Black Sky

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 Enemy meet

As the unlucky 50001 himself, it is natural that Truth could not miss the whole process of Sae Young’s capture of the “impersonator”.

The second floor of the east basement serves as the half-brain of the central fort, and the information and data stored are too large to imagine. Even though it was more than 40 years ago that this place was officially used, as the largest super base station on the planet that has not been surpassed, the data management system is still very meticulous, and they want to invade when they are methodical and strict. It is time-consuming and laborious.

Sae Young chose a detrimental trick, using the external intelligent system of Sky Eye as a source of interference to subconsciously produce rejection in the brain of Barney Fort.

It’s okay for the other party to be inactive. Once activated, there will be more flaws. At this time, spreading interference will quickly infiltrate, and the virus will drive the entire Eastern brain crazy in a flash.

“Mental disability can be contagious. This is not wrong at all.” Sae Young leaned on the console with both hands and tapped a few buttons casually, not forgetting to damage it while calling Heaven’s Eye.


The voice of the Sky Eye came from the glass cover, and the words were round and round: “Warm reminder, Prisoner No. N57021225, Mr. Yang, you are really not a thing.”

This stammering relied on it now to do things, and suddenly he grew courageous all over.

Sae Young readily accepted this evaluation. He snapped the confirmation button, looked up at the screen, and said casually: “Oh, thank you for the compliment.”

Chus walked to the console: “With all due respect, you are really shameless.”

Sae Young smiled: “Each each other.”

Zus glanced at the large screen full of complex data, put one hand in his pocket, and carefully looked at the communicator with the other, and checked every program. As soon as I turned halfway and raised my eyes, I saw Sae Young tilting his head, smiling nonchalantly, “What? The communicator passed through my hand for a while, so I’m so worried?”

“After all, you have a criminal record.” Chus said coldly.

When he first entered the nursing home that year, he and Sae Young couldn’t deal with it to the extreme. At that time, Chus was gloomy and unspoken. The sequelae he brought back from the orphanage made him suffer from headaches all the year round. He couldn’t sleep well. He was covered with thorns. Whoever touched him would never move his mouth. Talk to Sae Young Together, this natural reactionary can create a local earthquake.

The ten-year-old is very terribly old, just at the rebellious stage where he loves to work against others. There are some points in their bones that are actually similar. The only difference is that Truth wants the whole world to stop bothering him and leaving him alone, while Sae Young is looking for excitement and wants to annoy the whole world.

Even the nurses in the nursing home kept staring at them with their hearts in mind, trying everything possible to turn them away and avoid the situation of meeting them in a narrow way, but this trick can only stop Chus, not Sahe at all. Yang.

Because Sae Young is very good at getting in touch when he wants to make trouble.

As long as you pass everything through his hands, you don’t want to use it again, even if he only touches it for more than ten seconds.

Of course, the premise is that he has that interest.

Chus’s communicator, earphones, physical condition tester, etc. have all been subjected to his poison.

Fortunately, Sae Young’s state lasted only a year. A year later, he seemed to finally vent his energy and slowly became lazy. Even looking for excitement, he looked lazy.

Although that period was very short, at least one thing made Truth remember from now on-when you have different goals and different fronts than Sae Young, don’t let him touch anything lightly.

Sae Young seemed helpless about Chus’s vigilance. He sighed, “My dear, you really think too much this time. You think I will be faster than liquid nitrogen and gun barrels. Do you have the extra time and energy to do with your communicator? Of course, I am honored to be so overestimated by you, sir.”

“It’s true, but unfortunately, I don’t believe a word.” Chus still said mercilessly.

But as far as the facts are concerned, Sae Young’s words are actually very reasonable. In that case, no normal person will be distracted to do other tricks. It is simply rushing to make jokes.

Truss lowered his eyes, his fingers still stubbornly pointing to the last unchecked program.

Just when he was about to put away the communicator, the screen suddenly exploded, and all kinds of garbled dots of light flashed from top to bottom, making Chu Si squinted his eyes, and then instantly turned into A vast and quiet sea of ​​stars. Then the inherent electronic sound of the communicator suddenly uttered, saying in a solemn tone like a funeral:

“Surprise, give it to Chief Chu who will definitely check the communicator.”

At the same time as this sound came out, Sae Young also tapped his buttons, and simultaneously matched his mouth without looking back.

Chuss: “…Do you have to be so tireless to prove that you are very ill?”

Sae Young didn’t reply, he didn’t even glance at Chus. His extremely light-colored eyes were still staring at the screen motionlessly, and the rapidly scrolling characters were printed on his eyes, like thin, cold glass. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he quickly closed.

When this person is not smiling or squinting, the outline of his profile is hard and deep, and his temperament is neither light nor arrogant, but an inaccessible coldness.

The passive one in the Truth communicator is really only a small hand and foot, probably because of the tight time when it was implanted, and even Truth, who does not specialize in this, can easily remove it.

But this little program didn’t bother Truss to use his golden fingers. The vast and quiet starry sky only existed for five seconds, and a prompt popped up, indicating that the junk programs had been automatically cleared.

It can be seen that Sae Young really owes his hands purely, and he is so idle.

Tang and Le Pen looked at the two men suspiciously behind them, and at the same time turned their heads and asked quietly Liu secretly: “Hey, back then, we only counted the things you knew in our group, and they were still bored at most. Have you…heard about our sir and who?”

Liu: “I only know that they know each other. It is said that the relationship was very poor, and it’s gone.”

Le Pen rolled his eyes: “Nonsense, everyone has heard of this. But… it doesn’t look like a life-and-death relationship.”

Liu Yitans his hands: “The ghost knows.”

“Excuse me, please don’t speak out any whispers in the future, especially don’t speak out in front of the Lord.” Chus said coldly.

Talking in this **** place still brings echoes, and a whisper is an enhanced version of the cycle, which makes people feel complicated and very sad.

Saer laughed shortly: “Want to know what entanglement I had with your chief?”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at them from the corner of his eye, but his fingers lightly pressed the last key, and the screens all over the wall instantly refreshed into the same interface, which was stunning.

“Chief Chu tells you a good news, your dear enemy Sae Young grabbed 50001’s pigtail for you.”

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