Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

Round 35.2

Sesame stared blankly at the two and screamed, indicating that the order was a bit difficult to speak.

Kangxi was with him. He was eating well and having fun. He bathed him in the afternoon. He was professional and comfortable. His feelings for Kangxi were increasing sharply, and his intimacy was not good.

Kangxi ordered: “Sit down!”

It was tamed, squatted obediently on the ground, shaking its big tail.

All the dogs that had been raised were abducted, their teeth tickled, and they angered everyone and every dog.

Kangxi gave thumbs up to Sesame, “Good.boy!”

Hearing the commendation, sesame slammed against his leg, and the dog’s morality was broken into pieces. One person and one dog were still playing a handshake game in the living room.

After the murmured shower, she quickly washed her clothes. The shameful thing was enough. Once again, she did n’t see anybody, half of the wash. Thinking of Kangxi, she looked at her hand. Underwear.

Due to her professional relationship, she has always chosen sports underwear made of cotton. Because she has good elasticity and flexion and extension, she never feels anything wrong. If you want something sexy, you do n’t want to show it to you.

After washing her clothes, she stretched her face and hung it on the balcony. She did not care about Kangxi when she ate. After a meal, she didn’t say a word and hid in the study after eating.

Kangxi saw that she was still angry, did not tease her again, washed the dishes, sat on the sofa and watched TV, and when she wanted to sleep, she would come to him naturally, but wait for the left and wait, but she couldn’t bear to see her out. , Pacing to the door of the study, knocking on the door, she still did not respond.

He turned around and touched a box of chocolates to come out. In the afternoon he asked Wei Bao to send something over. One of them was this box of chocolates.

He was busy making a PPT for women’s self-defense. After a while, the door opened, and no one saw him. I saw a hand sticking out of the door and a box of chocolates in my hand.

“Hey, I’m wrong!”

The most basic rules for men: First, his wife is always right, and second, if his wife is wrong, please refer to Article 1.

The gold-red box was particularly dazzling, and Godiva’s words on it attracted all the attention of Zengxuan. She ran to the door and stared at the box and looked at it again.

It’s really Godiva!

She opened the door and looked at Kangxi suspiciously, “How do you know I like to eat this brand of chocolate?”

She doesn’t often eat sweets, but she only loves Belgian chocolates. Among the many Belgian chocolate brands, her favorite is Godiva chocolate.

He turned around a thousand times and was a little excited.

Godiva chocolate is his elder sister’s favorite. When he was young, his dad brought a few boxes back to Europe every time he flew back to Europe. , Originally wanted to take the opportunity to wake up her childhood memories, never thought that this would be her favorite thing.

His heart was filled with joy, and his face was very calm, and his ability to speak nonsense with his eyes open was perfect.

“It’s a coincidence that this is my oldest sister’s favorite chocolate too. Recently she lost weight and can’t watch it, so she gave it to me.”

“Your sister?” She didn’t believe such a coincidence.

“Yeah, I’ve liked it since I was a kid!” He calmly said, “You don’t want it, then I will take it away!” He withdrew.

He immediately jumped up and snatched away, “No! This brand of chocolate is very difficult to buy in China.”

He smiled: “Then you are not angry?”

She hugged the box and smiled, “Look at the chocolate face and let you go.”

In fact, he was not angry with him because he was thin-skinned and felt shameful and annoyed more.

She gently tore up the gorgeous wrapping paper and couldn’t help picking up a shell-shaped chocolate. It was a bit of a bite. It was the taste of cranberry truffles, with a hint of bitterness in sweetness. After the tongue, it quickly melted, and a sense of satisfaction was born.

Many people like to eat chocolate, that is, after a short bitterness, the rich sweetness that appears on the taste buds. These sweetness, slowly, slowly, can spread to the deepest and deepest place in the heart.

Seeing her enjoyment, he also wanted to try it, but she stopped her as soon as she reached over.

“This one is cherry liqueur, not allowed.”

“Then I will take this one.” His hand moved to another one.

As a result, she took the whole box in her arms and hid aside. “Honey almond, caramel soft heart, milk mousse, champagne truffle are all my favorite.”

She really likes it, even remembers the name of the taste so familiar.

He picked up two of them and closed the box. He was afraid that he might **** it and locked it in the drawer.

He only had one more magic weapon to coax her, and it was too late to be happy, how could he rob her.

He knocked sideways and asked, “How can you like this brand of chocolate?”

She licked the fingers covered with chocolate powder. “At the age of four, after kindergarten siesta, there will be a few chocolates on my pillow, which is very delicious. I did n’t know it was Godiva at the time. I went to the United States with my parents. knew.”

Although Godiva is Belgian chocolate, it is produced in the United States, and the counter is only available in the United States, Belgium, France, and some cities in Europe.

It was really that time.

Unhappy with himself, he asked, “Who gave it to you?” He wanted to know if she remembered him.

She blinked her eyes for a while, and even thought about it: “The teacher in the kindergarten, I must be good for every time I sleep, and reward me.”

Therefore, she also regards Godiva as a reward for her life. When she took the A + for the exam, when she got a scholarship, when she graduated, when she first entered the FBI, and when she first solved the case, she became the leader of the FBI crime analysis team. When it comes, she will buy it to reward herself.

The kindergarten teacher … Kangxi turned her head in pain, and she thought that the kindergarten teacher gave it to the $ 120 per pound of chocolate. Which teacher would be so local.

“In addition to the kindergarten teacher, who do you remember?”

She thought about it, and suddenly a figure of a little boy appeared in her mind, hazy, but she couldn’t remember it.

“I don’t remember!” She was only four years old at that time. It was too long, and it was normal to remember.

Kangxi only felt bored and had the urge to vomit blood.

The two chocolates were finished soon. She licked the corner of her lips and came to Kangxi, asking, “Are you still there?”

She has no desires and desires, so she is so cheeky.

Of course there will be chocolates, and they will not be missing for a lifetime. Let Weibao order a large box to come back tomorrow.

But now … he is very upset.


He didn’t find his depression at all. Thinking about chocolate in his head, he decided to save some food. One per day, only one.


When he went to Kunhua University, he didn’t tell Kangxi that he would follow her again. The university is not a crime scene. It is definitely a gathering place for female fans. She doesn’t want to have a campus trampling incident.

Kunhua University is a well-known institution of higher learning in China. Located in the northern district of S City, it is an important base for the cultivation of high-level talents and scientific and technological research in China. The teaching facilities are complete and the living conditions are convenient. It is said that the newly built student apartment covers an area of ​​30 hectares, which shows how large the campus is.

Going all the way, the green grass and trees in the campus are shaded. The buildings of different periods have formed various styles of architectural communities. There are also very modern and magnificent buildings. The most trees are osmanthus trees. Every August This place has become a holy place for viewing sweet-scented osmanthus, and you can see that the campus has been designed with great ingenuity.

Xuan Xuan glanced at the map. The class was in Shengguang Building, which was still far away. Fortunately, she went out an hour earlier, which was more than enough time. Due to her appearance, Loli, several college boys came up to talk to her She decided to find a path to avoid these children who were in estrus.

She crossed a gravel road and headed east to a very secluded little garden. Flowers and trees swayed in the wind and a fragrance of flowers came. She closed her eyes and took a sip of fresh grass, refreshing and quiet. Listening to the occasional reading of Lang Lang reading and coming to a place like university will more or less evoke some memories of studying, and it feels really wonderful.

Suddenly, there was a scream in his ear, which cut through her inner peace.

“Release Xiao Min, did you hear that?”

“What is pure, who doesn’t know that she is kept outside.”

“Roll your mother’s egg, blind your dog’s eyes, and rely on others for your own filth.”

“Master Ben took a fancy to her, it was her blessing, what to do, how much, and to make a price.”

“Brother Shu, both of them are pretty. It’s better to bring them together!”

He walked in three steps and two steps. In the corner of the garden, there were four men and two women pulling each other. Listening to the conversation was a bit bloody, but the reality is like this.

Siegger desperately guarded the friend behind him, his face clear and greasy full of anger.

The girl behind her is about the same age as her, about ten years old. She has a melon seed face, fair skin, and the hair style of the clear soup noodles is a charming face, bright and colorful, like a peony flower waiting to be released. Very charming, but the eyes are pure.

Pretty girls are usually more likeable, but they can also be full of malice.

“Sigger, you’re an old man, and you’re going to be busy. I don’t think you’re a good one.” The man headed is also very young, with famous brands all over his body. He looks pretty decent, but he acts like a dude. style.

The three men behind him are dressed up in ordinary style and are frivolous in their manners, like a little **** in society.

Ziegger stretched his legs to kick him, “Don’t think there are a few bad money, you can walk sideways.”

“Smelly girl, don’t give you a color, you don’t know the weight.” The man waved his hand and grabbed her hair.

“Let go! Ah!” The guarded girl rushed out, trying to knock the man away, but he was caught by him.

“You *, don’t you grow up to be like this? Master Ben doesn’t believe you can’t sleep!” He raised his hand and wanted to give her a slap.

Min Liying closed her eyes in horror, waiting for ruthless humiliation, her body trembling like a flower in the wind.

“Ah!” The fierce cry was as sharp as the slaughtered pig.

When she opened her eyes, the four men fell like a stack of arhats on the grass, crying and crying.

Yan Xuan looked at this group of scums coldly, “Women can sing, but men can’t disturb, you better remember this sentence.”

------ Digression -------

The name Godiva chocolate comes from Madam Godiva. It is said that in about 1040, a certain count of two hundred and five hundred counts decided to impose heavy taxes on the people. Madame Godiva, the count ’s wife, begged the count to reduce the tax. It was shameful, so the two bet that as long as she walked through every street in the city and the people stayed in the house without peeking at her, he announced a tax cut. The next day, Mrs. Godiva mounted a horse and walked into the city. The people avoided the house to thank her for their kindness. Then the count kept his promise and announced a tax cut across the city. This is the famous legend of Lady Godiva. Today, many European artworks also contain portraits of Lady Godiva. PS: Piaget is the scum man among scum men. (Long live the grandpa: He can still get married … When can I get married? When can I get married? Dog: Eating chocolate …)

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