Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

schapter 104 - Case closed (3)

In the Qingzhu Cemetery of X City, the location of the cemetery is divided by Fu, Lu, and Shou. Each word indicates an area, and each area has ten areas.

Located in Lushi District, there is a tombstone carved with a pear flower. Its tombstone is white, simple and dignified, but the passage of time has made the sculpture of the pear flower dim a lot, like it has been smoothed out.

This is a tombstone for mother and child. Mother is on the right and son is on the left. The two photos are close together, just like the ashes room under the tombstone. Mother and child are also close together, covered with the same red Shou silk.

Because it is not the season of the Qingming Winter Solstice, there is no one here. It is extremely deserted. At a glance, the neat tombstones are removed, and only the green plants are there. In this season, few people come, but a tall figure stands alone. Previously, he was dressed in black and stood for a long time, making it a bit unclear whether he was a human or a ghost.

Suddenly, he squatted slowly, took out his handkerchief, and wiped the dust on the tombstone carefully. When he wiped the photo of the mother and son, he always smiled, and his face as hard as a layer of paste suddenly smiled .

This is an extremely rare laugh, with a feeling of letting go of everything, as if he saw another eternal world in a flash.

“I can finally come to accompany you, Ari, Xiaoheng, so late, will you blame me.”

His hoarse voice, misty and misty, is so vicissitudes, as if his soul is no longer in this world.

“I think, no matter how late, they won’t blame you, but if you give up on yourself now and go to see them with a sin, then you are really not worthy of having this beautiful mother and son.”

He didn’t know when he was standing not far from him. The desolate wind blew her long hair, and her coat fluttered, her face was awe-inspiring, fearless.

He shook his head tremblingly, and his amber eyes were full of surprise. Then he frowned and looked behind her, but he saw no one. His eyes returned to her. “How can you know that I am here.”

“Normal reasoning.”

There was no trace of panic on his face, and he slowly stood up and straightened himself like a soldier, “Duanmu Yanluan …”


“It seems that I missed a step.” Missed the person in front of me.

He smiled, “Everyone else! Although you and I have missed a step, it does not seem to affect the final result.”

She still won because she found him.

He snorted, still indifferently, “You are right, the result is indeed the same, but … I win.”

In an instant, he unbuttoned his black suit, and the wind lifted his hem, revealing a string of transparent plastic tubes tied around his waist. The yellow liquid in the tube wavy strangely because of his shaking.

He was horrified.

He stood there madly, not moving like a mountain, and suddenly shouted behind her, “Ame, if you are here, come out to me!”

Lin Mo, hiding behind the trees in the distance, couldn’t help but ran hurriedly, standing in front of him with a black face, “Why?”

He smiled bitterly, “What is the ninth family motto of the Lin family?”

“Make up for any mistakes!”

He nodded, “This is why you have to ask!”

Lin Mo shouted excitedly, “No, this is not a make up!”

He smiled sadly: “When I die, just make up!”

Lin Mo shouted suddenly: “Second Uncle!”

A ‘Second Uncle’ revealed his identity.

He is Lin Dongtian, director of the X City Fire Department, and Lin Yinuo’s adoptive father.

Lin Mo’s amber eyes raised a plea, “Second Uncle, please! Stop!”

The person in front of him is the pride of the Lin family and the one he respected since childhood. He could never believe that he would be the murderer.

The word murderer never surprised him so much.

This second uncle made Lin Dongtian’s face desperate to die for a moment, but he was soon concealed by him, “Remember, from now on, I am not your second uncle, nor the Lin family anymore. People. ”

He looks calm on the side, but he is calculating how quickly he can subdue him if he does it himself. He is a soldier. Although he has entered the middle and old age, his skill is still strong, and the Lin family will be octopus. Boxing, there is no way to win or lose, or …

She looked at Lin Mo and glanced darkly. At this time, it is better to join forces with Lin Mo.

Lin Dongtian noticed the change in her eyes and suddenly took a step back.

“You better not try to approach me delusionally, you should know what I am best at?”

Of course she knew what he was good at-chemistry.

The liquid in the plastic tube around his waist was a yellow clear oil, most likely nitroglycerin, which was a dangerous explosive. It was extremely flammable and even violently vibrated, it might also explode.

There is limited space here, not a good place to subdue him, she must change her strategy.

“Don’t you fear that this tombstone will be affected when it burns?” She pointed to the tombstones of Chu Li and Jiang Yunheng. At this time, she could only use emotional strategies.

“You can rest assured that I have calculated the weight and will not affect them. Similarly, as long as you are not close to me, there will be no danger.”

He was so self-confident. Confidently made him look a little bit itchy. She adjusted her breath. At this time, she should not mess with her feet. As long as others are still alive, she still has a chance.

“Lin Dongtian, I know what you are thinking, do you think you are dead, can the murder be cancelled in a lump, and the Lin family need not be contaminated with this stain, you are wrong, when I found you, this matter It ca n’t be erased anymore. It ’s not just me. Everyone in the Public Security Bureau of X City will know that it ’s you who killed Zhou Bin, Xing Xiaolei and Huang Jian! ”

“Are you threatening me?”

“I never threaten people, I just tell the truth.”

If it were not for her to find him, he would find a place where no one would catch fire *, and burn himself to death, even if the corpse could not be found, he would become a missing person, and his life and death would be unknown. That is, if there is no proof of death, and the facts of the case can no longer be checked, the Jiao Corpse case can no longer be resolved.

And he will choose to do it today, also to find the best excuse for the disappearance, the world will think that he died because of his wife’s love, excessive grief, unreasonable, exile himself, the Lin family will not be burdened by the family There was a stain from a murderer.

He had planned everything and walked according to the plan step by step. If she had not encountered Cao Zhen today and knew about the death of Mrs. Lin, she would not have thought of this and missed the opportunity to arrest him.

Lin Dongtian was silent. This was indeed the last thing he wanted.

“Second Uncle, I know you must be suffering, right? We sat down and talked about something, something must have been wrong!” Lin Mo still didn’t believe that he would be the murderer, “You bear heart grandpa white hair sent black Send someone? ”

“Is the Lin family white-haired people sending black hair too few things?”

The firemen were full of wounds, wounded and disabled, and many died. No one was sent by a white-haired person to a black-haired person, but that was all for saving people, so the Lin family would not be sad about it.

Because of this, he can’t tarnish this glory any more. He has missed it once and cannot be wrong again.

“What about the promise?”

Lin Dongtian darkened her eyes and looked up at Lin Mo, “Help me take good care of her, and you are not allowed to get married before she is married!”

Yinuo is the only person in this world who can’t let go, but she has grown up, as long as there is a Lin family for a day, she will not be wronged, she may be sad because of his departure, but time will heal everything .

If he was arrested on charges of murder, things would be completely different. One promise would be sad. I am afraid that he would be sad for this matter all his life. This is not what he wanted.

Lin Mo smiled bitterly, “Second Uncle, at this time, do you want to mention this matter?”

“I know that feelings can’t be forced, but Yinuo is not good. It’s more than enough for you as a stinky boy.”

Even in this case, he is still a father who loves women sincerely.

Xu Xuan suddenly realized that things were not as bad as she had imagined. She put her hands behind her back and gave a signal.

Jing Sa, Zhang Youcheng, and Xiao Li all hiding behind the tree saw it.

Old Zhang asked in surprise: “What does Duanmu mean?”

Jing Sa ’s eyesight is excellent. Although she is far away, she still sees clearly. “This is the secret code commonly used by the Boy Scouts of the United States. It ’s similar to the Morse code.” She narrowed her eyes and watched the scarlet tapping her fingers carefully. The words read: “Lin, Yi, Nuo!”

She immediately knew what to do and called Lin Yinuo on the phone.

He knows that Jing Sa will definitely know the meaning of the secret signal. After repeatedly tapping three times, he put his hands back to his side, and Lin Dongtian realized that after all, he was a soldier, and the secret signal was not for the soldier. strange.

I hope Lin Yinuo can make him dispel the idea of ​​seeking death.

Lin Mo knew that it would be a waste of time to talk about it, and he took a step forward with a blank expression. He is not the son of the Lin family, but the people’s police.

Lin Dongtian immediately shouted, “Don’t come again!”

“Second Uncle, the Lin family has never been afraid of death. If you really want to die, I will die with you.”

Lin Dongtian had to take a step back, “Your stubborn temper really followed your father …”

“Oh, but Grandpa often said, I am more like you!”

“Amor, the glory of our Lin family for hundreds of years cannot be destroyed by my hand.” The man was killed by him, he did not deny it, but he did not want the Lin family to be stained by this stain. Once he was arrested, the Lin family could still What face to save people.

“Second Uncle, I will say it again, I am not afraid of death!” Lin Mo’s stubbornness played a role, and the bullish temper took another step forward.

Lin Dongtian can only back away.

The two began to stalemate. This was a good sign for Liang. When Lin Yinuo came, she believed that Lin Dongtian would not let her daughter see him burned to death.

But she miscalculated the stubborn temper. The Lin family is actually the same. As long as she thinks she is right, she will go all the way and never know how to turn.

Lin Dongtian’s eyes were red, and Lin Mo was scared when he saw that Lin Mo was not afraid of dying. But as soon as he thought of the Lin family’s reputation for hundreds of years, he was fearless and glanced at the gravestone.

This tomb, which buried his disorganized youth, was still determined to be brave and heartbroken. In order not to be hurt, he pretended to be strong.

He didn’t know that he was scarred all the way from beginning to end, and his heart was still dead.

A Li, Xiao Heng, wait again …

He was shocked. He was going to run away.

It was too late, then, he suddenly threw a tear gas. It was estimated that he had already prepared this hand, and he was afraid to use it after it was exposed.

Lin Mo was caught off guard by the tear gas bombs, and the scare was aware of it. She covered her nose with her hands in advance. The smoke of the tear gas blocked her sight, and she could not see Lin Tiandong, but she knew which one he ran away. direction.

“Lao Zhang, Xiao Li, at four o’clock … hurry up!”

“Yes!” The two people behind the tree immediately rose to catch up.

Lin Mo coughed more than fluttering his hands in the smoke, and the scared wave waved his hand out of the smoke.

“How about my second uncle?” His smoked eyes could not be opened now, and his eyes were zero.

“Don’t worry, Lao Zhang and Xiao Li chase past!”

While talking, I suddenly heard Xiao Li exclaimed, “What are you doing, don’t mess up, we have something to say!”

He thought Lin Dongtian was about to explode and hurried over.

I saw that Lin Dongtian had a fruit knife on his neck, and the person holding the fruit knife turned out to be Gu Danjuan. She did not know where she came from, and held Lin Dongtian fiercely.

It ’s never that easy for a woman to subdue a soldier, but she is very smart. When she assaulted, she stabbed Lin Dongtian ’s two legs, making him unable to resist, he could only fall to the ground, and the stabbed position It ’s an artery, and the blood is expanding and fainting at the moment, which is shocking.

“Master, this woman suddenly rushed out …”

Gu Danjuan’s eyes were scarlet, like a madness, and the fruit knife in his hand scratched Lin Tiandong’s neck somehow, and the blood was flowing slowly.

“Don’t come here, come again, I will kill him immediately.”

Lao Zhang shouted, “Don’t mess up!”

“Come on !?” she laughed madly. “He was the one who killed Abing. I just heard that. In that case, I killed him to avenge Abing.”

Lin Mo also hurried over, “How can she know that the second uncle is the murderer?”

Frowning, she already had an answer in her head. She looked at Gu Danjuan, “You have been following Lin Dongtian …”

Gu Danjuan replied: “Yes!”

“Did you collapse into the hospital and you planned it?”

“Yes!” She looked up without any embarrassment.

“You took advantage of the light rain!”


When Jing Sa heard these words, his face was white. “What the **** is going on?”

“I still don’t understand. She came to the police station on that day to make trouble, in order to make us think that she was deliberately troubled because of the police’s unfavorable affairs. In addition to emotional excitement and excessive drinking, we were taken to the hospital once she entered. When we are in the hospital, Xiaoyu will take care of us. In order to take care of the little guy, naturally, she is often brought by her side. A child who is only three years old, we will not be on guard. The little guy can overhear many things and can See the content of the police handling the case! ”

“But she is only three years old. She can’t know such a complicated thing, and she doesn’t know words.”

“You don’t need to be very complicated, you don’t need to know any words!” Xuanxuan looked at Gu Danjuan, “Because you teach her, as long as it is the photo you saw at the police, or the name of anyone mentioned, just tell you. The photo, the name, For a three-year-old child, it ’s not difficult to recognize. You even teach her to use a mobile phone as long as you see a document with many words. ”

Jing Sa took a breath. This is indeed a good way. No wonder, she always saw Zhou Qinyu running around with her mobile phone. Now the children use the mobile phone to be no worse than adults.

“That day … that is the day I returned from the Great Black Mountain, A Jing, do you remember?”

Jing Sa certainly remembers, “You won’t tell me that she is pretending to sleep, but she has been eavesdropping on my conversation with you.”

“This is very likely, but even if she didn’t pretend to sleep, she saw Lin Dongtian’s picture. It happened that she knew Lin Dongtian, and I and you have been talking about him again, she naturally told this matter My own mother. ”

More coincidentally, Gu Danjuan also knew Lin Dongtian. At that time, in the amusement park, Zhou Bin brought Lin Dongtian to the restaurant. He must have introduced him. For a woman who became hysterical for the death of her husband, any one The suspects are the targets of her pursuit.

She also doesn’t care how big this person’s suspicion is, because hatred has made her magical.

So, she secretly left the hospital, found Lin Dongtian, and began to follow him. The more she traced, the more she became suspicious. She knew she was a woman, and she could only deal with a man while he was not prepared, so she kept hiding. In the dark, I heard all the conversations between 皛 皛 and Lin Dongtian.

The mantis is really catching cicadas, the cardinals are behind!

“You’re right, I did it all, so what’s the matter, you police are useless!” She yelled wildly, “Abin’s death is so miserable, I will never let him kill him people.”

Too strong love has led to her madness. This is completely understandable in terms of reason, but it has also violated the law.

Lin Mo looked at Lin Dongtian’s increasingly white face, his thigh artery was punctured, and he was bleeding. He had no ability to resist now.

“Second Uncle …”

Lin Dongtian took a breath, “This ending, although different from what I expected, is similar.”

The same is death, can die in the hands of this woman, but also karma.

“Gu Danjuan, I know you hate him very much in your heart now, but have you ever thought about what would happen to Xiao Yu if she were killed, she would become an orphan, do you have the heart to let her grow up in a place like a welfare institution?”

“I can’t control that much. I only know that he killed Abing, my husband, and my favorite man in my life. I want him to pay for his life, and I want him to smash corpses!” She shed tears. Howling, then fiercely questioned Lin Dongtian, “What the **** did Abin do, you want to kill him, he is a good person, a very good person, he saved a lot of people.”

Lin Dong sneered, “He saved a lot of people, but what about that, the better he is, the more I hate him, honor? Medal? Top ten youth? Excellent firefighter?” He laughed ironically , “If Xiaoheng is still there, he must be better than him, no, his honor should be Xiaoheng, your so-called good husband, he killed my son, and killed my favorite woman in my life. . ”

“That was an accident, he didn’t want it. At that time, A Bin was only 12 years old. He didn’t mean it!”

“Not intentionally … hahaha …” Lin Dongtian clutched his leg injury and laughed fiercely. “It is clear that he will not be saved!”

Seeing death does not save the word, except everyone, everyone is surprised.

“You bullshit!” Gu Danjuan was even more excited, and the fruit knife in his hand pressed hard again.

Lin Dongtian groaned and looked at her straight, “I’m not talking nonsense, this is the truth, if you don’t believe …” His eyes fell on him, you can ask her. ”

Gu Danjuan naturally looked at him, not just her, but everyone looked at him.

At this moment, Xu Zhen thinks how to calm Gu Danjuan’s emotions, and if he goes on like this, Lin Dongtian is likely to be shocked by excessive blood loss.

“You said, you hurriedly said that Abin will not be saved, right? That’s just an accident!”

“No, what he said is good, Zhou Bin is indeed dead …”

Everyone was stunned.

This fact surprised them a lot, because of the fire in Montenegro, Jiang Yunheng’s death was indeed determined to be a fire, but how did it involve the problem of seeing death and not saving.

“This is a long story, Gu Danjuan, if you want to know, listen to me first, put down the knife, now put it down, I promise no one will hold you accountable for criminal responsibility, otherwise when Lin Dongtian dies, you will become The crime of intentional injury, once you go to prison, Xiao Yu will live in sorrow in the orphanage. Do you know how terrible the orphanage is? ”

“Not only terrible, but also very dark …” Lin Yinuo didn’t know when she came over, she still had tears on her face, and her eyes were still red and swollen, but at the moment she was quite calm, and she didn’t even look at Lin Dongtian, “I I grew up in an orphanage … “She suddenly rolled up the sleeves on her arms, and the skin of wheat was full of scars.” Knowing what this is, it’s hot buttocks, as long as you are not good, refuse to eat, If you keep crying and make trouble, you will be burnt with cigarette butts to keep you shut. And if you do n’t change it, you will be locked in a small black room, full of mice … ”

Gu Danjuan was frightened, and Zhou Qinyu’s misfortune immediately appeared in her mind. “No … no …” She held her head and did not want to think about it.

Xuan Xuan found an opportunity and rushed over immediately, trying to take her knife backhand.

When she was frightened, she waved the fruit knife indiscriminately, and she could have escaped, but if she did, Lin Dongtian would suffer, and she had to reach out and hold the blade.

The blood spouted out loudly, and the **** just twisted his eyebrows, and the hand holding the fruit knife was immediately covered with blood.

Gu Danjuan panicked and immediately let go, “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!”

He immediately threw the fruit knife to Jing Sa and motioned to Xiao Li and Lin Mo to go up and subdue the people.

After Jing Sa took it, she gave it to Zhang Youcheng again, and hurried over to see her wound.

“Are you crazy, do you think you’re playing a TV show, it’s all foolish to take the white blade empty-handed.”

“It’s okay!” Xu Zhen wanted to hide his hands.

But Jing Sa was so strong that she stubbornly broke the palm of her hand and she almost screamed when she saw her wound.

Frowning, she knew that she was so bad now that she couldn’t stop it. She let her dress up indiscriminately and slowly looked up to Lin Yinuo.

At the moment Lin Yinuo looked calmly and looked at her as well.

“Thank you!” Because of what she said just now, Gu Danjuan revealed the flaw.

“I don’t need your thanks!”

When the words fell, she walked quickly to Lin Dongtian, “Dad, how are you, I am Yinuo!”

“Yinuo …”

“Second Uncle, hold on …” Lin Mo was stopping the bleeding for him.

“Dad, it’s okay, it’s okay, the police must have made a mistake!” Although she heard Lin Dong’s words just now, she stubbornly chose to ignore it.

“Yinuo, I’m sorry, Dad did something irreparable.”

“No, Dad is a hero, and is the favorite person in Yinuo’s heart. You won’t do anything wrong.”

Lin Dongtian lost his thoughts a little because he lost too much blood. He touched Yinuo’s face. “If you give birth to a boy, it’s called promise. If you give birth to a girl, it’s called Yinuo. Ari, Yinuo is our daughter … ”

“Call an ambulance!” Xu Zhen told Zhang Youcheng.

Zhang again set up to call immediately.

“Ali, why did you lie to me … You lie to me that you knocked the child down, why …”

Lin Dongtian’s eyes began to dim and dim, and his face was white like snow in winter.

“I was one of the first firefighters to enter the scene of the fire in Montenegro. I saved so many people, but I could n’t save my son. I even gave my body to Ari, who looked at me Hate, she punched and kicked me, I have never seen her so sad … I am really the stupidest man in the world … ”

“The ambulance is coming …” Zhang Youcheng shouted.

Several ambulancemen carrying a stretcher ran over, “Where is the injured?”


Lin Dongtian, whose thoughts were chaotic, was put on a stretcher, and the ambulance personnel immediately began to rescue.

“The injured have lost too much blood and need to be transfused immediately. What is the blood type of the injured?”

“Type AB!”

“Are you allergic to any drugs!”

Lin Yinuo cried and shook his head, “No …”

The ambulance came and whistled, and the secret that had been dusted for thirty-three years was about to be revealed.

------ Digression -------

I haven’t modified this chapter very much. Let’s watch it first, and wait for me to take a breath before I modify it.

Tomorrow the case should be over …

I am also very grateful to everyone for not complaining about me because of the recent update. Ergou is very grateful.


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