increased a tremendous amount, James arranged for another team to take over my other project so I could better focus on this new one. Though I was thankful for his actions, I was kind of sad I wouldn’t get to see that project come to its conclusion. I was rather enjoying inputting the commands for that. I sighed externally, which resulted in Danielle reprimanding me for having a poor work ethic. I gave my apologies half-heartedly as I continued going through the old program to better understand its core mechanics.

Unfortunately for me, I ended up missing lunch since – according to our ladyship – we were behind schedule. I inwardly cursed at the haughty woman’s spartan attitude while catching glimpses of her male colleagues to try and give some spiritual sustenance. It somewhat worked, though I knew I’d regret it come the next morning but that was for later. For now, “Give me the eye candy!




With the time turning to 17:00, Danielle promptly stopped what she was doing and said work hours were over before dashing out of the office. Not expecting her to be so punctual with work hours, we hadn’t even done a mini-debrief on what we’d managed to do and what still needed our immediate attention. Rubbing the back of my neck, I checked on my team’s progress before thanking them for their hard work and letting them leave.

“You’ve worked hard, Al.” A deep, magnetic voice said next to my ear.

“Wha-?!” I jerked out of my seat and fell on the floor, earning a chuckle from James.

“Hahaha, always in the zone when working, completely oblivious to your surroundings. Come on, Chantelle will start worrying if we don’t hurry.” He offered his large hand to me before smiling warmly while pulling me up.

“Really, you know I get startled easily…” I said as blood rushed to my cheeks.

“Which is why I do it. Your reactions are always so funny, hahaha!” He walked toward the lift, expecting me to follow without even looking back.

“…It’s because it’s you who does it to me, stupid…” I muttered before saving my work and shutting the computer down.

“Yo, Alan! Me and a few of the newbies are planning on having some drinks to get to know each other better. You coming?” I heard Frank shout after me from down the corridor.

I turned to look and gave a wry smile, before motioning to James who was standing by the lift, “Sorry. Already got plans. I’ll be in trouble with a certain Mrs if I don’t go.”

“Ah…I guess this was kind of short notice...Maybe at the end of the week?” Frank shouted down to me, earning a few looks from our co-workers, new and old.

“Sure! See you tomorrow!” I responded while putting my coat on.

“Alan!” I heard James shout from inside the lift.

“I’m coming, so hold your horses!” I retorted while scrambling as fast as I could to the lift. Unfortunately, I banged my thigh into a desk corner which knocked me off balance and ended up falling into Hannah again.


“Ah! I’m so sorry! I need to go, though!” I ignored the angry shouts demanding I return and thoroughly apologise as I flew into the lift as the doors were closing. Gasping for breath, I leaned against the wall of the lift as I felt James’ eyes on me.

“You really are a klutz, aren’t you? Poor Hannah’s going to think you have it out for her.” He teased, smirking at me.

“Fuck off! You saw it wasn’t on purpose!” I retaliated while thumping him on the chest.

“Even so, we do need to set a good impression with Blessing so…try to be more…restrained?” He said while grabbing my fist that was still on his chest and massaging it.

I yanked my hand away, still feeling his warmth on my skin, before pouting. “It’s cos it’s Spring, I tell ya! Spring brings nothing but misfortune for me!” I kicked the wall of the lift in frustration, “Fucking stupid rain and stupid Frank and that stupid Danielle and that stupid desk!”

“Yes, yes, everything is stupid including your superior for handing you part of the Blessing Project.”

“…You’re not stupid…” I muttered, with the fire taken out of me. “I really am grateful for you giving me such a big task. I know I don’t deserve it.”

“Come now, of course you deserve it! If you weren’t such a social klutz, our roles would be reversed in this company by now.”

“…You’re just saying that cos my sister’s your wife…” I pouted out.

I heard James sigh before I realised he’d grabbed me in his arms and hugged me tightly. “Stop being so down on yourself. I was your best friend long before Chantelle became my wife. You were my brother before it was legally binding, and I still care about you.”

I pulled away from his embrace just as the doors of the lift opened, taking the opportunity to dash out as his words echoed in my head. “You idiot! I never saw you as a brother!” Turning around, I smiled while hiding my inner turmoil, “Be careful with your words, or Chanty will get jealous!” My words received an amused chuckle from James as he caught up with me and we headed for the company parking lot.




The journey was uneventful, with James and I bantering with one another while listening to some classical music on the radio. The meal Chanty made was delicious, though it was marred by the incessant questions and advice my dear little sister couldn’t keep from mentioning throughout it. Isaac, my nephew, was as excitable as usual with him constantly clinging to my leg and begging me to give him piggyback rides. I protested after the nineteenth time but James egged me on with a chuckle as he helped Chanty clean the dishes.

“…” They looked so serene together, and it both broke and healed my heart to see it.

“Uncle Al! Uncle Al! Do the soaring dragon!”

I sighed as I knew that was a different way of just saying, ‘give me a piggyback ride again’, though I still indulged him while roaring my head off with my wings outstretched. I then grabbed him from behind and dangled him forwards, claiming the dragon could not be so easily tamed by the brave knight. After an hour of playing with my sweet nephew, he was finally tuckered out and sleeping on my lap on the sofa.

“You’ve worked hard.” I heard James say from behind me, him leaning on the back of the sofa and smiling at us both.

“Well, kids aren’t kids forever. No point in making them sad. Plus, I have the right as an uncle to spoil him rotten, hah!” I said while softly tugging on the little tyke’s nose.

James gave a deep chuckle before gently rubbing my head, “Admit it, you’re a child at heart too.”

“Tch! Am not!” I refuted while brushing his hand off.

“Come on, I’ll drive you home while Chantelle puts Iz to bed.”

“…Sure…” I felt deflated as I realised I’d have to part from his company so soon, while carefully extricating Isaac from my lap so as not to wake him up. Leaning over, I kissed him on his forehead, “Goodnight, little prince.” I then followed James out of the house where he drove me back to my apartment building.

The journey back home was more subdued than earlier. With the sky not fully dark yet, it only served to remind me how the days were going to get longer faster in the future. I sighed as I thought about how chaotic the following days would be with the Blessing Project.

“Worried about something?”

“Nah, just feeling tired from the workload I’ll have for the next few weeks to months…especially with that Danielle leading my team…”

James chuckled, “I gave you the most talented of the Blessing bunch, you know? Though I admit she can be a bit pushy, she gets the job done efficiently and with the fastest results. More time for you to slack off in the evenings, no?” He smirked while keeping an eye on the road.

“Still, I’d rather have a laid back guy than a highly strung woman bossing me around.” I leaned back into the car seat, “After all, I wouldn’t want to be accidentally accused of harassment again…”

“Hahaha, don’t worry about that. She’ll be working you so hard you won’t have time to make such faux pas.”

“…Are you trying to kill me?” I glanced from the side while secretly taking in his handsome features.

“Not at all. Just trying to get your lazy arse in gear! I know you’ve been holding your talent back on projects. Don’t think I didn’t notice.” His voice became a little stern near the end, which made me shrink into the seat.

“…Fuck you…” I said non-committedly, while internally wanting to actually do so with him.

“You wish!” James said light-heartedly while softly laughing.

The rest of the car journey was filled with silence from its passengers, other than the sweet sound of classical music coming out of the radio. As we reached my apartment building, we gave our goodbyes before I vacated the vehicle and headed inside. After waving off my friend, brother-in-law, and superior at work, I strode up the stairs, unlocked my apartment and collapsed on the bed.


Once several minutes had passed, I eventually prised myself from my position and checked for any post before undressing and getting ready for bed. Needing to relax from a stressful day, I grabbed my faithful tissue box and went through my mental candy box before divulging in a steamy session of the one-man band. When I had all but dried up and become spent, I threw the used tissues in the bin, washed my hands, then went to sleep – dreading what the next few days in the office would be like.




The next few days were, as expected, exceptionally stressful and tiring. Every day, I’d return home feeling super lethargic – almost like I was in morning zombie mode. By the time the final weekday had ended, I actually cried a little at the thought of a respite from the Demon as my team had secretly called Danielle. I will loathingly admit, though, that she did produce the best results out of all the teams working on the Blessing Project. As usual, she bolted out of the building as soon as 17:00 came, earning a few quiet cheers from several colleagues.

“Hahaha, she’s certainly motivated, isn’t she?” I heard a husky voice say from over my computer.

“Hmm?” I looked up to see Benjamin leaning over the computer with his head in his hand and smiling congenially at me. “Well…I guess my team is just not used to working at such a fast pace for extended periods, so it’s taken a bit out of them.”

“Really? From how I looked at it, you all seemed like you were vying to one up one another in getting the best results first.” He smirked before continuing, “Saying that, you didn’t seem as…stretched thin as the others in your team. I’m actually impressed you managed to keep up with DD’s demands.”

“…DD?” I showed confusion over the initials, recalling how Danielle’s surname was Hills.

Benjamin moved around the desk and knelt down before whispering in my ear, “Come on, you’re not the only people who have called her a demon. At least we don’t arouse suspicion if we use initials. Wouldn’t want to face her wrath if one of our female co-workers happen to tattle on us.”

I blushed from hearing Benjamin’s voice so close to my ear but played it off as being embarrassed about not thinking of using initials, “W-well, we haven’t had the time to come up with such tactics!”

Benjamin gave a hearty laugh before lightly jabbing my upper arm, “Sure, that’s what separates you from the elite, no~?” He stood up and looked at Timon, Allison, Cassandra and Alex, “Ready to join their drinking party?”

I peered over my desk and saw Alex and Cassandra wrap an arm around each other before politely smiling – though I could sense their haughtiness hidden in their eyes, “We’ve already got plans so we’ll be skipping. So, sorry~” They then sauntered out of the office while holding hands, making it blatantly obvious they were in a relationship.

“…They didn’t have to say it so condescendingly…” I subconsciously muttered in an undertone, not realising I’d said it out loud until I saw Benjamin smile wryly at me.

“Well…they’re somewhat annoyed about being brought onto this project since it’s messed with their holiday plans.”

“…Huh? Did I say that out loud?”

“You did.”

I ducked my head in embarrassment, “…It was just a passing thought. Pay it no heed. Think of it as a kind of verbal diarrhoea.” I saved my work files before shutting my computer down while giving my excuse, not daring to look at Benjamin.

“No worries. I dislike their company anyway, what with them sucking each other’s faces off when they’re free.” I quickly looked up to see a blank face full of mirth.

“…You must have been through a lot.”

“No shit. Who books a two-month holiday in Spring? We had to work quadruple time in order to allow for their absence, only for the higher-ups to decide to call them in for this project when they expressed an interest in doing it.” I watched as Benjamin sighed in exasperation, his dark brown curly hair flopping a little with his head movements.

“…Pardon my rudeness but should you really be saying this in front of a person not affiliated with your company?”

I saw Benjamin smirk at me before Frank bulldozed his way over and dragged me out of my chair, “What’re you sitting chatting for?! We’ve got a drinking party to attend!” He then pulled me down the corridor by the scruff of my neck before shoving me into the lift with him and several other co-workers. As the doors closed, I saw the elites who remained saunter down the corridor and take the stairs.

Damn you, Frank!” I inwardly cursed while being squashed against the wall of the lift and Frank’s large body.

Once I had extricated myself from the confines of that cube of suffocation, I followed the group to the karaoke cocktail bar. Things were a little awkward at first, since we were kind of split into us and them however after a few drinks, party games and karaoke sessions, we all eventually loosened up and began having lots of fun. Well, most of us were. I was stuck nursing Frank in the bathroom stall since he’d eaten too quickly before guzzling down seven cocktails…the sounds and smells were not…pleasant.


“That’s right, let it out. There’s a good boy.” I said blandly while patting Frank on the back every now and then. Why on Earth I was stuck looking after him, I have no idea. Though, I suppose it was just being in the wrong place at the wrong time with him dragging me with him as he rushed to the toilet.


I sighed as I thought about how my evening had basically been ruined. Seeing Frank calming down a bit, I decided to find a staff member to get a glass and jug of water for him. Once he’d got some water in him, the fool went right back to guzzling down drinks! I made sure to steer clear of him for the rest of the evening while imbibing in alcoholic beverages myself. Of course, I was sticking mostly with the guys since I didn’t find the women pleasant company. “Wouldn’t want another false sexual harassment allegation…

Once the time passed midnight, several co-workers called it a night and headed home while the rest of us went to a nearby club to continue drinking the night away. Since we weren’t confined to a single room of just colleagues anymore, I decided to fully let loose and drink myself silly.

“Screw you DD when all I want is D! Yeah!” I shouted as the thumping music overwhelmed my senses.

At some point, I must have passed out since I found myself awake in front of my door with some guy whose features were hidden in the shadows slowly and sloppily attempting to unlock my door with my keys.

“Wharrayadoin!? Thishishmahoooooooooooooooome!” I lunged at the guy but was easily evaded before he pulled me into my apartment, narrowly missing the edge of the door frame I was hurtling towards if he hadn’t moved me. Slumped in his embrace, I vaguely heard a husky voice ask me something before I realised he had a sturdy body that emanated strength. I gulped hard as I imagined what kind of body was underneath those clothes.

“Hey! Yawbodyish shuuuuuuper hot! Makesh mewannatashte eeeeet!” I said as my liquid courage compelled me to start sucking on his neck before licking up it to his lips.



I was overcome by something that made me not care anymore about who I was with, as I pried open the man’s lips and delved inside with my tongue. I felt my legs begin to give way but not before my partner pushed me against the wall in the hall and fiercely kissed me back.

“Mmnh! Mmnh~!”

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I sensed his own hands haphazardly roaming down my sides before sliding inside my top and massaging my chest. As we both panted heavily while playing with each other’s tongues, I felt myself becoming incredibly aroused as my trousers got tight. Pulling away from his delicious lips, I gasped out, “Ahh! Needa…looshen troushers!” No sooner had I said it, than the man hastily slid a hand down to my burning crotch and slowly unzipped the front.

“Ahhh! Yesh! Mmnh!”

We resumed our making out as my partner pulled my throbbing self out and began to roughly stroke it with impatience.

“Nngh, do mine, too!” I heard him growl in his deep and husky voice that was almost feral. Wanting more of this, I did as he commanded and slid a hand to his own pulsating crotch before pulling him free from his zipped confines.

“Argh, sho hot!” I exclaimed while desperately feeling the other man’s member, something I’d never done before with anyone.

We went back to making out while we both gave our all to stroke each other to climax. After a few minutes of frenzied movements, we both came hard all over one another’s chests before slumping down to the ground. My mind had gone blank and dazed as I tried to catch a glimpse of my partner’s face, however he had slumped his head over my shoulder. Feeling like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders from this, I once again took advantage of liquid courage to make me say something I normally wouldn’t have:

“Can we go all the way, shexshy man~? I wanna know what true blish ish like!” I wrapped my legs around him and giggled.

“Haha, drunk you is so assertive. But I like it.” I felt him move his arms around me before unsteadily lifting me up at the rear, where he greedily groped me. He then whispered deeply in my ear with ragged breathing, “Bed? Or here?”

“No' here. Third room on tha righ’.”

I felt a brief wind as my partner must have rushed over to the bedroom, bumping into the walls and doors we passed before eventually pushing me against the bed and making out once again. As we explored each other’s mouths with reckless abandon I felt him pull my top up before bringing it over my head. I stared at him as he revealed his own tanned and well-toned body after taking his own top off.

“Mmnh, shuch a shexshy body, hehehe!”


I saw him lower his head to my chest before feeling his tongue on my nipple, “Argh!” His tongue hungrily licked all around it before his lips sucked it in, “Mmnh!” I hardened with every suck he made but didn’t completely become erect until he slid his hand down my length and stroked my tip. “Argh! Sho good!”

“Hah…I’ll make you feel even better soon…”

I felt him remove my trousers and underwear before searching around his trousers hastily for something. He stopped half a minute later, pulling out his wallet from the pocket he'd been in several times already and getting a small packet out.

“Whash tha’?”

“Easier...to prepare...you with...” He replied with ragged breathing, clearly also deep under the influence.

I watched as he leaned back slightly to tear open the packet before pulling out a slimy thing and covering a finger with it. He then went back to sucking on my nipple and stroking my tip while his other hand slid towards my rear hole and entered with the slimy thing with practiced ease.

“Mmnh!? Whash tha’?! It feelsh weird!”

“Hah…it’ll be okay…need to find your sweet spot...to feel good.”

“Mmnh…if you shay sho! Make me feel good!”

“Need...easier access...”


Suddenly, I felt him flip my body so my face was in my pillows and my rear was sticking out in the air. He then inserted his finger back inside and probed around. I squirmed a little bit from the odd sensation until, “Arrgh! There! Whash that?!”

“Here?” I felt him push against something that made me almost come at once.

“Argh, yesh!”


He then resumed stroking my member while constantly pushing against that pleasure point inside. My mind was starting to turn blank as the minutes passed filled with sensations I’d never felt before, I hadn’t even realised he’d increased the number of fingers until he pulled them out and got a new slimy thing out - it had felt so good.

“Hmm? You’re noh continuiiiiiing?” I sounded sad and abandoned.

“...Course not...getting ready...ultimate pleasure.” I felt something hot, slimy and hard against my rear entrance, “Don't...tense up…for both our sakes, okay?” He said while clumsily stroking my member even more energetically than before.

“Ahhn! Of course! Make me feel even better!”

“With pleasure!” He growled back like a beast.

I then blanked for a few seconds as something hot and hard slid inside me, filling me and hitting that pleasure point from earlier. “Arrrgh!” I came straight away, though my partner had only just started. Using one hand to keep my hips in place, his other continued to stroke my softening member until it became hard again. Once it was, he pulled back from my rear before rocking back forward and hitting my point again and breathing heavily with every thrust.

The sensation was so strange, yet intoxicatingly thrilling at the same time I didn’t know whether to stop or continue. With every pleasurable push of the man inside me, I got closer to climaxing like I’d never done on my own before. Eventually, we both came hard for the last time and slumped onto the bed. I shivered as I felt him pull his softening member out of me, feeling an emptiness I’d never experienced before down there.

Completely devoid of energy from our activities, I soon succumbed to slumber with his arms wrapped around me. I’d never felt more at peace than that night.




“Fuck! Shit! Fucking Shit!” Those were my first words upon waking up in bed with a co-worker…from Blessing.

“Mmnh, morning to you too, Al.”


Lying on his side with a satisfied smirk on his face and a floppy bit of curly brown hair resting on his head was Benjamin. Me, on the other hand was suffering from a throbbing headache caused by a hangover, as well as a throbbing rear caused by you-know-who. I looked at the stains I’d left all over the bed sheets, as well as what I now knew were two condoms – one filled with Benjamin’s seed.


I tried to get out of bed, only to fall to the ground and hit my head on the dressing table beside it. I heard a rustling sound from the bed before a naked Benjamin came over and checked on me.

“You okay?” he asked with concern in his voice.

I glared at Benjamin while rubbing my head, already detecting a lump from the impact, “DO I FUCKING LOOK OKAY TO YOU?!”

“Wow, so sweary in the morning. I’m seeing you in a whole new light~” He said with a teasing smile on his face, as if none of this was his fault and purely for his amusement.

“Don’t just stand there laughing! Help me up! I need the toilet!”


“Don’t you ‘ah’ me! I need to take a fucking piss!”

“Aha, well…I think you’ll need more than some help getting up from there.” I noticed him glance sideways while looking a little bashful.

“…Fucking get me to the toilet right now, or so help me!”

“Sure.” He replied with a sweet smile that kind of unnerved me.


My discomfort was not unwarranted…he carried me in his arms like a prince to his princess! If that wasn’t all, he then proceeded to hold me up as I did my business. He even had the gall to kiss me on the neck while I was doing it! Not that I didn't like how it felt but that was beside the point! Of course, by the time I got to the sink to wash my hands, I then realised he had done more than just kissing me on the lips last night.

“…What are those…?”


“Those red things…what are they…?”

“Kiss marks.”


“Because I gave you them.”

“…” I felt at a loss. Benjamin was throwing me off my usual game. “Was he always like this in the office?” I glanced at him to find out he had been watching me the whole time with a soft and satisfied smile. “Why are you staring at me?”

“Your expressions are so interesting to watch. That, and your pale slender body covered in my marks makes me feel happy.”

“…You’re corny words are kind of cringey…” I said while pretending to shudder, "Who the fuck says such stuff so naturally?!"

“My apologies but…I couldn’t resist covering you in them since it’s proof of us having sex last night.”

“…Why does that matter?”

“Hmm, because you seemed to have a wall around you in the office, as well as a guard dog.” I noticed Benjamin’s face turn dark at the mention of a guard dog.

“Guard dog? I don’t recall the company hiring one. Must have been some mutt you saw.” I said dismissively, before inspecting just how many kiss marks Benjamin had given me last night. "One, two, three...thirteen, fourteen...FUCK!"

“Heh, I’m sure he’d be howling in lament over what you just said.” I looked in the mirror at Benjamin’s reflection to see him staring at my rear with an amused look in his eye.

“What’s funny?”


“Why do I feel like you’re not talking about an actual dog anymore…?”

“Because I never was to begin with~” He replied in his deep and husky voice while looking me in the eye with a haughty smile.


“Did you know? Whenever he’s near you, you brighten up like the sun. Whenever he smiles at you, you become so beautiful.”


“Yet all he has to do is say a few words and you become a shattered moon, desperately trying to find any light to shine brightly once again.”

I gulped a little as I somewhat knew who he was meaning, though I couldn’t admit it. “Who is such a person?”

“James Miller.”

I gulped once again as I felt my world begin to crack. “What…What makes you think that?” I said, while trying to regain my lost composure and maintain a poker face. "FUCK! How'd he find out?! I thought I was being careful!"

“Let me just say,” he said while sauntering over to me, “it’s only obvious to those who are so inclined. More so if that someone is…interested in you.” He towered over me who was trying to support myself on the sink. “I thought you were attractive in that first meeting we had but you hid yourself away as soon as you introduced yourself. Your boss then made it so you had no free time by allocating DD to your team.” I saw him narrow his eyes as he leaned in close to me, our faces centimetres apart. “He guaranteed you couldn’t get to know us on the first day when he took you out for that meal.”

“Hey! My sister invited me to that meal cos Isaac was begging to see me! So don’t go making out that James is scheming something!” I saw him freeze when I mentioned Isaac.

“…Who is Isaac?” Benjamin’s visage turned cold as his arms went either side of me, which somewhat gave me a thrill but I hid it at the present time.

I pointedly stared at them before glaring at him, “He’s my five-year-old nephew. Why? Are you going to think he’s scheming something, too?” I jerked my chin up at him while surreptitiously nudging my knee forward to lightly brush against him who was getting closer.

He then sighed while knocking his forehead against mine, “Well, that’s one less rival, I suppose.” He slowly pushed his member against my knee in the process.

“Rival…you’re acting as if you’ve been aiming for me for ages when it’s barely been a week.”

“…” He paused in his movements as I noticed him open his mouth to say something before closing it again and sighing. “I admit, it’s only been a few days since I first met you in the flesh but that doesn’t mean I haven’t heard of you before.” He then leaned in close to my ear, “You were very much loved by your professors and underclassmen at uni. They considered you a tech genius who was boldly avant garde with your style.”

I remembered my days at uni with James and recalled how happy I was, being carefree all the time and coming to terms with my sexuality. “Where did those happy days go…? Was it when Chanty met James? Was it when she said she was pregnant with Isaac? Was it when they announced they’d be getting married?” I felt sadness begin to wash over me.

“I read the stuff you did when at uni. You could have gone to any tech company you wanted, yet you went to some medium one which baffled the professors. I also couldn’t understand it until I saw your relationship dynamic with James Miller.”


“Alan…admit it, James is holding you back from advancing in your career.”

A plop sound echoed in the bathroom, followed by another…and another. “Eh…? What, what’s happening…?”

“You’re crying, Alan.” Benjamin replied with worry.

I wiped my face and found it was wet with tears. “H-how?”

“Because you realise James is a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve your love.” Benjamin then planted a soft kiss on my forehead, followed by my nose, then paused and looked me in the eye before tenderly touching my lips. “Date me and know that I would cherish you so much more than he ever could. After all, you’re so adorably cute in your mannerisms and personality.”

“…Fuck off…” I said while feeling my cheeks redden, yet I didn't push him away...I couldn't.

He kissed me again after I didn't reject his advances, “Only if you agree to let me be yours in return.”

“…What are you even saying…? We’re both naked in my bathroom after a drunken one-night stand and you’re wanting us to start dating? We barely know one another!” I tried to move away from Benjamin but remembered I was trapped by the sink and his arms and decided to just cross my arms instead.

“Then let me know more about you. I want it to be more than just a one-night stand. Do you realise how thrilled I was when you came onto me at the club? How I was on cloud nine as I came inside your tantalising body?” He leaned in closer to me, our bodies barely touching.

I felt myself blush at how he described me from last night, however I still felt unsure, “But how can I trust such a relationship when we don’t even live close to one another? Isn’t Blessing all the way in America? This is the UK, for fuck’s sake!” I began to squirm in place, wanting to escape the feeling of bliss Benjamin was making me experience with his words due to how embarrassed I was.

He wrapped his arms around me gently and kissed my cheek, “Because I want to make it work. Also, technology is so advanced now that I don’t have to be in America to do jobs, per se. That, or you could come work at Blessing with me. Actually, that's not a bad idea since it'll mean you won't be near James.” He muttered the last sentence almost as an afterthought, though I didn't really register it.

I gave him a hug back as I began my response, “I-”

“Alan…?” A stern, feminine voice called out from outside the bathroom.

Both Benjamin and I turned to look at the entrance of the bathroom to see none other than my big sister, Alice, standing there with a bemused expression on her face. “...Crap! Shit! Fuck! I’m done for!” In my panic, I pushed Benjamin to the floor and slammed the door shut.




“…Good to see you’re living well…Alan…I’ll just…clean the rooms and then go…I’ll leave your bedroom to yourself.”

We then heard the click-clack of shoes as my big sister walked down the hall to one of the rooms, followed by the rustling of a bag, then the sound of a vacuum. I was frozen in place from the shock, not even realising Benjamin had got back up and had sat on the bath that the shower was attached to, with me cradled in his arms.

“Huh…?” I turned to look at him while enjoying the warmth his body gave off on my back.

“The cleaner?” Benjamin asked in my ear before nibbling on it.

I stiffly turned back to look at the door, “…My big sister…Ouch!”

Benjamin bit my ear hard before immediately letting go, “Sorry, I was surprised. I didn’t mean to bite that hard.” He then proceeded to suck gently on my bleeding lobe, which made my breathing get a bit more ragged. “How about we have a bath, or a shower while we wait, mm? It'll help take your mind off this."

“…How can you be so nonchalant about all of this? My big sister just saw me naked with another man who was also naked!” I covered my face in my hands as I wondered what terrible consequences would be brought down upon me.

“…Well, while you sort out your inner turmoil over this revelation of your sister’s, I’ll get the bath ready for us.”

“…I’m done for…She’ll tell Mum and Dad, and Grandma and Granddad, and Chanty and…oh…will they cut me off from ever seeing Isaac again?!

“Hey, I thought a shower would be better to start with since it’s not really that nice sitting in our own jizz.” Benjamin had turned the shower on, then picked me up before gently placing me against the tile wall of the shower part. “You rest there while I clean up first, then I’ll help you.”

“…What if I get completely disowned and end up having to sell stuff to find a new home?”

“Hey, how many times have you jizzed here? I bet you looked really hot and steamy when doing it. Kind of like now with your far-off expression.” I noticed movement in front of me before seeing Benjamin's face getting closer.

“Mnnh?!” I found my mouth filled with a roving tongue which brought me out of my depressing downward spiral of thoughts as I subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck and reciprocated with a heavy tongue attack on his own mouth.

“Mmnh, much better. Though you looked really sexy, I prefer it when you are aware of me being here.”

“Hah…hah...foul play…” I said while gasping for breath.


“I said, that was foul play!” I lightly bit his shoulder while still wrapping his neck with my arms.


“Don’t just go, ‘hmm’!”

“You’re adorable.”

“I…hmm.” I turned my head away while blushing at his corny words.

“Now who’s ‘hmming’~?”

“…Fuck off…” I muttered into his shoulder.

“Hmm.” Benjamin then lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me, which I allowed before he then helped me get washed. Just as Benjamin was cleaning my member a little too well, we heard a knock on the door.

“I’ve finished cleaning the rooms that needed it…”

“…Ah…th-thank you, Alice…Um—”

“I’m sure you have your reasons for keeping quiet about this from us…but know that I will always love you as my little klutz of a brother, no matter who you end up loving.”


“I wish you happiness, Al. You deserve it. Also, apologies for intruding!” The sound of fast click-clacks echoed down the hall before the front door was heard opening and shutting in haste.


“Well, it looks like we have her blessing~” Benjamin said with a big smile on his face before planting kisses all over my face.

“Enough with the kisses and finish cleaning me! Didn't you say you'd cherish me?! Then get to it!”

“Of course~!”

“…You’re hopeless…”

“-ly in love with you.”

“…I’m getting shivers from how corny that was.”




Suffice it to say, I thoroughly cleaned my bedroom, including my sheets three times, before I felt somewhat happy with their state. Benjamin at some point had cancelled his hotel room and moved his suitcase to my apartment, claiming it would give us time to get to know one another even more before the project comes to an end. I could already hear myself sighing from this.

When I came back from doing the food shop the day after, I found a bag dangling on my front door. After opening it to check its contents, I immediately regretted doing so outside my apartment since a neighbour leaving to walk their dog happened to glance at it and see…stuff that shall not be named. I hastily closed the bag and rushed inside but not before receiving a weird look from the woman. In the privacy of my home, I read the card that was attached to the bag:

[Dearest brother,

Inside you will find enclosed ointments and oils to help with sexual intercourse between you and that handsome man. I did some researching online and found these products to be the best to ensure you don’t get stuff like haemorrhoids and other such things. I also saw that it’s important to keep the area well lubricated to avoid chafing and soreness, so I also included some gels and lubricants.

You have no idea how happy I am for you to have finally found someone to spend your life with! Your little sister and I have been ever so worried for you since you finished university. You seemed more glum than before, more…vacant in the head. Don’t worry, I’ll let you be the one to tell the rest of the family. I’m sure they’ll be just as happy as I am and if they’re not, then I’ll knock some sense into them!

P.S. Your boyfriend is very…well-built.

Your loving big sister,


“…I have questions…”

“Hmm? Oh~?”

“…Why is she assuming I’m the guy receiving?”


“Benjamin…if you really love me, then you’ll let me do you next time!”

“So there’s going to be a next time?” I saw his eyes beam with joy over hearing that.

“Fuck off! As if there’ll be a next time!” I threw the bag at him before storming into the kitchen with my groceries. As I opened the fridge to put the cold items in, “…Shit!”

“Looking for these~?”

I turned to see Benjamin holding packs of different cheeses, sliced meats and other cold items, whereas I was holding a tube of haemorrhoid cream.

“…Give me those!”

“Of course. Anything for you.”

I shuddered from the corny language before restocking my fridge with the correct items.




I’d like to say that I managed to kick Benjamin out of my apartment but it is now going into the seventh week of him being here and, as I am sitting watching TV with a big lump resting on my lap…it’s starting to feel more normal than before. I mean, he helps do chores, he cooks delicious food that can rival Chanty’s meals, and he said he’s even willing to let me fuck him – which I haven’t yet. Ah, that’s beside the point ahem. His work ethic on the Blessing Project has somehow got even better than before, with him sometimes having the free time to help DD with our team. Heck, DD is even less demonic due to the workload being spread more.

If there was one thing that I haven’t done in all this time: it’s admit to the rest of the family about my sexual orientation. I get that Alice is fully supportive of me but…what about my parents? Grandparents? And Chanty? How about…James? Would he ever forgive me? Look at me the same again? I kept having such thoughts whenever I was alone and not doing work. Though, I suppose with the amount of time Benjamin spent around me, such periods of anxiety were few and far between. “Does this mean Benjamin makes me feel safe?” I pushed such a notion to the back of my mind as I needed all my mental power to focus on the final stages of this blasted project!

“…With that, I think there should be one – maybe two – weeks of this project left. Does anyone have any questions?” James asked during the weekly meeting we’d arranged to hold to reassess our progress and deal with any problems that occurred. “Yes?” I looked around to see who had raised their hand only to find it was Benjamin!

“Seeing as how this project will soon be nearing its end, I was wondering if there would be any chance for an exchange program of staff between our two companies in the future.”


The room was met with silence from all sides. “What the shit are you thinking, Benjamin?! This could derail the whole project if things go south!

“…I’m intrigued, Mr Williams. Why bring up such a controversial thing so close to our joint project ending?” I noticed James lean forward with his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his joined hands, he did this when extremely pissed off.

“Naturally, it’s because I see talent that is wasted here and would grow exponentially at Blessing.” Benjamin replied while looking laidback and smiling sweetly, a mannerism I’d noticed meant he too was being quite aggressive right now, after all he did this when he wanted me to...never mind…

“Are you all right, Alan?”

“…Huh?” I suddenly felt lots of people staring at me… “Why are you all staring at me?!” I smiled at James who looked concerned, “I’m fine. Why the sudden question?” I felt a little baffled and hoped my face was showing that.

“…Well, your cheeks were flushed just now.”

“…Perhaps my body temperature just…fluctuated?”

“…If you say so.” James then returned his gaze to Benjamin, “What gives you the right to demand such things from a company working in tandem with yours for such a large project, Mr Williams?”

“Heh, in tandem.” He muttered before responding at normal volume, “I already contacted HQ about this, and they said it would be interesting. I also don’t need your personal permission since I can simply contact your own HQ, of which Blessing has been having talks with for the past week. I merely mentioned it now as a formality since it would be your subordinates affected the most.”

You can’t be serious, Benjamin…Why do this now of all times?

“Heh, I see. A formality, you say? Then why not state who it is you see being wasted here?”

Benjamin merely smiled at that, “Wouldn’t it make it more fun to keep you guessing~?”


The room felt a few degrees colder, despite the office air conditioner not being turned on since we were in the middle of Spring now.

“You realise you are potentially jeopardising the Blessing Project by doing this, right?”

“Hmm, I think of it more as a little shove up everyone’s asses to get their butts into gear and show Blessing just what they’ve got.” Benjamin replied with an even sweeter smile than before. If he had been a dog, I imagine he would have been wagging his tail with his ears flopping about to display a look of innocence. “You’re anything but innocent, Benjamin…

Sadly, it seemed that my co-workers had been roused by his provocation as they all began to chatter amongst themselves. I internally sighed as I thought about the mad scramble that was likely to occur for tasks to complete. “DD’s likely going to be whipping us all day with her figurative slave whip.”

“…If that’s your intent with this, then so be it. As you’ve said, I hold no power to stop this if both HQ’s are already in talks.” James closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them, “However, you better hope you’re prepared for the ‘friendly’ competition between everyone for the best and fastest results.”

“Oh, I’m more than prepared~!”

“Then…are there any other questions?”

“…” Everyone remained silent

“Then you are all dismissed!” Everyone began milling out of the conference room, “Alan, I need to speak with you about something, so please stay behind.”

“Eh?” I wondered if I was in trouble for blushing earlier. After everyone had left the room, I tilted my head at James wondering why he wanted me to stay behind.

“Alan…be honest with me…have you been poached?”


“Alan…I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t respond with ‘eh?’. I am after all your superior while working.”

“Ah, my apologies, Sir. I was just unsure of how you could come to such a conclusion.”

“…Mr Williams has been spending more time with your team as of late. I’ve also seen him eating lunch with you, and even coming into the office together. What else am I to think than something is going on behind closed doors?”

Oh, there’s definitely something happening behind closed doors, but it has nothing to do with work…I hope.



“…Why aren’t you answering?”

“Ah, I don’t think there’s anything happening, work-wise. Benjamin and I kind of got to know each other more when we had the drinks party back in the first week of the project. Since then, he’s kind of been s…sticking to me.” I felt my cheeks redden as I realised I was about to say, ‘spoiling me rotten.’

“…” I felt James’ hard gaze on me.



“Is there anything wrong…Sir?” His gaze was kind of unnerving me. I’ve never felt such an intense gaze from him since we were at uni, back before he met Chanty.

“…Have you changed your diet lately? You seem to have a healthy glow to your skin, though you’re still quite pale.” He moved over to me and reached out to touch my cheek.

I took a step back, not feeling comfortable with him doing that in the workplace, “I’ve just been eating more healthily and exercising more frequently, is all. I mean, I guess Chanty does always say a healthy body means a healthy mind, no?” I smiled warmly at James, only to catch a glimpse of sadness in his eyes for some reason. That’s when I realised his hand was frozen in mid-air.

“…I see. Yes, Chantelle does always say such things, doesn’t she? Haha…ha.” He sounded a little choked for some reason.

“James, are you okay?”

“…I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

“I see. Then would you—” Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” James answered.

Hannah popper her head in with an apologetic expression, “Really sorry, sir, but Danielle is screeching for Alan to return to work otherwise they’ll be behind schedule.”

“Ah, I’ll be right there, Hannah!” I began to walk out of the room when I realised James and I hadn’t finished our conversation. “I—”

“Just go…This project can’t have any hiccups so close to the finish…” He’d hung his head low and began perusing through a document on the table.

“…Then, I’ll see you at the weekend, James.”

“Hmm? What for?” He lifted his head to look at me with confusion.

“…For Isaac’s birthday?”

“…Ah, yes…of course…For Isaac’s…See you there. I’m sure Chantelle has given you the plans.”

“Well…she sometimes forgets. I’ll message her at lunch time about it.”


I left the conference room wondering what the heck had been going on in that conversation just then. James seemed almost deflated, even after I mentioned his son – his pride and joy. I also felt perplexed over him thinking I’d been poached by Blessing. As far as I knew, I hadn’t received any correspondence suggesting as such. Putting the matter to the back of my mind upon seeing the warzone in the office, I soon found myself being dragged by DD towards my computer followed by a nightmarishly long list of tasks she wanted me to complete by lunch. By lunch! Lamenting over my future lost lunch break, I cracked on with the programming while debugging some commands my fellow teammates had sent through.




“I’m dead.”


“I died.”

“Want me to give you the kiss of life~?”

“Ohhhh, it was all a bad dream! Yaaaaaay me!” I replied in a monotonous voice as I saw Benjamin inching closer from the kitchen.

“You really sure you’re alive~? I’d be more than willing to doublecheck. You know, check that all appendages are working properly~” He said as he knelt on the sofa I was lying on and somehow managed to finagle his knee between my legs and rub…

“Mmnh, I am perfectly fine! Fit as a fiddle, thank you very much!” I protested while desperately trying to close my legs around his knee.

“Mmnh, but you seem to have a slight fever~”

Damn you, shithead! You know perfectly well this is me blushing and not a fever!” I pressed my palm into his nearing face, “No fever! I’m a very healthy specimen of a 30+ year old man!”

“Hmm, if you’re very healthy, then you’ll be exceptionally perky there, right~? I wonder if I should do some…what did you call it…bangers and mash? With some extra sausage meat on the side~”

I couldn’t believe the corny lines that came from this guy! If I knew he’d use my favourite dish against me like this, then I would have never requested it four weeks ago! Realising he would just twist anything I said to his advantage, I sighed heavily and looked out of the window to see it raining cats and dogs. “I hope Isaac’s birthday party will go over okay tomorrow…

“Worried about something?” Benjamin asked while nibbling on my neck. “Are you a vampire, or something? Why do you always nibble, bite and suck?

“The forecast didn’t say it would rain tonight or for the weekend…but it’s pelting it down out there. Fgwuh!”

With Benjamin putting his full bodyweight on me, he leaned over the arm of the sofa and peered out to observe the weather, “Hmm, does it really matter if it rains or not?”

I hit him so he’d move off me a bit so I could breathe before I answered, “Chanty said they were planning on having a bouncy castle, magician and face paints for the party but…most of that would be done outside in the garden. I’m worried that he and his friends won’t have fun…”


“Isaac, you shithead! It’s his birthday tomorrow. I’m worried that—” just then, my phone started ringing: [Little Sis]. “Oh, it’s Chanty.” I flipped open the phone, “Chanty, is everythi—”

“Al…Do you love Isaac?” It wasn’t Chanty on the phone but James.

“What…? What do you mean do I love Isaac?”

“…I mean just that…do you love him as family?”

“…James…you’re making no sense here. Of course I love him as family, why would you ask such a thing?” Benjamin perked up at that, carefully tilting his head so he could better hear us.



“…If I wasn’t the father, would you still love him?” A flash of lightning streaked through the window, followed by a clap of thunder indicating it was nearby.

“…Are you saying you’re not the father of my nephew?”

“…No…I’m the father…but that wasn’t what I asked you…”

“Then explain so I understand what you’re meaning.” I felt Benjamin nuzzle my neck with his hair while slowly stroking my torso.

“…Would you love him the same if I wasn’t his father? Or would you love him less?”

I heard Benjamin mutter something under his breath before he slid his hand under my top.

“Hey, stop that, I’m on the phone.” I whispered to Benjamin, who looked up at me and stopped moving his hand. “It doesn’t matter who Isaac’s father is, since he would still be my little sister’s child. Saying that, I’m kind of grateful it was my best friend who became his father since it brings us all closer togethahhhn!” Benjamin chose that moment to tweak my nipple with his fingers.

“…Togethahhhn? Alan…are you with someone right now…?”

“Eh? What would give you that ideahhn!?” Benjamin had pushed my top up and begin licking my other nipple while tweaking the first one.

“…So you are with someone right now…Tell them to leave, we’re having a conversation.” I sensed anger in his voice which made me feel embarrassed, causing me to try and kick Benjamin off the sofa to make him stop. It succeeded but not before Benjamin grabbed my phone and hung it up.

“Hey! How dare you hang up a call to me on my phone!?” I got up and shoved him while snatching my phone back.

“Can’t you see he’s trying to gauge how you feel about him? I’m just making it clear you’re already taken, as is he.”

The phone rang again, this time with [James] as the caller. Benjamin tried to snatch it from me but I turned my back on him and answered the call, “Hello? James?”

“Alan…you hung up.”

“Ah well…I have a pet dog and it gets a bit…annoyed by phone calls.”

“Heh.” Benjamin snorted before wrapping his arms around me from behind and stroking me all over.

“…Put it down, then. We need to have this conversation, Alan.”

“You want me to put my pet down? Nngh.” Benjamin had got my ear lobe in his mouth and was sucking on it while his hands slid up and down my waist as a prominent appendage pushed against my back.

“Get rid of it! I need to tell you something.” James almost sounded like he was growling down the phone which somewhat alarmed me.

“James…What do you want to talk about?” I desperately tried to keep my arousal hidden in my voice as Benjamin thrust his bulging crotch against my clothed rear hole, reminding me of that passionate night all those weeks ago.

“…Alan…Have I only ever been a best friend in your mind?”

“Ah! Mmno!” I moved the phone away as Benjamin had unzipped my jeans and begun playing with my member. I couldn’t allow my lewd voice to be heard right now.

Benjamin saw my movement and released me from his arms before swivelling me around and pushing me onto the sofa.

“Ah! Ben! Not now!” I desperately whispered while holding back my aroused voice, only for him to smirk at me and mouth back:

“Yes now. I’m hungry for you.”

I blushed as I saw him kneel down between my legs while never stopping to stare at my face. Remembering I was still on the phone, I heard another clap of thunder, “Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. We’re having a thunderstorm here at the moment and it seems to be interfering with the signal. Could you repeat what you said, please?” I watched as Benjamin smiled like a predator as he began taking me in his mouth with wanton abandon.

“I haven’t always considered you a best friend, Alan. There have been times I’ve loathed being your best friend.”

“Hah…w-w-hah…why ha-ahve you loathed being my best friend?” It was getting harder to concentrate as Benjamin expertly hit all my weak points time and time again. I ended up subconsciously grabbing his curly hair in an effort to curb my arousal, but it did nothing to stop the ever-expanding evidence of how deeply this was turning me on.

“…Because a best friend can never be—” A sudden clap of thunder drowned out his next words, which also startled Benjamin resulting in him grazing my member with his teeth.

“Argh! Mmnh! S-s-sorry, the th-thunder…I hah…didn’t hearhh you.”

“…Ne..er..d…ee…rty…row…” The call ended, with James voice just being mostly static though I felt like he mentioned the party tomorrow somewhere in there. Since the call was over, I no longer maintained my grip on the phone as I used both hands to run my fingers through Benjamin’s soft hair.

“Ahhh, Ben! Don’t….stop…so…good~!”


It wasn’t long before I came in his mouth of which I was incredibly embarrassed and apologetic about. However, to my surprise, he just swallowed it without batting an eye.


“Mm~?” He replied with a beaming smile.

“Let me shove my fingers down your shitty throat so you vomit that back up right now!” I held two fingers at the ready as I began moving towards his mouth.

“No can do, Ally. I earned that fair and square and I’m keeping it~!”

“Argh! You’re so infuriating!”

“You love it~”

“I fucking hate it, you shithead!”

“Ooh, call me more bad names, I know it means you love me really~! In your own special, awkward way~”

“Arrrrrrgh!” I punched him in the gut, though was blocked by his hands before he brought them to his mouth and started licking my fingers.

“I love you.” He proclaimed with crystal clear eyes.

“…How am I supposed to refute that…when you look so genuine…?”

“You refute by saying word for word: ‘I love you, too.’”

“As if, fucktard.”

“Ooh, a new one~!”

“…Fuck off…”

“Where do you want to do it~?”





After spending an unhealthy portion of the night being teased incessantly by Benjamin in all sorts of ways I am too embarrassed to recall, I couldn’t help but yawn as Benjamin drove me to Isaac’s birthday party. I’d messaged Chanty ahead asking if he could attend too, since he’d be driving me there due to – surprise, surprise – the trains being cancelled cos some rain and blossom clogged up the tracks on the line close to their place. I was a little nervous about her possibly asking me why I was having Benjamin give me a lift though she seemed strangely quiet. I mean, usually she would have been nagging me about having made a new friend after so many years working at the company but…nothing.

A little unnerved from her silence on the matter, I messaged Alice to tell her not to say anything about seeing Benjamin naked seven weeks ago. Her response was the ? emoji, ? emoji and the ? emoji…followed by an aubergine emoji and a…hand symbol making an o shape. “Who the heck taught my big sister these emojis?! And why the heck is she using them in the context of that scenario?!” I began to sweat a little since I’d never seen Alice acting so…playful when it came to messages before. I discounted that letter in the bag of unmentionables since she was still somewhat formal there but that message!

Luckily for us, the rain clouds had all disappeared with not a single cloud in the sky. I got out of the car and licked my finger before putting it to the air.

“…What’re you doing?”

“Testing for wind, numpty.”


“Wind would indicate a possibility of rainclouds later.”

“…But it’s sunny.”

“Ah, Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin…you really underestimate British Springs. Take last night as an exam…ple.”


Benjamin turned around to see what I was staring at, only to spot James glowering at him with his arms crossed over his chest and slightly bloodshot eyes.

“Hi James! I told Chanty in advance Benjamin would be coming too.”


Looking at the both of them, it felt like we had been plunged into Winter again. I involuntarily shuddered as I caught sight of Chanty and Alice, with little Isaac already playing with some friends. Not really wanting to be stuck in a glacial match, I sidestepped away from them and made my way to my sisters who had caught sight of me before looking puzzled about James and Benjamin’s weird glare match.

“Pay them no heed, they’re just…work rivals.”

I hugged Chanty and Alice both before nonchalantly pointing at Benjamin, “He’s the one who gave the lift. Again, sorry about having a stranger at Isaac’s party.”

“Don’t mention it, Bro! I’ve always wanted to meet the Adonis. Oh my, yes, I see now~”

“Adonis?” I looked at Alice who seemed to squirm a little. I narrowed my eyes, “Aaaaaaaliiiiiice?”

“Yes, dearest klutz of a little brother?” I saw her assume her work persona and knew she wouldn’t crack under my pitiful pressure.

“…Your hair looks nice.”

“Oh? I’m surprised you noticed since I had it cut seven weeks ago.”

“…” I blushed at the same time Alice did as we both knew why I didn’t notice before.

Chanty looked at us both before giggling and grabbing my arm and whispering in my ear, “He looks very nice. You’ve done well.”

“…” I felt my sense of self sink into a pit of despair and shame. “Kill me…now…

“Aw, look, he’s blushing like mad~!”

I grabbed Chanty’s shoulders and looked serious, “Swear to me you won’t say a word about this!”

“I swear not to say a word~”

“Pinkie swear!” I shouted while holding out my little finger, earning the looks from some children and parents.

Chanty giggled before hooking her little finger with mine, “You really can be childish at times, Al. I pinkie swear I won’t say a word about it or so help me I shall put a thousand pins in my eyes. There, happy now~?”

I begrudgingly unhooked our little fingers before mumbling about somewhat being happy.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean I can’t message about it, right~?”

My eyes opened wide in shock at having been duped by my own little sister. As such, I decided to find the little prince to give me some consolation. Of course, by this point I had genuinely forgotten about the fact James and Benjamin were staring down one another in the front garden.

“Uncle Al!”

“My little prince!”

We ran towards each other with Isaac jumping into my open arms so I could hug him and twirl him around. I earned delighted laughter from that but soon realised the folly of my actions when the other children all begged for me to do the same for them. I glanced at their parents who all seemed more than happy for me to take over entertaining them for a bit. “Damn you, Upper Middle-Class people!” Not that I really had a right to complain considering my own family were Middle-Class since it became a class, just more on the lower end.

After tiring myself out before the bouncy castle had even finished being inflated, I went into the kitchen to see if I could help with any of the food. I soon found myself kicked out of the kitchen by my Mum and Grandma saying I was better entertaining the kids. “I’ve been fucking entertaining the little shits since I arrived! Only my little prince deserves my entertainment!” Of course, like the coward I am I went back to the kids and helped give out balloons and even helped the magician make some balloon animals.

Once all the kids had balloons and balloon animals, I was relinquished of entertainer duty since it was time for food and party games like pass-the-parcel, though I came dangerously close to being the donkey for them to stick the tail on. “I will only allow one thing to puncture my rear and it is not a donkey’s tail!” I then blushed as I realised what I had internally declared before catching a glimpse of Benjamin chatting with some of the parents in the front garden. “Ah…I forgot he was here…”

Moving my way to the front garden, I soon found myself grabbed by the arm and pulled upstairs. When I was eventually let go, I found it was James with us in his and Chanty’s bedroom. I noticed him lock the door before leaning against it and crossing his arms.

“Has he fucked you?”

“…Excuse me?”

“I said has that bastard with the curly hair done you?” James asked more angrily than before.

“…What would happen if the answer was yes…? Out of…curiosity…I mean…since you’re asking…”

I saw an unbridled rage hidden deep within James’ eyes as he inhaled deeply before breathing out slowly. “Why?”

“Um…why what?”

“Why did you fuck him?”

“…So crass…”

“Why did you bloody fuck him when I could’ve…” He seemed to catch himself before sighing, “All these years we’ve been together…and they never meant anything?” He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

“Um…What? What now?” I wasn’t following this conversation at all.

“I’m telling you that I bloody loved you all this time and I thought you did for me, too!”

My eyes widened in shock and disbelief as I tried to piece together what I’d just heard. It was both a dream and a curse to hear such sweet words from his mouth.

“…You can’t be serious…can you?” I asked while sitting on the bed and leaning on my knees before running my hands through my hair in confusion, “All this time…I thought it was one-sided on my part…and you’re saying you loved me, too?”

“Yes, I--“

“The fuck?! Then why the fuck did you go and marry my little sister?!”

“I didn’t want to lose you!”

“Fuck off! You’re lying!”

“I thought it would give me a valid excuse to be able to be intimate with you, invite you out…and such…”

“Are you a fucking retard?! All those years! Then what about Isaac?! Do you only see him as another thing binding you to me?!” I was filled with rage.

“…He looks a bit like you…so I…was able to shower him with love.”

I punched him in the gut for that.

“Fuck you!”

“I want to fuck you.” James said as he grabbed my arms and pushed me against the door, trapping me between his arms.

“Is that all…?” I looked at him with my vision going blurry.

“No…I want you to be happy…” He brought his finger to my eye and wiped away the tears cascading down.

“…Eh…? I’m…crying…?” I held my hands to my face and they came back soaking wet. “...Why am I crying…? I’m positively livid!”

“Maybe because you’re relieved I love you back?” He asked with a wry smile while leaning in close.


He smiled warmly at that, “I’ve long come to learn that’s your brand of saying you like something.”


James kissed me while holding my face gently in his hands. It was strange. I didn’t feel safe. I felt uncomfortable. I didn’t like it. So I pushed him away.

“N-No!” I gasped for breath as I stared at an aroused James, his intense stare much like back when we were in uni…like when we were in the conference room.


“You’re Chanty’s husband!”

“I can always divorce….”

“What about Isaac?”

“I’ll willingly send money for child support…”

“…You’re the absolute worst, James!” I kicked him in the balls before grabbing his shirt and pushing him onto the bed. “If you so much as dare to ruin my sister’s and nephew’s life I will fucking kill you!”

“Hah…at least then I might truly belong to only you.”

“Don’t say such sick things! You think I’d be happy, killing my first love?”

“First love?”


“You haven’t realised…have you?” I watched as James easily manoeuvred out of my grasp and had me under him, “Who you really love, I mean…”

There was a knock on the door followed by a deep and husky voice, “Ally, you there? There were some banging sounds from up here and neither you nor James are anywhere to be seen.”



I watched James straddle me, “Of all the people you had to end up with, it had to be that piece of shit!”

“…What do you have against Benjamin?”

James glared at the door before leaning in close to my ear and uttering in a low volume, “He’s from my ex-step-mum’s fifth marriage…my dad was her first marriage but she was my dad’s third marriage. I think I’ve told you before how complicated my family can be…”

“…Why do you even remember such stuff?”

“The old man boasts about it, claiming they’re having a weird contest to see who can have the most genuine marriages out of spite, or something.”

“…That’s fucked up!”

Another knock resounded on the door, “I can hear you whispering. You might as well come out…as long as you’re both decent.” I shivered as I felt a menacing aura come from the door at that last part.

“...H-hey…let me go, James. We both know we can’t be like this.”


Benjamin knocked on the door again and spoke in a scarily calm voice, “I’m going to count down from five and then kick open the door. I don’t care if I damage it since I have the money to pay. However, if I see you’ve done something to Ally I swear you will regret it, James! Five!”

James looked at me and smiled wryly.


“I’ll always love you, you know?”


“I know, as I will you…just not like before.”


James leaned in and kissed me lightly before getting up.


James moved to the door and unlocked it, turning the knob just as Benjamin shouted, “I’m kicking down the door! Yarrrrrrrgh?!” The scene that followed was Benjamin losing his balance due to James opening the door just as he was about to make contact with it, resulting in him awkwardly somersaulting into the bed right where my legs were.

“Fucking shit!” I exclaimed, “I thought you were bluffing!”

I felt a dazed Benjamin grab hold of my thighs as he pulled himself up before falling on top of me and kissing me haphazardly. Through the mass of curls blocking my view every now and then, I saw James slowly leave before closing the door. With the sound of the click, it was almost like a beast inside Benjamin had been unleashed as I felt him harden on top of my stomach.

“H-hey…Ben…not here…it’s Isaac’s birthday…”

“Mmnh…sate me and I’ll think about it~!”

“Fuck!” I kneed him in the balls before getting up and sorting out my clothes and hair in the bedroom mirror. “Get a grip, Benjamin! There are children here!”

I felt his arms around me as he inhaled my scent from my neck, “Mm…so you’ll sate me when we get home~?”


“Too long. It’s an hour and fifteen-minute drive.”

“…Then…” I blushed as I thought about the consequences of what I was about to say, “…I’ll satisfy you in the car…away from prying eyes…”

I felt Benjamin’s gaze on me from the mirror as he watched my cheeks redden in shame and arousal. I sensed the glee in his eyes as he smiled before sucking on my neck and leaving a mark.

“All right~! I never really thought you’d do car sex. I love it when you get horny~!”

“Hey! I am not horny! I’m just thinking of the children!”





Suffice it to say, the party went smoothly, with Isaac saying he had the best time of his life but expressed his sadness at not getting to sleep on my lap this time. On the way back, I…’dealt’ with Benjamin’s beast, though he would have preferred us to have gone all the way, I was still adamant about the promise he made about our next time thus…a simple hand did the trick.

As for my family learning of my sexual orientation…it appears Alice had already group-chatted the whole family about it the day it had happened with them all having helped pitch in with that…bag of unmentionables. I was glad that they were all willing to accept me for who I was but…it felt kind of anticlimactic since I wasn’t the one to give the news. Well…at least Isaac will remain out of the know for a while.

With the weekend at a close, me, Benjamin and James all worked our cotton socks off ensuring the project ran smoothly for the rest of its time. It came with no great surprise to James that I was indeed chosen to take part in the exchange program, something that saddened him to no end since it meant I’d be moving to America for a while. Benjamin was of course absolutely delighted about it and couldn’t wait to show me his place over there – saying something about me never needing to leave the house again with everything he had there. James punched him in the face and threatened to call the police if that ever happened, though. I feel like I missed something there and wonder if my ignorance is bliss for that…




Last Day of Spring.

You know…I never thought I’d have such an eventful Spring as I did have. If anything, it was both the worst and the best. It was the worst because I ended up with a clingy dog who is always horny, he took my first time while we were both under the influence, and he basically made me leave all of my friends and family in the UK to live with him in the US.

It was the best Spring I had because my unrequited love was reciprocated, no matter how bittersweet it eventually ended up being…I found love with an amazing person who loves all my sides and…satisfies my urges…I got recognised for my talent in the tech industry and ended up coming out and being accepted by my family.

I still hate Spring though, after all…it is fleeting like the blossom on trees and is gone just as you were beginning to appreciate it. Fuck, what did I drink to spew that crap?! I bet it was Ben, I’m gonna fucking kill him tonight in my fifth turn as the giver! Fuck yeah!



Author's Account:

Nahrenne (SH).

This was my first BL and my first proper attempt at a short story. I usually write long ones so this was a real challenge but I enjoyed telling Alan’s story.

My apologies for the use of crass language but it sort of fit the characters.

I swear I don’t swear irl.

Pardon the irony in that proclamation.

As for the sexual scenes…I wanted to show that they weren’t in just one role and were open to pleasuring each other in the same way.

Sorry you never got to see Alan finally get to do Benjamin, my story was already quite long for a short story and I didn’t want to push it. Perhaps in the future, I will write a side story from other characters’ points of view – along with Benjamin and James’.

I’d do a character theatre but I feel their conversations as they were were kind of like that.

Last but not least, thank you for reading this and I hope you got at least a little enjoyment out of it.


*huggles you all*


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