Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 19 Stupid kobolds, change your mind to sabotage

Looking at the stupid pig-like kobold scholar Ronnie Stam in front of him, he had an urge to swallow him into his stomach and vent the violent anger in his heart.

Just like the countless five-color giant dragons in the memory of inheritance, it has a huge mouth, throws it into the mouth with a throw of its claws, chews frantically, and blood drips into the ground along the mouth.

Ace still held back the bloody thoughts in his heart.

He is the black dragon, and the black dragon is him, but he will not kill his subordinates crazily just to vent his anger like ordinary black dragons.

Don't you know how to expand the territory? There are so many kobold tribes in the dark swamp, you can annex a few at will, and you have both the territory and the people.

I'll give you two more days. After two days, if you don't get enough food, I'll swallow you all.

Throwing the kobold scholar Ronnie Stam to the ground, Ace walked towards the food with a gloomy face.

The kobold race is really stupid, even if he handed over a inheritance to the other party, the other party will still only follow the script and follow the previous method.

There is no human flexibility at all.

According to the level of thinking, convenience is the bottom level of the first level, seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water, and they don't understand any flexibility.

If you don’t have enough territory, go grab it, if you don’t have enough kobolds, go and annex it. In the area as large as the Dark Swamp, there are tens of thousands of kobolds and various dark races. There are tens of hundreds of tons of meat in the area. It's like plucking a hair from a cow, and it's drizzled.

The swamp kobold tribe, a kobold scholar Ronnie Stam, a kobold hero Ronnie Moore, two second-order existences and dozens of first-order kobold warriors, such a powerful force, even in The human world can change an earl.

You must know that for an ordinary kobold tribe, if there is a first-level kobold warrior, it can be regarded as a good tribe, and if there is a kobold priest, it can be called powerful.

With the strength of the swamp kobold tribe, it is completely possible to wipe out the kobold tribe in the vicinity of about a hundred miles away, and increase the population of the tribe to more than 3,000.

As a result, the other party may have some selfish motives or be as stupid as a pig. In five days, they obviously have the strength to suppress everything. They can expand their territory ten times and a hundred times, and get more meat than they do now, but they just don’t like it. Dry.

Robbery and war, the old profession of dark creatures, don't even know how to do it.

Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam climbed up from the kobold-shaped pothole tremblingly, and his heart, which was a little proud because of becoming younger, instantly became cautious.

After all, a black dragon is a black dragon, an extremely cruel existence, and an existence that cannot be speculated.

He understood that His Majesty had given him an ultimatum, if he did not complete the task, what awaited him and his entire tribe would be death.

Kobold hero Ronnie Moore crawled to the side of kobold scholar Ronnie Stam, and said with deep fear in his tone: Father, what should we do?

The moment the dragon was angry just now, the kobold hero Ronnie Moore felt his heart was held by someone else's palm, as if it would be crushed at any time.

Thick fear spread from his genes and everywhere in his body to his brain.

He didn't understand why countless old kobolds respected and feared the dragon so much before, but now he understood.

Power, absolute power.

His majesty had just clawed at his father with a power that he could not have possessed.

He is a second-order kobold hero among the kobolds. As a second-order existence, his strength with one hand exceeds 1,500, and the combined strength of his two hands can be more than 3,000 catties.

Putting it on the battlefield, with a giant axe, he can pierce through a large formation composed of hundreds of elite human soldiers, which is unstoppable.

However, he is so powerful, but he can't even support His Majesty's casual strength.

To know his father kobold scholar Ronnie Stam, his strength is not inferior to him.

Don't underestimate the word scholars, they are actually just like human mages, they are excellent in both long-range and melee combat.

The mages in this world are not crispy mages like those in some worlds. They are all able to launch big fireballs from a long distance, and can pick up magic wands in close combat to make them one enemy to one hundred. In the words of Ace's previous life, a All are melee Gandalf.

And now his father has no power to resist in the hands of His Majesty, so with his physical fitness similar to his father, he must also have no power to resist in front of His Majesty.

The most important thing is that the current His Majesty is just a young dragon who was born not long ago, and he is so strong now. When he grows up, he will not become an invincible existence.

Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam's face was full of fear and the rest of his life, he gritted his teeth and said: War, war, Your Majesty does not need cowards, tell the soldiers to take out the hidden swords and put on our armor, Take our shields and expand! War!

Aww! Aww! Aww!

The roar of the wolf with endless killing intent sounded, and the swamp kobold tribe was on the road to expansion.

In the U-shaped pool, Ace gorged himself, and one after another of the big fish quickly disappeared into the pool with his grabbing.

I have to find some smart dark creatures. Low-level dark creatures are too stupid to understand my thoughts at all.

By the way, I seem to have given the Kobold two tasks. Has he planted edible aquatic plants for herbivorous fish?

Ace looked up into the swamp, and saw more than a hundred kobold cubs that had been transformed into swamp kobolds were soaking in the water in the swamp three kilometers away.

While catching some shrimps and crabs to eat, they pull out some aquatic plants that herbivorous fish cannot eat, and then throw them on the shore.

Seeing this scene, Ace's mood improved a lot. Although kobold scholar Ronnie Stam is a bit stupid, he is carrying out his orders to the letter. There is no obedience, there is still hope. .

What the swamp kobold kits do is actually a task he teaches kobold scholar Ronnie Stam.

Because he considered that kobolds don't know how to plant at all, and it is difficult to teach them. On the contrary, their destructive ability is not bad. In his opinion, it is better to spend so much energy and effort to grow aquatic plants that herbivorous fish can eat. .

It's better to let the kobolds destroy those herbivorous fish and inedible aquatic plants.

In this way, those herbivorous fish and inedible aquatic plants are removed, and the living space of edible aquatic plants for herbivorous fish is expanded.

The aquatic plants that herbivorous fish can eat will slowly expand around by themselves, so don't worry about it at all.

The idea of ​​asking kobolds, one of the dark creatures, to plant them is unacceptable. After all, if they can really learn the skill of planting, it is impossible for tens of thousands of years without progress. IQ is really limited.

On the contrary, if you change your mind and let them destroy it, it will be much easier.

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