Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

schapter 83 - The identity of the burnt corpse (3)

Gu Danjuan sat quietly on the sofa in the lounge, rubbing her daughter’s sleeping face, her eyes were red and swollen because of crying, and her nasal noises were also heavy. Jing Sa poured a cup of hot coffee for her.

“Thank you!” She didn’t drink immediately, holding the cup with both hands, as if warming.

For a woman who had just died of her husband, she is now cold from head to toe.

Lin Mo and Cao Zhen sat opposite her, respectively.

“You just said that your daughter is not Zhou Bin, can you explain it?” Lin Mo was still unsmiling, with no expression on his face, and speaking like a robot.

Before the case is clear, the private life of the deceased is also a clue, and no information can be missed.

Gu Danjuan stared at the heat on the coffee cup and allowed it to redden her eyes. Thinking of Zhou Bin’s tragic death, she could not control her tears.

Jing Sa quietly handed her tissues, “Slowly, don’t worry, if you are not comfortable, we can say it tomorrow.”

She shook her head and wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes. “I’m fine, just ask whatever you want.”

Lin Mo asked blankly again the question just now.

Gu Danjuan did not escape this time and slowly said: “Who is the child’s father, in fact, I don’t know.”

Lin Mo frowned, looking at Gu Danjuan’s eyes sharply.

“It’s true, I didn’t lie to you.” She sniffed and said, “I fell in love with a man when I was 18, not a good person. The sweet words at first were all to deceive me, when I was young, He didn’t understand anything, thinking it was love. After a month, he showed his true face and forced me to pick up the guests. ”

This answer is beyond everyone’s expectations.

“You must be thinking, why didn’t I call my parents for help, or call the police?” She smiled with a very ironic smile. “Because my mother is like me, she is a woman in a happy place. I don’t know if my dad is. Who, after I was born, she threw me to the grandmother in the country. I was raised by my grandmother. At the age of 14, when the grandmother died of a stroke, she took me back to the city. She never cared. I just did n’t starve me to death. At that time, I knew what she was doing. After that, I started to truant from school and became a typical bad girl in the society. When I was 18 years old, she was drinking too much. Drunk to KTV. ”

Jing Sa was more and more surprised, and she didn’t look like a woman coming out of the wind and dust.

Bai Jing’s melon seed face, beautiful and elegant, flowing eyes, long and beautiful eyebrows, 30 years old, looks like 25 years old, very young, her face is gentle, full of grace, and soft voice Carefree, dressed in a light blue dress, sat sat down, looking like a good wife and mother.

Lin Mo asked again: “How did you know Zhou Bin?”

“Four years ago, I knew I was pregnant, and I wanted to misappropriate the money of a gracious customer, but the money was not misappropriated, and I was humiliated by the public. He was the fireman who came to extinguish the fire. ”

Cao was shocked, “Zhou Bin is a fireman?”

It was a bit ironic to be a scorched body when I died as a firefighter.

Gu Danjuan nodded, “Yes! Still a very good fireman, you can go to the fire brigade in Jiangcheng District, S City. He is the deputy captain of the 1st Squadron.”

Cao Zhen winked at Jing Sa, who immediately left the meeting room.

“Then why did you marry him?” Lin Mo continued to ask, would he believe in the old-fashioned bridge section of ‘in order to repay the life-saving grace, so I promised by my body’.

Gu Danjuan glanced at the wedding ring on his hand and rubbed it gently with his fingers. “I said he was a good person. Even if someone cheated him, he wouldn’t be angry. At that time, the house burned and I choked for several times. He was sent to the hospital with a heavy smoke, and he had no money and was pregnant. Because of the fire, he wrote suicide attempt. He came to the hospital to see me, and I lied to him, saying that I was abandoned by my ex-boyfriend, but wanted to I gave birth to a child alone, in fact, I just wanted to cheat some money … “She suddenly looked at Xiaoyu, lowered her head and kissed her sleeping face,” I didn’t even think about asking this child at all, and I planned to get the money He went to have an abortion operation, but he came to see me every day, not only giving money, giving fruits, giving food, but also helping me find a job. ”

Lin Mo condensed: “So you fell in love with him?”

She shook her head. “For me at that time, men were not good things. It was purposeful to approach you and please you.” She paused and suddenly asked, “Can I smoke a cigarette?”

Cao Zhen moved the ashtray in the lounge to her, “Please!”

She took out a pack of cigarettes from her small bag, which had not been unpacked. When tearing the wrapping paper, her hands were shaking. When she took out the cigarettes, she did not ignite and stared straight at it. The cigarette went back and smiled bitterly, “He doesn’t like me smoking.”

As he said, tears fell again, “I don’t understand, how can someone upright like him kill someone, do you know that every time he sees a smoking cigarette **** on the road, he picks it up, smashes it and throws it away In the trash, on duty day, they are obliged to go to elementary schools and middle schools in the city to teach children about fire prevention. The elderly widows in the community will take care of them as long as they are free, cut their hair, wipe their backs, and take them to the park. Walking here, such a person, how could someone kill him! ”

“Then did he ever grumble with anyone?”

She still shook her head, “Whether it is the fire brigade or the community we live in, as long as he mentions his name, which one does not raise his thumbs up to praise him! Grudge? No, he ca n’t grumble with people, he is a good old man, Otherwise, I wo n’t be cheated by me! Even if he knew that I was cheating, he did n’t blame me, I ’ve never seen a man like him who treats people well, but never asks for rewards, This is even more true for me. I always thought he wanted to go to bed with me, but no, even if I took off my clothes and sent it to the door, he did n’t skew his heart, but instead I could n’t get away from him more and more Xiaoyu, her life was very comfortable. I saw her growing up in my stomach every day, and I became more and more reluctant. I waited for five months before I wanted to have an operation again. The doctor said that my platelets were too low, and I was also nutritional. Bad, it is too dangerous to induce labor and may be life-threatening, it is recommended to be born. ”

She said quietly, with tears in her eyes and a smile, “He knew when he asked me if he wanted to marry him, he would treat Xiaoyu as a baby like a biological daughter. For me at that time, he was me A bright light in life was warm and bright, so I agreed. When Xiaoyu was born, I was bleeding and could n’t move at all during the month. He stayed up all night, took care of me, and took care of Xiaoyu. Our mothers took care of their health, but they fell ill. You said that such a person, how could someone kill him! ”

At the end, she was agitated, tears and rain, “Why kill him, what did he do, treat him in such a cruel way, why not kill me, I have never been a good person, why! Is n’t it a good person ’s blessing in his lifetime to say that a good person is safe all his life?

She screamed and yelled, her eyes were red and cruel, Zhou Qinyu beside her woke up, seeing her like this, she was scared, “Mom …”

Gu Danjuan heard her timid voice, and her tears still couldn’t stop flowing down. “The name Qin Yu was also obtained by him, saying that it’s better to have more water.

“Mom, I will be good, don’t cry!” Three-year-old Zhou Qinyu flexibly got up and hugged her arm with a small, chubby little hand. “When Dad comes back, I will let him buy you the most Favorite strawberry cake. “She wiped the tears on her mother’s face poorly, but didn’t know what she said, which would make her cry more fiercely.

Gu Danjuan hugged her and cried tremblingly, “Xiao Yu … Xiao Yu …” How would she tell the child that her favorite dad was dead and would never come back.

The two mothers and daughters were crying because of their headaches, so Lin Mo and Cao Zhen couldn’t ask any more questions, so they had to temporarily stop and send them to a nearby hotel to take a rest.

Jing Sa walked into the lounge with a stack of materials, “This is Zhou Bin’s file, you can take a look!”

When the two picked up the data and opened it for review, Jing Sa recounted: “Zhou Bin, 32, joined the fire brigade of Bincheng District, S City at the age of 22. In 10 years, he had three third-class exercises and two second-class exercises. He was elected as an excellent full-time firefighter for seven consecutive years, and was one of the 18 fire service pioneers in S City. Five years ago, in order to save a six-month-old baby, he put the baby into the fire escape and pressed his body against the passage. The flame was blocked in the mouth for ten minutes, causing extensive tertiary burns on the back. He lay in the hospital for nearly two months. Two years ago, in order to save an old lady who was over 80 years old, the collapsed room beam The leg bones were broken, and half a year ago, there was an accident on the urban highway, and the rescue car was too late. He lifted the steel plate that pressed the injured artery and insisted on not letting go for 20 minutes. All three fingers were broken. . ”

Jing Sa said that these files are written one by one, one by one, very detailed, and some small things, such as some people in the community accidentally left their two and a half year old daughter at home, causing the little girl to fall from the window accidentally , Fell on the rainproof shed on the fifth floor, because it is an old-fashioned building, the air cushion is not easy to place, and it is not easy to climb. After climbing up, the little girl was afraid of rolling down. Catch, the little girl was unharmed, but his two hands caused bone fracture due to the double weight when falling.

It is well known that firefighters are the most mobile troops in the city. They not only extinguish fires and ambulance services, but also participate in other rescue work, such as road rescue, ambulance rescue, wild animal removal, elimination of hidden safety hazards, water company ’s safe water source inspection, Even if a wild cat is drilled into the car engine, you can dial 119 to get help from the fire brigade.

They are almost omnipotent, and this omnipotence requires more than bravery. Just to extinguish fire, it requires a very strong psychological quality.

Tenacious, resolute, and not afraid of sacrifice or fatigue, continuous combat is the fighting style of the fire brigade.

To say that the hero in the city is definitely the fire brigade.

And firefighters like Zhou Bin who have great military accomplishments are simply heroes among the heroes.

Why would such a person be killed?

Just when Cao Zhen and Lin Mo were puzzled, Jing Sa added, “I just called the fire brigade in Jiangcheng District, S City. They asked when they could take Zhou Bin’s body back?”

“The case is still in the clouds. I am afraid the body will be left for a while.”

“By the way, the fire brigade should have a DNA sample of the team members, did you ask them for it?” This is for the samples left when the firefighters were killed and could not identify the body.

Jing Sa nodded, “They will send someone over immediately.”

“We will confirm the DNA before we say it. In addition, according to what is written in the file, Zhou Bin is injured on his body, and it is necessary to let the forensic doctor compare again.”

Cao Zhen is very familiar with this process. The police must determine the identity of the deceased in order to effectively detect the case.

Lin Mo said again, “What happened to the dead person there?” He asked about the burnt corpse found in S City.

“The name of the deceased is Xing Xiaolei, 32 years old, male, junior high school culture, which is exactly the opposite of Zhou Bin. He is a former gangster. At the age of 16, he was stolen into the juvenile labor camp. At the age of 18, he was injured by two people. At the age of 20, he entered the prison for stealing. After coming out at the age of 23, he stopped for a while. At the age of 25, he was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing company finances. At the age of 30, he has been unemployed. I have also parked cars in restaurants, but no one has done a long job. People who know him say that he is a complete bastard. He just found a warehouse security job last year, and the place of the incident is this warehouse, because The warehouse has not been used by anyone. The owner of the warehouse invited him to watch the door to prevent the homeless people from going in. Xing Xiaolei treated the place as a home, eating and drinking Lhasa are inside. The salary of 1200 yuan per month was bought by him Drinking is a drunk, the forensic autopsy report also said that he was burned to death after being drunk, because the warehouse is remote and no one uses it. He was found by the warehouse owner after 8 days of death. The warehouse owner We are going to sell the warehouse, only to find the last inspection, or else no one will know. ”

“After being drunk?” Lin Mo’s eyes dimmed. “That means he was burnt alive after being drunk?”


Lin Mo asked again: “How is interpersonal relationship?”

“All of them are people in the society. We are also checking this line. The possibility of revenge is not ruled out. According to the current information, Xing Xiaolei is from X City. He lived in Hushan Village, Daheishan before the age of 13, 13 He went to S City with his parents when he was two years old. Later, when his parents divorced and they each set up a family, he took turns living on both sides. He had a half-brother and a half-sister. We went to ask him since he After entering the prison at the age of 20, the family didn’t take care of him very much, and his parents didn’t even see him, he hadn’t contacted him in a long time. ”

“Brother!” Jing Sa suddenly exclaimed, and then pointed to Zhou Bin’s resume, “Zhou Bin is also from the city of X. When he was a child, he also lived near the Great Black Mountain.”

Cao Zhen and Lin Mo looked at the same time, looking at her resume.

It is written that Zhou Bin is from Hushan Village, Daheishan, X City. When his parents were working in S City when he was 13, he followed him to S City.

“What a coincidence?” Cao Zhen surprised.

Xing Xiaolei was also in S City with his parents when he was 13, and he was also from Hushan Village, Daheishan, X City.

Lin Mo said: “This may be a very important clue.”

Since both of them are from Hushan Village of Dahei Mountain, it means that they both know each other.

“I immediately sent someone to Hushan Village in Daheishan …” He suddenly raised his eyebrows again. “However, because of the development of Daheishan in Hushan Village, many villagers have moved away. I’m afraid it will be a little difficult to check.”

But no matter how difficult it is to check, there is always a clue that you can’t just let it go.

When he left, Cao Zhen looked at Jing Sa and poked her forehead with her finger. “I asked you, what about Duan Muren? Didn’t you say she camped with you?”

Jing Sa bit his face bitterly, raised his hand, and showed him his palm, all palms were bruised, “Look, this is just to chase her wounds, I want to cry about this … … ”

At that time, Kangxi suddenly ordered Ba Ying to go back to S City, and she was caught by surprise at a fast speed. When the reaction came, the car was already driven. She had to chase all the way, the mountain road was steep, and if she didn’t pay attention, she fell a dog to eat shit. Seeing Kangxi proudly waved to her in the car to say goodbye, it was useless to let her howl.

This is typical of crossing the river and demolishing bridges, and after chasing him, he wouldn’t wait to see her.

“You still have a face to tell me, how did I tell you on the phone!”

Jing Zai dragged his head and whispered: “This case is very weird. I’m afraid we can’t break it without her.”

“Then what are you doing here? You haven’t rushed back to S City and brought me back.”

Jing Sa shook his head in horror, “No, no, you don’t know how terrible Kangxi is!”

“Aren’t you obsessed with him? Didn’t you say he was a male god? Didn’t you say he was a perfect man?” The Public Security Bureau knew that she was Kangxi’s ashes, if someone in the police force said Kangxi’s bad things She will catch up with the theory.

Jing Sao’s head was sweating, “I … I … was obsessed with him on the screen.”

There is a big difference between the screen and actual life. On the screen, he is a male god. In reality, he is a demon king. When she chased the car, the sneer on Kangxi’s face really made her 300 hairs all over her body, and the skin was on. Shake.

It was extremely cold, and it felt like it was possessed by some monster.

Kangxi’s terrible, Cao Zhen has also been taught, the first time he met, let him eat spicy food, fresh memories.

As long as there is such a door **** next to Duan Muxuan, they may be difficult to connect with each other. This seems to be a good idea.

Cao Zhendao, “Forget it, wait until Lin Mo finds the news, and it’s not too early. You should go back to the hotel and rest.”

Jing Sa laughed aloud, “I’ll wait for you, I’m alive today!” The running in mountains and mountains is not counted, and the voice is still hoarse. Are all falling apart.

“Look at your point of interest, hurry back to sleep, and go to the Great Black Mountain with Lin Mo’s people again tomorrow.”

“Got it!” Jing Sa waved his hand and squeezed his shoulders again. “Brother, can I make a spa at public expense?” The police can be reimbursed for hotel meals.

Cao Zhen tapped a sugar fried chestnut directly on her head, “at your own expense!”

She pursed her lips and pityed out the door.

Not long after Jing Sa left, Lin Mo came back. Seeing Cao Zhen still looking at the file, he said: “This is the site of City X. You don’t need to be more caring than my captain.”

Cao Zhen laughed: “Anyway, I can’t sleep.”

“Would you like a drink!”

This is a very rare invitation. If you let Lin Mo take the initiative to invite people to drink, I am afraid that all the policemen in City X will be blind tomorrow-because the eyeballs fell off.

Cao Zhen closed the file and said cheerfully: “OK, the same way, Erguotou!”

Lin Mo snorted: “Beer!”

Cao Zhen insisted: “Erguotou, peanuts.”

“Beer! Peanuts!”

“Then I drink Erguotou, you drink beer!”

Lin Mo: “…”


Early in the morning the next day, Cao Zhen, Lin Mo, and Jing Sa went to the Great Black Mountain together, and Gu Danjuan accompanied him. Because of Zhou Bin ’s information, the management staff of the camping area can query the registration information and know Zhou Binxuan ’s camping The area is the place where his relics may still be kept, and whether the relics are his or not, it needs Gu Danjuan to identify.

In the early morning, the Great Black Mountain has fresh air, clouds and smog, heavy mountains, overlapping peaks and lush trees, along the mountain road, the police car drives all the way up and down to an area under the guidance of the staff.

The staff member sitting in the co-pilot position pointed to the front. “This is the camping area booked by Mr. Zhou. Every time he comes, he chooses this place.”

Jing Sa looked at the surrounding environment through the window. There was nothing too special. There were mountains and trees everywhere, and the endless green.

Lin Mo drove another road in his car, and the mountain road in front of him became steeper and narrower, and he had to stop.

After they got out of the car, they walked a little way. Before they arrived, they saw an orange single tent in a very simple style. Gu Danjuan recognized at a glance that the tent was Zhou Bin, because this tent was once her. Bring light rain to play in the amusement park, the draw was drawn.

In addition to the tent, there is a stove stacked with stones nearby, and some pots and pans are placed on the ground. A wooden pole is erected on the stove, and a small iron kettle is hung on the pole. It should be used for boiling water. The items are very simple, a few packs of instant noodles, some dried meat, and several fruits, which is more than a thousand miles away from the camping of Jing Sa and Kangxi.

There are two buckets next to the stove, one can be used to store drinking water, and the other is used to throw garbage. It may be the relationship of firefighters. The bucket that throws garbage contains half a bucket of water, which should be for Fire source.

Gu Danjuan found the backpack commonly used by Zhou Bin in the tent and held it tightly in his arms for a while before he was willing to give it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo flipped through, nothing special, except for wallets and watches, but also some toiletries and changing clothes.

Jing Sa found out, “Brother, come and see!”

Cao Zhen heard and walked over, “What did you find?”

She picked up something from the trash bucket, “Brother, what is this?”


There are a few burned incenses, that is, incense used to burn incense to worship Buddha!

“Why is there fragrance?”

Jing Sa’s doubts were also Cao Zhen’s doubts. It was the first time he came to camp with incense.

“Cao Zhen, come over here!”

Cao Zhen turned to look at Lin Mo again, “What did you find?”

He walked over. There was a pile of ash at Lin Mo’s feet. Some of them were wet and swept with his feet. The gray and black ashes shone with silver. This was not ordinary ash, but silver foil.

Cao Zhen was completely stunned.

Fragrance is not counted, and there is foil, is this not the ingot? The ingot to burn the dead is made of foil.

“Brother!” Jing Sa beckoned to him, and then picked up something and ran over, “Brother, you look like an incense burner.”

In her hand is a small incense burner, a vessel commonly used to incense when worshiping Buddha. The style is extremely simple and it is the most commonly used kind of incense burner.

Incense and foil made of ingots, incense burner …

What can it be used for?

Lin Mo said: “He may come here to worship.”

“Who worship?”

Jing Sa replied: “Is it a parent? Isn’t he from Hushan Village in Dahei Mountain?”

Gu Danjuan was stunned when she heard it, but she said with certainty, “It’s impossible. His parents were buried in Tianmashan Cemetery in Songjiang District, S City. We will go to sweep the grave every year in Qingming.”

“It’s a bit weird?” It’s just strange, not just weird.

Cao Zhen looked at the staff, “Mr. Zhou will come here every year?”

“Yes, come back every year, choose this place every time you come?”

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and said to Gu Danjuan, “Have you been here?”

Gu Danjuan shook his head, “He comes back to camp here every year, I know, but I want to come, he always disagrees, saying that I can’t eat this bitter, let’s say the rain is still small, it’s not safe to stay on the mountain, I only treat him It ’s because being a firefighter sees more tragedies and needs a place to reduce pressure. ”

This is the decompression method chosen by many people engaged in high-risk work. There is nothing strange about climbing, climbing and breathing nature.

However, it is really strange to camp with ingot candles.


This is the first question!

------ Digression -------

The case gradually spread out, and everyone can start guessing the murderer …

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