Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

schapter 61 - Plan B

“Come on, don’t you think we should sit down and talk?”

Kangxi took a step forward and got close to her. The advantage of height allowed him to look down at the scarp and trap her in his reach.

The light shone on her clear and greasy face, lit up her clear and bright pupils, her flawless skin revealed a faint red powder, her long wavy hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and she was insanely awesome. The vermilion on the vermicelli made him miss it so much.

It’s been a long time now.

At this moment, in the heart of 皛 皛, like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past, he squeezed the medical record card in his hand.

It’s really day and night defense, the house thief is hard to guard against, but can’t prevent people, but he hasn’t guarded his own dog. Is there anything more thunderous than this?

She looked at Sesame, Sesame still wagging her tail, sticking her tongue out, an innocent appearance, probably she had always looked at it like this, it also felt something wrong, squinted her head with a puzzled whimper, and then continued to sell cute.

He covered his forehead and talked to a dog. What can I say? I don’t necessarily smoke it for this matter. Dogs also want to breed offspring. This is instinct.

The mistake was wrong, she should not have thought about it, and did not give birth control to sesame seeds.

Now that’s okay, something happened. Everyone came to Xingshi to ask for the crime. Others are just fine, but this person is Kangxi.

Don’t think she doesn’t know what he’s trying to do.

She coughed a little and tried to calm herself, not to let him take the opportunity, “What do you want to talk about?”

Kangxi saw her standing at the door with a wary look on her face, and smiled bitterly: “Lord, you are sure to stand at the door to talk!”

“If you have anything, just say it, don’t think about anything else.”

Allowing him to enter the house is tantamount to drawing a wolf into the room, and she will not make the same mistake again.

He didn’t make any mistakes, so he continued to stand at the door, “I want Nuomi to continue to live in your house!”

“No!” She immediately refused.

Let Nuomi live back, it doesn’t mean that he has excuses to frequently chase the door, she will not be so stupid.

“Come on, glutinous rice is pregnant. According to people ’s words, it belongs to unmarried pregnancy. You have the patience to let a girl hold her belly. Not only do you have no one to care for and comfort around, but you also have to bear the hardship and pressure of pregnancy alone? Cruelty to small animals! ”

His accusation made him again covered with black lines, even if it was cruelty to small animals. He was pregnant before marriage. What is this? Is there such a person?

“When glutinous rice has not been weaned, I started raising it, caring for it, carefully cultivating, delicious, delicious, and finally raising it so big, whoever wants to be inattentive will be stinked by your family …”

He turned his attention to sesame seeds, and sesame seeds were wagging their tails enthusiastically. He was very fond of selling cuteness. Speaking, he still liked sesame seeds. Sometimes he liked sesame seeds better than sticky rice.

He paused, swallowed the word stinky dog ​​back, and continued with an adjective: “Just eat it by this handsome and handsome dog in your family, and feel sad when you think about it!”

The expression on his face was really sad, a kind of hard-grown cabbage, sad by the pig arch.

After listening to it, he wanted to laugh, knowing that he was able to say it, but he did n’t expect to be able to say it like this, one set after another, saying that he seemed to have forgotten, but this girl was sent by his own hands, but it ’s not her family ’s request Here.

But at this time, it makes no sense to say that.

Glutinous rice is a dog, he is sad like this, what if he is really his daughter?

Thinking, she blurted out without thinking, “Kangxi, don’t give birth to your daughter in the future!”

If he had a daughter, he would never marry, and he would be guarded against death as an old aunt.

When Kangxi heard this, the tiger’s body trembled, and his eyes flicked to the flat lower abdomen. His eyes were like a ball of fire, which was hot and glued to her abdomen, and she quickly covered her.

Seeing him still staring at her, she said angrily, “What do you think my stomach is doing? No!”

He withdrew his eyes and smiled with white teeth. “Is this unknown? My daughter must have crawled out of your stomach.”

Now that the paper has been pierced, he doesn’t need to hide it, she will be so angry, also because he lied to her, so now he tells the truth, no longer concealing her, nor cheating her.

This straightforward announcement made the black face instantly red, and he didn’t expect him to say so blatantly.

How can this **** be so shameless.

She was so angry that she wanted to close the door, but his hand was still on the door frame. If it were closed, his hand would definitely go away.

“what on earth do you want?”

He really wanted to say that since your son has enlarged my daughter’s belly, for fairness, I will also enlarge your belly.

Although it is vulgar, it was his purpose.

It is a pity that if he dares to say this, he will surely be kicked out by her, and don’t want to see her in this life.

He squinted at her sideways and sighed, “I didn’t want anything, I just wanted to let glutinous rice live back to you, let sesame accompany it, it was pregnant for the first time, the reaction was quite big, appetite these days No, I refuse to eat anything. I still crouched at the door and looked at it. I think it must miss sesame seeds. ”

Somehow, the dim sum has softened. After all, after spending time with glutinous rice, there are feelings.

“what did the doctor say?”

“To make it happy, but also make it feel safe.”

The sense of security is self-evident, the two look at Sesame at the same time.

Sesame is ignorant, flicking his big tail and watching them.

皛 皛 couldn’t help but curse in his heart, this is also a little bastard!

She looked at Kangxi, “Are you sure you are just sticking rice to live here?”

“Of course!” He has a look that gives priority to glutinous rice.

“Okay!” She let go, and then gave him a hard look, “It’s for glutinous rice, not you!”

“I know! This time it’s really for glutinous rice!”

She still didn’t believe him a bit, and looked at him up and down. This guy had too many ideas and couldn’t help but guard.

“Come on, don’t defend me like an anti-thief, I admit that there is a mistake first, I will make up for it.”

She sneered, “Who wants you to make up, without further ado, and quickly send glutinous rice over.”

He screamed and went back to pull out the glutinous rice.

As soon as glutinous rice saw sesame seeds, the languorous spirit was immediately invigorated, and Lao Yuan began to bark excitedly.

As soon as Kangxi let go, he threw it over and sniffed at the sesame for a while

Sesame is also very happy, circle around it.

The two big dogs rubbed around and squeezed their necks, just like a couple in love, and Kangxi looked at them with intimacy.

He murmured, “Even the dog knows that it is near the water platform, and the reason for getting the moon first is that some people don’t know.”

He heard the ear tip, which clearly means something, don’t think she didn’t hear it.

Glutinous rice and sesame seeds were kept warm for a while, and they laid back obediently to the original kennel, lying peacefully inside.

Sesame stood beside, and his head was resting on the edge of the nest. When the head of glutinous rice was crooked, he leaned against Sesame’s neck, snorted, and closed his eyes, as if he was going to sleep.

Going over, she took off the collar on Nuomi’s neck. She was curious for a moment and reached out to touch her belly. There was a small drum, which was rolling, and she was a little excited in her heart and raised her hand to stroke the door of her brain.

She never thought that sesame seeds would have offspring. She did n’t know how many puppies there would be. She was careless. She did n’t find any signs of glutinous rice pregnancy. She looked at sesame seeds again. Sesame seeds did n’t dare to move because she leaned on glutinous rice. , Licked towards her palm, it was considered good.

Behind her, Kangxi’s eyes were full of joy, and he knew she must be soft-hearted, and he had to grasp this.

Seeing Nuo Mi fall asleep, he made a eviction order, “You can go back!”

Kangxi didn’t mean to leave at all, so he found a chair and sat down.

“No hurry, I have something to tell you.”

If you are like an enemy, you know that he will be fooled.

Kangxi laughed, “It’s not about me and you, it’s about glutinous rice.”

She was stunned, “What’s the matter with glutinous rice?”

Kangxi did not know where to take a stack of paper and pushed it in front of her, “This is a recipe recommended by the veterinarian. It is very suitable for pregnant dogs, especially dogs who are pregnant for the first time. Following the recipe above will not only increase immunity. , Increase physical strength, and also allow it to give birth smoothly. ”

He knows that if a dog is pregnant, the diet structure will also change. If the conditions permit, the dog owner should make some dog food that is beneficial to the mother ’s body.

She picked up the recipe and looked at it.

“You have to follow the above, eat less and eat more meals. It is best to eat five meals a day. Sooner or later, you need to feed calcium tablets. You should also eat fruits. You can also add vitamins. During this time, glutinous rice cannot be bathed. Write how to use dry cleaning powder … ”

After seeing her eyes, she fainted, not because she couldn’t do it, but she couldn’t have that much time.

“The first pregnancy of glutinous rice, like humans, is also dangerous. The doctor said that five weeks of pregnancy, as usual, the adverse reactions of glutinous rice should disappear, and it is not likely to have bad appetite. I think it will be a mother for the first time, a bit Anxiety, plus … “He glanced at him for a while.” You are usually busy. When it was pregnant, you didn’t find it, making it very insecure. This was also mentioned in animal psychology, so You ’d better touch it and talk to it, and of course Sesame should stay beside him at all times. ”

He said a bunch of Barabara, but it was nothing more than a meaning. To accompany glutinous rice, not only to eat well, but also to take care of its psychology.

She suddenly thought that she could take Nuomi to the SWAT team. The dog trainer of the police force should know how to take care of Nuomi, and she could also ask for advice.

Kangxi said: “The pregnant dog will feel very sensitive. During pregnancy, it will instinctively look for the place of delivery, make it feel dangerous, make it anxious, and in severe cases, it will be melancholic, so , Do n’t take it out in the near future, it ’s better to create a den at home to make it familiar. ”

Well, the idea of ​​taking Nuo Mi to the police force is a complete break.

Nuomi had been to the SWAT team, but that time it was naughty and caused a nuisance that shouldn’t be caused, and was almost bitten to death. For it, it was not a safe place.

She glanced at Kangxi, “Are you prepared early!”

“Glutinous rice is my daughter. Of course I have to be ready! I have been studying how to make mother dogs give birth smoothly. You do n’t know the knowledge here, what to eat, what to drink, what to add, there are many categories, I It ’s all written for you, just follow the instructions! ”

Xu Zhen really wanted to throw a stack of paper in his face, what to do according to what it was, this was clearly a problem for her.

He folded his legs and sat on a chair looking at her, “If you don’t understand, you can ask me!”

It was really unreasonable, and she kept thinking about Fa far away from him, so big a circle, still unable to escape.

“I don’t have that much time.” She wasn’t him. She could be at home every day when there was no acting. She was an office worker from nine to six.

He was surprised, and also had a disagreeable expression, “Xiao Xuan, this is your grandson, you can’t ignore glutinous rice for work, you can’t be like ours, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law …

She threw a stack of paper in his hand at him. He was really excited about his grandson and his mother-in-law, but he was right. Many people keep dogs and treat them as their own children.

She is also the same, just pregnant glutinous rice … She is not only afraid that she has no time, she is afraid of not taking good care of her. She has heard from the dog trainers of the SWAT team that dogs will also have miscarriages. Life-threatening.

The condition of glutinous rice is not very good.

To this end, she faintly worried.

She looked at Sesame and Glutinous Rice. The two big dogs were sleeping peacefully and intimately. If the Glutinous Rice came out, Sesame would be sad. It had suffered serious psychological trauma because of the relationship of the former owner. of.

Dogs are very spiritual animals, and they will have an unstoppable bond to their owners and companions.

She sighed, although reluctant, she had to compromise.

“When I am away, you take care of glutinous rice!”

The corner of Kangxi’s mouth slightly raised, not obvious, but the smile in his eyes was already overflowing, “No problem!”

Xu Xuan glanced at him, “Just taking care of glutinous rice when I am away, not for you to live here.”

Some things she had to make clear, she did n’t want to come back one day, he was again in the nest.

He nodded with a clear expression, “I promise to obey your request!”

“Okay, you can go back.”

“Oh!” He replied, if he really didn’t intend to go down, he walked to the door.

He was surprised. He didn’t expect him to be so obedient.

Kangxi walked to the door, just stepped out of the foot, and then retracted it back, as if thinking of something, and turned back, “Hey, you have n’t given me the key card for your house.”

But she changed the door lock, and the original spare key card was no longer available.

For a while, “Why give you the key card?”

“I’m going to take care of glutinous rice and make dog food for glutinous rice. How can I come in when you are away?”

He was speechless and choked, knowing she wouldn’t change the lock anymore.

Having said that, give him the key card, doesn’t it mean he can come at any time?

Suddenly she felt a sense of having rocked her foot.

However, she still gave him the key card reluctantly.

He smiled and said, “See you tomorrow!”

See you every day, not just tomorrow.

I thought he would break in early every morning before she went out, harassing her under the banner of taking care of glutinous rice, but he did not. After getting up, she would see that breakfast was prepared on the table, The same people as before, but they didn’t see him.

Glutinous rice is eating warm dog food, which is a mixture of egg yolks, egg whites, green beans, radishes, and minced pork. The food is very fragrant. The sesame seeds are also very greedy, but the gentleman does not want to grab it.

When the glutinous rice is full, he doesn’t want to eat it.

He went to work after breakfast and did not see Kangxi when he went out.

When she came home from work, she did n’t see him either. The table was filled with rich dinners, and she was still breathing steam. It should have been done just after the time was finished. The house was also cleaned and cleaned. Just look at it and know. Some people have carefully sorted it out, and there are still fresh flowers in the vase to be placed.

Looking at glutinous rice again, I have finished the delicious dog food and spoiled the sesame seeds. The sesame seeds let it bite its ears, tail, and various meats. Sometimes it was bitten and hurt. She will be angry and will lick glutinous rice very gently.

What a love!

He thought he would appear cheeky when eating, but he still didn’t.

This has been the case for a few days, making her mistakenly believe that the legendary escargot girl appeared at home.

What the **** is this guy doing?

This feeling of not seeing anyone but being taken care of by him made her inexplicably anxious, which would make her think of him whenever he was.

She doesn’t like this feeling, but she can’t control herself. Should she ask her what he wants to do? But then I thought about it and asked him what he was doing now, what she asked for?

This night, she turned to and fro without falling asleep, and Kangxi next door did not fall asleep, but was not anxious at all, but instead showed a playful smile.

This is called Plan B!

------ Digression -------

Haha, because someone asked, when will Longye and Liangliang’s door tremble for two hours, let me give it time, the book will be almost 400,000 words, because there is another very important paragraph, that is the Wei family Birthday feast … hahaha.

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