Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

Round 24

Scarlet’s scald cream in her hand stood slightly nervously in front of the door of Room 1202. Courage was like a balloon pierced by a hole. When it was full, it would leak. Sighing, he desperately told himself that he was here to apologize, but he couldn’t flinch. His white fingers pressed the doorbell.

Dingdong ~!

Geng Bumei in the house was packing up, heard the doorbell ringing, and was about to open the door, but was stopped by Kangxi who suddenly rushed out of the bedroom.

In his eyes, there was still a flush of iron that had been ironed with tears, and the color of death was still there, like a rabbit without a carrot.

Ji Xiaonan, who was dozing on the sofa, was awakened by the doorbell and got up lazily. When he saw that Kangxi had made a silent gesture, there was no sound.

Wei Bao plucked his head from the bathroom and saw him standing at the door motionless. He didn’t mean to open the door, and was quite puzzled.

The three looked at each other the same. What’s wrong?

Seeing that no one responded, Xuan Xuan rang the doorbell again, and still no movement, she had to reach out and pat the door.

“Kangxi, are you there?”

This is the Queen Mother!

Kangxi obviously knew who it was, so they were not allowed to speak out.

This house is equivalent to a secret base. In addition to the three of them knowing, the Queen Mother knew that Kangxi lived here.

Kangxi opened the lid on the cat’s eyes and saw the scarlet through a tiny hole.

She was like a brilliant star in the night sky, with the most exquisite darkness and light, gathered in his eyes, intertwined into a gentle glory like a meteor, but jealous like a resurgent wound cut his head again, let him open the door of the hand Stiff in the air, leaving only a ray of tenderness lingering in the bottom of my eyes.

He wanted to spit out this bitterness, but it was still grievances and sourness.

Suddenly, my heart was uncomfortable, and my eyes were red. The tears in my eyes were like dewdrops on the petals, and my fingers would fall off with a light touch.

The grievance and pitiful appearance really distressed the three men behind him.

Wei Bao leaned into Geng’s ear and said, “You will buy him a piece of chocolate before he gets on the plane.”

“Why buy chocolate? He doesn’t like to eat it.”

Geng Bumei felt that his internal injury could not be cured for a while and a half. It was really a sin, a good man who was tossed into tears by a woman.

“Coax him! Look at him as a pitiful, like a dog whose master is not home.”

“Go!” If he could coax, would he need to work so hard?

Ji Xiaonan walked over and said to Kangxi: “Are you going to see it, or are you missing?”

Kangxi’s shoulder twitched slightly, raised his head to close his eyes, and let tears flow into his heart. He grumbled: “No!”

“Really? No, now, you are careful not to have a chance in the future …”

Before the words were finished, Kangxi changed his face, faster than turning the book, and almost kicked him out.

Seeing that for a long time no one responded, he thought that he was not at home, so he left melancholy.

After she left, Kangxi shut himself into the bedroom again, and it was useless to call him.

The light gauze of the night concealed everything unconsciously. The moonlight was as soft as the lake water, and faintly as hazy as the smoke, the dew floated on the ground, and it was cool.

He thought that Kangxi would knock on her door as usual, break into her house, occupy her kitchen, cook for her, and wait for the left and the right. When he did not see him, she felt a little lost in her heart.

The scald cream on the table broke into her eyes very vividly, and she decided to find him herself.

Opening the door, Ji Xiaonan appeared at the door, she was stunned.

Ji Xiaonan lifted the food box in his hand, “My long lived master told me that from tonight, I will give you meals every day!”

Wei Bao is responsible for ordering meals, he is responsible for takeaway service, who makes him the most idle.

“Where is he?” Recognized that he was Kangxi’s friend, and his face was always indifferent.

“Going back to filming, it should be on the plane now.” He handed her the food box. “Yes, and glutinous rice!” He put the traction rope in her hand, too, and the glutinous rice crawled on the ground with a big tongue.

He spent a few days in the home of Yanzhen and was already familiar with it. There was no obvious rejection.

Xu Xuan felt that his heart was empty, and there was a trace of loss looming, not strong, as if he had just been squeezed out, and he hadn’t had time to mix it up.

She looked at the food box and always felt ashamed. She was a bit embarrassed to eat people like this all the time.

Ji Xiaonan seemed to see it and said, “If you want to refuse, don’t tell me.” He took a note from his pocket. “This is WeChat’s WeChat. You know, the artist is very troublesome. WeChat is not registered with his usual mobile phone number. You can add him according to the above WeChat account. If you have anything, tell him that I am an errand. ”

After he finished speaking, he crouched and touched Nuomi’s head, whispered a few more words, and left.

The handwriting on the sticky note is familiar to her, as if afraid of losing it, she silently memorized the microsignal above several times.

When she returned to the house, she opened the food box and was not surprised. It was filled with all her favorite foods, three dishes and one soup, and a fruit salad.

The loss of the heart gathers and merges again and again, and then disappears. It is replaced by the warmth and the thickness diffuses in the heart.

She put the food box on the table and was not in a hurry to enjoy it. She found her mobile phone and searched for the menu. She grew up in the United States and was not familiar with domestic chat tools. She still mainly used MSN. To disconnect her from the society, she helped her download and install WeChat, but she never used it once.

She opened WeChat’s APP software and entered the password of 600600, which is the password based on her name, so she remembered it very well. After logging in, she clicked the address book at the bottom, chose to add friends, and input Kangxi’s WeChat Search box and confirm the search.

Soon, the words “Long live my emperor” jumped out. She was stunned and looked at her head again. It was a picture of Nuomi, so she was sure of him.

This narcissistic nickname … She couldn’t help but bend her mouth.

The smart finger poked the nickname, after verifying the addition of friend information, enter “I am 皛 皛”, then click send in the upper right corner.

After waiting and waiting, there was no verification. I guess he might still be on the plane. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but I thought he would see it when he got off the plane, and he was in a better mood again.

She returned to the restaurant, preparing for dinner, and the sesame at her feet whined her.

“what happened?”

Sesame barked in the direction of the dog bowl.

Glutinous rice is leaning on the big buttocks, eating the sesame dinner, and does not understand what it means to be polite. After eating, it also arrogantly occupied the sesame nest.

Sesame is not happy, go up to catch it, glutinous rice refused to leave. Sesame bite the mat and dragged hard, trying to **** back his bed, glutinous rice lying on top, let it drag around.

Suddenly, the two dogs were in trouble.

What kind of person is it, what kind of dog is it?

This natural character and the virtue of occupying others’ space are exactly the same as its master.

“Glutinous rice, you are not allowed to bully sesame seeds, otherwise you will not have breakfast!” She shouted.

Kangxi had said that she should not train her glutinous rice and eat him so many meals.

Glutinous rice seemed to understand, two eyes showed a wave of water.

“Disobedient, selling Moe is useless!” She is an instructor of the SWAT team. Such tricks are not effective for her.

Glutinous rice grunted and pulled his head away from the sesame cushion.

Sesame immediately fell on the mat and lay down, vowing to defend his territory.

Xu Zhen remembered that Ji Xiaonanguang handed her glutinous rice to her, but her daily necessities were not brought in. The bowl and drinking fountains did not matter, this sleeping mat … She turned over under the bed, remember to give sesame I have bought a pet kennel because it is too small to use it. The glutinous rice is smaller than sesame seeds and should be suitable.

She dragged a sky blue navy-style pet nest from under the bed and placed it next to the sesame seeds, “Come on, glutinous rice!”

Glutinous rice sniffed the pet’s nest and pressed it with its paws again, and the dog’s eyes still glanced at the sesame nest pad.

Sesame tumbled back and forth on his mat, completely meaningless.

Glutinous rice used a paw to dig out a cushion like a planing pit, and wished to be able to plan out the sponge inside. The cushion was made of thick canvas. After a long day of planing, there were a few more scratches and no damage at all. With a grunt, he pitifully nestled up.

He clicked on the feeding machine, filled a bowl of dog food, and handed it to sesame seeds.

The sesame flicked its tail and ate it completely. The glutinous rice on the side lay on the mat, and his eyes were full of appetite.

“No more eating! Do you see how fat you are?”

I have never seen a German black-backed **** that can be as fat as a big lantern.

Obese dogs are prone to diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, and their resistance will also be reduced.

This is not a good sign.

She decided to make a weight loss plan for glutinous rice, starting with reducing food intake.


City B——

As soon as the plane landed, Kangxi exited the airport directly from the VIP channel and got into the nanny car. He wore a pair of sunglasses in the middle of the night, without a slight smile, a stiff expression, like a close-up in a TV series, like Permanently frozen.

Geng Bumei was deeply afraid of meeting a media reporter, asking him about his brain cancer, and hurriedly let the driver drive. He looked at his watch, just after 1 am, so late, the crew did not have to go and decided to go back to the hotel.

The car ran smoothly on the road, and the night quickly spread from both sides along the contour of the car. Only the road in front of the daylight was lit by the lights, and the towering trees dancing with the wind.

Kangxi flipped out his mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat software directly after booting, and poked a finger on the address book. In the column of new friends, as he expected, there was a new friend to add information.

He took off his glasses and opened them urgently.

The words “Loli in E Cup, please add you as a friend” instantly blinded his eyes.

What the **** is this? Small advertisement?

He glanced hurriedly at the head picture. The picture was very small. He seemed to bring a magnifying glass, and at a glance recognized the person in the picture as a black man.

Really her?

He stared at this sentence in disbelief: “Loli of E Cup, please add you as a friend”.

Which **** gave her the nickname?

He made sure that it wasn’t something that Luang could think of.

E …

Suddenly, a gust of heat pushed up against his forehead, making his nose feel a little stuffy.

Geng Bumei sat next to him. His movement was so obvious that it naturally caught his attention. His head passed by, and the words on the phone screen reflected into his eyes, causing him to cough.

E cup … this is too TM *.

E cup (joke: Ecstasy’s abbreviation, it means *).

Geng Bumei couldn’t help but patted his thighs and laughed, the queen’s mother was so explosive!

“No laugh!” Kangxi blushed and growled.

“No … I just think … ha ha ha …” He burst into tears, “If it is true … the queen’s mother is definitely a childlike giant …” The last very trivial word in Kangxi’s murderous sight Zhonggu swallowed it back.

Xiao Chen, who was seated in the first officer’s seat, turned back curiously, and Kangxi’s eyes flinched before he opened his mouth.

Kangxi’s eyes were darkened, “Let me think of what’s not there!”

“Okay, let me go, let me go!” Geng Bumei laughed, crawling to the position behind him, a series of smirk sounded intermittently from behind.

Kangxi’s eyes returned to the phone screen, and his head was full of letters E. They were like bubbles in carbonated soda, grunting.

What E … is there?

The theater inside the brain was activated, and only a variety of pictures could be known to him.

Suddenly, the pain in the nose increased, accompanied by a hot slip …

Geng did n’t sleep enough. He stood up and wanted to ask him if he wanted to have a supper. Suddenly he saw Kangxi clutching his nose and gurgling blood in his fingers.

“How do you have a nosebleed?”

Kangxi’s cold face was crimson, and his nose bleeding could not stop.

The internal injury is serious …

------ Digression -------

This nickname is certainly not something that the Queen Mother can come up with. It is An Hui ’s masterpiece. As for whether there is, hum, everyone YY.

Long live the great water loss this time ~ Suddenly continue.

In the next chapter, we are about to enter the second case, everyone is ready.

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