Black Sky

Chapter 110

Chapter 109 Self introduction

No debt and light weight, Chu Si was very satisfied with this result.

It was Mr. Sae Young that took a long time to digest this ridiculous fact, and he reluctantly accepted the suggestion to tear up this page of account and make it invalid.

The SkyEye system silently dinged next to it-a routine prompt: “The upgrade process has been completed 70%, and the secondary body synchronization has been completed 30%.”

The gray wolf Set, who just entered the management center, asked with a puzzled look: “What does the secondary body synchronization mean?”

Chu Si pointed to the empty screen and said, “It’s the part of the thing you just saw, which is pulled down from the space prison. The sky eye system inside is the auxiliary body of this side.”

Hearing the clinking clang of the sky-eye of the subject here, they finally figured out what happened to the inexplicable upgrade of the sky-eye a while ago, because it was synchronized with this side.

It’s just that the main body is a continuous process, and it only takes one hour of concentration in total. But for the secondary body, it is very likely that it will be in one time and space when it has completed 10%, and it will be in another time and space when it has completed 20%.

Chu Si knocked on the metal cover of the main body’s celestial eye core plate with a complicated face, and said, “When the secondary body was upgraded inexplicably before, I almost suspected that this mentally retarded system was also an undercover agent installed by the City of Silver.”

Sae Young sneered, as if he felt very unbelievable, “Do you think that you can’t lose fast enough to send such a stupid undercover agent?”


Sky Eye: “I…heard…heard…”

“Upgrading is really different,” Chu Si said, “I can simulate this tone.”

Sky Eye: “…”

Seeing that the system has been upgraded smoothly without any problems, Chus turned his head and said to the gray wolf Setter: “Excuse me, please.”

After all, Gray Wolf Seth has been a prisoner in prison for many years. The first time he heard the head officer in charge of the prison speaking in this tone, he was a little unaccustomed to it. A strong man who was tall and magnificent immediately became a bit unimportant. Scratching his cheeks comfortably, said: “You say, you say.”

“Call everyone in and prepare to welcome the newcomers.” Truss nodded, indicating that he could go call someone.

The gray wolf was still a little unresponsive, “New gang? Who?”

Chus pointed to the top of his head, “Let them down later, but they should be old friends to you.”

It took about three seconds for the gray wolf to finally understand his meaning, and immediately raised his eyebrows and said: “Okay, no problem, are you welcome to the Golden Crows? I promise, let them feel the warmth of returning to prison.”

About three minutes later, he brought about fifty people with various hand-held cannons from the weapon bay, everything from missing bombs to local dimensionality reduction strikes, and Wuyangyang stood in a circle. There are some prison guards, some undercover prisoners, and a few of them are logistics, responsible for the food and beverage maintenance of the space prison.

Whether in the eyes of Truth or in the eyes of Sae Young, these people are considered familiar faces, and it can be seen that the years of lurking in the space prison are not short.

After this group of people gathered, they obviously saw Sae Young who had taken off his mask. At that moment, every face looked like a memorial service, and his face changed and became brilliant. Seeing Sae Yang sneered, leaning on the console, lazily raised his hand, and said: “Long time no see.”

It was visible to the naked eye that everyone’s lips moved, but no one made a sound, but to Truth, each of them seemed to have a row of dangling characters on their faces: Long time no see you!

Obviously, the grievances are not small, the number of people is large, but they still have to be suffocated. It can be seen that Mr. Sae Young is a great evil even in the space prison.

But now Saer Young has become their own, and they can’t directly fire their anger, so the gray wolf Sete takes the lead and vents his grievances on the weapon in his hand, gritted his teeth and fiercely opened the insurance of the handheld cannon, the machine inside. The spring and the magazine immediately made a crisp sound, which was a bit of a demonstration.

Others followed suit. More than fifty people opened the insurance at the same time, and the sound of the springs bounced into one piece, which can make any militants excited, and it can also make anyone who is not familiar with real swords and guns soften. leg.

Sae Young is naturally very adaptable to this kind of scene. After all, to a certain extent, he looks like a person who should carry a cannon and a gun to do damage. But Truth, who has always been well-dressed, also adapts well before this kind of scene, and there is no sense of disobedience.

He was quite satisfied with this kind of battle, turned his head and knocked on the eyes of the sky, and said in a calm tone, “Let’s put down the cages on the top.”


Sky Eye: “The top entrance and exit are open.”

On top of the entire management center, countless tine-like metal plates retreated backwards, opening a circular entrance. Then one metal cage after another was lowered by a sling.

Truth hadn’t counted them at the beginning, but now, no more, no less, exactly twelve cages.

All the semi-finished products are here.

Poor Golden Crows and their gang gathered a lot of anger and fell to the ground. They just thought about yelling, but they couldn’t make a sound. As soon as they looked up, they saw a circle of people surrounded by drowsiness. Holding a hand-held cannon, the muzzle was shining at them, while squinting his eyes and aiming pretentiously, he grinned with a vicious grin, and said, “Welcome back.”

The Golden Crows: “……………………”

There was no sound when the sound-absorbing device was installed, but now it is even more silent.

Fortunately, this touching welcoming ceremony did not last long. Since Larkin Crows were to join the group, the Gray Wolf Set and others would naturally not actually fire at their own people. It’s just an expression of years of anger.

Chus raised his foot to the cage and greeted the Golden Crow: “It’s nice to meet again.”

The Golden Crow opened his mouth without making a sound, but everyone present could read his lips: “I am not happy at all.”

Chus raised his eyebrows: “To make a long story short, I invite you here this time for one thing.”

The Golden Crows and the others have been detained for a long time and have a deep grievance. None of them showed the appearance of cooperation. They raised their eyelids indifferently, and looked like Chus just said nothing.

But the noun that Chus uttered immediately caught the attention of all of them—

“Time experiment.”

“If we are not mistaken, you are all forced participants in the time experiment, and have been tortured by the so-called time reduction plan and the experimental cabin for a long time. Three years? Five years? Ten years? I believe you. Some of them know a lot about this time experiment, such as the Golden Crow Mr. Kirton Lester. As far as I know, everyone involved in the things you committed is deeply related to the experiment. coincidence.”

Chuston paused, “But I also know that some people’s cognition of this experiment is only superficial, or limited to the parts they have been in contact with, so I still want to talk about this experiment that you have suffered deeply. …”

He explained to the twelve “semi-finished products” all the things he learned about the time experiment during this period of time-

Including the name of the Devil’s Plan, the failed and successful products of the experiment, the tripartite forces involved, and the city of silver behind it;

It also includes their in-depth purpose, the destruction and damage passed on to Skyhawk γ star, and the more consequences that can be achieved through the dragon pillar;

It even includes those people who have been involved in this plan for so many years.

Some things are actually very patient-consuming to repeat over and over again. When encountering this situation, Truss tends to be abbreviated every time, until the last few words or even a single sentence can give a general idea. As for whether the other party listens or not, he has other means to deal with it. It’s like explaining the identity of Sae Young to Shao Heng and Zild Feng.

But when explaining the time experiment to the twelve semi-finished products, he didn’t save a word.

Because a word here may be someone’s life.

The lives of those sacrificed by Jiang Qi and Esther, or the lives of those who carried heavy weights like General Medela, Old Man Shao, and Fergus, or Lieutenant General He Xiuwen, Lieutenant General Joyce, and Gray Wolf Set The life of a humiliator…

They have spent so many years in their lives, how can they not mention a word.

Having said everything, Chu Si said: “Let’s get to know it again.”

He spread his hand at Sae Young and said, “This Mr. Sae Young, and you, there are 13 people in total, which are the so-called results of the Devil’s Plan. What experience do you have in becoming such an achievement? I think each of you I have sentiment. As for the group of friends who are holding guns and joking with you, they originally had their own duties. The reason why they are here in front of prison guards or as prisoners, I don’t think I need to explain–”

Chu Si raised his eyes and swept around, and said, “If you don’t mind if you can introduce yourself again, I also hope to get to know him formally.”

Everyone glanced at each other. The gray wolf Sete stood up straight first, knocked his heels, and touched his fingers on his brow bones and said: “Stone Set, the former captain of the 172nd corps of the Third Army Corps, The space prison has been undercover for 16 years, and now… the military salute is no longer good.”

Others had a deep understanding of the words, and sighed and laughed.

“Connor Wang, a member of the 12th Detachment of the Interstellar Individual Department of the former First Army Corps, has been undercover in the Space Prison for eleven years.”

“Simon Parkinson, the rescue team of the original army special corps…”

“Louis Lyle, originally…”

At the beginning, the Golden Crows still had some resistance and resistance in their eyes. The sharp edges and corners formed over the years were not so easy to smooth, and they might never be smooth. But as they watched the 50-odd enemies, mortal enemies, nodding acquaintances, and passers-by who had been acquainted with each other for many years, they gradually became silent.

Truth was not in a hurry to let them choose or agree to something, but after that, he let them open the cages, unhook the attractors on their necks, and led them to take a bath and eat.

Until they walked out of the management center one after another, most of them remained silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

Only the Golden Crow, who was walking at the end, suddenly looked back at Chusi and the others, but in the end he didn’t say anything, turned back and left the management center.

“Not in a hurry?” Sae Young asked Truth after everyone had left.

“Always give them a digestion process.”

The two of them were talking, and suddenly there was a ding-sound from behind.

Tianyan opened his mouth again: “The upgrade process has been completed, the synchronization of the secondary body has been completed 80%, and the program is hidden in the background.”

Chus turned his head and glanced at the screen, trying to give an instruction: “Since the upgrade is complete, can I now design a plan to stimulate the frozen capsule?”


Tianyan said: “Of course.”

Truth nodded, “We will go to the medical cabin and wait for your results.”


Tianyan said in a shameless tone: “Then you have to run faster.”

Chus: “…”

Even if the mentally handicapped system is upgraded, it is still necessary to find a fight. Of course Truth and Sue Young couldn’t really listen to its nonsense, and ran to the medical cabin, but Haw didn’t delay deliberately.

Fortunately, Tianyan did not exaggerate his abilities. When the two of them walked to the entrance of the medical cabin, the frozen capsule full of wires was slowly fading from the frost under the transparent cover, and Dr. Miller, who had slept for a long time, moved twice. Next, slowly opened his eyes.

This speed was a bit beyond the two’s expectations, but it was indeed a gratifying result.

Dr. Miller, who had just got out of his cryonic state, was a little bit unable to adapt to the realistic environment. He lay blankly in the capsule for two minutes, then opened the transparent cover from the inside as if he had just awakened from a dream, and sat up.

“Sir?” Because he hadn’t spoken for a long time, his voice became extremely low and dumb, and the first voice almost failed to come out.

“How do you feel?” Chus asked. “Do you need water or food?”

Miller sat down and rubbed his legs for a while, then slowly moved his legs out of the capsule, and said dumbly: “If you haven’t eaten for too long, you can’t eat too much immediately. If you have nutrient solution, please help me. .”

“This is already prepared.” Chu Si handed over a small cup of nutrient solution that had been prepared in advance.

Miller took several sips and drank it slowly, only then did he gain some strength and his throat recovered. He scanned the surrounding environment left and right, and wondered: “Is the disaster over?”

“Not yet, but it’s coming soon.” Truss said straightforwardly, “In fact, we took some measures to force you to wake you up, otherwise you can sleep a little longer, maybe you can really sleep until the disaster is over.”

Miller is a wise man. He understood the general situation as soon as he heard this. He immediately smiled and asked: “Sir, what happened to you, you want to dig me out to help? It won’t be—”

He glanced at Sae Young and stopped talking at the appropriate time.

Chu Stan said: “It’s not a countdown issue, it’s a matter about Mr. Shao.”

“Teacher?” Miller was taken aback, “What happened to the teacher?”

“To make a long story short, after the disaster, some unkind people have been staring at Old Man Shao, seeming to want to get some…information from him?” When talking about this, Chu Si was also a little hesitant. After all, they were a little bit hesitant. There is no final conclusion, “Fortunately, the old man, Jingmin, didn’t let them find it, so they changed their target to you.”

Miller was taken aback, “What? Me?”

“Of course, now those people have been controlled, don’t worry about that. But we want to know why those people have been staring at Old Man Shao. Moreover, when we found him and confirmed that he was safe, we found him doing it for ourselves. There was a memory cut.” Chus frowned and asked, “Miller, can you think of anything that might be related to these? For example, has the old man deliberately avoided any topics in these years? Or other things like that? thing.”

Sae Young, who has been leaning against the door with his arms in his arms, thought for a while and wanted to add, “Or has he ever treated anyone special?”

Chus turned his head to look at him, and Sae Young took out a metal disc from his pocket and shook it at him between his fingers.

Nothing else, it was the “stolen goods” intercepted from Mond Hollis and the deputy dean.

Truth instantly understood what he meant–

What is the time experiment team has been chasing for many years and still does not give up? Obviously they have linked up with the City of Silver, surrounded the rescue area, and successfully covered the planet with dragon pillars, and even successfully waited until the dragon pillars were officially launched. Besides, what else do they want?

Judging from all the information they have learned, there is at least one more thing. The time experiment team has never gotten results.

It is the so-called “child who has never had a rejection reaction”, the “god” who can be the most perfect product in the eyes of the experimental team.

So Chu Si followed Sae Young’s words and made the question a little more concrete, “Has Elder Shao mentioned any special physique? Or among the patients you have been in contact with, is there such a situation?”

Miller sat on the edge of the frozen capsule thinking hard for a moment, then shook his head hesitantly, “It should be…nothing.”

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