Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

schapter 99 - Rolling Stone (2)

In the middle of the night, the people received the call from the blame and came to the conference room of the Public Security Bureau. When she arrived, she was playing with the previous experiment of “fire in the water” on the conference table. The people were a little puzzled and looked at her.

“I know the murderer’s way of killing!” Her eyes were bright, and she looked like a child who found treasure.

Cao Zhen breathed a sigh of breath and said, “If it is a fire in the water, don’t you say that the two conditions of hot water and oxygen are lacking?”

Without these two items, the fire could not be ignited at all. As for the calcium carbide, she also dismissed it. How soon did she change her original intention?

She waved, “Come here …”

The people walked past by words and were woken up in the middle of the night. They were very sleepy, but she was very excited.

“The calcium carbide encounters water and it does generate high-flammable acetylene gas, causing high temperature or explosion, but the murderer has made a very clever change …”

She said while demonstrating that in her hand was the small stone cut from the stone at the crime scene, picked it up with tweezers and placed it on an alcohol lamp to bake.

This move frightened everyone. The calcium carbide should not be heated with fire, otherwise it will deflagrate directly

“Laughing!” Jing Sa exclaimed, rushing up to stop her, fearing she would hurt herself.

Lin Mo was also frightened, seriously doubting whether she was thinking too much, and her mind was a little unclear. She took off her trench coat and wanted to cover her head, so as not to burn her face when the fire rose.

However, nothing happened. After baking the calcium carbide, except for a little whitish, there was no smoke.

This is unscientific. The burning of calcium carbide generally produces strong black smoke.

Then, the scorpion dropped it into the beaker, and the stones slowly sank to the bottom of the cup, and a burst of blisters swelled, which turned from a few bubbles into dense bubbles, and then the water suddenly boiled and rolled. A fire ignited in the cup, like a volcanic eruption, there was a blazing flame at the mouth of the cup, no explosion, no black smoke, but just burned in the cup and the mouth of the cup, forming a fireball.

Everyone was amazed, how could it ignite flames?

Calcium carbide will generate heat when it meets water, but it will only produce acetylene gas, not oxygen, so white phosphorus will not burn due to water temperature.

The flame in the cup burned hot, but it did not spread to the surroundings at all, as if there were some restrictions set, and the size of the flame always maintained the same volume as the cup.

He turned back and smiled broadly on his face, “Do you think it’s amazing.”

More than magic, it’s like magic.

“How did you do it?” Lin Mo looked at the fire and was excited.

Luan announced the answer, “Sodium peroxide!”

Everyone knows this chemistry title because it is something that junior middle school chemistry classes will teach.

The biggest magical effect of sodium peroxide is to decompose carbon dioxide into oxygen. Sodium peroxide is often used as an oxygen supply agent in submarines, because sodium peroxide can absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by the body, generate sodium carbonate and release oxygen for divers. Breathe normally.

This is very elementary knowledge of chemistry.

Jing Sa asked: “What does this have to do with burning calcium carbide?”

Lin Mo’s eyes were bright, “That layer of oil!” Forensics found that when testing calcium carbide, found some oily substances, I think it is the relationship between this layer of oil.

He smiled and nodded, “Yes! The murderer is very clever and retains the principle that the calcium carbide will heat when it encounters water, but it also eliminates the danger of it producing acetylene gas!”

“He changed the structure of calcium carbide chemical molecules!”


Zhang Youcheng asked: “What is that layer of oil?”

“In order to prevent the calcium carbide from burning or exploding with water in industrial calcium carbide, a small amount of purification oil is usually added during calcination of calcium carbide to reduce the production of acetylene gas and prevent disasters. It also plays an environmental role.” “In addition, he also added a small amount of graphite powder!”

“Graphite powder?” Cao Zhen felt that his brain had been knotted. If he was to blame it, he would blame it on chemistry as a child.

“Once the calcium carbide fires, it will be prohibited to use water or foam to extinguish fire, and carbon dioxide is also ineffective. You must use dry graphite powder or other dry powder (such as dry sand) to extinguish!”

Everyone’s doubts are more intense.

“It’s not a contradiction to put out a fire for a while and make a fire a while later?” Jing Sa asked.

“No, there is no contradiction at all, this is the most wonderful place of the murderer.”

Everyone stopped interjecting and listened to him to continue explaining.

“When the murderer murdered, he only brought a piece of calcium carbide. According to the volume of water, the size of the stone is about the size of two red bricks. It is about the size of the stone found in the crime scene. The outer layer is coated with graphite powder for purification. Oil, before killing, he will let the deceased lose consciousness, and then put the deceased into a container filled with water, then burn the calcium carbide, because the graphite powder is added to the purification oil, to eliminate the danger of calcium carbide burning, and then pass After baking at high temperature, the chemical molecular structure of calcium carbide also changed and became the same as sodium peroxide! ”

Cao Zhen said: “Wait a minute, you say you want to burn stones, how to burn them, although it is not large, but if it is burned on the spot, there will always be traces. This is the same as boiling water. Since it needs to be burned, at least it must be racked. Bonfire. ”

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome, just add a butane gas torch, just add a briquettes pliers!”

Butane gas torch is not very tall, you can buy one for 40 yuan, Taobao can sell it, it is used for baking and welding of pastries, it is very small, very easy to carry, the maximum temperature can reach 1300 degrees Celsius It may take only three or four minutes to burn a stone.

The briquette tongs are ordinary things that are no longer common, also known as fire tongs.

Therefore, bonfires and stoves are not needed at all, and even firing is not necessary. The murderer only needs to clamp the stone with briquettes and bake the stone with a flamethrower. It is absolutely time-saving and labor-saving.

No wonder there are no other traces of burning at the scene,

A stone, a butane gas torch, a briquette pliers, a regular-sized sports backpack can fit more than enough, and it is much smaller than four gallons of water. Even if you are walking in the city, it will not make people I feel abrupt, I really have to admire the murderer’s strategy.

He continued, “After the calcium carbide is heated, the murderer will throw it into the water. It will chemically react with the carbon dioxide in the water at the water temperature to generate oxygen. Once there is oxygen, the white phosphorus in the water will be When the temperature of the water reaches the ignition point, it instantly ignites and burns the dead. During the burning process, the purification oil and toner are slowly consumed. When the effectiveness of calcium carbide heating begins to slowly decrease, they are exhausted. That ’s why when I tested the water, I could n’t find the toner and the purification oil. It sounded very complicated. In fact, it was a chain of chemical equations! ”She paused and took a sip of water. The murderer retains the characteristics of calcium carbide, removes its shortcomings, and creates his ideal murder weapon. If you are interested, I can show you this chemical equation. The program is very complicated. I am afraid that it will take a day and a night to elaborate. . ”

Everyone shook their heads immediately, and they felt dizzy when they listened.

Lin Mo said, “No matter how complicated, don’t you think of it?” He really admired her.

He smiled and shook his head. “My chemistry is not very good either. I have someone to help me!”

Her IQ is high, but it does not mean anything.

“Sophisticated person? Is there any chemistry expert you know!”

Jing Sa was excited, “I know, it’s A Hui!”

A Hui is An Hui!

“Yes, this is lazy food!”

When she was thinking hard about the relationship between oil and stone, Kangxi’s call gave her inspiration, combined with the report of the composition of the oily substance attached to the stone, she was convinced that the murderer must have done things with calcium carbide, he is a very good chemical People, then to deal with him, she must find someone who is also good at chemistry, so she thought of An Hui.

She suggested that if the calcium carbide was burnt first and then the water was boiled, as Kangxi said, the rolling stone waist flower, if it could be safe and correct, An Hui said a lot, then gave her a super complicated Chemical equations.

The “fire in water” killing method that has been troubled for a long time was solved immediately.

Except for Jing Sa and Zeng Zhen, no one knows An Hui, but it is not important to know or not. What is important is that people help find the correct way for the murderer to kill.

Jing Sa proudly said: “A Hui is my bosom friend and I. If you have a chance, I will introduce it to you. Although she is a little brainless, she is a chemical genius. When we were studying in the United States, She is the leader of the chemistry group, but unfortunately … “Jing Sa waved her hand regretfully,” She is a typical person who does not seek to be progressive, and just wants to eat mixed and wait for death. ”

Therefore, the phrase that people should not look is absolutely a famous saying.

No matter who they are, they will have their own flash points. Some people have carried forward their development, some people have their pearls dusted, some are opportunities, some are not wanted by themselves, and they have different life concepts.

She and Zhenxuan have said to An Hui more than once that she is not suitable for the entertainment industry. Being a teacher is the most suitable for her, even a kindergarten teacher. The little chemical magic she is good at is enough for children to take her as a god. Look.

It’s a pity that she was a thoughtful person who wanted to be a movie, and then marrying the scenery into the giants. The vanity was sure, but in the end she was lazy. When she was a child, she wanted to be a princess.

“The chemist can also have unlimited scenery and marry into a wealthy man!” This is what Jing Sa once said to An Hui.

An Hui replied with a small mouth full of potato chips: “Get out, once a woman reads a postdoc, this society will demonize her, as if she is not a person, I don’t want it, which giant president has you seen married a scientist How about being a wife? No! Also, how did Mrs. Curie die? Due to exposure to radioactive material, she died of leukemia. Do you know how haggard she was when she died? ”

“People are physicists!”

“The chemist is not dangerous? If you accidentally touch sulfuric acid, it will be disfigured!”


Every time I talked to her about this issue, she would pull up a lot of reasons, what chemistry is very dangerous, what stays up late is very hurting, the Nobel Prize is not for everyone, and what if it affects fertility do?

And so on, etc …

She just wants to live a beautiful life, eating and drinking, and unlimited black gold card brushes. As soon as all the new luxuries come out, someone will send them to the house automatically. As a beauty spa, you can go to California at any time if you want to enjoy the sun. It is better to have a luxury yacht named after her, which will be hung by the stars again.

This is what she calls a good life.

No way, everyone has their own ambitions and can only let her go.

Everyone has a life they want to live. As long as she doesn’t want to, no one can barely win her.

“Oh!” Xu looked at Lin Mo and Cao Zhen. “She didn’t help for free …”

Originally, An Hui didn’t want money, but when she saw that she was helping the police solve the case, she really helped. She didn’t make sense to work as a worker. Besides, she didn’t have any income recently, and her credit card was exploded again. In order to pay.

He was compared to a number, “50,000!”


Understand, they will report.

Now the murder method has been cracked, leaving only the question of who is the murderer. He glanced at his cell phone, waiting for Ji Xiaonan’s investigation results. Five days later …

Ji Xiaonan sent the first batch of materials to her.

------ Digression -------

After midnight, maybe, maybe, and one more time, I got stuck in the second half … Shake hands, shake hands!

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