Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 15 Burn the Witch, No Bath

Facing the threat of human beings, he must comprehend the third level of ideological realm: the realm of looking at mountains or mountains, looking at water or water.

Otherwise, he will definitely lose. Even if he can delay for a long time, he still cannot avoid the fate of being ripped off by human beings.

Many people may not understand how terrifying people in the third level are?

He just gave an example at random. In his previous life, Jesus, the Lord of Christianity in the Western world, was one of the saints. Of course, he was also called a god, the only God.

After his death, Christianity, a religion founded by disciples who inherited his ideas, has two very famous rules, namely burn the witch and don't take a bath. These two rules are very destructive and disgusting to smart people the rule of.

Ordinary people in the Western world, that is, people whose ideological realm is only at the first level of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water, for them, whatever God says should be right, and they should listen to God's words.

Therefore, under the orders of various missionaries, they faithfully implemented the two rules of burn the witch and don't take a bath.

However, smart people in the Western world spend most of their time in the first level of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water, but occasionally reach the second level of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water. People in the realm, they can realize in their lives that the two rules of burn the witch and don't take a bath are wrong and unreasonable for them, and they should be thrown into the trash.

But they are not reformers who have the courage to break the rules. Although they can see through the truth, they have nothing to do with the truth and can only follow the trend.

Scholars in the Western world are people of a higher level than smart people. Their ideological realm has completely reached the superb state of looking at mountains is not mountains, and seeing water is not water, and they can see all kinds of problems in society at a glance. Reasonable rules, and they are different from smart people. They will take action and risk their lives to reform those unreasonable rules. Their real existence is various reformers and thinkers at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

In the West, it was these reformers who abolished step by step, all kinds of unreasonable rules, such as burning witches and no bathing disappeared in their hands.

And the existence in the Western world who can stir up the situation of an era with his own power is the person who can occasionally reach the third level of seeing mountains or mountains, seeing water or water state.

They can see through the rules and ideological realm created by the third-level gods or saints, but they are unable to create their own rules and thoughts.

In the era of change in the West, they are the most painful and beautiful existence in the world.

For example, burn the witch and don't take a bath are one of the rules created by God, Jesus, and they can understand them thoroughly.

If you want to understand the rule of burning witches, you must determine who will be defined as a witch.

Among the hundreds of people in a village, which woman will arouse the envy of many people? Of course it is beautiful.

A woman is too beautiful, and in the family of an average-looking woman and an ugly woman, their husbands will involuntarily compare the two. After the comparison, family conflicts will arise.

Average-looking and ugly-looking women see that their husbands don't love them anymore because of the other party, or even are rejected by the other party, and they will naturally hate the beautiful woman.

At this time, the rule of burning witches came. Some women who are too jealous of beautiful women because of their beauty may not have murderous intentions, but just scolded each other in the crowd, you are a witch.

At this time, the tragedy of a woman who is too beautiful comes, because there are too many people who are jealous of her. At this time, there are only two or three people who agree with each other, That's right! She is .

The group effect came, and all the women would involuntarily vent their dissatisfaction at this time, calling the beautiful women a witch.

He thought that it was because she was a witch that she was so beautiful and made her husband so distraught.

Pointing at one person will make people feel uneasy, pointing at ten people will make people feel frightened, pointing at dozens of people is a more powerful killing weapon than long sword.

In a modern society of equality, some people will commit suicide because of the abuse of many people.

However, in the ancient era, when one could only survive in groups, being isolated by many people was equivalent to being sentenced to death.

At this time, the missionaries of Christian missions will inevitably take over the leadership at this time, saying in the name of God: She is a witch and a devil. For the glory of God, she must be burned to death.

There are many benefits for him to do this. First, he can get the support of those women who are too jealous. The support of these women is equivalent to the support of her entire family.

In an instant, everyone in the village can be wiped out, turning them into lambs of God.

Second, he was able to give those average-looking and ugly women a reasonable reason to burn the beautiful women to death with the power of everyone to complete the task of God.

Beautiful women are defined as witches, and they are reduced to ashes in the flames. Wherever Christianity has passed, countless tragedies have been born.

This is an untold tragedy for many families.

But for the nations where Christianity has passed, it has great benefits.

First, most beautiful women regard thinness as their beauty, and half of the children they give birth to will be thin under the influence of their genes.

And because of their beautiful looks, most of the people they marry are wealthy, and rich people can have more food and raise more children than poor people.

Under their influence, the proportion of thin people in nation-states will slowly rise.

What are the consequences? When fighting, nobles and kings can only recruit a group of weak chicken soldiers, and they can be abused as much as they want. If they are not careful, they will die and die.

The Christian rule of burning witches can solve this problem. The disappearance of beautiful women, that is, women whose beauty is thin, will allow those women who are not beautiful but very strong to reproduce more offspring.

Their offspring are bound to inherit their genes and become stronger than before.

If things go on like this, there will be more and more strong men in the nation and the country, the fighting power will become stronger and stronger, and the national power will become stronger and stronger.

Christianity expanded so fast in history? The burn the witch rule is definitely a credit.

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