Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

zRound 153 case analysis (1)

The next morning, Kangxi was not obsessed with Kangxi, and he drove to the hospital with him. Geng did not arrange everything properly. The urine test and blood test did not fall, and then a gorgeous pregnancy test was released. Calculated according to the circadian physiological cycle, the pregnancy cycle is 4 weeks, and the expected delivery period is expected to be August next year, the baby of Leo.

Because it belongs to the early stage of pregnancy, the doctor did not do too many tests. After confirming the pregnancy, I only said that I would come to the hospital a week later to be a B-ultrasound and see if it was pregnant in or out of the palace.

If everything is correct, you can build the card.

Building a card means giving a book, which will record the status of each inspection, where it needs to be produced, and what to pay attention to according to the situation.

For the first time to be a mother, after listening to Doctor Barbara’s long talk, she was still in the clouds.

Kangxi was more serious than her. While listening, she was copying notes, turned on the computer when she returned to the hotel, and started using the search engine. Just like the college entrance examination candidates, it is almost impossible to take the tape with the word “struggle” in mind.

He sat cross-legged on the mattress and looked at the pregnancy test in his hand. It was still a bit unbelievable. He always felt like he was dreaming.


She should be a mother.

This is so sudden.

Kangxi, who copied a large number of notes, noticed her lack of attention, “what are you thinking?”

He gave him a glance, set aside the pregnancy test, and lay down on his head, “I think it’s unreal!”

Kangxi picked up the pregnancy test sheet, and he repeatedly read it several times on the way back. Half of his heart was fiery and half of it was cold.

Daddy and abstinence … For men, it is probably the most contradictory and complicated thing in the world.

His big hand touched the scarred belly, rubbing for a while, “Don’t think about anything, be with me, and let me support you.”

Yan Xuan glared at him, “The creator!”

He was also guilty of embarrassment. Since he was a child, he has a plan for doing things, even chasing his wife. He also planned in advance. Although there was still something unexpected, at least it was still under his control. Only this thing …

Really hatred forever!

But, with it, with it, he still accepted it happily.

He chuckled and kissed his forehead. “Are you sleepy now? Would you like to sleep!”

“How do you sleep, just woke up, OK?”

“Have you not listened to the doctor? Pregnant women should rest more and get enough sleep.”

“Not sleepy!” She hadn’t completely digested her pregnancy yet, so she couldn’t sleep.

“That’s hungry, what do you want to eat, do you want to eat preserves, or do you want to drink something?”

The prospective mother has not entered the state, his prospective father has entered the battle mode.

“You’re so annoying!”

“Well, I am annoying, but annoying me too!” He put on a loyal attitude, and the room was heated with warmth like spring, but he was still afraid that she would catch cold, and covered her with a quilt, “You lie down first , I just downloaded a set of recipes for pregnant women. I ’m going to cook in the kitchen now. If you do n’t like it, we ’ll change it. ”

“It’s only four weeks now, what are you doing so anxiously?”

The diameter of the fetus is at most 0.2 cm, and the amniotic cavity is formed just after the fertilized egg is implanted. The volume is very small, and even the ultrasound may not be able to see the shadow clearly.

He said very seriously: “To keep up with nutrition, I must not lose my daughter!”

Speaking of his daughter, he smirked again, rubbing her belly gently.

Luo Xiao pouted and laughed: “How do you know it must be a daughter?”

“I put it in, I will not know!” In his conception, it can only be a daughter.

It ’s really a man ’s problem to give birth to a boy and a girl. A woman is a piece of land at best. Whatever he gives, she will grow anything, but it must be a daughter. This is not something he can tell.

“What if it is a son?”

He replied firmly: “Flush the toilet!”

皛 皛: “…”

Should she still be born?

But it is too early to say that the little life in the belly is at most a little broad bean, whether it is a man or a woman.

Kangxi didn’t think so. He seemed to think he was a daughter.

“Oh, my little princess, let dad kiss you first!”

He kissed the scarred belly through his clothes, his face full of excitement, he kissed several times, and he still didn’t know what to do.

He looked at his silly look and smiled, and felt warm.

The child, she and his child.

She caressed her belly. Although her parents passed away, although there were relatives in the country, there were still very few contacts, and gradually no longer contacted. It was n’t her cold feelings, but that she was n’t very hot until she met Kangxi. She grew up in the United States and has little communication with her relatives. Without her parental relationship, this relationship will be weak.

Now, she has another family member, a family member with her bones and blood.

I have to say that this is a great thing.

She got up and leaned gently on Kangxi. After being shocked and unbelievable, she was only full of happiness.

“Sleepy?” Kangxi hugged her cautiously.

She shook her head, “No, I want to lean on you like this.”

He hugged her tightly, held her in his arms, placed his big hand against the back of her hand, and placed it on her lower abdomen. For the sudden little life, the mood of the two people at the moment could not be described by words.

“Since I’m pregnant, we have to talk about some things!”


“The matter of investigating the case!” Kangxi said seriously, he didn’t forget what she did when she came to Lishan.

He looked up and wondered: “Is this related to the investigation?”

“Yes!” He frowned, staring at her closely, his expression extremely serious. “You are pregnant now, do you still want to investigate with the police day and night?”

For the case of Daheishan, she was even injured. When thinking about it, he felt terrified. Although the murderer in the Daheishan case killed someone, he was still a good person, but this time it was different. More than a dozen lives were bound to be extremely vicious. Yes, and it was only for women, that the murderer was not human at all, she was not pregnant, he was worried, not to mention that in the case of pregnancy, if something happens, it is not as simple as sewing a few stitches on the injured hand.

In any case, he is not allowed to take risks.

“Kangxi, this is my job!”

“I know, but this job is not your job, you are just a consultant.” He now only hopes that she will go back and be her special police instructor, with a veil, a heating and a cold air conditioner, from 9 to 6 , Will not see the invisible figure.

“When a woman is 7 months pregnant, she can still squeeze the subway to work! I am just pregnant now! My belly is still not big, and my body is always good!” She is not dodder flower, not so delicate.

“Do you have to raise objections?”

“This is just a matter of fact, you are just worrying about the sky!”

“I am so worried?” Kangxi couldn’t help raising his tone a bit, “I’m worried about you!”

“Worry about me? Wrestling? Still not enough to eat or wear!” She didn’t get up in his arms, just looked up at him, “First of all, I value this child as much as you, I tell you reasonably, I I will protect myself very carefully. This is not only your problem, but also my problem. I know what to do! ”

She is a mature adult woman and knows that she should not be too laborious during pregnancy. Anything should be given priority to the child in the belly, but this does not mean that with the child, nothing can be done. Reach out.

Kangxi bowed his head and raised a maelstrom in his eyes, obviously very upset.

He also said: “Do you know that pregnant women want to exercise, otherwise it is not conducive to childbirth.”

“I didn’t say I won’t let you move!”

“Isn’t that the end?”

Kangxi suddenly felt helpless when the breeder and the duck spoke.

“Okay!” Yanxuan raised his hand, patted his chest gently, and said with a long heart: “I know you are afraid of me, worrying about me, and worrying about children, I assure you that I will be very careful, never Charged, you will be notified in advance before doing anything, 24 hours will let you know where I am, on-time obstetric inspection, what you want me to eat, what I eat, and a certain and certain guarantee of adequate sleep … ”

She said so much, and blocked Kangxi for a long time. She didn’t say a word for a long time. He looked at the resolute eyes and knew that nothing could say to dispel her thoughts. After a long while, Squeeze out a sentence from the teeth: “Increase 1 hour of sleep time every day to ensure sufficient oxygen, walk for 1 hour every day in the green or in the shade!” This is what the pregnant woman encyclopedia says, he has focused on drawing circles.

“Well!” She absolutely agreed.

“Be careful not to be short of water, drink 1 cup of water every two hours, do it regularly, and don’t wait to drink when you are thirsty!” This was searched by Du Niang.

Nodded, “Yes!”

“And … there are data showing that mental stimulation is the most harmful to expectant mothers and babies in the first three months, and anxiety during pregnancy can also lead to emotional problems in children ’s growth. Therefore, it is very important to stay happy during pregnancy if you ca n’t catch it The murderer, do n’t allow you to be depressed. If that abnormality kills you again, do n’t be anxious, do n’t be angry, and do n’t use your brain too much!

“Okay!” She agreed.

“and also……”

and also?

Is this going to be verbose until dark?

Kangxi was about to continue the knowledge of the pregnant women’s encyclopedia that science learned today. He couldn’t bear it. He sat on his knees from his arms and directly blocked his broken thoughts with his mouth.

Lips and teeth were milled, beautiful and hot, and Kangxi’s brain was emptied at once, and all the words he wanted to say were swallowed back into his stomach.

Shining bright eyes, bright like stars, looked at him with a smile, “Do you still say?”

Kangxi was a bitter expression, Yuzu shook his head, what else could he say, and now he just wanted to take a shower.


Ignorance of arbitrage and retribution of the security period.

Continue ORZ to kneel and reflect.


Her pregnancy was soon spread to the circle of friends. She had no taboos that she could not tell others within three months. She said, but she just wanted to share this joy with her friends. A bunch came.

It can be seen that the child wears no worries about eating and worries in the future.

In order to be safe, Limian consciously took his leave and waited a week to confirm whether he had an ectopic pregnancy tendency after B-ultrasound, so as not to worry about Kangxi.

A week later, the ‘little broad bean’ in the belly officially grew into a ‘little seahorse’. It was extremely healthy, lying in the right place in the right position, and it appeared on the B-mode photos.

After the photo came out, Kangxi excitedly asked the doctor, “Is it a girl?”

The doctor told him with a ‘you ’re ignorant’ expression that the fetus is still very young, and he still ca n’t see whether it ’s a man or a woman.

He was quite disappointed, but after getting the photo, he looked more and more like it, read it countless times, and smirked countless times. Before going to bed at night, he had to take the photo out to see it. , As if this, the child will be like a girl.

“Come on, shall we go to the mall later?”


“Pick a little skirt, the kind with a bow tie, the color is pink, pink blue, pink purple …” He touched the photo and touched her belly again, completely opened the silly dad mode.

He did n’t know that the model of this silly dad was the patent of the Kang family man. Kangxi ’s dad had also been stupid.

“I don’t know if it is a man or a woman, what skirt to buy.” One vote was rejected.

Kangxi grunted, picked up the photo and looked again, “It must be a girl!”

The photo is black and white, just a small cyst, where the head is indistinguishable, where the gender can be seen, no matter, sleep, let him be alone.

In order to give birth to the male-female-female fetus, Geng did not take another pitiful punch.

For the first time, Kangxi announced his pregnancy, notifying them to be alert.

This is a great event, Geng Bumei immediately congratulated, “That is of course, the little prince he …”

One punch! A heavy punch.

The second time was how Kangxi checked on the Internet to distinguish between male and female fetuses. He interjected, “I heard the elderly say that if a woman becomes beautiful during pregnancy, it is mostly a daughter. If it becomes ugly, it is mostly a boy.”

Kangxi said earnestly, “That dare to have a good relationship, it must be a daughter. Xuan Xuan has become more and more beautiful recently.”

Geng Bumei rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Cut, how can the Queen Mother be unattractive in your eyes …” Xishi appeared in the eyes of her lover.

The voice was not loud, but it was enough for Kangxi to hear it, and immediately punched him.

Xiao Chen thinks, Geng Wuiming is self-inflicted.

In order to make up for the last two mistakes, Geng did not study well, and when he saw him, he called, “Little princess **** …”

Kangxi was very satisfied with this.

However, less than half a second later, Geng did not make a joke to add another sentence, “My son’s wife is so good today …”

This was the joke when Kangxi and his wife discussed plans for chasing his wife, got married at the end of the year, and gave birth to a baby two years later.

As a result, the third punch!


------ Digression -------

Today, I started the second dog brother’s family trip to Taiwan, I will try my best to ensure daily updates, try my best.

If it can’t be updated, I will send a notice.

Come on!

PS: I wish I will not be bitten by mosquitoes …

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