[BL] Spring Is in the Air!

the fallen flowers

the fallen flowers

by tsukimii



Premise Tags: Nonlinear Storytelling,

Unreliable Narrator, Demon/Spirit,

Family Issues, Death of Loved Ones,

Dreams/Illusions, Wish-Granting.

Content Warnings: VERY mild dub-con

(contains displays of affections some might consider

"dubconny" while most won't),

mentions of child abuse, death, sexual content.




After one night of wind and showers, how many are the fallen flowers?

— Meng Haoran.

Ling Meihui could only remember the sight of that spring day—nothing else.


The crimson streak adorned his pale skin like a river graced by a scorching sunset. He could remember looking down at it with a blank stare, as if nothing was wrong.


He really did think nothing was “wrong”, as he felt a dull throb.


Apparently, other people did though, as they used it as an excuse to hit him, isolate him, drive him into a corner until he was alone.


Blinking slowly, as if in the heart of a dream, he dazedly watched the blood stream down his arm, reaching his fingertips and going as far as it could before drops fell down to the flower below.


A red blotch spread across the once pure petals of the flower.


Alas, Ling Meihui did remember another figment of that memory: the flower was a hyacinth... a pure white hyacinth.


The shocked faces that possibly looked at him were blurry, and the voices that yelled his name horrifically like they’ve just witnessed a ghost were only distant noises in the background. Even the rest of the scenery seemed to bleach out.


Just then, a chuckle—a small laugh, like one from a fairy.


“Ling Meihui...” The voice trailed off for a minute, echoing and fading away. It was an elegant voice, one that soothed all who heard it yet possessed a strange sense of otherworldliness. “What a beautiful curse this is, for you to have met me.”


Otherwise, he only remembered the blood flowing like a river and the flower that had been blanched unceremoniously with that same river.






“Happy birthday to you—” sang Ling Chen, her voice almost uncharacteristically out of tune but still trying her utmost best. Her hands were behind her back, wanting to surprise Ling Meihui with a cake.


Unfortunately, Ling Meihui found out about her surprise the moment she stepped foot into the fishbowl-like room. The last thing he wanted was for his sister to feel dejected when she went out of the way to surprise him with a cake though, so he pretended to remain completely oblivious.


Once the song ended, Ling Chen proudly revealed the cake, her smile beaming.


“You’re really too kind, A-Chen,” Ling Meihui chuckled and affectionately ruffled her hair, “The cake is too big for me to eat alone. If you don’t have classes coming up, why not eat with me?”


Ling Chen feigned an overdramatized hurt expression, even going as far as putting a hand on her chest. “Ge, you really have such little faith in your own sister?”


Ling Meihui could only smile in response, a bit helpless and awkward.


He loved Ling Chen, but he never knew how to react to her drama queen moments either. She did not seem to mind nor notice though, much to Ling Meihui’s relief.


Setting the cake down, Ling Chen’s expression grew more serious. She was someone who could be laughing boisterously one moment and serious the next. “I heard about your heart.”


“So you did.”


“... Is it true?”


“Ling Chen,” Ling Meihui’s smile was now laced with a somewhat teasing note, “We may be brother and sister, but I can hardly read your mind.”


She threw her arms up. “God, ‘I can hardly read your mind’, my butt! Your heart—I’m talking about your heart! Is it truly better? Is that even scientifically possible?”


Ling Meihui paused at Ling Chen’s outburst.


She wasn’t wrong.


Back in that spring day, Ling Meihui thought it wasn’t wrong to not feel anything after getting such a severe gash on his arm. It really wasn’t wrong, so to speak. It was simply different—there were other people in the world who were like himself.


His heart, though, was simply a bizarre case.


A couple days ago, he had been hospitalized with a weak heart. Now, it was suddenly stronger.


It was as if his heart had never been weak in the first place.


Although he had instigated this himself, he felt almost shocked from such a sudden change, and to alleviate himself, he ate some cake, letting the sweet and slightly sour tang distract him for the time being.


Ling Chen looked at him with an arched brow. He wasn’t surprised at her reaction.


For multiple reasons, he was never a big fan of cakes.


Some time passed by in a comfortable silence before Ling Chen put down her spoon and whispered with a gentle smile that tugged at Ling Meihui, “You know, Ge, I really like this moment. Nothing matters but now. Forget the past—I think this is enough for me.”


Ge, I’m happy now.


Ling Meihui seemed to hear Ling Chen’s implications carried by the breeze of the open window. Words that weren’t said aloud but could still be heard.


I forgive you.





That night, there was a full moon.


Ling Meihui stared at it. He couldn’t help but admire its otherworldly beauty. The images of that flower he once saw as a child flashed through his mind.


“Are you alright, Mr. Ling?” the nurse, who had come to check on him a little while ago after Ling Chen had left, asked with worry. She paused before saying, “If you have no more problems the next day, I would say you will be able to go home the day after.”


Ling Meihui smiled.


He was told by someone once that his smile was calming, that his smile could heal those who were troubled. It was from quite a while ago, so Ling Meihui was surprised he could still remember those words so clearly. He couldn’t remember the words spoken from other people as clearly as he could this person.


The nurse blinked at him, and when she realized he was not going to reply to her, she simply looked down. “Let me know if you need anything else.”


“Alright,” Ling Meihui replied, “I’ll definitely let you know.”


He gave a wave to the nurse, and when she left, Ling Meihui’s hand froze in the air. After a little while, he lowered his hand and shifted his position so he was lying on the white, slightly hard bed.


Once he closed his eyes, a blanket of black dominated his vision... and then came red.


The narrow red streak extended to an unknown destination, starting from where Ling Meihui’s feet were. It was glowing, serving as a guidance, as if it were blood illuminated by fire.


Ling Meihui felt a pull in his heart. It didn’t hurt, but it was borderline uncomfortable.


Who was calling him?


Steps slow and cautious in the midst of an unknown environment, Ling Meihui followed where the red streak led.

Nothing happened on the way to the end, but when he reached the end, he heard the sound of a drop of water plopping on some surface, and like a signal, the black faded away, and another scenery rippled in.


Ling Meihui was not usually scared, but now he was.


Not because he was in an unknown environment, but because he feared that if he stepped too hard, the scenery before him would shatter in front of his eyes.


He was standing on a circular ground made of marble. Light, jade-colored streaks outlined the ground, gracefully yet tenaciously maneuvering across.


Surrounding him were different bouquets of flowers, each having their own flavor but all adding vibrancy to the pristine, white ground.


Just outside the circular ground, there were trees everywhere. The petals on them were light pink, though they sometimes almost looked white. Petals fluttered about, dancing with the wind, and those that clung to the trees whispered at the call of the spring breeze.


This was too beautiful to be reality.


“Do you like it?”


A voice, laced with amusement, asked, breaking Ling Meihui out of his reverence.


When Ling Meihui turned around, he saw a figure who clearly had not been there the first time he had scanned that area.


“What do you think, Mo Hua?” Ling Meihui’s amusement matched the other’s.


He approached the figure, Mo Hua, whose eyes were obscured with a mask. His onyx black hair was rather long but was pulled up into a bit of a side ponytail. Some locks fell over his shoulder and hugged his body in a charming way.


“Considering that clearly awestruck expression of yours—which I adore, by the way—I think none other can compare.” He laughed, his voice gentle and like a bird’s call. His confidence never failed to charm Ling Meihui.


Ling Meihui laughed as well, and once he was close enough, he whispered, “Dance with me?”


“Do you think I would dance?”


“I’m sure you mean ‘could’.” Ling Meihui replied. Mo Hua rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help a small smile from playing on his lips when Ling Meihui finished with, “You’re the only one I’d ask to dance with.”


Mo Hua’s rosy lips thinned, and he only said, “Is that your final wish?”


Ling Meihui mildly responded, “No, I just thought it would be nice to dance with someone like you.”


Mo Hua scoffed, but he complied with Ling Meihui’s invitation, wrapping his left arm around the other’s waist, pulling him in. His right hand’s fingers intertwined with Ling Meihui’s. With the spring breeze as the conductor and the trees as the orchestra, Ling Meihui and Mo Hua danced, their feet moving together in sync.


Ling Meihui couldn’t help but be drawn to the way Mo Hua’s hair danced in the breeze, onyx locks playfully riding the wind. His hair gave off a faint scent of cherry blossoms.


At first, it was silent between them, but Mo Hua took the liberty to ask, “If this isn’t your final wish, then what is?”


The question was met by silence. Continuing to dance, Ling Meihui tightened his fingers slightly around Mo Hua’s. He seemed to feel it, so Mo Hua reciprocated.


Ling Meihui thought back to his other two wishes.


One, he wished for consolation in his lowest moments. Thus, Mo Hua graced him with his presence, indulging him in conversation.


Two, he wished to see his sister, Ling Chen, and spend a birthday with her. Thus, Mo Hua became Ling Chen to celebrate Ling Meihui’s birthday with him.


Ling Meihui didn’t care if it was only an illusion—any figment of life he could find, he would treasure for as long as he could. Illusions were always fleeting, and at the end of all their blessings was the reality of the past:

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ling. There was an accident, and Ling Chen has — —”


Ling Meihui froze where he was, the words not processing in his mind. He dropped the phone.


The night before, Ling Meihui and Ling Chen had gotten into an argument... it was really nothing worth getting very worked up over.


“Why do we have to move again, Ge!?”


“I told you, I have work, but it’s in a different country.” Ling Meihui tried to console Ling Chen without resorting to lying.


Instead, Ling Chen pushed him away.


Ling Meihui was speechless, and in the end, he could only look down with a dejected expression. An aching filled his heart: the only person he could say he truly cared about had roughly pushed him away.


Ling Chen’s eyes were red, on the verge of spilling tears.


Then, she burst out the door without another word, probably just wanting time for herself.


Ling Meihui couldn’t blame her. After all, he had to admit that while he cared for Ling Chen, his actions also caused her suffering. Because of him, Ling Chen could not make any friends nor settle down in one place before having to move to the next due to work.


At that time, Ling Meihui wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. Neither could he bring himself to look at her retreating back, quickly turning into a little dot in the distance. He could only look down, his eyes glimmering with anguish.


Now, though, was different. 


Ling Meihui was standing then. Now, he kneeled down.


He wore a mask then. Now, he ripped it off.


He held his tears in back then.


Now, he let it all out.


Ling Meihui wanted to curse his parents for divorcing and abandoning the siblings alone. However, they must have already drank Meng Po’s soup... so what was the point?


With nobody to turn toward, he could only let out hoarse cries. His voice was terrible, and he hiccuped in between shouts at nobody in particular.


He cried until his sleeves were wet.


“Why do you cry?”


The voice that sounded in Ling Meihui’s ears didn’t hold any heavy emotions—it was light, as if it were a lily pad floating on the lake of tears—but Ling Meihui didn’t really mind.


Having someone to talk to, having someone to turn to... was what he wanted the most right now.


“What have I done, Mo Hua?” Ling Meihui’s voice was weak from the cries. He was still kneeling down, looking at the floor, anguished that Ling Chen had burst out because of an argument.


Now, she was gone because of something neither of them could control.


Mo Hua was silent for a while, unsure how to reply.


Ling Meihui couldn’t blame him: Mo Hua wasn’t human himself. Was he familiar with having a strong connection broken like that? Perhaps he saw those he had granted wishes for as helpless, pitiful creatures that needed to rely on something other than themselves to persevere.


And so, silence filled the room.


Then, for the first time, he whispered in Ling Meihui’s ear. He spoke with a quiet voice that hid nothing, “Your smile is calming, Ling Meihui. To me, it seems like it can heal those who are troubled. So, I like it a lot when you smile.”


It was a small whisper... words meant for Ling Meihui only. For the first time, Ling Meihui and Mo Hua seemed to resonate together on a deeper level than a human client and a demon.


So, Ling Meihui tried to smile. He knew it wasn’t a very pretty smile—shaky at best—but he also felt a fuzzy and warm sensation in his chest, as if a flower was blooming within his heart.


Mo Hua was smiling. Genuinely smiling.


For the first time, Ling Meihui felt comforted.


“What are you thinking about?” Mo Hua brought Ling Meihui out of his reverie.


Ling Meihui thought for a moment before smiling. “You know, this and that.”


Mo Hua let out a “heh”, and Ling Meihui couldn’t help but feel his cheeks heat up slightly. He felt an inexplicable pull when he saw Mo Hua’s lips curl up with amusement.


They were dancing, and their faces were close enough that their noses were nearly touching. They moved around the circular floor, not missing a single area.


With each passing second, Ling Meihui grew more aware of their proximity. It was warm in Mo Hua’s embrace, and Ling Meihui wanted to relish this warmth as much as he could, and cherish it as if the current moment was the last.


With each step, Ling Meihui felt the pull stretching in his heart, taut as if pulling back a bow the farthest it could until the string was on the verge of breaking.


The moment Ling Meihui spun once with Mo Hua’s hand as his axis, he drew in, pecking their lips together.


It was just a quick peck, but it was blossoming with affection.


Mo Hua seemed surprised at first, but then he laughed. “I didn’t think you would take initiative when it comes to matters of love.”


“Now you know.” Hearing Mo Hua’s laugh filled Ling Meihui’s heart with so much joy that he might burst.


Ling Chen was also one of the very few people Ling Meihui truly cared about, but not in the same sense as he cared about Mo Hua, whose very presence elicited an electrifying reaction from Ling Meihui.


Mo Hua stopped dancing, and so did Ling Meihui.


Gazing at one another, Mo Hua asked, “... Can I kiss you?”


Ling Meihui let go of Mo Hua’s hands so that he could wrap his arms around the other’s shoulders affectionately, then he whispered in Mo Hua’s ear, “Yes.”


That was all Mo Hua needed before he sealed Ling Meihui’s lips with his own. Mo Hua didn’t hold back, as he continuously deepened the kiss. Their tongues played and intertwined with each other, and Ling Meihui was swept away in the sea of pleasure and paradise.


The kiss lasted for what felt like minutes on end before Mo Hua pulled away. Rendered slightly panting from its depth they fell into a comfortable silence; neither dared to utter a word.


When he recovered his breath, he suddenly said, “I have a wish—my final wish.”


Mo Hua raised his brow, waiting for Ling Meihui to continue.


Ling Meihui stated firmly, “I want to see you—not Ling Chen, or anyone else, but you—when I wake up.”


Mo Hua beamed. It was the first time Ling Meihui saw such a bright smile adorning Mo Hua’s handsome features. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that, Meihui.”


Then, the circular floor started to crack, and the scenery rippled. Mo Hua’s figure seemed to shatter with the scenery. Ling Meihui wasn’t afraid though.


He knew his wish had been granted.





“—hui... Meihui?”


The voice that called out in the distance of Ling Meihui’s consciousness sounded familiar. It was enough to bring Ling Meihui out from the blackness.




Ling Meihui struggled to open his eyes. When he did, his vision was blurry. He could make out a silhouette, but the features were still unclear.




That voice rang, clear like a bell. Ling Meihui rubbed his eyes, and when he looked once again, he saw himself reflected in eyes the color of peach blossoms.


“Mo... Hua?”


“That’s me.”


“Mo Hua.”




“Nothing,” Ling Meihui replied with a soft laugh, “I just wanted to say your name.”


Just then, he noticed that he was no longer in the hospital. Ling Meihui looked around at his surroundings in alarm. He found himself in his own room: there was the familiar drawer that had his clothes, a small mahogany bookshelf filled with various books, a wooden desk, and a soft bed, which was much more comfortable than what the hospital had to offer.


Mo Hua quickly picked up on Ling Meihui’s confusion, and he explained, “The nurse said you were all better, so I could bring you back.”


“You know how to drive?” Ling Meihui blurted out without much thought; he didn’t feel as guarded around Mo Hua.


“No, but that’s what the DiDi Chuxing (1)1A transportation service used in China. It’s like the Chinese uber, since Uber isn’t allowed in China. is for,” Mo Hua replied.


Ling Meihui sputtered, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Using my money freely, aren’t you.”


“I promise to pay you back—we have all the time in the world to ourselves now.”


Perhaps to hide his bashfulness, Ling Meihui playfully jabbed at Mo Hua’s shoulder. “But still,” he said, “Did you not get harassed? I’ve heard horror stories about DiDi Chuxing.”


Mo Hua grinned and shrugged.


Ling Meihui felt his heart beat more clearly in response, fluttering in an almost euphoric happiness at Mo Hua’s gentle words and the way his lips curved up and his shoulders lifted in a shrug. Just then, another realization hit him: “Wait, did you... did you carry me back?”


“Of course, that’s what lovers do.”


Ling Meihui scoffed playfully. “Lovers, huh. You haven’t even confessed yet.”


Mo Hua chuckled. “Was that kiss not enough? I feel just the words ‘I love you’ feel a bit shallow. That said...” He sat on the bed and leaned in to whisper, “Do you want to make love... with me?”


Ling Meihui couldn’t help but take in the mild scent his hair gave when he leaned in, and his heart leaped with an almost sordid anticipation. “I didn’t think you would be the type to have sexual urges.”


Without hesitation, Mo Hua divulged with a shrug, “Why wouldn’t I? I was once human too. I just never had much intimacy when I was transformed into a spirit because my other ‘clients’ would have their three wishes granted, just like that.”


Ling Meihui was slightly surprised, but when he thought in hindsight, it also did make sense. Mo Hua did appear distant at first, but he also had very “human” and emotionally open moments as well.


Those moments were small, but they were definitely there.


“Um...” Ling Meihui trailed off, raising a hand to ruffle his own hair. “It’s been a while.”


Ling Meihui fiddled with his fingers, a little nervous. They had never really said “I love you” to each other, but he felt the feelings they held for each other were there for a while. Mo Hua would give him solace, hold his hand when he was feeling down, hug him and dance with him, and Ling Meihui would reciprocate. They felt happiness bloom just from looking at each other. They spent this much time together, harboring such feelings for each other... so Ling Meihui trusted Mo Hua.


He trusted Mo Hua to treat him gently, to bring him to a paradise of euphoria.




When night rolled around, the moon illuminated the earth with her silver light, and Ling Meihui finished showering. He wore loose pajamas as he strolled into his room, drying his hair messily with a towel.


Mo Hua was sitting on the bed, but upon seeing Ling Meihui, he stood up and approached him.


Ling Meihui was smiling affectionately, and once they were close enough to take in each other’s scent, he placed his hands on the other’s chest. As if on cue, the two of them leaned in, pressing their lips together.


Mo Hua’s lips were soft, like petals of a flower that just bloomed.


They never went too deep with the kisses, but they shared many pecks and even nibbles with each other until both of their lips were a sensual shade of rosy red.


“You’re so beautiful, Mo Hua,” Ling Meihui commented, sliding his hand across the buttons of Mo Hua’s shirt. If he unbuttoned it, he would see Mo Hua’s bare chest. “Can I?”


Mo Hua didn’t directly reply with words. Instead, he opted to give a playful smirk as he, too, placed his own hands on Ling Meihui’s button.


Ling Meihui stiffened slightly, but Mo Hua whispered, “It’s alright. You’re more beautiful than you know, Meihui.”


At his soothing voice, Ling Meihui relaxed, and he let Mo Hua unbutton his shirt. At the same time, Ling Meihui unbuttoned Mo Hua’s shirt as well. Their hands and arms moved in sync, and once both of their chests were exposed, Ling Meihui slid his fingertips delicately across Mo Hua’s abs, up to his well-toned chest.


Then, with a gentle force, he pushed Mo Hua down. He ended up tripping a bit, however, so with Ling Meihui on top of Mo Hua, the two unceremoniously toppled onto the bed. The mattress creaked as the pair sank down.


Both of them had gasped in surprise, but after a few seconds, they both started to chuckle. Ling Meihui felt ecstatic listening to the way his chest reverberated with his chuckle.


“I always thought you were graceful,” Ling Meihui teased.


Mo Hua retorted playfully, “How can I be graceful? You pushed me down on the bed.”


“You let me push you down though.”


“That’s true,” Mo Hua conceded, “We ought to have some spice in the bedroom, right?”


“You want spice? Okay, I’ll show you spice.”


Mo Hua chuckled. “Alright then, do your worst.”


Ling Meihui said no more, adjusting to a more comfortable position, then planted kisses across Mo Hua’s chest. He kissed many places, stopping to lick and suck on his nipples. He took his time admiring his abs and his smooth and somewhat pale skin. Simultaneously, he reached down and wrapped his fingers around Mo Hua’s cock.


At first, he was slow. He moved his hand up and down in a rhythmic pace, but steadily, he quickened his motions until Mo Hua gasped with pleasure.


Ling Meihui continued planting kisses down Mo Hua’s stomach until his lips touched the other’s hardening cock. He kissed the head and licked the shaft continuously until precum was visible.


He used his hand and spread the precum as a lube.


“Clever,” Mo Hua commented between moans and gasps.


Ling Meihui chuckled. “I did my research.”


Mo Hua didn’t reply, only grabbing Ling Meihui’s shoulder to flip their positions so that he was the one on top. “Turn over?” Mo Hua requested with a low, whispered voice, holding in his excitement.


Ling Meihui complied, taking off his pants in the process, and Mo Hua didn’t hesitate to lick Ling Meihui’s hole, taking his time and relishing the way Ling Meihui moaned into the pillow.


“You don’t have to hold back, Meihui... let me hear your voice... okay?”


He licked his middle finger before carefully putting it in, eliciting a little cry from Ling Meihui. His partner’s body also jolted at the sudden sensation of being fingered.


“Does it hurt?”


“N-No, ngh... ah!”


His words morphed into incoherent moans as Mo Hua slid his finger deeper inside, being as careful as he could so as to not hurt the other.


Ling Meihui’s back arched in pleasure, and he grasped the pillow, drowning in the sea of ecstasy. He felt Mo Hua plant kisses everywhere on his shoulders and back, not bothering to avoid the wicked scars boldly streaking across.


The scars from the past.


They were so ugly—a streak that was a reminder of the abuse he endured so much as a child that the pain had dulled over time.


Those scars reminded him that this abuse had driven him to a corner in the darkness.


Yet, Mo Hua kissed those scars, reassuring Ling Meihui that he was never going to be alone again. At that moment, the many types of pain that accumulated over the years—the physical pain from his family and bullies, and the emotional pain from when he was alone with nobody to turn to—had withered, replaced by relief and happiness.


He made his way back up Ling Meihui’s back until his lips kissed the nape of his neck. With a little bit of force, he sucked on the skin until it left a little mark. Ling Meihui gasped in response and was caught in between laughing from the somewhat tickling sensation and gasping with pleasure.


The feeling of bare skin on skin, chest on back, as he leaned down to kiss him also sent him to heaven.


“M-Mo Hua...!”


His licking and kissing aroused Ling Meihui as he called out his name without reservation, and he felt his own hard cock throbbing.


“Please, put it in...”


Mo Hua smiled. “Gladly.”


After a few seconds of anticipation and applying another layer of lube, he finally felt that much-desired sensation. “Ah!”


The feeling was almost foreign. It was a little painful, but a surge of pleasure like a wave crashing on land came forth, lessening the pain.


“Ngh, hngh— ah!”


Mo Hua worked slowly, putting in just the tip before he pulled out. With each thrust though, his rhythm steadily quickened after confirming Ling Meihui was still alright. Both their breathing became more shallow, more haggard as the thrusts continued, going as deep as it could.


With each passionate thrust, the moans of pleasure and the creaking of the bed played a symphony in the euphoric night.


“I-I’m gonna cum!” Ling Meihui cried. He orgasmed on cue, his vision blurred from his tears.


Mo Hua pulled away, and Ling Meihui turned around, so he could see Mo Hua’s flushed face and peach blossom eyes glazed with lust.


He also came as he rubbed roughly on his own cock.


His liquids landed on Ling Meihui’s stomach. The latter didn’t mind at all though: he only smiled, then used his fingers to wipe the cum. Ling Meihui then brought his fingers that were now sticky with the white fluid to his lips and licked it off, looking at Mo Hua sensuously, not daring to break eye contact.


Mo Hua whispered, “Damn, you really know what to do.”


“I’ll take that as a compliment.”


“You know me so well.”


“I know you the best.”


They laughed together. Ling Meihui wrapped his arms around Mo Hua’s shoulders, and they leaned in to kiss once again.


When they parted, their noses were still close enough to brush. “Next time, I want to give what you gave me tonight.”


Mo Hua smiled, stroking Ling Meihui’s hair. “I’d love that. I’d love that a lot.”


They fell into silence and drowsiness slowly overtook them.


Before either of them closed their eyes though, Ling Meihui whispered, “I love you, Mo Hua.”


“I’d never trade you for the world,” Mo Hua replied.





Ling Meihui woke up groggily the next day, his back a bit sore from the passion of last night. Mo Hua was still sleeping soundly next to him, his chest moving with his breathing, like the waves on a calm day. Ling Meihui gently placed a hand on his chiseled chest, relishing in the sound of his heartbeat. He thought back to the gasps and moans as their hearts resonated as one, the soft and sensual whispers to each other, and the sound of the bed creaking, bringing the orchestra to a crescendo until it reached its climax.


He felt so emotionally full. He loathed to part from Mo Hua.


Who knew how much time must have passed when Ling Meihui finally got up to walk to the front of his drawer.


On the top was a frame placed front side down since the day he had received that call. It was a small, rectangular frame that held a picture that he was hesitant to turn over. At first, he simply stared at the frame with a complicated expression, as if it was not his own. After a lulled moment, he slowly lifted his hand.


His fingers traced over the frame covered in dust. Withdrawing his hand, he rubbed his dust-covered fingers together before grabbing a piece of old cloth and wiping the dust off.


He carefully lifted up the frame, treating it as a timeless treasure.


In the picture was a smiling girl. Her smile was bright, just like the sun that was already high up in the light blue sky.


Ling Meihui looked at the calendar. Today was March 13—the day she would turn 18 if she were still walking in this world. 


It was also the day she ascended to a glittering star in the sky. 


This date only brought grief at first... but now, he could let out a gentle smile that could heal wounded souls.


Ling Meihui looked outside, his mood lightening at the sight of the clear day which so resembled that girl’s smile. Just then, he heard Mo Hua’s playful yet slightly groggy voice from behind: “You could have woken me up.”


“Let me enjoy your sleeping face a while at least.”


“Do you have eyes on the back of your head? You weren’t even looking at me, last I checked.”


Mo Hua rolled his eyes before he noticed the frame that was now propped up, showing that bright smile captured in the moment by a camera. He smiled, his eyes welling up with many feelings.


“It’s going to be a wonderful spring.”


Ling Meihui, who hasn’t had any wonderful spring since that dreadful year, felt his heart flutter. Mo Hua reminded him of a beautiful future ahead, so why wallow in the pain of the past?


“I’m sure you’re right.”


Aside from this wonderful spring, what more could he possibly ask for?



art by valiantxvillainous





(1) A transportation service used in China. It’s like the Chinese uber, since Uber isn’t allowed in China.


Author's Account:

tsukimii (SH).


I’m finally done!

This whole story felt like a marathon to me because I found out about this late... so I spent around 3 midnights writing 1 or 2K words each. And despite knowing these characters for only several days, I think I’ve grown attached to them as I was writing.


Do you recognize the poem quoted at the beginning? It’s actually called A Spring Morning. Very fitting with the theme, right?

To me, the last two lines were provocative. I think it kind of fits with the story, so I put it there.

Ling Meihui is someone who went through a lot of pain and grief, but all those that represented and are linked to the past—eventually, one has to move on. This is a story that he wants to tell, and not a story he feels obligated to tell the reader.


Honestly, a lot of “firsts” are attached to this story: BL one shot, a bit of stream of consciousness, non-linearism, smut, and some unreliable narration. I tried though! It was challenging and stressful, but I had fun, and that’s what matters to me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading it.


Extra mini theater:

Ling Meihui: Did you not get harassed? I’ve heard horror stories about DiDi Chuxing.

Mo Hua: I’m too handsome to get harassed ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


Until next time! (Someday, I’ll write a BL series, haha.)



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