Black Sky

Chapter 112

Chapter 111 Return to the world

Chu Si originally prepared the Golden Crow and the others for a day of digestion, but he didn’t expect that he would eventually wrap himself in the crowd who needed to be digested.

However, he is always rational in major matters, and he is not the first to respond to such sudden events, so he digests and sorts out quickly. When he came out of the medical cabin, his complexion was as usual, as if he knew everything in the first place.

What he didn’t expect was that the group of Golden Crow digested equally quickly.

After a full meal, they cleaned themselves up, and then gathered one after another in the management center where Truth and Sae Young are located, and went straight to the subject and asked, “So what do you need us to do?”

When asked this sentence, their tone was not friendly.

Truth did not answer these words immediately. He looked at them quietly and said: “I explained to you before that the reason why Sae Young and I appeared here at this age is because of the grid process. We believe that this kind of accident is caused by too many unexpected factors. The less the interference, the more likely the grid process will succeed.”

He paused and said, “So obviously, I need you to come with me to minimize the interference of accidental factors and ensure the smooth progress of the grid process. But the final decision is still in your own hands. ”

The Golden Crows all showed a suspicious look, and they didn’t seem to believe Truth’s last words.

“You don’t need to look at me like this.” Chu Stanran said, “I admit that if your decision is contrary to my expectations, I will be very sorry, and I will not be happy to go anywhere. I have countless kinds of coercive measures that can force me. Nodding your heads, I am actually very dictatorial when needed. But today, at least in this matter, I do not intend to adopt any coercive measures.

“At the beginning, the experimental team did not ask your wishes and made you the results of the experiment. Now everything should be over. I think you should have the opportunity to choose, otherwise there is no essential difference between me and those on the experimental team. Up.”

The group of people were silent for a moment, and one of them suddenly laughed, and said half-heartedly: “What you said just now is also playing an emotional card, isn’t it? That is actually a kind of mental pressure.”

“Of course.” Truss nodded without shy and calmly said: “I’m just trying to persuade you, because I have expectations. I hope you can do what I want. This is how anyone can do everything. Some psychological tendencies do not need to be concealed or modified. As for the unaffected, it still lies with you.”

Perhaps it was because he was too calm, but there was a natural impetus.

Perhaps it was the gray wolf Set and the others when they re-introduced themselves, the silent gaze of these people was not just pure silence.

Or maybe it was a certain other scene or a certain sentence that touched the people present. So after thinking for a moment, they nodded like this—

“I don’t mind going with you.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The speed at which they agreed to come down was a little bit faster than expected, as if they were not making a major decision, just a simple effort. What’s more surprising is that this doesn’t mean how friendly their tone is. Some even nod their heads and even have a slight look on their faces. Impatience.

The way they make decisions, at first glance, is like going out and bringing them to the door.

Truth thought they were too casual at first, but then he thought about it, if such a thing fell on Sae Young, with his personality, it might take less than two seconds to make a decision.

This may be the generality of these experimental products, and the special physique makes things big and small in their eyes. This kind of personality makes them seem dangerous and difficult in many cases, but at this time, it’s a good thing.

Now that there is agreement on the results, there is no need to waste time.


The Sky Eye spoke after a series of operation instructions: “The location of the target Fort Bani has been confirmed, the protective cover has been opened, and it is fully connected, ready to jump.”

“The countdown counts down for 5 seconds. 5——4——3——The early transition succeeded.”

“The location of the target Barney Fort has been changed, the second confirmation has been completed, the protective cover is opened, and the jump is ready.”

“The transition was successful.”

“The location of the target Barney Fort has been confirmed three times–”

“The transition was successful.”

The voyage was exceptionally smooth. The only episode was a confrontation between wanderers when passing by the boundary of the alpha star area.

Chus and the others didn’t pay attention to the time and space they were in, and they didn’t want to intervene, but at the moment they passed by, the besieged wanderers suddenly cut into their public channel forcibly, with a young voice full of gangster He tried his luck and shouted: “My friend, don’t watch the excitement when you pass by, please do me a favor!”

This sentence coincides with a previous wartime episode. At that time, Truss used this sentence to let Carlos Black take his brothers into the aircraft to join the battle. Now that he heard this sentence, it is naturally impossible to be indifferent.

He didn’t know who the young wanderer was, but he didn’t mind intervening to help others when he said that.

The wanderers besieging that man are not few, but under the firepower of the space prison and one hundred black swan combat aircraft, they are still not enough to see.

The process was not even considered a “battle”, and the group of wanderers immediately retreated when the momentum was wrong.

Truth and the others didn’t delay much, as silently and simply as when they came, they put on the jump shield after regaining the firepower. At the moment of the transition, the young voice of the besieged tramp resounded again in the communication channel, smiling and energetic: “Thank you friend, there will be some time later.”

There will be a period later.

Nameless friends.

Nearly two hours later, they finally appeared from the transition point in the Fort Barney area and landed on that piece of land.

Truss temporarily handed the rebels under control to the Gray Wolf Set and the group of Gray Wolf Setters, and he and Sae Young took the Golden Crow and the group into the black swan. Before leaving, Sae Young unceremoniously The core plate of the main body of the Sky Eye was also removed and taken away with him.

The metal collision sound of the loosening of the grasping rope and the sound of the roller retracting the long chain continued one after another. The black swan hoop around the space prison re-lifted, forming a formation amidst countless connections and buckling sounds, with full churn. The rising wind dashed across the sky and sank into the vast sea of ​​stars again.

Under the simultaneous driving of Sae Young, the Black Swan Group accurately found the entrance of the space-time curve.

In the buzzing sound, the bright blue protective cover suddenly fully opened, reflecting the large starry sky, and the hundreds of black swans jumped instantly and all entered the winding path.

The tremors and bumps in the tracks are much stronger than any jumps. Even if you wear protective clothing, you can feel the tearing sensation that is about to fall on the flesh. Truth and Sae Young have experienced it, so the reaction is good, but the Golden Crow and their faces are a bit ugly.

It’s not that they can’t bear this degree of discomfort, but this feeling may remind them of the days they used to spend in the experimental cabin.

But even so, no one temporarily repented and said to leave, but the look of impatience became heavier.

This time, the black swan did not fold halfway, and successfully reached the apron at the end of the curve. Hundreds of aircraft landed swiftly, and the sound of the operation gradually stopped. The entire underground space was quiet again, and only a little white light at the end of the long track was faintly visible.

“I just watched the time.” When everyone was walking on the track, Sae Young tilted his head and said to Chus, “Guess when?”

Truth thought for a while and said, “There is a problem with the grid program. When did we pass out in the middle of the track?”

Sae Young laughed, “That’s right.”

Everything is like a huge circle, after a long journey, it loops back to the original point again.

In the huge underground space, perhaps because of the cold and white light, it makes people feel a bit gloomy, and even words will have some faint echoes.

This is the first time Truth truly stood in this space, and the first time he really saw those huge connected complex devices. This confrontation has paved the way for decades, and has continued for decades, spanning two generations, and now it is finally about to come to an end.

They passed by those single cockpits, most of them were locked, and the transparent cover was covered with frost. Jiang Qi and the others should be sitting in it. Truth tried several times, but failed to open the cockpit to take a look.

Inside these cockpits, there is a transparent cylindrical monitoring booth with instrument screens inside, but there is a person lying slantingly and slantingly inside.

Chu Si stepped forward to look at the man, frowned and said, “Master Shao.”

He probed the old man’s breath and heartbeat, and immediately recruited Sae Young to come over and put the old man flat on the ground, raising his neck.

After a series of skilled first aid measures were completed, the old man woke up with a panting, but his eyes were still a bit unable to open.

“This state can’t continue to stare at the grid process.” Truth said, “The body will collapse.”

Sae Young thought for a while and wanted to stand up, and took out the core plate of the main body of the sky eye, flipped it in his hand, raised his eyebrows and asked him for credit: “Then try this?”

“Sky Eye?” Chu Si was a little worried, “Are you sure it can do?”

“In any case, there will be no better choice. This thing has been upgraded anyway, and can independently design a plan to stimulate the frozen capsule. It should not be a big problem to stare at the data of the grid process.” Sae Young thought for a while and added. , “What’s more, the old man wakes up and can’t sustain the long-term consumption. It should be possible to remind Tianyan with voice commands occasionally.”

As he spoke, he entered the monitoring booth, connected the Tianyan core disk to the port, and quickly tapped a series of settings with his fingers.


Skyeye: “Skyeye γStar’s most advanced intelligent system, Skyeye, will sincerely serve you.”


Sky Eye: “Why am I not in the space prison…”

Saer Young fiddled with a temporary remote control starter, and said: “I removed you. Since you have been upgraded, you have to do something serious.”


Sky Eye: “Have you asked my opinion?”

Sae Young turned his head and rushed towards Chuss and said, “Sir, where is your 50001 highest authority?”


Tianyan: “Serve you sincerely.”

Chus: “…”

While adjusting the remote control device, Sae Young glanced at the historical data on the screen. After scanning a dozen pages at a glance, he knocked on the countertop and said: “If I understand correctly, the old man seems to understand too much. The meaning of the grid process.”

Chu Si was taken aback, then turned to look at him: “What do you mean?”

“Looking at the prompts and data after the program is actually running, the point is actually not isolation.” Sae Young said, “It is connection. Because these are all so-called accidental factors, so when time is re-adjusting itself, These factors must be included in the adjustment range. Especially… sir, you.”

In the words of Mond Hollis, the growth of Truth is intertwined with the contraction of time. Time is part of him, and he is also part of time.

So… when time is self-regulating, how can it be possible to exclude a part of yourself?

Excluding these unexpected factors and part of yourself, the result of adjustment will not be truly balanced and stable.

In the final analysis, Jiang Qi, who has already entered the cockpit, actually accounts for only a small part. The people who really influence the process most are the people who have been late, especially Sae Young as the finished product, and Chus as part of the time.

“That’s it.” After adjusting the last setting, Sae Young hit the next button.


Tianyan: “Analysis of past operating data has been completed, and the design of the monitoring plan has been completed.”

Sae Young took the temporary remote control device and helped Truth to relocate Mr. Shao in the seat in the monitoring booth. The old man is still a little unconscious and is slowly recovering, but at least there will be no life problems.

Truss glanced at the old man again, then walked back to the single cockpit, and said to the Golden Crows: “Although I mentioned it on the way here, I still want to remind again that the final adjustment result of this grid process is correct. Ordinary people may only have happiness and no worries, but for everyone present, it is difficult to predict. Whether there will be pain and how painful it will be during this process, I have not experienced it so I can’t know it, but it may be better than you have been in the experimental cabin. Those received are more–”

Before he finished speaking, the Golden Crow was the first to wave his hand to signal that he was too lazy to listen anymore. He still had a face of “It’s not a pleasure to see anyone”, while opening a single cockpit and sitting in it, he sneered at Chus. One said: “The word’consequence’ doesn’t make much sense to me, just like I can’t understand things like’careful consideration’, so there is no difference between saying it twice and saying it again. It is better to pay less. Tap your tongue.”

The reactions of other people were similar to his, and they all entered the cockpit one after another.

This is a habit of thinking that they have formed over the past few decades, or it has been integrated into the bones and become their nature.

When Sae Young was solving the countdown problem of Truth, he truly experienced the urgency of time and the meaning of death, so he slowly changed slightly.

But the Golden Crow did not.

Perhaps the end this time will become an opportunity.

According to the parameters and settings mentioned by the sky’s eye, Chu Si and Sae Young connected the twelve people one by one to the ports in the cockpit. Those wires extended from the huge cylindrical metal instrument, long and entangled. When everything is connected, it is like a giant net implicated on the body.

When the Golden Crows and their fingers held the grasping hand of the transparent cover, Tianyan opened his mouth at the right time.


“Warm reminder, according to the most accurate design scheme, the cockpit screen can be left off. Generally speaking, being able to feel the presence of other people around will give people confidence and courage—”

The word “qi” just came out.

The Golden Crows buttoned their screens blankly. It seemed that they had no courage a second later.

Sky Eye: “…”

The cables in the cockpit are long enough for Sae Young and Truth to stand by the cockpit and help each other connect each one.

Each time one is connected, the sniffing contact that extends into the ear socket will make a soft “di-” sound, like a countdown before a certain ritual, which makes people feel inexplicably turbulent.

Not long ago, when Chu Si nestled in the black swan cabin, leaning on Sae Young to look out of the porthole, he was still thinking about a question-what could he do if his father’s final choice fell on him? How about?

At that time, he felt that this kind of question was actually meaningless, after all, he hadn’t really experienced those, no matter the pros and cons, all the assumptions were just assumptions.

But now it’s different…

He stood where his fathers had stood, doing what they had done before, and every time he received an interface, the figures of the two generations more overlapped.

Will it live? Will it die? Will it be painful? Will it still be forgotten?

It turns out that the things that I had assumed out of thin air before, really reached this time, I didn’t think about it.

It turns out that when they encounter the same thing, the choices they ultimately make are the same.

He and Jiang Qi, Sae Young and Elena; executive officers and prisoners, researchers and experimental subjects;

No matter how antagonistic the identities, no matter how different the experiences are, in the rushing years, some things will always be passed down from generation to generation, and will always be there. It’s like no matter what era, no matter what kind of disaster you encounter, there will always be batch after batch of people making similar choices to their predecessors.

This may also be immortality and immortality in another sense.


“The monitoring plan is being loaded, ready to start, waiting for instructions.”

Sae Young stood in front of Chus, looked at him with a smile, and then pressed the remote control activation device in his hand in the direction of the surveillance booth where the sky-eye was located.


“When the instruction is received, the grid process continues. The countdown is 3——2——1——0.”

Dear people, there will be a period later.

Saer Young threw away an invalid remote control backhand, and his curved fingers held Truth’s chin, and kissed it with his head down.

Behind them, the wires of the spider webs that generally involve the limbs lighted up at the same time, and the frost overflowing from the open single cockpit instantly formed a cold mist, billowing, and the whiteness became a piece of white.

All the equipment restarted suddenly at that moment, and the huge buzzing sound resounded like the most magnificent ocean tide, resounding in the underground space.

The stagnant world slowly turned its gears, and the chaotic time quickly returned to its original position.

When the gods fall to the ground and turn into hills, when the devil chooses to discard the scepter, when time is to crown the tombstone, sentient beings return to the world. ——”Never Land”

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