[BL] Trick or Treat!

[21] Tales of a Season

Tales of a Season

by OkuraTsukiko



Premise Tags: Fantasy,

Mythology/Fairytale, Heartwarming,

Human-Nonhuman Relationship,

Sacrifice, False Identity, Defiance.

Content Warnings: N/A.



Long ago, the world we lived in only had three seasons. Spring, summer, and winter, there was no sign of that warm yet breezy season. Nor did the world ever witness the sheer cold of a God’s wrath. Each season had its own God, and they watched as the people revolved around each of their seasons. Each God also had their own disciples, possessing the same power to change weather and climate as adjourned.

Taking delight in seeing the children running through the clear spring rain in glee. Or the time where people successfully dried their daily catches due to the immense heat from the summer heat. Or when the people unite together to help each other get through the harsh winter. It was those rejoicing moments that the Gods of seasons welcomed with open arms. Yet, the Gods turned a blind eye upon those humans who were suffering.

Though it all changed when a deity, the God of Summer’s disciple, Cosmos was curious to see how humans live on this so-called Earth. And so, he went down to the planet disguised as one. An ordinary yet meek being he was, though his curiosity was as large as the universe.

He arrived in a small village after walking under the intense heat of the sun. The deity saw the villagers thrive in his mentor’s season. They offered what they had harvested towards the God of Summer. And the sight warmed the Cosmos’ heart, but soon after he also saw a downside of it as he traveled further. Famine was spreading across the land, crops couldn’t grow to the lack of moisture.

But the deity thought that it was just one of the wonders of the season which his mentor bestowed upon the humans. He didn’t feel anything, not even at the sight of lifeless eyes that he had come across. The rock-hard bodies that had scattered across the ground partially blocked his path. As a deity, he was taught that it was the cycle of life, humans come and go as time passes.

“...How pitiful… Humans are brittle it seems...” Cosmos said before he continued his journey from another village that had simply… withered.

Even though he went on journeys down on Earth, there were times where he had to return home for his studies. Accompanying his mentor as they looked over the joys and glees at those ‘adorable beings’. Cosmos only nodded and expressed his agreement. Sharing no sympathy over those in misery and suffering whom he had encountered on his journeys. 

Afterwards, he continued his journey on Earth, though one thing remains the same in Cosmos’ eyes…

Human sufferings are just part of the cycle of life on Earth. Nothing more than a process…

...Or is it?

Once more, Cosmos saw suffering spreading across the land. He traveled from one village to the other. Some were flourishing with gratitude and joy for the God of Summer’s blessings while others didn't. One day, Cosmos came across a large village by the shore. Another one which he could pass by without leaving any trace, he thought. He was walking in between the fields of crops when he noticed a figure sitting under a tree not far away from where he’s standing.

Cosmos tilted his head as he noticed that the figure was doing nothing more than resting. The human being was neither rejoicing nor suffering, which made him become interested, “Interesting...” He thought that as he began to make way towards the human that had piqued his curiosity. 

He hovered over the human who was resting underneath the tree. The human had a frail-like body and long dark hair as the night. In contrast with Cosmos, who had silver hair that looked like strands of the finest silk in the whole universe and eyes like the galaxy. The deity’s body was neither skinny nor muscular, it was in between. 

Upon taking a closer look at the person in front of his eyes, Cosmos could only notice a look of tranquility on the individual’s face. He tilted his head as he sat on his knees beside the individual. Observing silently as he kept staring at the human being who was ‘different’ than the others. 

“...What are you doing?” Cosmos suddenly muttered, alarming the figure in front of him to sit up frantically. It caused his and the human’s forehead to collide with each other. 

“OW!” Both of them shouted in pain as they rubbed each of their foreheads with their own hands.

The human then looked at Cosmos with an annoyed look, “What th- Do you mind?!” He exclaimed. 

While the deity was confused by the reaction that the human had spouted towards him. Much to say he was startled, it was the first time he had ever interacted with a human throughout his time on Earth. There was a burst of emotions that impacted him in contrast to those times he watched those meek beings from the side. 

“Hello? Can you hear me? Or are you deaf?” The black-haired individual poked the side of his head as he glared at Cosmos.

“A-Ah, my apologies… I… didn’t mean to intrude. What were you doing under the tree?” Cosmos said in a monotonous voice as he tilted his head.

The human’s brows knitted, “I was just taking a nap, never seen anyone do that before?”

“...” Cosmos shook his head with a blank expression on his face, “...No”

“Oh wow, it’s like you’ve been kept inside of your house and never interact with other people. No wonder you were peeping at me.” The human commented, which had some truths in his words. 

“I was particularly curious, what is the purpose of you doing that?” Cosmos asked.

Cosmos, being a deity, never had time to rest and was always working back at the utopia he lived in. Constantly filling his time to learn from his master. But he didn’t possess a single knowledge of humans other than that they serve the God of seasons and the key to the prosperity of life on Earth as years, decades, and centuries would go by.

The human raised his brows, “Well, taking a nap is essential to recover your fatigue. Hence, you can sleep for a brief moment before you go and do something else.” He then narrowed his eyes at Cosmos, “Which you just ruined mine!”

“My apologies for ruining your...nap.” Cosmos replied with a flat tone, though he was curious about the benefits of this ‘nap’, “...May I join you to this nap?” He asked.

The human stared at Cosmos for a moment before he hummed, “Suit yourself, it’s cozy taking a nap under a tree after all. I don’t mind anyone accompanying me.”

“Ah… I will then.” Cosmos replied before he laid next to the human under the tree.

He looked up to the partially covered sky, the bright rays of the sun piercing through the leaves. Cosmos took a moment to comprehend what he was seeing at the moment. It was somewhat… peculiar, it was different from the times he had seen plants and trees from afar. This proximity had somewhat piqued his interest even more.

“...By the way, my name’s Aki.” A voice called out.

Cosmos turned his head towards the source of the voice and found Aki looking at him, “What’s yours?” He blinked a few times while his dark pupils stared back at the deity’s. 

“...Cosmos… Cosmos is my name.”

“Cosmos, huh? That’s a unique name you got there. Been traveling a lot?” Aki asked yet another question. 

“I suppose, I had only arrived here several minutes ago,” Cosmos replied as he looked back at the individual beside him.

Aki hummed, “Then welcome to the village. How long are you going to stay here?”

“I would go after I do this nap activity,” Cosmos replied.

Aki raised his brows and sat up, “Seriously?! You’re going to leave only after arriving? No exploring or staying at an inn whatsoever?” He blabbered.

“...No? I wanted to travel to a lot of places to observe living beings and how they live,” Cosmos replied as he was puzzled at Aki’s reaction.

“Ah, I see...” Aki muttered before he averted his gaze and leaned his back against the tree, “I guess travelers tend to stay not too long if they got some place they want to be.”

“...Is there something wrong with that?” Cosmos asked and sat up.

Aki shook his head and wryly smiled, “No, everyone has their own preferences. But don’t you want to at least stay a day or two to explore? My village here is quite fun to explore, not to mention it’s next to the sea. If you say that you want to observe living beings, why not start here? What kind of animals do you want to see?”

Upon hearing that, Cosmos hummed, “I was thinking more of observing humans.”

Aki gave a confused, disbelief look at Cosmos, “Wha- observe humans?! Are you some sort of creep who stalks people?!”

“...What is a creep?” Cosmos asked as he couldn’t understand the term ‘creep’ that Aki had mentioned. 

The other individual groaned, “Seriously? You never heard of it? I guess you haven’t interacted with other people in such a long time or maybe never... How did you even travel with that lack of knowledge? You could have been tricked, scammed, or something.” Aki muttered as he scratched the back of his head.

Cosmos blinked a few times, “...I tend to get by,”

“Sheesh, that’s even worse! You have to learn more about getting along with people. Maybe your method of traveling is what caused you to be so… out of touch.” Aki sighed before he looked into Cosmos’ eyes with determination, “Alright, how about this? You stay at my house and I can show you around the village. How’s that?” He offered.

Cosmos was silent for a moment before he nodded, “...Sure.”

And so, Cosmos began to stay at Aki’s house. It was on the further side of the village, surrounded by patches of land that were used to grow crops. A small one to be exact, enough for two people. Although it looked like the wood flooring was brittle, it remained strong. Aki showed him around his house and welcomed the disguising deity with open arms. To which Cosmos quietly obliged, as he was looking forward to being able to learn more of the human race.

Cosmos was then introduced to the villagers the next day. Young or old, men or women, short or tall, brawny or thin, those were the types of humans that he had met. Though this time the experience was different. Aki dragged Cosmos to participate in their activities, whether it be work or just entertainment. Nonetheless, he was also asked to bring offerings to the God of Summer - his own master. 

Cosmos obliged, although he saw that Aki wasn’t willing to bring any. That side of Aki made the deity more curious about him. He did try to pry, though to no avail would Aki reveal his reasons. Even with that, both of them seemed to get closer to one another by the day. Cosmos had decided to stay longer in the village, drawn by some sort of attachment to the humans - especially to Aki.

Aside from that, he was constantly helping the villagers with their work. He learned how hard it was to work underneath the immense heat of summer. Slowly but surely, he began to gain insights into how these humans live. Getting through each day wasn’t that easy compared to him, a deity.

Up there in his homeworld, he didn’t need to work that hard. Deities and Gods traveled by levitation, not by foot. They grab objects using telekinesis, not by hand. They didn’t require nourishments nor rest, in contrast with humans. 

These insights made the times he accompanied his master to oversee the humans fairly different from the previous experiences. His master kept saying the same things every time the two of them gathered to talk about humans. Even saying that they should have brought more harvest for the offering. But Cosmos would beg to differ as he had experienced the hardships that these humans had to go through to obtain their daily needs. Let alone the offerings for the Gods, which they gave everything that they had at their disposal - even their lives.

But there was one thing that kept bugging Cosmos, one person had occupied his mind for the past several months. It was like he couldn’t get this man out of his head at all. Why didn’t this man worship the Gods like the others? Why was he living alone? Where were his relatives? Are they amongst the villagers?

“Hey!” A voice came to snap Cosmos out of his thoughts. He turned his head towards Aki, who was walking towards him in the dark of the night carrying a small lantern in his hand.

“Can’t sleep?” He asked.

Cosmos shook his head as he was sitting underneath the tree where he and Aki first met, “I was only thinking of something.” He answered, hiding the fact that he didn’t need any sleep.

“Oh, what are you thinking about? Some places that you had visited in the past?” Aki asked as he sat next to the ‘traveler’ who had been staying at his house.

“...What do you think of other people?”

Aki tilted his head, “In what terms? If it’s those brats messing up the dirt in the field then they could just screw themselves.” He said with a blank expression on his face.

Cosmos chuckled, “No, I don’t mean those children… Do you have someone who you care about in this village?”

Aki nodded, “Lots of them actually. Uncle Takihara who catches fishes for the village every day. Aunt Hana who likes to share her dried vegetables with us. I can’t really describe all of them at once.” He said as a warm smile laced around his face. 

Cosmos hummed, “Are they your relatives?”

Aki shook his head, “Nope, none of them are. But they feel like they are.” He answered as he watched the village embraced in the darkness of the light. Only a few dim street lanterns accompanied the quiet surroundings.

Cosmos hummed once more as he thought of another question, “...What about your own? Are they still here somewhere?”

“...” Aki then turned to look at Cosmos with his eyes narrowed, “Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?” His voice wasn’t as calm as earlier.

“I wanted to... get to know you better. We have been living together for several months, haven’t we?” Cosmos said, revealing his true intentions.

Aki flattened his lips and turned his head away from the deity. Seemingly upset at being asked that certain question. Cosmos tilted his head and got closer to his companion, their arms touching each other.

“...It’s alright if you don’t want to tell me. I understand,” Cosmos replied.

It wasn’t the first time the young man was irked by the curious deity’s words - nor would it be the last. At times, it would make Aki walk away in an unsettling mood from the barrages of personal questions. 

Hearing no heed to his question, Cosmos slowly backed away from Aki. But he was stopped by the young man grabbing his forearm. Aki turned his head around to look at Cosmos with a stern yet sorrowful expression.

“...They’re gone,” Aki said shortly before his expression softened.

Cosmos widened his eyes at that, “...”

“My parents… They were swallowed by a blizzard when we were heading home from visiting a friend of theirs in another village. I couldn’t help any of them… other than watching them freezing to death in front of me… And when I thought I was going to join them, I was rescued by the people of this village. Ever since then, I lived here… all on my own.” Aki said in a low voice, moisture began to pool around his eyes. 

“...I’m sorry for what had happened, Aki. If only something could be done to prevent that from happening…” Cosmos said as he put his hand on Aki’s shoulder. Knowing that the God of Winter, his master’s closest friend, was a selfish, greedy one. Thus, the ruthless cold season often lasted longer than the rest.  

Aki sniffed and shook his head before wiping his tears with his forearm, “No, it’s alright. It’s all in the past, so don’t feel bad about it. And it’s not like it’s your fault… But thank you, Cosmos.” He said in a soft tone as he gave a small smile.

Just then, Cosmos could feel a tight squeezing sensation inside of his chest. It wasn’t a health-related situation but rather a feeling that he couldn’t ignore. Though the more he paid attention to it, he started to feel pain searing throughout his heart, “...So even a God can strip you away from those you love unprecedentedly and make you suffer… without any reason at all… ” He thought to himself.

His mind started to scramble to when he was a fool who didn’t care about humans like his master. Those early days of him exploring the earth made him feel guilty as he could probably have done something to prevent the people he encountered from wilting away.

“Humans don’t deserve to be treated like this. All that they want to do is to live their lives to the fullest. And the Gods… including my master… They didn’t care if dozens, hundreds, or thousands of humans died. This can’t go any further… There has to be a way where humans have more time to prepare for such drastic changes. If this continues, they would eventually wilt more”

“...I might also lose Aki… ”






“Oh, good morning, Aki,” Cosmos said as he was fanning the burning wood under the stove.

“Good morning...” Aki said in a lazy voice before he rubbed his arms together, “I think something’s off with the weather.” He said as light shivers spread throughout his body.

Cosmos raised his brows, “How so?” He asked.

“I don’t really know but it’s getting colder than usual, isn’t it supposed to be summer? Winter is a month away, why the sudden change?” Aki explained as he walked into the room and squatted near the warm stove. 

“Hahh~ This feels so much better…” He let out a satisfied sigh before he grew uncomfortable from the heat, “Uhh… Now it’s too hot.” He complained before he distanced himself.

“See? It’s cold yet there’s some sort of warmth in the air. I just couldn’t put my head around it. But not going to lie, I instantly passed out from how comfortable it was last night. No summer heat at all~” Aki said and rubbed his eyes.

Cosmos hummed in acknowledgment, a small smile appearing on his face, “I’m glad that you’re able to sleep with no trouble. I made some stew for us to eat before we get to work in the fields.” 

Aki hummed, “Yeah, let’s eat then.” 

The two of them then shared a warm meal in the morning, with one of them feeling content with how the other was enjoying the peculiar weather. After having breakfast, both of them got dressed before they went out into the field. To Aki’s surprise, the sun didn’t bask its rays on the land when he stepped out of the front door.

“Huh, guess the weather is indeed strange today,” Aki commented as he looked up into the sky.

“...Though it doesn’t mean anything bad, right?”

Aki shook his head, “I kind of like it. Sure it’s dry but there is some humidity to it, and it doesn’t stay cold forever. It’s actually warmer now.” He said with a smile on his face.

Cosmos’ smile grew wider at Aki’s words, “If that’s the case, then let’s get to work.” He said and the long haired-man agreed.

It only took a few steps into the field before both of their eyes shot wide in surprise. 

Aki took a few steps forward in disbelief, covering his mouth with his hands, “What happened?” He said while Cosmos was as shocked as him. 

“I can’t believe it...”

In front of their eyes, the crops which were looking rather unwell had looked as if some miracle had been blessed upon them. The crops were flourishing in color and size, it was a field filled with an abundance of prosperity.

“Cosmos! Are you seeing this?!” 

Cosmos nodded slowly, “Yes… I’m seeing it!” He exclaimed in a joyful tone.

Aki gave a gleeful laughter before he rushed towards one of the well-grown crops. He squatted down and started to examine it, “I-I’ve been trying to grow these ever since a month ago. Do you know how difficult it is to grow this plant? How did this happen?” He blabbered out loud both in disbelief and happiness.

Cosmos lightly blushed and averted his gaze, “Perhaps, it’s because of the sudden change of weather?”

Aki nodded his head slowly before he stood up, “You’re probably right… Yeah...” He turned towards Cosmos with a bright grin, “This is wonderful, Cosmos!!” He squealed before he ran to his housemate and engulfed him in his arms.

Cosmos’ blush grew deeper from the sudden embrace. His heart was beating louder and more profound.

“We finally did it!” Aki giggled before he looked over the field with sparkly eyes, “We have to share these with everyone! They can’t miss this out!” He exclaimed as he looked at Cosmos and pumped his fists.

“Mhmm… We should then.” Cosmos smiled warmly while he was gazing at Aki. And the latter also did the same, locking their gazes together. It was a few seconds before they eventually averted their gazes from one another.

“L-Let’s just harvest them first!” Aki said frantically as his cheeks flushed in shades of pink.

“R-Right...” Cosmos muttered as a reply. Though he was jumping in joy on the inside. Seeing that the person whom he cared about enjoyed the fruits of his work. 

The villagers were indeed surprised at the sudden change in the atmosphere surrounding their home. And that the crops had flourished greatly under the weather. All of them rejoiced from the abundance of harvest that had blessed them to avoid the scarce food resources during winter. They celebrated the occasion with one another on that day.

And Cosmos couldn’t help but felt proud of being able to help the villagers. At that time, he no longer saw them as mere humans.

To him, they were family. 

Especially Aki, who seemed to have grown closer to him. Not as close friends, it was something more than that. Slowly but surely, both of them fell in love with each other. For many reasons, Cosmos decided to stay in the village since he had found his purpose.

For the first time in his eternal life, Cosmos wanted to preserve this moment forevermore.

As years went by, Cosmos had retracted his presence from being around his master. Focusing on his duties back at his real home, and that was to make sure the deities won’t find out about this new season that he had created - with a help of a certain someone. He knew the risks, but he took it anyway for the sake of his real family. 

Though one thing was for sure...

Cosmos wished for no one to find out about his true identity.

But his facade didn’t last for eternity.

One day, the villagers were preparing for the next harvest festival which was held on the day where the crops grew in abundance - caused by Cosmos’ deity powers. The deity, of course, was seen with short hair and a more humane look on his face. Alongside his mortal lover, Aki was about to deliver some crops to their neighbor when a sudden drop of temperature surrounded the village.

It grew colder, gusts of strong wind blew throughout the village. Causing objects to scramble in the air. 

And that was when Cosmos saw it with his own eyes.

A figure with long, braided, snowy white hair descended from the sky above. Their robes fluttered in the air with elegance yet there was an eerie aura around the individual. Once their feet touched the ground, the moist dirt and lively grass turned into nothing but ice. The villagers were standing in fear and some even kneeled on the ground from the sudden appearance of the figure, but not Aki. 

Cosmos instantly recognized who it was by first glance and vice versa. 

“So it was you who was causing the discrepancies in mine and Aestas’ season. And the one who had defied his mentor’s lessons and betrayed his own kind...” A whisper yet firm voice was heard.

“Cosmos Operarius”

Cosmos felt his body froze in place as his full name was called out. He immediately shielded his lover with his body as he glared at the older deity.

“Leave them out of this! They have done nothing wrong!” Cosmos retaliated and pleaded, confusing his lover from the conversation.

Aki removed himself from being shielded and stomped ahead so that he could stand in front of his lover. Exclaiming and demanding what was going on. Questioning why the seemingly authoritative figure knew his name. And that was when the older deity, the God of Winter finally revealed Cosmos’ true identity. 

It crushed the fragile human’s heart.

Aki stood there motionless for a while before he grabbed Cosmos by the collar.

“Cosmos… Tell me that this isn’t true… You’re… You’re not a deity, right?” Aki asked as tears started to drop from the corner of his eyes.

Cosmos clenched his jaw before he looked away from his lover from guilt and shame, “...It’s the truth… I’m sorry, Aki...”

“...Why...” Aki’s grip onto Cosmos’ collar tightened, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS?! AFTER ALL WE’VE BEEN THROUGH TOGETHER!” 

Cosmos turned his head to Aki, “It’s because I don’t want you to hate me! Yes, I was once an emotionless and clueless deity who doesn’t know the value of human lives!” He then reached to cup his lover’s face in his palms.

“But you taught me how to live my life the same as you do. It’s because of you that I learned about what it means to live in the present moment. I wanted to help you and others to live your life to the fullest and not suffer… If only I could travel back in the past and meet you before your parents were gone. I could have changed something… I could have prevented it all… ” Cosmos said as tears were flowing down his cheeks.

“...I can’t bear to lose you… I never wanted to...”


The God of Winter watched how their closest friend’s disciple had turned meek, “So you’re using your powers to save humans from their suffering. How pathetic...”

“Therefore, you have betrayed the Heavenly Principles which defines your purpose. This rebellion will not go any further. I, Frigus, will bestow upon you the divine punishment from the heavens,” They said as an orb of white and wind particles circled on top of their palm.

Seeing that, Cosmos instantly shoved Aki to the ground beside him before the older deity unleashed his power on him. Standing his ground as he used his powers to shield himself from the beam of sheer cold laid upon him. The God of Winter’s powers were far more superior than his.

Aki and the other villagers watched in horror as two deities clashed. The former frantically stood up after seeing his lover trying to fight back, “Cosmos!”

“Stay out of this, Aki! Don’t get involved in this!” Cosmos shouted as he felt a warm, crimson liquid running down his nose. He was using all in his powers to be able to hold back the barrages of blizzard directed towards him.

“Give it up, your powers are no match when it’s compared to mine. It’s a shame that you’re Aestas’ most promising disciple. This can’t go unpunished, deviance shall be purged. Not after you broke your master’s heart.” The God of Winter placed more pressure down on the deviant deity.

“It is your selfishness that has brought suffering throughout the land. You take humans for granted, and so does that master of mine. You both don’t understand how precious humans are! I won’t let you make them suffer anymore!” Cosmos exclaimed as the liquid from his nose started to drip onto the earth.

And that was when a pair of arms embraced Cosmos’ body from behind. His eyes widened as he knew who was likely to defy his warnings. He looked down and saw the arms enveloping his body.

“...It doesn’t matter if you’re a deity or not. I love you, Cosmos… And that you’ve done those things for us all. How could I hate you? You’re affectionate and empathetic towards others. Curious to the point that your questions could make me livid!... But you’re the only one who made me realize how much my life matters to someone.” Aki said as he buried his face on Cosmos’ back.

“I don’t want to lose you either… Wherever you go, I want to stay by your side. I can’t bear spending the rest of my life being alone...” Aki added.

“You’re always my home...” 

“...Home...” Cosmos muttered before he turned his body to the side while he was keeping his shield up with one of his hands. Using his free arm to embrace his lover, “If only fate was kinder to us, we could have spent the rest of our lives without any boundaries. I would never choose someone else to spend the rest of my eternal life with other than you...”

“And I wouldn’t either… You’re the only one I love...”

“...Let’s show that our love can make the Gods tremble in fear… And death to those who wish and ignore the suffering of humans... I love you, Aki”

“...I love you too, Cosmos...” 

Both of them closed their eyes as Cosmos lowered his hand to fully embrace his lover.

As the shield was discarded, the cold blizzard surrounded the couple. Enveloping them as their skins became cold and blue. Slowly but surely, both of their bodies stood still. Encased in a prison of ice as both of them were seen holding each other in their arms. That was when the human and deity gave their last breath.

It was silent.

It was as if time had stopped.




Legend says that a large wave of energy burst through the air and caused the Earth to tremble from that incident. Even the Gods’ abode residing above was impacted as well. The deities ignored the impact at first. Thinking that it was a dying star that had blown up somewhere in the galaxy. It did not take long before their own minds were destroyed by Cosmos’ wish - or was it a curse?

In the end, the utopia was completely destroyed. War erupted, conflicts clashed, weapons were drawn. The only surviving deity was the God of Spring, he had watched his homeland torn into oblivion. 

Yet he didn’t feel as if he needed to shed tears, as he was on Cosmos’ side from the very beginning. Helping the younger deity achieve his dreams to help those mortals. Both of them shared the same insight, especially when the older deity had experienced what it was like to love a mortal. Only that his story ended long ago when his lover grew old and passed away.

He took the role to control the seasons by himself. Only by balance could prosperity be achieved, he said. Not only that, he also contributed by adding the season that Cosmos had created. He had gone as far as to descend down to Earth to take a look at the couple encased in ice.

It wasn’t a proper place for them to rest. So, he extracted their spirits and gave them a vessel for them to rest peacefully. 

And that vessel was none other than the tree where the human and deity first met.

The God of Seasons gazed at the said tree and watched the leaves turn into shades of maroon, orange, and yellow. He smiled upon looking at the changes as if he could see two people smiling back at him while they hold each other’s hands. 

With one of them mouthing the words, “Thank you...”







Songs that inspired this : 

1. Dark Night - Eve

2. Night Flower - Ahn Yeeun







Author's Account:

OkuraTsukiko (SH).

God, the feels. I just couldn't help myself writing another angst-filled story (it took my procrastinating and unmotivated butt to finish it). Hiya, Author OT here once again with my second entry~ Big thanks to Heart who has helped me with the editing! I hope you all enjoy this story and make sure to check the other ones! 


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