[BL] Trick or Treat!

[9] Even Death Shan’t Do Us Part

Even Death Shan’t Do Us Part 

by UM3 


Premise Tags: Modern Times,

Entertainment Industry,

CEO, Obsession, Playfulness,

Doting Partner, Death, Trauma,

Psychological Disorder, Flashbacks. 

Content Warnings: some NSFW.



“It seems like the gods are crying.”

Di-Feng turned to his left and a bare back filled with light red-purple bite marks greeted him. He traced his eyes over his handiwork and seemed to hear the pleasures of last night’s echoing throughout the room.

“They must be devastated to be crying this much… don’t you think so?”

A pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes came into his line of sight and Di-Feng saw the pair of eyes staring at him steadily, anticipating his answer. 

Di-Feng brought his hand up to brush against the pair of loveliest eyes he had ever seen and traced the rest of the face with his index finger. 

A laughter reached his ears and the soft, tender giggle found its way to his heart.

“It’s ticklish! Don’t!”

The coy tone of voice that issued the directive didn’t hold any authoritative power, and it was something only he had the pleasure of knowing. The thought of that stirred up his appetite and he licked my lips. 

“You… You beast! Didn't you have enough last night? I...”

The prey in front of him was just too tempting for him not to move in for a taste. Locking lips, he tasted every inch and slowly worked his way in to grab hold of the tongue within. 

He wanted to be gentle but it proved difficult when the tongue he was taking his time nibbling lashed out with impatience and he felt light bites on his instead. 

A battle then ensued as it can be seen that the two silhouettes on the king-sized bed were rolling around nibbling… sucking… licking… every single drop of liquid they could get from each other to quench their thirst.  

The morning kiss ended when Di-Feng felt his lower region aching badly for some action as well. He controlled himself, thinking of how intense they were last night, and pulled back slightly while grinding against the hardened piece of rod beneath him slowly, strongly, seemingly to appease both their aching groins.

Di-Feng tenderly stared at the person within his arms. 

Short, blond hair that was usually styled back for official appearances now slightly damp from sweat and all over the place. 

The pair of ears and soft cheeks now reddened and ripe for another picking. 

The body holding up his weight while trembling slightly was turning a blush pink, a color he was very familiar with seeing during the night. 

“I could never get enough of you, Xi-Liang.” Di-Feng declared to the man below him and caressed his forehead. 

Di-Feng saw Xi-Liang blinking his chestnut brown eyes in confusion for a little, only for it to change seconds later, and Di-Feng understood from his bashful expression that Xi-Liang had realized what he meant. 

Di-Feng then observed the man he had sworn his life to accompany turning away and hiding his rosy red face. 

“Not now, I have a meeting with the new casting director later.”

Di-Feng nodded his head and turned Xi-Liang’s face back to him. He wanted to enjoy Xi-Liang’s flushed expression a little bit longer. 

“But… tonight, after the wrap-up party. You… can.” 

Xi-Liang was the prince of the big screen beloved by his people. He started as a child actor and worked his way up the red carpet with every show he could get his hands on. He was a genius when it came to acting, seemingly able to play out any character he was in charge of:

The dominant and powerful male lead;

The feminine ‘good friend’ of any female leads;

The emotional and positive white lotus; 

The annoying and revengeful cannon fodder;

The dashing and handsome passerby… any role given to him would be executed to perfection! 

With that, Xi-Liang’s weibo fans were in billions and even after news of his same-sex marriage was announced, his fans weren’t disgusted nor fazedthey were thoroughly and utterly charmed by Xi-Liang.

Of course, there were always two sides to a coin, and as many devoted fans Xi-Liang had were as many black hearted anti-fans he and his team would have to deal with. 

However, that wasn’t a cause for concern with Di-Feng by his side. With the best team money could buyhis lawyers, PR officials, media representatives… anyone Di-Feng would need to safeguard his precious significant other, he would get. 

“I just finished filming and am already moving on to my next project. Besides, I won’t be able to participate in the promotion of the show, so showing up for the party is the least I could do.”

Di-Feng frowned slightly but nodded his head indicating that he understood. He gently landed soft kisses onto Xi-Liang’s face and let him off. 

He wasn’t too happy with Xi-Liang working in entertainment but he would respect his partner’s wishes. 

The indoor patio leading to the garden was cooling due to the strong wind of the stormy rain and Di-Feng felt the atmosphere was just right for a good snuggle with his beloved in his embrace on the couch facing the garden. He brought Xi-Liang to the patio and gestured for the auntie to serve breakfast. 

The sound of falling gushing water like waterfalls made a relaxing background music to his ears while his eyes feasted on his beloved. He saw Xi-Liang staring into the garden and seemingly lost in thought. He reached out for his beloved and hugged him from behind. 

Di-Feng inhaled deeply and his lips reflexively turned upwards. He felt like it was just natural to have Xi-Liang in his arms and would do anything to keep him there. 

“Hubby… after I’m done with this movie, let’s have a trip. I want to go to Maldives again, swim with the fishes and take pictures of the beautiful corals. I also miss strolling around the beach with you by my side enjoying the sunset.”

Listening to Xi-Liang planning out their itinerary, Di-Feng smiled and nuzzled his neck. He was contemplating buying a piece of land in Maldives for Xi-Liang. He also made a mental note to check out land prices in the Caribbean Islands as he remembered that Xi-Liang seemed to like warmer climates. 

“What did auntie cook today? It smells delicious!”

Di-Feng chuckled in delight and brought Xi-Liang to the table. The day then proceeded like usual where Di-Feng was coaxing Xi-Liang to eat a bite more as he enjoyed Xi-Liang’s coquettish whining.

"I can't, I'm supposed to play a sickly patient…"   

Di-Feng smiled tenderly when he heard Xi-Liang acting like a spoiled child. He knew that image was of utmost importance to an actor, but he couldn’t help worrying about Xi-Liang’s diet. He gently ran his fingers through Xi-Liang’s hair and leaned in to lightly kiss his eyes. 

“Be good,” Di-Feng whispered softly into Xi-Liang’s ears and purposely kept his voice low-pitched, the way he knew Xi-Liang liked it. “We can burn it all up tonight.”

Di-Feng then leaned back and took delight in watching Xi-Liang having another bite with flushed crimson cheeks. He rewarded Xi-Liang with a light peck to his forehead and thought to himself that there was no one more endearing than his Xi-Liang. 

After Di-Feng and Xi-Liang finished breakfast, the rain wasn’t letting up but rather grew even heavier while they were on their way to work. When they reached Xi-Liang’s agency, Estrl Entertainment Inc. Di-Feng made sure Xi-Liang was securely covered to shelter from the rain before letting him off the car. 

“Di-Feng, I’ll call you when I’m done later. Pick me up?"

Di-Feng nodded and gave Xi-Liang a kiss. He gestured for his driver to set off after seeing Xi-Liang safely entering the building.  

Di-Feng, who worked as a designer when he first met Xi-Liang, put aside his creative hobby and took up business. He fell in love with Xi-Liang at first sight and knew that if he wanted to catch his eye, he would need ample resources to build the most attractive flower base for this stunning little honey bee called Xi-Liang.

And so, he built from scratch the stickiest and sweetest nectar in the world to draw the little bee’s attention. His company, Änsa Gaist (AG) Inc. now stood as the world’s largest fashion and supermodel giant in the industry.

As the world’s largest, AG had trained and brought up dozens of the world’s top supermodels; 

AG had also designed, created and published three first-tier magazines and five second-tier magazines of the world solely to promote their own models;

Not to mention the yearly showcase of cutting-edge fashion brands in the top seasonal fashion shows.

Be it international or local, AG was one brand every entertainer would want to have in their portfolio.

Except for the little honey bee. 

Initially, Di-Feng thought to approach him like a gentleman, giving off a noble image, but after his job offers were continuously getting rejected, he couldn’t stand still any longer and confronted the bee.

Little did he know he was confronting an attractive wasp instead.

Di-Feng chuckled and thought it rather an accurate description of his Xi-Liang. He was first stung when he caught sight of Xi-Liang and fell in love. The second was when he confronted him in the bathroom of a fashion show and Xi-Liang had told him then that he wouldn’t work with someone he considered having a personal relationship with. 

Since then, Di-Feng willingly offered himself to the wasp.


Di-Feng looked up from the pile of documents he was signing and saw his assistant anxiously walking in with an iPad.

“Sir. You have to look at the news!”

Di-Feng looked at the iPad his assistant had shoved under his face.

‘... rain drenched the first round of fire, but rescuers were forced to halt their efforts as another round of explosions fed by gasoline from crushed cars in the parking lot caused the area to be covered with acrid smoke…’

Di-Feng recognised the building that was half left in smoky ruins while the other half was seen barely standing from the random gas explosions. He felt his hands trembling and his throat suddenly a desolated desert. 

“What are the firemen doing? Why aren’t they there yet!”

Di-Feng stormed out of his office after yelling at his assistant while frantically punching in the numbers he was so familiar with to his cell-phone. 

The endless ringing however, made his heart beat even faster instead. 

Di-Feng raced toward his car and drove off to the site but before he could even get half-way there, he was blocked by the endless stream of traffic.

The sound of sirens ringing out in the distance only made the blood running through his veins icy cold which caused his whole body to shiver incessantly.

Di-Feng abandoned his car in the middle of the road and broke into a run heading toward the burning building he saw in the news. He ignored the rain soaking him wet and as he ran, he kept telling himself that it was a sick joke. 

Yes, it could only be a joke. 

It was like a mantra holding him together as he forced himself to run faster. He didn’t realize however, that the nearer he got to the crushing site, the more fearful his heart was feeling. 

The truth couldn’t be any clearer as he witnessed the tragedy unfolding in front of him. The signboard of the burning building, Estrl Entertainment Inc. was crushed to pieces but he just so happened to catch sight of the distinguished logo the moment he arrived.  

He felt then that his heart had stopped beating for a moment before bursting into agony. His sorrowful cries were drowned by the thundering rain, heartened shouts of passersby, rescue workers and injured survivors, and the ringing sirens of the fire engines and ambulances rushing to the scene...

In the middle of a vibrant city inside a building of 40-storeys high, was a man that had just opened his eyes wide with fear while gasping for air. His palms were sweaty and although his neck was a little sore from napping on the leather office chair, it wasn’t as apparent as the pain in his heart.

Di-Feng sighed and rubbed his chest as he stood up to reach for a glass of water. When he recalled the dream he just had, he felt a chill down his spine and the arising heartburn in his chest seemed to have brought him back to the tragic scene again. 

He didn’t want to relive the memory of his loss, but he couldn’t help it. Dreaming was the only way for him to meet his beloved. 

Di-Feng took a deep breath and checked the time. It was close to 8 in the evening and about time to head home. Besides, Xi-Liang was waiting for him. 

His mind knew it was what it was; his heart though, was in denial as what transpired after the tragedy was to Di-Feng, a nightmare he couldn’t escape from whenever he was awake. 

When he retrieved his beloved from the wreckage, he needed to make sure his beloved was comfortable and thus arranged for the best service in the most reputable hospital in the country. 

But when the directors and their best team of doctors took one look at the half charred body Di-Feng presented to them, they were left speechless. 

It was a mere nurse with a conscience that had caused the doctors and the reputation of the hospital to be destroyed in a matter of days, for the nurse had exclaimed outright to Di-Feng that there wasn’t any need for treatment.

It would be of no use to a corpse.

Di-Feng was outraged! The bunch of fools couldn’t even differentiate a corpse from a sleeping person. While he was punishing those fools, he was also looking for ways not to let his beloved suffer from any more harm. 

He made use of the power of money to get his hands on the best team of scientists and surgeons:

Every piece of device technology could invent was bought and used to reconstruct the bones of his beloved;

The tender flesh he so liked touching was grown from his beloved’s remaining stem cells in order to restore his appearances;

And any needle-like patched work, as though tattoos on his beloved’s body, were taken care of by the esteemed cosmetic surgeons. 

There really wasn’t anything Di-Feng wouldn’t spend on to get his beloved looking as dazzling as he was on stage back in his arms. Besides, no one would say no to free cash coming their way.

The only thing Di-Feng had no other choice in was to let his beloved sleep in an ice chamber, fearing that any smallest exposure would risk his beloved breaking down and losing him again.

Di-Feng saw the house he shared with his beloved coming into view and gathered his things. He got off at the entrance and made his way to the door. He saw a silhouette of a person sitting by the door and paused. 

Di-Feng recognised the person waiting by the door. It was Xi-Liang’s manager, Brother Lan. He was also the one person whom Di-Feng didn’t want to meet right now. He knew Xi-Liang treated his manager as if family. 

“What is it?” asked Di-Feng as he walked up to the door.  

“Di-Feng, listen to me. Register Xi-Liang’s death and start arranging the funeral. You can’t…”

“Haven’t I made myself clear? Why are you spouting nonsense like my lawyers?”

“You know he’s gone!”

“He’s not!”

“Di-Feng! Wake up! I can’t hide the news from the public any longer! The full list of people lost in the fire was released and a mourning service will be held tomorrow where the incident took place. The public will know!”

Di-Feng pushed Brother Lan aside to unlock the door. Listening to what he was saying, Di-Feng seemed to recall the bunch of whitehaired men he hired as his lawyers advising him that public outcry would destroy the image and reputation both he and his significant other had so painstakingly built. 

“Then let it be so. You can just tell them the body was lost in the fire.”

“Di-Feng! Are you listening to yourself?”

“I’m perfectly sane if that’s what you’re implying.”

“No, you’re not. Look at yourself! Xi-Liang would be so upset with you if he knew what you’re doing to yourself!”

Di-Feng flew into rage and grabbed hold of Brother Lan by his collar. “Who are you to tell me how Xi-Liang will or will not feel? I know Xi-Liang better than you! He would want me to stay with him until the end!”

Di-Feng pushed Brother Lan away but before he could turn back, he felt his left shoulder being grasped, hard, and he grimaced a little in response. 

“You’re crazy! Let Xi-Liang rest in peace! Di-Feng!”

Di-Feng yanked off the hand holding him at his shoulder and without saying another word, he walked into his house and slammed the door shut in front of Brother Lan. 

Brother Lan was left speechless and stared at the door. He realised that he was too late. He should have stopped Di-Feng earlier. Di-Feng was delusional to think he could continue living with Xi-Liang as though he was alive. 

Brother Lan couldn’t understand what was stopping Di-Feng from proceeding with the funeral and screamed his frustration at the door, “What are you waiting for, Di-Feng?!”

Di-Feng, ignoring the ruckus outside his house, calmly took off his suit jacket and put on the fleece-lined polar jacket he had hung at the coat-hanger. As he made his way down to the basement, he recalled the report he had read earlier before taking a nap in his office and clenched his fist. 

His assistant had summarized the investigation found by the police and his own men. Both reports were an echo to each other, saying it was an unforeseen disaster caused by a lightning strike. 

Yes, it had been raining heavily. 

Yes, there had been lightning. 

But what were the odds of it happening?

What were the odds that a bolt of lightning tore its way to the rooftop parking lots of his beloved’s agency and caused the wiring and metal guttering of the building to be set on fire? 

Di-Feng couldn’t believe it. He ordered his men to conduct a thorough check on his enemies and the anti-fans of his beloved. 

There must be a culprit; someone so idle and vile to have caused such damage to his beloved. 

There must be! 

Di-Feng reached the basement door and carefully unlocked it. He made sure it was sealed tight again to keep the air from flowing out and followed the dark corridor leading to an icy chamber he had personally redesigned. 

The interior was eerily similar to the love nest he shared with his beloved, except that everything was made of solid ice. The chamber was also continuously kept at a negative temperature of between −10 °C and −50 °C.

Di-Feng carefully approached the transparent ice coffin on top of a king-sized block of ice, sculpted in the shape of a bed, in the middle of the room and sat beside it. 

He knew his beloved would be angry at him for keeping him in a cold climate, but it had to be done for him to preserve Xi-Liang in his perfect state. 

He lined his fingers on top of the cover and stared at the doll-like version of the sleeping Xi-Liang. He lovingly stroked the cover, as though he was actually touching his beloved. 

“I’m sorry, dear. I know you don’t really like the cold but bear with it. I’ll keep you company.”

Di-Feng then tenderly kissed the cover of the coffin, as if kissing his beloved. 

“Just wait a little while longer. Let’s cross the river together once I’ve punished those that harmed you. We’ll burn their souls and offer it as a toll for our safe passage across.”

Di-Feng laid beside his beloved and closed his eyes. He had a date with Xi-Liang in his dreams and he didn’t want to be late. 





Author's Account:

UM3 (SH).



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