Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

schapter 55 - Kang Yu\'s Revenge

Characters: Kang Yu (Kangxi’s father) Miao Miao (Kangxi’s mother)


Most of the descendants of Aixinjueluo changed their surnames after the Revolution of 1911, such as Zhao, Luo, Jin, or others. Because without change, it is difficult to escape several revolutions in modern Chinese history.

Kang Yu’s father suffered a lot of crimes during the Cultural Revolution. He was released after 13 years in a labor camp, and then made a living by repairing bicycles.

When Kang Yu was three years old, his father died. My mother was a kind working people and lived on farming. When Kang Yu was six years old, Kang Yu’s mother took him from Fushun, Liaoning to S City, but he touched his nose in order to make him live a better life. gray. Because of the problem of entanglement, Kang Yu’s mother temporarily stayed in the suburbs of S City to work, and found a residential house, temporarily settled down.

Six-year-old Kang Yu was very cute, but he was not lively or fun at all. Perhaps his father’s early death made him more precocious than his children of the same age. Compared to a child who grew up under the doting of his parents, he is like a little adult, and he does his farm work and household chores in a similar way.

Xu is a descendant of the royal family. It is said that he is the descendant of Prince Zai Feng, who is very strong in personality. After a short period of time, he became a small overlord of a group of local children.

Kang Yu’s temperament is also very persistent. As long as he is correct, he usually walks straight to the end without turning. For example, once he gave his mother a meal, he chose the nearest path, which was difficult to walk. For a child, it was like going over the mountains and the mountains, but he did n’t change course. When he encountered obstacles, he kicked with his feet. If he doesn’t move, he will cross, but he will climb if he doesn’t.

Kang Yu’s family background when he was a child can be regarded as the four walls of the apprentice, and he has never enjoyed anything. Twenty days in a month are dried radish and rice. He never complains, he just uses his brain to find a way to add food to his home. For example, playing cigarette papers with known boys to win their snacks; or playing water guns, winning their drinks. Although he doesn’t like playing, if he can win, he will do it.

One day, he delivered dinner to his mother who was working in the farmland contracted by the production team. On the way back, he saw a yellowish puppy. The fact that he is funny about animals is a bit different. He squatted on the ground and poked it with a branch. The puppy is only three months old. He was so messed up and barked.

Suddenly, a loud but charming voice sounded behind him, “What are you doing bullying the puppy!”

Kang Yu turned his head, and his eyes lit up. She had never seen a girl like a doll. She was about four or five years old. She was like a bean sprout. Her hair was dark brown and her eyes were bright. , And large and round, the skin is even more powdery. She was very dirty, a white dress was full of mud, and a pair of small red leather shoes on her feet were muddy, but she was still very beautiful and cute.

The little girl rushed angrily and asked in his mouth: “You can’t bully the puppy, you see it is terrified by you.”

Kang Yu wanted to say, I did n’t bully, just to tease it, but the branch in my hand looked like a weapon for bullying dogs in the eyes of the little girl.

He was about to explain that the little girl raised her fist and hit it.

Unprepared for a while, Kang Yu was knocked down.

He didn’t expect a little girl like bean sprouts to have such strength, and he wanted to return his hand with his hot face covered, but the little girl didn’t give him a chance, stepped on his stomach with one foot, and stepped on it twice, Mouth cursed: “Let you bully the puppy, let you bully!”

Kang Yu got very hot, grabbed the little girl’s feet and turned over, then counterattacked up, knowing that the little girl was extremely agile, grabbed his arm, and bit her fiercely with her mouth open.

He yelled in pain.

Her teeth are sharper than dogs.

He pulled his hand back and saw a bright red tooth mark appear on his arm.

The girl hummed her nose and kicked him quickly with his feet. He was attacked repeatedly, and he didn’t know how to resist. The little girl refused to stop, looking around for something available, and suddenly saw a house for building. The red brick ran like a fly, picked it up, and ran back again.

She scared: “If you don’t get out, I will throw you a stone!”

Kang Yu had been beaten with bruised nose and swollen face, very angry, but her mind was clear, in case she was mad, she really threw the brick, he must be injured. He had to climb up angrily and limped back.

The little girl continued to scare him with bricks, widening her beautiful eyes and throwing them over.

Good men do not fight with women.

Kang Yu’s teeth thought with a grin, to see her playing dirty, must live in the neighborhood, gentleman revenge is not too late ten years, he always has the opportunity to revenge.

I do n’t know her first.

So he left angrily.

Afterwards, he began to look around for her child, and learned from several friends that the little girl was the daughter of the captain of the production team called Ouyang Miaomiao, and no matter who she was, he would have to pay the price to dare to beat him.

After preparing for a few days, he took the cannon he had won from his friends to prepare for revenge.

Although it was revenge, he still felt very embarrassed about hitting girls, so he wanted to scare people with a cannon.

Sneakly came to the door of the girl’s house. The little girl’s house had a small garden surrounded by stone fences. It was quite tall, but he could see every move in the garden with his height. He stood there and stood Looking inward.

The little girl is playing with the dog in the garden.

A little yellow dog, and another …

Kang Yu looked at the huge wolfdog. For the first time, when he saw such a big dog, the wolfdog opened his mouth and exposed Bai Sensen’s teeth. The little girl smiled happily. He squeezed a sweat, and she was not afraid of such a big dog, and she reached in with her hands to fiddle with the dog’s teeth.

Seeing him sweat after sweat for a while.

Isn’t she afraid of being bitten?

At this moment, the little girl said: “Babe, dear, you’re going to have a puppy, don’t jump around.”

Dare to love is still a bitch.

But no matter what dog, the big one is too scary.

He had wanted to throw a cannon to scare her, but how could he start to see such a big dog?

What if the dog is scared and mad, biting someone?

She had to stop for a while and wait until she was alone.

After waiting for three hours, the big wolf dog clung to her incessantly, making him unable to find a chance to start.

When it was dark, he had to go home.

After a few days, he came again, and the big dog was still stuck around the little girl.

For a month, he kept waiting for the rabbit every day, but he couldn’t get revenge every day.

When the girl was finally alone, he could not fall. He waited a month and knew a lot of things, knowing that the little girl was not in good health recently, so her parents did not let her go out, only let her go around in the garden twice, as if it was a bad heart, in case she scared her heart attack How to do?

He scratched his head, not when there was a dog, or when she was alone, so he could n’t revenge?

He returned home sullenly, chopping rice, his face dark.

At night, several family members nearby were watching TV in the yard, and he also went. Anyway, it was free to watch, without consuming electricity from his house. Why not watch.

Big and small, young and old are watching TV seriously, but the next door is noisy.

Another couple was arguing. The couple had a big quarrel in five days and a small quarrel in three days. The quarrel was the same as having a meal. At first, there were people who tried to persuade, and later on who would have such a quarrel.

When not heard, when not seen.

After a while, the man threw the door and came out, cursing in his mouth.

The old man surnamed Zhao in the yard couldn’t help but said to the man: “You said why did you marry her? It’s hard to live a good life. Noisy all day long.”

The man replied: “I have an enemy with her, so marry her, so that I can enslave her every day, let her cook and wash clothes for me, and let her have a baby for me! Can you control it?”

After that, the man went out to drink.

Anyone who knows understands that this is annoying.

But Kang Yu didn’t understand, he was only six years old …

Children’s understanding is sometimes so naive.

The brain pondered the phrase “I have hatred with her, so marry her, so that I can enslave her every day, let her cook and wash clothes for me, and let her give birth to me!”

Dare to revenge.

His eyes flashed, maybe he could do the same.

it is good!

He decided.

He wants to marry her!

But how do you get married?

No matter, he wants to marry her anyway.

Then he began to find a way to meet the girl, and … hum.

But he hadn’t had time to get to know him, so he went back to his hometown with his mother. But this idea has always existed and has never been dispelled. Because I kept thinking that the little girl seemed to be engraved in his mind, so I would never forget it.

At the age of fifteen, his mother spent a lot of thought and money, and once again let him come to S city, temporarily staying at the uncle’s house. Uncle’s family was not far from the childhood production brigade. With memory, he came to the house of the little girl.

The scenery is still the same, but the dwellings inhabited at that time have been demolished, and the production brigade is no longer there. I heard that the father of the little girl started a business.

I do n’t know what she looks like, but the teeth on her arms are still there, so he still wants to avenge him.

The door was suddenly opened, and he subconsciously hid aside, and there was another big dog in his eyes.

Why is this dog still there? Is it dog spirit? Will not die?

“Lacy, don’t move, wait for me to walk you …”

He felt that the sound was really nice, and when he heard it, a girl about 13 or 14 years old took the big dog out of the door, and at a glance recognized who she was. Those eyes, he would never forget, still so beautiful.

When I grow up, I look pretty. I was thinner than when I was a kid. Did n’t I eat?

The big dog seemed to know that he was going out, and rushed straight forward, which girl is walking the dog, clearly the dog is walking her.

He has been following her secretly, arguing whether her small arms and thin legs will be pulled off by the big dog’s impulse.

I thought again, whether to go up and say hello, and then implement the plan of the year.

Enslave her and let her wash and cook for him …

Thinking about it, I was a little … happy.

It’s not the kind of music that can be avenged, it’s an unclear feeling.

After the girl walked the dog and went home, he watched her close the door, and suddenly felt empty in his heart, and returned to the uncle’s house in a state of sadness. When the aunt saw him, he burst into a roar. live!”

He heard it upset, but he endured it because he didn’t want his mother’s effort.

It is very difficult for him, a student from other provinces and cities, to study in S City. Even if he did his homework in the original school in Fushun, he would not find it after spending half a year.

In the past six months, he was busy earning living expenses in order to lighten his mother’s burden. Occasionally, he would secretly look at the little enemy hidden in his heart.

Watching, watching, the taste in my heart changed again.

Especially when she was so close to the dog, she felt sore.

When earning living expenses, he met Uncle Shen, a good old man. Anyway, his aunt and uncle didn’t want to see him anymore, he might as well have been with Uncle Shen. After discussing with his mother, he went to Uncle Shen ’s house and helped him take care of the shop. He learned a lot from Uncle Shen, especially men and women …

So he understood one thing! Suddenly brighten up.

Uncle Shen has a wide network, and it didn’t take long for him to find a school that he could transfer to, but he had to re-enter the second grade. The head teacher of the second day (3) class was the daughter of Uncle Shen ’s friend. After giving a little gift, things were done.

At first, he was very unwilling. Why should he study the second day again? He also wanted to finish studying early to find a job, so as to support his mother and let her live a good life.

But when he went to visit the school, he saw that she was also in this school. She was in the second grade (3) class, and she had no idea. She immediately agreed to reread the second grade.

On the day of transfer, he stood at the podium.

She was sleeping on her stomach in the last seat. When the teacher wrote his last name on the blackboard, she woke up in amazement.

The eyes of the two are on.

Kang Yu’s black eyes brightened …

Ouyang Miaomiao, you can’t escape.

------ Digression -------

A friend asked why Kangxi could n’t surname Aixinjueluo. Let me answer. According to the provisions of the Qing Emperor ’s abdication, the people in the Aixinjueluo family changed their surnames after the Revolution of 1911, such as “Jin”. “For example, Pu Yi ’s brother Pu Ren ’s identity card is called Jin Youzhi (the emperor died in April 2015, at the age of 97, and his children were added *, and several of them also served as CPPCC members. Hahaha.

I’ve had a hard time with Kavinka in these two days … Help!

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