[BL] Trick or Treat!

[15] A Maple Tree’s Promise

A Maple Tree's Promise

by OkuraTsukiko



Premise Tags: Childhood Friends,

Letters, Long-Distance Relationship,

Breakup, Family Affair, Time Skip,

Modern Day, Slice of Life,

Heartwarming, Promises.

Content Warnings: N/A.




[Have you ever wondered what warmth feels like? Is it what you feel by physical contact? Does it show more often depending whether or not you have a certain bond with someone? Or is it the type when you’re near a fireplace to warm up? Or when you snuggle under the covers for comfort? 


But what really is warmth? Is it the feeling that simply envelops you in a sensation where you could lower your guard? Where you don’t give a damn about anything in the world and just sink in that everlasting comfort?


Well, this is my story on how I came across my own warmth, the love of my life.]






“Come on! Push harder, Lius!” A voice coming from a blonde teen roared as he was holding tight unto the ropes that tied a large, ridgedy tire to a thick tree branch. His feet pressed against the inner tube of the tire.


“Hah… I’m trying! Hah… You’re just too heavy, Bruno!” Another voice replied as he let out pants from exhaustion. Lethargically pushing the other individual’s legs with his skinny arms, “Hah… We’re not kids anymore! Hah… Yet you always want me to push the damn tire! Hah...” The teen exclaimed before he moved to the side to watch the tire and his friend go on a little journey.


Bruno swung back and grinned at the teen with no worries about the world, “Hey, this is fun! It never gets old, you know? Bruno Dawson and Aurelius Kingsley! Two old buddies playing around the old, mighty Maple tree! Not so bad, right?” He said as he leaned his body backwards as he swung forward. Giving an extra momentum towards the swinging tire he’s on. 


Aurelius grunted as he was leaning his hands on his knees while trying to catch his breath, “Yeah it’s not so bad until one decides to act like a spoiled kid! And then demanded the other one to push him while he’s swinging on an old tire! What are you? Five?” He retorted as he took a deep breath before stretching his arms out. Feeling the cold breeze wisping around him. 


“Seventeen, my friend. And I only see two teenagers playing around their favorite Maple tree. I’m just getting started~” Bruno smirked as he increased more momentum.


Aurelius, having flowy Auburn hair, stared blankly at his best friend, “Just be careful not to fall off.” He advised and briefly raised his glasses as he plopped down on the ground from exhaustion.


The teenager then calmly watched as his energetic friend went all out, bringing the momentum of the swinging tire to its peak. His eyes then wandered to a maple leaf beside him. He reached his hand out and picked it up before placing it over his head. The vibrant color of the dried leaf fascinated him as he playfully threw it in the air. Watching the leaf dance in the air before it laid down on the ground. 


“So, your dad’s coming back from the city tonight?” Aurelius asked as his attention went back towards his best friend.


Bruno hummed, “Yep! My mom’s cooking up a feast for me and my sis back home! I’m going to wait at the train station for him later!”


“Sounds nice.” Aurelius replied as he lifted his head and saw the flourishing maple tree sprouting its colorful leaves in each corner of its branch.


“Have plans for the night?” Bruno asked back. 


Aurelius shook his head and wryly smiled, “Nope, just my regular old routine. Reading books on weekends like this is the cherry on top.”


His best friend pouted, “Aren’t you tired of reading books? You’ve always been a bookworm since we’re little. Don’t you want to try something else? Like drawing, or maybe sports?” Bruno replied as he began to slow the swinging tire down.


Aurelius chuckled as he looked at Bruno, “Hey, it teaches you lots of things. Do not underestimate the power of accumulating knowledge in the form of reading.” He placed his hand on his chest as he recited the words.


Bruno scoffed as he jumped out of the tire and landed in front of his best friend. His short blonde hair fluttered as his Sapphire blue pupils focused on him, “But sport gives you that good muscles and it’s a healthy thing to do!” He then hovered over his friend and grabbed one of Aurelius’ arms before swinging it around. 


“Look at this skinny ass arm, doesn’t look like it could even lift a book.” Bruno teased. 


Aurelius scoffed, “Very funny, Bruno” He then tapped the other teen’s forehead, “Being all brawns isn’t so good either. Your muscles won’t be helping you do those homeworks.” 


Bruno gazed into the teen’s eyes and lightly blushed from the touch, “Oh you little-! Come here!” He retaliated by crashing his body against Aurelius. 


They tackled each other and tried to tickle each other’s sides. Rolling over the leafy ground as some of them fell from the tree due to the wind. Exchanging laughter as they were rough-housing.


“You really did it now! Be prepared!” Bruno wiggled his fingers before he slid them underneath Aurelius’ baggy sweater and onto his waist. He then started tickling away while he straddled on top of the other teen.


“Haha! Stop it! It tickles! Bahah!” Aurelius exclaimed.


“Not until I’m satisfied with getting my revenge!”


“Okay! I surrender! Haha! Stop it! Seriously! Haha!”


“Nu-uh~” Bruno replied as he kept tickling all the way up inside of the other teen’s sweater. Reaching the ribs which were being covered by an undershirt.


“Hahaha!! Hahah! Haha! Hah… Haha… Hey, are you listening?.... Oi, I said stop!” Aurelius suddenly jabbed his fingers to either side of Bruno’s ribs. Causing the teen to jump in surprise before tumbling backwards.


“Ow! What the fuck?!” Bruno exclaimed as he stared at Aurelius with an incredulous look on his face. 


“I told you to stop! My stomach hurts from laughing too much!” Aurelius pointed his finger at his best friend, “And what were you doing sitting on my lap while you did that little stunt?!”


Bruno averted his gaze from the teenager and whistled, “That’s because my muscles are no match for your flimsy arms~ So we’re even.”


Aurelius’s cheeks burned up as he glared at his best friend, “Urgh… You and your dirty tricks!” 


[It was but an ordinary town in the countryside, so everyone knows one another. But the annoying thing about that fact is gossip. Aunties in the neighborhood love to just chat with each other and make rumours about their own neighbors. You can’t stop them from gossiping, so some things were better to be left alone.


Connecting the place and the city was the train station, it was known to be quite a distance between the two. The town itself wasn’t as advanced as the city, it was quite old-school. Cars were rarely used, people walked and cycled to their destinations. Phones were still wired in each house, televisions were small, everything was basically traditional. Though even with all of that, life was splendid. 


I thought that it was going to be normal. Just The two of us, spending our time together playing near the maple tree we had marked as our base. Growing up by each other’s side in our hometown. Especially with our initials carved on the tree when we were little.]

                                                                                                    |             --- |


                                                                                                    |     A&B     |


                                                                                                    | ----            |


[It was the time where we made our promise that we had sworn until this day


...But it seems even fate had decided to ruin it… Or should I say… A human’s selfishness?]






“Mmhmm, nothing like a good old chili made by Mrs. Kingsley. Your mom always makes the best chili around here.” Bruno replied as he was laying on his best friend’s bed. Looking at the other teen with his head off the edge of the mattress. 


Aurelius shrugged, “What can I say? It’s a family recipe.” He replied before he grabbed a book on his desk and flipped a few pages

Bruno wryly smiled, “Would be nice if I got to be part of your family...” He muttered.


Aurelius lifted his head, “What?”


Bruno flinched and averted his gaze, “N-Nothing!"

“...If you say so. Any plans for tomorrow?” The teenager asked as he lifted the bridge of his glasses. 


“Hmm, nope. Want to go to the usual hang out place?” Bruno asked as he stretched out his arms and hung them over his head.


Aurelius hummed as his eyes were fixated towards his book, “Sure, but don’t make me push the tire again. I have had enough of that crap. Hope the leaves are thick enough for us to sleep though.”


Bruno giggled, “Yeah, I hope so ”


Just then, a knock came on the teenager’s bedroom door, catching the owner of the room’s attention. 


“Come in, mom!” Aurelius said as he flipped another page of his book.


The door opened to reveal a woman with short Auburn hair coming into the room. Bruno noticed and sat up on his best friend’s bed before waving over at the older woman with a bright smile, “Heya, Mrs. Kingsley!“


The older woman chuckled and gave a warm smile towards both teenagers, “Are you two busy?”


“Not really, we’re just chilling as usual.” Aurelius replied as he lifted his gaze from the book.


The older woman let out a relieved sigh, “Ah, is that so?” She then turned her head towards Bruno, “Your mother called through the telephone earlier. She said that you need to get home immediately.”


Bruno shot his eyes wide, “Wait, what?! But I already told her that I’m having a sleepover!” He said in disbelief.


“I’m sorry, dearie. But she said that it’s urgent.” The older woman tried to convince the young individual. 


Bruno grunted as he jumped off the bed and grabbed his backpack filled with his clothes and items for the occasion, “Fine, fine, I’ll go back home then. Besides, it’s just a few blocks away.” He said before he then turned his head to look at his best friend.


“Guess our sleepover has to be interrupted, meet you tomorrow at noon?” Bruno said as he held out his fist towards Aurelius. 


The other teen nodded before he gave a fist bump, “Yeah, will be waiting for you there. Don’t be late”


“Gotcha!” Bruno winked before he walked over towards Aurelius’ mother and followed her to the front of the house.


“...That’s pretty odd, I wonder what kind of urgency it is.”







[The next day then arrived, even though I had arrived at the place on schedule, Bruno was nowhere to be seen. So I thought he might be a little late.


From seconds came to be minutes, and minutes came to be hours. 


I was confused that day, this was unusual for him to show up late. Though I waited under the tree with my book to accompany me. The wind blew its breeze, people walked and cycled by, the sky turned into shades of orange and yellow. 


Yet… he never came. 


And the day after.


And the days to come.


That was when I knew that something was wrong. Ever since that night that our sleepover was interrupted. I never knew why, so I asked our neighbors and they wouldn’t tell me. And I was also told not to visit Bruno’s house for a while, it was as if they’re trying to hide something. 


Then I tried to ask my mom, though she was also the same. Saying that I was too young to know an adult’s personal affairs. She said those with a wry smile on her face, but a hint of complex emotions was also showing. And then I began to wonder about what might had happened on my own. Leaving me in a cold space to journey on.


Though those days ended unexpectedly, because… I was about to receive the most life-changing news in my life.]







“Hah… He didn’t come again.” Aurelius sighed as he walked with his bike towards his house. It has been a few weeks since he had last seen his best friend. He tried to wait by the maple tree for him, and as expected, he didn’t show up.


“What is he even doing? Why didn’t he call?” Aurelius kept muttering as he leaned his bike against the terrace railings. He was about to step into the porch as he saw a piece of paper lying on the ground. He tilted his head before picking it up. 


“What’s this?” The teenager picked up and was puzzled by the blank front. Though when he flipped it, his eyes widened. His mouth gaped wide as he held the paper with both of his hands, “....Bruno...”







“Hey!!” Aurelius shouted as he had cycled through the empty night streets before he reached the certain maple tree. There stood a familiar figure with blonde hair and blue eyes, waiting underneath the tree.

“Lius, you came!” 


Aurelius jumped off his cycle and threw it to the side before running into Bruno’s arms. Wrapping his arms around the other teen before parting,  “Where have you been?! Are you okay? What happened? I haven’t heard from you in weeks! Do you know how worried I was?” The teenager bombarded his best friend with concerned words.


Bruno gave a wry smile, “Sorry… Lots of things happened.” There was a look of sorrow on his face.


Aurelius knitted his brows as he came closer and tugged his friend’s sleeve, “...Tell me… Why didn’t you come over or at least call me?” He gently stroked his thumb against the boy’s sleeve, “I want to know everything.”


“..Mhm… You deserve an explanation after all. I’m so sorry for leaving you hanging all alone.”


Aurelius sighed, “At least I can finally meet you again and that you’re willing to explain. So go on.”


“...Lius… My parents got divorced...” Bruno said with a lamentful tone of voice. 


The other teen shot his eyes wide and his brows knitted in a more pitiful manner as he gazed at his friend.


“All this time, I couldn’t get to you because… We spend the majority of time back in the city. The court, the procedure… everything...” Bruno’s face began to crinkle, “My mom cheated on my dad, and I just… found out about it in court. It’s been hard… So hard… I just don’t understand… Why did it happen? Why would she do that? Why… Why would she break our family...” Moisture began to pool around the teenager’s eyes.


Aurelius felt a tug in his heart as he looked at Bruno with sorrowful eyes, “...Bruno...” He then pulled him closer and embraced him, “Go on, let it off your chest. No one’s here but me.” He whispered. 


The gentle tone of Aurelius’ voice made Bruno sniffed as his tears began to drip one by one down his cheeks. The latter then buried his face into the former’s shoulder and embraced him back. The serene night breeze surrounded the two teenagers as one lamented his parent’s separation. 


While the other shed tears from seeing his best friend be in such horrible pain. And warmth began to build up inside of his heart when he got to hold Bruno in his arms once more. 


After a while, Bruno had gradually calmed down. Aurelius then led both of them to sit down underneath the maple tree side by side. 


“I see, so the others have caught the drift.” Bruno said as he leaned his head on Aurelius’ shoulder.


Aurelius hummed, “And now I know why they wouldn’t tell me, even my mom… So, what happened next?”


The blonde teen sighed, “My dad got custody of me and my sister.  So… all of us are going to move to the city. Both of them are already there and I’m the only one left here… I’m leaving tomorrow...”


An agonizing pain was searing Aurelius’ chest as he heard that, “Tomorrow ...Any chance we can meet each other again?”


“I don’t really know. My dad wants me to leave everything behind, even the people I know. Told me to move on and let time heal the wound… But I just can’t imagine how.” Bruno’s voice was filled with sorrow, “I don’t want to leave… I don’t want any of this… I don’t want to be a part of it...” His voice trembled as if he was trying to let out his frustrations bit by bit.


He then lifted his head up and looked at Aurelius with a saddened look, “...I don’t want to leave you, who knows what might happen? We’ve been together ever since we’re kids, you’re the closest… person I have ever known....” Bruno said with a frown on his face. 


Aurelius’ heart was tightening in pain as he continued to listen through Bruno’s words, “That doesn’t mean we’re not going to be strangers if you move. We could still exchange letters, right? If meeting up isn’t an option, then letters would d-” 


“No, Aurelius! I-...” Bruno interrupted as a tear streamed down his cheek before grabbing the teen by the shoulders, “I really want to stay with you, like… Really, really want to live and grow older together here in this town… And not just by being friends.” 


Aurelius widened his eyes as he heard the last few words coming out of Bruno’s mouth, “You mean...”


“...As a couple, Aurelius...”




“Ever since we made that promise, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. My mind won’t stop imagining how our lives would turn out if we’re together… You still remember it, right? Our promise?”


“...Be by each other’s side until the day we turn into old grandpas.” Aurelius recited the words and chuckled at how funny it sounded. Reminding him that he and Bruno were both small kids at that time.


Bruno chuckled along with Aurelius, “Exactly, until we’re old grandpas…” He then hung his head down and sighed,  “I’ve been keeping it for far too long. I was afraid that you would just… reject me, you know? I don’t want to lose you… ever.”




“And if I confessed to you right here, which I just did… And if you accepted it, I would be the happiest person ever! But… that would mean that there’s no guarantee that we could meet each other in years. And that would only make me suffer more.” Bruno croaked as more tears fell down his cheeks. 


He then lifted up his head, “But if I don’t tell you now, when will I? This is the last chance that I might have before I go tomorrow. Hah… So there you go, I choose number one… It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, it means that I can let go a lot easier...” Bruno added. 


“...You know it’s dangerous if others know about this, right? This is not a community that accepts these kinds of things. But at least some people are still on the neutral side, but most aren’t.”


Bruno nodded and sighed, “The reason why I kept it in me for all of these years. But I don’t care if it’s dangerous, I just can’t live without you being by my side. It hurts when I see that you’re not with me...”


“...It also hurts when you’re not with me as well, Bruno” Aurelius suddenly spoke with a trembling voice. 


The teenager then cupped his best friend’s face and gazed at him, “Do you know how cold it was for the past few weeks? It’s colder than ever, it’s as if winter started early for me. But now, I can feel a certain warmth within me when I’m with you.” Aurelius said as he looked into Bruno’s eyes. 


“I always feel comfortable when I’m around you, in my toughest times you’re always there... Years ago, I was broken by the fact that my dad passed away from his sickness. I fell into a void of no emotions, an endless pit of pain and sheer cold. Then you came as soon as you got the news… You stayed by my side until I wasn’t crying anymore.” 


Aurelius then came closer and leaned his forehead against Bruno’s, “You gave me a new reason to live on. Whenever I’m around you I can always rest easy and tell you everything. My problems, my sadness, my joy, you know all of it.”


Bruno chuckled, “Yeah… and I do that too.”


Aurelius nodded as tears began to form in his eyes, “You see? I couldn’t let you go either, I don’t want you to leave...” The orbs of moisture began to stream down his cheeks, “I feel the same way as you did, Bruno… I love you...”


The other teen was starstruck by Aurelius’s words that he simply froze in place and stared at him with wide eyes, “Really? Y-You mean it?”


“Since when did I stutter?” Aurelius replied in a flat tone before sighing.




“You really ought to listen to me mor-” 


Aurelius’ words were interrupted with his lips being crashed by another. He shot his eyes wide as he found Bruno intertwining his lips with his own. 


It ended up with Aurelius tumbling backwards as Bruno was on top of him. The former’s heart began to beat faster and more warmth spread through his body. He ended up reciprocating the kiss, not caring if his words were cut. 


The warmth spreading within him, he craved more of it… he longed for it to come true… He doesn’t want it to end... And so, he drowned in it, wrapping his arms around Bruno’s neck. Not wanting to let go as he felt that time had stopped right at that moment.


Joy filled both of their hearts as they shared their first kiss under the maple tree. Symbolising their mutual feelings towards one another. A night filled with both glee and sorrow, but also a beginning to a new love.







“...So, this is goodbye then...” Aurelius said as he and Bruno stood in front of one another in a not so busy train station. People were passing by the area as people had just gotten off a newly arrived train. Announcements of whatever the heck was going on in the station were given. Both teenagers were holding hands as they wryly smiled at each other.


“I guess so… If only I told you earlier, we could still spend more time together.” Bruno rubbed his thumb against the back of Aurelius’ hand.


The other teen chuckled, “But last night was a wonderful one. Don’t forget me, okay?”


“Of course I won’t, I would never do that. Don’t stay up late because of me.” Bruno advised. 


“And don’t you dare look at anyone else besides me.”


Bruno smirked and raised his brows, “Is that a threat?~”

Aurelius scoffed, “More like a reminder.”


A bell then rang, “Attention, the train to XXXX will be leaving shortly. All passengers please make their way into the train.”


The said teenager turned his head towards the source of the voice, “Ah, that’s my cue.” He then turned to look back at his boyfriend, “Lius… I...”


Aurelius shook his head and smiled, “I know what you’re going to say. I know we’ll be apart, but know that you can always write letters to me. And someday we can meet again, once we’re all grown up.” He then went and embraced Bruno, ”Come visit me in town, I’ll always be there waiting for you. And you know the place where I’ll be waiting.” He whispered in a soft tone. 


Bruno’s brows knitted as he held his lover tight in his arms, “I will come back to you, I swear. I-I promise even! But it would be so hard...”


“...Tell me how it's like to be there, how you, your dad, and your sister are doing. And then in exchange, I will tell you what’s happening in town.” Aurelius replied, with a tug on his heart as he tried to be strong.


Bruno tried his best to maintain his smile as he leaned forward and gave a tender kiss on Aurelius’ lips. Both of them stayed for a while before parting, “Don’t forget to write every week, okay?”


“I won’t, I already gave you the address. I’ll make sure my dad doesn’t find out about this.” Bruno said as he slowly released Aurelius from his arms, “Bye, Lius. I love you...” With each step hammers his heart with agonizing pain. 


“I love you too, Bruno...”


Slow but steady, both of them separated from one another until Bruno gave one last look before he boarded the train. 


But Aurelius didn’t give up just yet, he then ran near the train as he searched for his boyfriend. And lady luck blessed him as he found Bruno sitting by the window. He smiled and ran up towards the spot and knocked at the window. Getting his boyfriend’s attention, with him waving his arms at him. 


Bruno excitedly watched as Aurelius flailed his arms and smiled at him. Though the moment had to be cut short when the train was starting to move. The former was afraid that it would mean that he had to see his boyfriend for the last time. But as the train moved slowly, Aurelius got into position and started to walk next to the train. 


His eyes were fixated only on Bruno as the speed accelerated. Making him use his legs to run alongside the window beside his lover’s seat. Both of them gazed at each other as if they were running side by side. Their hearts leaped in both joy and grief, though they didn’t care as only warmth revolved around them.







[And so, both of us exchanged letters over the years. Sharing our ups and downs as we live far apart from each other. With every letter containing a sense of excitement and thrill waiting to be discovered. Though a hint of grief and sorrow might also be found.


Nonetheless, it was tough to wait for years to come. Me? I graduated from highschool and continued to be a librarian for the town’s library. I helped people who were looking for the thrill of literature, as well as those who were struggling with finding their choice of genre. 


As for Bruno, he went to college after he graduated. He and his sister were faring well with their dad, as for his mother? She left the town in shame a few months after he left.


And so, here I am. Waiting for my love to return into my arms once more.


-Sign, Aurelius Kingsley]




A clap was heard when a book with hard covers was closed, “All done. I should send it tomorrow to the publisher.” A figure with Auburn hair tied into a short ponytail said as he was sitting underneath the maple tree. He put his pen aside in his pencil case before he stood up and stretched his arms. 


“What a wonderful day it is.” He said as he looked up at the tree filled with many maple leaves attached to its branches. With some of them fluttering down into the ground. Unaware of his surroundings as he was mesmerized by the vibrant colors. The figure turned around and looked at the old wooden carving of his and his lover’s initials. 


The young man chuckled as he caressed his fingers over the carving, “Don’t you think so, Bruno?” He said.


“...I could say it’s one of the best you’re about to have~” A familiar voice came from behind the figure. 


The young man instantly recognized the voice and gasped before he whipped his body around. His eyes were met with those blue-colored ones. The wind gently blew around the young man with short blonde hair. 


“I’m back, Lius...”


Aurelius smiled as he gazed at his lover with an affectionate gaze.


“Took you long enough...”





“Two leaves floating in the air

Despite the coldness in the atmosphere

For the world was revolving around

Their hands kept holding one another


For one seeks love and warmth

And another seeks the same

Autumn calls for both of their fates

Under the Maple tree where they reunite”


“The maple leaf is an ancient symbol of love, most notably in China and Japan. Like the sweet sap from its tree, which ultimately produces maple syrup, maple leaves represent the sweetness and wonder of love in daily life


Quoted from https://www.invaluable.com/blog/symbols-of-love/






Author's Account:

OkuraTsukiko (SH).

Hiya! Author OT here again in the autumn anthology. So for this anthology, I decided to make something cozy and fluff for starters. I hope that I have improved from the story I made in the spring anthology. I hope that you all enjoy my story and the others in the anthology!


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.