Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

zRound 293 undercover is difficult

After getting Lin Chutong’s body was actually a letter of advance notice for the murder, the entire police gang of the Public Security Bureau exploded.

One dead is not counted, and three more. The plot is too serious. The OK club must be investigated immediately to prevent the murderer from committing the crime again. The interest is reported, but there has been no reply from the top. Cao Zhen is so anxious. He turned around and waited for it to come back, but made him sulking several glasses.

“Brother, calm down!” Jing Sa snatched the cup from his hand. “The cup has made you provoke you. Do you want to exhale it?”

This cup is a set of zodiac signs, one less will not look good!

“You still care about cups at this time!” Cao Zhen paced back and forth in the office, so angry that his face was already blue!

“You are quiet, it’s useless to be anxious. If you don’t give you a search permit, we can’t break through. Even if you want to break through, do you know where this club is?” I used to contact by phone without even a photo. However, not to mention where the club is open.

“Aren’t they afraid of the murderer killing again?”

It’s a matter of life, he doesn’t believe that the club’s people will be indifferent.

Jing Sa rubbed the corner of his mouth, “What are they afraid of, and what they are most afraid of is that the details are found by us. When I called, you also heard what they said. The murderer will kill three more people, but it is Our police guessed that they could not believe what happened, and they were not in a hurry. What are you in a hurry? ”

“That’s three lives!”

“Yes, it’s human life, but we have limited clues now, and it’s useless to be anxious! This is obviously someone hiding the club and not wanting us to intervene by the police, not me and you can intervene.”

To be angry, she was also very angry. But what could anger do? As long as there was no search permit, the police would be unable to do anything.

Cao Zhen sat down angrily, clenching his fists, “What else did Duanmu say?”

The killing notice was inferred by her, and she must have a countermeasure.

Jing Sa pours Liang Bai to him, “Xiao Xuan said, the murderer is probably a vendetta!”

“Vendetta !?”

Jing Sa nodded, “Lin Chutong is also the three people who are about to be killed. He may have offended the murderer!”

“Is it Chu Ran again?”

“No, it’s different from Chu Ran! His kind of killing is more outrage, and this murderer only attacks the enemy!”

Cao Zhen understands, that is to say, this murderer will not deal with innocent people, and his goal is clear from the beginning.

“Duanmu did you say what the specific motive is?”

Jing Sa shook his head, “Zao Xuan is only a judgment based on the existing clues. Vendetta is just a summary, but she is not clear about what hatred or grievance is.

Cao Zhen clearly can judge that the motive of the murderer is vendetta, which has helped the police a lot, and the rest must come by themselves. “How is the old Zhang Cha over there at the Film Academy?”

Because the OK club cannot be moved, the police can only start from the film academy. Lin Chutong is a teacher of the academy, and interacts with some personnel very frequently.

“There are no useful clues. The professors and teachers in the college said that Lin Chutong is very capable and has a strong network. Many students entered the crew after her recommendation, and several of them are also famous in the current entertainment circle.

“Can you talk to the students she has taken care of?”

“I’ve thought about this for a long time, just wait for the college to compile a list, we can ask one by one!”

“Yes, you are responsible for this matter!”

“No problem!” Jing Sa swept all the pieces of the cup on the floor into the dustpan, and asked again, “Did you talk to Xiao Li about the thing I said?”

She also explained the undercover matter in detail, because she didn’t know what to say to Xiao Li, so she gave it to Cao Zhen.


“What did Xiao Li say?”

Cao Zhen sighed, “What else can he say, naturally willing, but …”

Jing Sa saw that he was about to stop talking and put down the broom in his hand and asked, “Don’t talk, only half!”

“We don’t have a way to enter the entertainment industry, how do you make Xiao Li take the lead? According to Duanmu, the club recruits either superstars or unachievable third-rate stars. We are impossible for superstars, we can only play as third-rate stars But these third-rate celebrities are at least the ones who have acted or produced any record. There is nothing. How do you let the rich in the club pay attention to Xiao Li! ”

Jing Sa patted his head, “Oops, I forgot this!”

Cao Zhen said again, “Also, the undercover is also to be approved. If someone is the boss behind the club, wouldn’t it help? We can’t even get a search warrant so difficult, we can see that behind the scenes The boss is by no means an ordinary person, otherwise how can he be so maintained! ”

“You mean undercover personnel cannot come from our Interpol team?”

“This is not what I mean, it’s just that I can’t do it. I’m afraid it won’t be of any use to let Xiao Li go undercover!”

When Jing Sa mentioned this to him, he also thought it was a viable plan. If he was not a person with incomplete pentatonic voices, he wouldn’t be able to act, otherwise he would have taken it himself, but after thinking about it afterwards, Being aware of the inadequacies.

Undercovers in China are required to report detailed plans. The choice of undercover personnel, contact person, undercover time, and target audience should not be leaked. Once this information is reported, I am afraid that it will be leaked out. It’s just a monkey play.

Everyone in the club knows who the undercover is. How could it be silly to invite them, maybe they would read their jokes behind.

“What about then?”

If undercover is not enough, how can they check the OK club.

“I … I have a personal choice …” Cao Zhen’s tone was hesitant.

He didn’t say who the candidate was, but Jing Sa had already guessed it.

“Don’t tell me, your candidate is 皛 皛!”

Cao Zhen didn’t speak, it was the default.

“No!” Jing Sa yelled, “This is the case of our Public Security Bureau. She has helped a lot. You want her to go undercover, don’t you think it’s too much?”

“I know, but if you think about it, is there a better person than her? Although she is an advisor to our Public Security Bureau, she can act without her permission and does not need to report. When it comes to entering the entertainment industry, she has Geng is not sleepy, but that’s a gold agent, and some people have connections and connections. It is definitely a matter of minutes if you want to enter the crew and mix a role. ”

“What you think is beautiful, don’t forget, Kangxi won’t agree even if he agrees.”

Lishan’s incident has become a thorn in Kangxi’s heart, and he will pierce him from time to time, causing him to have a bad face when he sees the people of the Public Security Bureau.

“I know it’s hard to ask him to agree, and I didn’t say that Duanmu must be undercover. It’s just a matter of fact. In terms of information security, she is indeed more advantageous undercover.”

Time, place, and harmony are just one person away.

He actually felt that it was too much for Duanmu to do undercover, but as a police officer, sometimes he can only make choices in terms of reason and serve the people. The five characters are carved on the big wall of the public security bureau. You can see the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

These five words are heavier than gold, and he wanted to do his best to do it. For this reason, he sacrificed a lot of things. His beloved wife and cute daughter. Their bones have not been found so far. Doesn’t he hate it?

Of course hate!

But he is a policeman, and the first thing to do is to read the oath.

“I swear, I volunteer to become a People’s Police of the People’s Republic of China. I promise to be loyal to the people and the law; obey the command; strictly observe discipline and keep secrets; enforce the law impartially, be honest and clean; do my duty without fear of sacrifice; serve the people wholeheartedly. I would like to dedicate myself to the lofty cause of the people ’s public security and work hard to realize my oath! ”

For such a long period of time, he fell back like a stream and read it every day, and he did it according to his oath.

To make a mistake, the only mistake is why he chose the profession of police.

Jing Sa strongly disagreed with this matter, “You better forget this matter right away, don’t even think about it!”

Cao Zhen smiled bitterly, “So you said, what else can we do?”

“Let’s wait until the news of Lao Zhang and the list of the college are completed. Maybe it will be another village?”

“What if there is no clue to these two paths?”

“Without final confirmation, how do you know that there is no clue, don’t pour cold water, and at this time, you might as well think about how to get the top to approve our search permit!”

“Do you think I don’t want to?” He is powerful but not enough.

“Since you think about it, you can continue to think about it. There must be a way.”

“Okay, I’ll find a way!”

Now only live horses can be used as dead horse doctors.


After finishing her lectures at the university, she immediately drove to pick up her son from school, because today there are a few students with more problems, she delayed a little, there are no children when she arrived at the kindergarten, she called the kindergarten on the road, but No one answered, thinking that maybe the teacher was still busy and did not think much.

She parked the car and walked to the classroom. Before reaching the classroom, she met Kang’s teacher in the corridor.

It was a 25-year-old young girl, surnamed Sun, with a sweet face, fair skin, and a good voice, so she was very fond of children.

“Teacher Sun!” Said Xu, politely, stepping forward.

As soon as Mr. Sun saw him, he asked: “Kang Hao’s mother, why are you here? Did Kang Hao forget to take something?”

She would ask this question, making Xuzhen suspicious, “I’m here to pick Xiaoyu!”

Teacher Sun was stunned, “Xiaoyu has been taken away!”

Xu Yan’s face changed, and she directly caught her wrist, “Take it away! Who?”

Chen Ma and Chen Bo died because of a relative in the countryside. They left S City by train early in the morning. After finishing the paper, Kangxi was forced to receive a notice by Geng Wuiming. Home, even if he can finish the work early, it is impossible to pick up his son

Therefore, in addition to her, there can be no second person in the family to pick him up.

Teacher Sun was frightened by the boring behavior and wanted to withdraw her hand, but her strength was so great that she could not move at all, “Grandpa Zeng!”

“Grandpa Zeng’s grandfather?” Xu Xuan frowned and said, “Xiaoyu has no grandpa Zeng!”

Her grandfather died long ago.

“Without Grandpa Zeng? How could it be !?” Teacher Sun’s face suddenly turned pale, probably realizing that something went wrong, and quickly added: “This is what the other party told me. It’s two elderly people. I ’m thinking about calling your phone to confirm, but the other party said that you and him have been separated for many years because of some disagreement, and they have refused to see him. He knows that you have children. , I really want to see my great-grandson. The old man whose surname is Yang said he cried halfway, unlike acting, and they had a dedicated driver when they came, or a luxury Bentley car. Wealthy people really do n’t look like bad guys! I think the old man is so sincere and so old, so … it ’s soft-hearted, but he told me that they just took their children to a meal Take him home … ”

What kind of logic is this? Is it true that the person who drives a luxury car must be a good person?

However, according to the information she said, Xu Zhen already guessed who it was.

Apart from Xi Shiyi, there is no second person to think about.

He even took Xiaoyu privately without even knowing it!


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I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, good luck and happy family, thank you for your support for so many years!

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